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The Story of Annabelle & Alison

Page 3

by Lydia Rose

  “You’re kind, Belle. You’d never hurt her. That’s all a father could ask for his daughter. Someone that would treat his daughter with respect and not lay a hand in anger to her.”

  Annabelle nodded and walked away. Hank had no idea what he was asking of her. If he knew the truth, he would shoot her on the spot.

  The harvester was delivered that afternoon and the man showed Hank how to operate the machine. Annabelle watched in awe that this machine was going to remove the corn from the stalk and drop it into a bed that was behind.

  Alison came out of the house after the man had left. She walked over to her father and Annabelle as they looked over the new piece of equipment. “You two look like kids in a candy store.”

  “This machine is going to save your dad from hiring extra workers to bring in the crops.”

  “I’m sure I’ll have trouble getting both of you to eat a meal once you’re driving that thing,” Alison said with a laugh.

  They all turned as they heard a vehicle coming toward them. Chet and his wife Maggie got out of the truck.

  “It’s here,” Chet said as he walked over.

  Maggie followed behind.

  Alison hugged Maggie. “Chet drag you here to see the machine?”

  “Men and their toys,” Maggie said with a shake of her head. She looked at Annabelle strangely.

  “Maggie, this is Belle. Belle, this is Chet’s wife Maggie. You already know Chet.”

  Annabelle took her hat off. “It’s nice to meet you ma’am.” She saw the look that Maggie was giving her and she went back to where the men were standing.

  “Come on, Maggie. Let’s get a cup of coffee.” Alison took her arm and led her to the house.

  Once they were in the house, Maggie asked. “Why is that woman dressed like a man?”

  Alison laughed. “That’s not a woman.”

  “Yes, it is.” Maggie put sugar into her cup. “She has muscles, but that’s a woman.”

  Alison wondered if Maggie was losing her mind. “Trust me, Maggie. Belle is a man.”

  “If you say so.” Maggie changed the subject and the women had a nice afternoon.

  As Alison said good bye to her guests, she stared at Annabelle and wondered. What did Maggie see in Belle that made her think he was a woman?

  Annabelle didn’t miss the intense scrutiny that Alison had begun to show since Maggie and Chet’s visit. The crops were brought in and Annabelle went with Hank to deliver the crops. He got a fair amount for the season and Annabelle wondered what Hank had in mind for the fall season.

  “Now that the crops are in, what are we going to work on every day?” Annabelle asked.

  “I’ve been asking around about bringing water to the house. I found two guys that have done it before. You and I can help them.” Hank patted Annabelle’s shoulder. “I don’t want you to get bored. I’ll pick up the supplies next week and talk to the guys again.” Hank laughed. “Okay.”

  “Sounds good, Hank.”

  They went back to the house and Alison came out of the door when the truck pulled up. “Come inside and have something to eat you two.”

  They followed and ate their meal. Annabelle wanted to take a shower and wash the dirt off her body. She took her towel and fresh clothes and walked behind the shed. As she removed her clothes, she tossed them over the top.

  Alison walked toward Annabelle’s shower intent on getting her dirty clothes. As she approached, Maggie’s words played in her head. Why is that woman dressed like a man? Alison picked up the clothes and walked to the side of the shower. She saw a large crack in the wood and peeked in. Annabelle was facing the opposite direction and her eyes scanned her body. As Annabelle turned, she saw it or better yet what she didn’t see. Her hand went to her mouth and she ran back to the house. Now she knew why Annabelle didn’t want her. Why she said they never could be. Belle’s a woman. Alison thought she should have been angry or repulsed, but none of those thoughts came to mind. Alison knew she still had feelings for Annabelle even though she knew the truth. She filled the wash tub and began to scrub Annabelle’s clothes. Alison looked up and saw Annabelle walking toward her.

  “I’ll take care of those, Alison,” Annabelle said reaching for the clothes.

  Alison pulled away smiling. “You work hard enough. I take care of the wash.”

  “You work hard all day in a hot house, Alison.”

  “I want to take care of you, Belle.” Alison smiled.

  “Alison,” Annabelle kicked at the dirt.

  Alison cut her off by putting her finger on her mouth. “Don’t argue.”

  Annabelle turned and walked away. That girl is so stubborn.

  The next morning, Annabelle took her fishing pole and walked to the river.

  Hank left to help Chet and Alison stood on the front porch listening to the quiet. She decided to follow Annabelle to the river. Of course, she made Annabelle jump when she appeared.

  “Any fish?” Alison asked as she approached.

  “Only two,” Annabelle said without turning around.

  “Why don’t we go back and I’ll cook those for lunch?”

  “Naw, I think I’ll stay here a while,” Annabelle looked across the water. “It’s peaceful here. It gives me time to think.”

  “What do you think about, Belle?” Alison asked taking a seat next to her.

  Annabelle shrugged. She couldn’t tell Alison what her thoughts were. If she did, she would be repulsed. Annabelle couldn’t stop thinking about Arthur kissing her and how she wanted to be the one to kiss Alison. How she wanted to touch Alison.

  Alison lifted Annabelle’s hat and ran her fingers through her hair. “Your hair is getting long again.” Alison sighed. “You have such a pretty face, Belle.”

  Annabelle blushed and grabbed her hat and put it back on. “It’s fine.” She stood and moved away from Alison because she didn’t say handsome, but pretty. What does Alison know?

  Alison chucked. “You’re so stubborn.” She stood up and picked up the fish. “I’ll go back and clean these. Come to lunch soon.”

  Annabelle nodded as Alison walked away. She returned to the house later. Walking in the back door, she asked. “Where’s your dad?”

  “Still at Chet’s house. Sit down,” Alison said as she went back to the stove.

  Annabelle took her seat and Alison put the plate in front of her. Alison’s other hand dropped onto Annabelle’s shoulder. She nearly jumped out of her skin. Alison pressed down. “You’re so jumpy.”

  Annabelle lowered her head. If you only knew what your touches do to me, you would never touch me.

  Alison took the seat across from Annabelle. She watched as Annabelle ate without her eyes lifting off the plate. Alison knew she was making Annabelle uncomfortable, but couldn’t help herself. Ever since she discovered Annabelle’s secret, she dreamed of her. Last night they were both in the shower soaping each other’s bodies. Annabelle was kissing her neck and her lips moved to her breasts. Alison had never felt such excitement before. She had never dreamed of a man touching her, but this woman sitting across from her. Alison shook her head. This woman made her want things she didn’t know she wanted before.

  Annabelle finished her meal and picked up the plate and carried it to the sink. “Thank you for lunch, Alison.”

  “It was my pleasure,” Alison said taking Annabelle’s hand as she walked by.

  Annabelle looked down at Alison. Her green eyes showed something hidden there. Alison smiled and released Annabelle’s hand.


  Thankfully the following week Hank and Annabelle began to dig trenches for the water pipes. The two men came out and showed them where to dig. The hired helpers began to build the windmill. Annabelle watched in awe as the structure got higher and higher.

  Alison delivered sandwiches for everyone to eat. The men tipped their hats to her. As they ate, their eyes followed Alison around. An ache pierced Annabelle’s heart with jealousy. Alison didn’t pay the men any attention, but s
he watched Annabelle look at the men with distain.

  All week long the four of them worked putting in pipes and finishing the windmill. They all stood back looking proudly at what they had accomplished.

  “Go inside and test it,” Hank said to Annabelle.

  Annabelle ran for the kitchen and turned the faucet. Water ran into sink and Annabelle smiled. The dirty water would drain out through a hose to a barrel outside. This water would be used to water the garden and flowers.

  When Alison heard the water, she ran to the kitchen. Standing next to Annabelle, she said. “This is so wonderful, Belle.” Alison squeezed Annabelle to her and for the first time, Annabelle didn’t shy away from her touch.

  Hank yelled from outside. “Does it work?”

  Annabelle came back out smiling. “It sure does.”

  Hank went into the house and turned the faucet. “Well, I’ll be.” He turned to Alison. “There’s your water, honey.”

  Alison hugged her father. “Thanks, dad.”

  Hank went back outside and paid the men. “If you want to add water to another part of your property, let us know.” The men tipped their hat to Alison. “Ma’am,” they said and got into their truck.

  “We should have added water to your shed,” Hank said.

  “I don’t need it Hank. I am going to build a small fireplace for the winter.”

  “I’ll help you collect the stones we’ll need.” Hank offered. “I’m going over to Chet’s. Don’t wait dinner on me.”

  Annabelle and Alison stood there watching him pull away. Alison moved closer to Annabelle. Her arm wrapped around her waist. “Thank you for finding us, Belle. My dad hasn’t been this happy in years.” Alison laid her head against Annabelle’s shoulder. They stood like that for a long time. Alison’s other hand snaked down and took Annabelle’s hand. “How about a walk?”

  “I’m all sweaty, Alison.”

  Alison let go of her. “Go take a shower and then we’ll take a walk.”

  Annabelle nodded and walked to the shed. She knew she should stay clear of Alison, but she couldn’t fight her feelings any longer. She wanted Alison so bad. She wanted to pretend for a little while that she could have her.

  They met a short while later and began to walk toward the river. Alison reached for Annabelle’s hand and intertwined their fingers. As they came to the clearing they took a seat on the grass. They sat closer than they ever had before and again Alison leaned her head on Annabelle’s shoulder.

  “This is nice, isn’t it?” Alison asked.

  Annabelle nodded.

  Alison swallowed before she said. “I’m in love with you, Belle.”

  Annabelle’s heart stopped. “You can’t, Alison.” Her head was shaking back and forth. “You can’t.”

  “Why not, Belle? Tell me why I can’t love you?”

  “You just can’t.” Annabelle stood up.

  Alison let out a deep breath. “I know, Belle.”

  Annabelle spun around. “You know what?” She asked as her eyes grew wide with fear.

  “I know your secret and I don’t care. I love you, Belle.” Alison moved closer. “Just the way you are.”

  “Do you know what you’re saying?” Annabelle asked looking down into the blue eyes.

  “Yes. I never wanted those boys that pursued me. It was you I wanted from the moment I set eyes on you.” Alison took Annabelle’s arm.

  Annabelle looked down at the blue eyes staring up at her. Her eyes moved to the lips that were so close. Annabelle moved just enough for her lips to graze Alison’s mouth. “I love you too, Alison,” Annabelle said.

  Alison reached behind Annabelle’s head and pulled her back to her mouth. They kissed until their lungs screamed for air. “So soft,” Alison’s hand ran down Annabelle’s cheek.

  Annabelle took Alison’s hand and they sat down. “How did you find out?”

  “Maggie suspected and I,” Alison blushed.

  “You what?” Annabelle asked.

  “I watched you in the shower.”

  “What do you mean, you watched me?”

  “There’s a large crack on the side and I looked.” Alison covered her face with her hands. “I’m sorry, but I had to know.”

  “If you suspected and Maggie did, we can’t Alison.”

  “What do you mean, we can’t?”

  “We can’t risk people finding out you’re in love with a woman.”

  “No one is going to find out that you’re a woman.” Alison insisted.

  “You did.”

  “Yes because you kept turning me away and I wanted to know why?” Alison took Annabelle’s hand. “No one is going to suspect because no one is going to care.”

  “I don’t know, Alison.” Annabelle rubbed the top of Alison’s hand.

  “Don’t you think about running away because I will follow you.”

  Annabelle looked at Alison wondering if she could read her thoughts. “What is your father going to say?”

  “He knows how I feel about you. He’ll be thrilled that I’m happy.”

  “I can’t be the man you need. I can’t give you children.”

  “Belle, my mother died in childbirth. I don’t want to spend my life having children. I want to spend my life loving you.” Alison pulled Annabelle to her and kissed her mouth. She laid back on the grass and pulled Annabelle with her. They kissed until they were breathless. Alison wanted Annabelle to touch her, but she didn’t know how women loved each other. All she knew was she wanted this woman.

  Annabelle pulled away and sat up. “Do you know what you do to me?”

  “I have a good idea because I’m feeling the same way.” Alison lowered her voice. “I know there has to be other women out there who love one another, but I am unsure what they do.” The blush formed on her face.

  Annabelle sat there remembering her first night on the road. She hid in a barn and heard them come in. They were in each other’s arms kissing until they fell back onto the hay. Annabelle watched as the one woman moved her hands up the dress of the other woman. She watched in awe as she pulled the woman’s underwear off and moved her fingers into the wetness. Annabelle was stunned as she watched the woman enter her. The girl lying down lifted her lower half to meet the fingers that possessed her until she screamed out in ecstasy. Now Annabelle watched as the woman lowered her mouth to the woman lying panting. She couldn’t take her eyes off her as she devoured her until she screamed again.

  When the women left the barn, Annabelle’s hand went to her core. She was shocked how wet she was from watching the two women love each other.

  Alison’s touch brought her back to reality. “Where did you go?”

  Annabelle shrugged.

  “You know what to do, don’t you?” Alison asked moving closer.

  “I can’t tell you, Alison. If I do, you’ll send me away.”

  “You’ve loved another woman?” Alison asked touching Annabelle’s arm.

  “No,” Annabelle said emphatically.

  “Then how do you know?” Alison asked.

  Annabelle told her story about the women in the barn. She didn’t tell Alison how they loved one another, but she told them the women looked happy.

  “Someday you are going to tell me how those women loved one another and you will love me that way.”

  Annabelle stood up and held her hand out to Alison. “Someday, but not today,” she said with a laugh.


  Over the next two weeks, Annabelle and Alison would sneak a kiss whenever they were alone. Their courting was very chaste and Annabelle didn’t want to rush the woman she had grown to love. In the evening, they would take a walk holding hands and telling each other about their day.

  “You’re getting close to my daughter,” Hank said as they collected rocks from the property.

  Annabelle paused almost swallowing her tongue. “I care very much for her, sir.”

  “Just remember, she’s innocent.” Hank looked Annabelle in the eye. “I don’t w
ant you taking advantage of her.

  “No, sir.” If only Hank knew how innocent she was too.

  Annabelle and Hank worked after dinner collecting and piling the rocks by the shed. As darkness was nearing, Hank bid his good night.

  “Thanks for your help, Hank. Good night.”

  “Good night, Belle.”

  After Hank left, Annabelle went to the shed to get her sleeping gown and towel. She stripped off her clothes and tossed them over the door onto the ground. She let the water drop onto her body as the door to the shower opened. In the minimal light she saw Alison standing there naked.

  “Alison, what are you doing?” Annabelle asked, but took in the beauty of her womanly body.

  “I’ve dreamed of this, Belle.” Alison stepped into the little room.

  “Your father?”

  “Sleeping like a log,” she said reaching for the hose. Water sprayed on both their bodies. Alison reached for the soap and began rubbing the bar over Annabelle’s body. Down her neck, down Annabelle’s almost flat chest to her stomach.

  Annabelle stood against the wall using it as support so she wouldn’t fall down. “Is this like your dream?” Annabelle asked.

  “Better.” Alison handed the bar to Annabelle so she could run it over her body.

  With shaking hands, Annabelle moved the soap between Alison’s breasts. Cautiously, she moved the bar over her full breast. A moan left Alison’s mouth and Annabelle looked at her face. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” Alison said bringing Annabelle’s hands back to her body.

  Annabelle gently rubbed the soap over her body. She put the soap back on the bench and pulled Alison too her. They kissed as their slippery bodies moved against each other. Annabelle was so lost in the passion that her mouth had a mind of its own and took the breast in her mouth. She kissed and sucked each nipple as her hands moved over Alison’s back. Closer she pushed them together until their cores touched.

  “Touch me,” Alison whispered into the near darkness.

  Annabelle’s hand moved lower until she dipped her fingers into the wetness. She felt the stiff bud and did what the women had done in the barn. Alison moaned against her neck. As the orgasm built, Alison bit her lip to keep from screaming. Once Alison stopped shaking she collapsed against Annabelle.


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