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The Story of Annabelle & Alison

Page 4

by Lydia Rose

  “Are you okay?” Annabelle whispered and Alison’s head went up and down. She pulled the hose and let the water drop onto them again.

  “Did you do what you saw those women do?”

  Annabelle whispered. “Yes.”

  “What else did they do?” Alison begged.

  Annabelle kissed Alison mouth and her tongue asked for entry into her mouth. Alison opened her mouth and their tongues danced. Annabelle’s hands came back to Alison and began to move down her body. She ran her hand over the wet mound and searched for her opening. Annabelle teased up and down until she slipped a finger inside her. Alison gasped as her body sucked the finger into her body. Then as if she had been doing it all her life, she found the rhythm of Annabelle’s movement and came again.

  “Belle,” she whispered out of breath. “I can’t stand any longer.”

  Annabelle eased Alison over to the bench and sat her down. She reached for the towel and began to dry Alison off.

  Alison’s hands stopped Annabelle. “I want to touch you too,” she said no longer shy.

  Annabelle smiled down at her into the darkness. She took her hand and opened the shower door. Darkness had captured them. Annabelle reached for their clothes and led them to the shed door. Once inside, Annabelle lit a small candle. Now she had the opportunity to admire Alison’s beautiful body. Her hands went to her breasts as her mouth took her lips. “I love you, Alison.”

  “I love you too and what you’re doing to me.” A soft moan came out of her mouth in a raged breath.

  Annabelle smiled as she lowered Alison’s body to the small bed. Once Alison was sitting, Annabelle lowered herself to the floor and pulled Alison toward her. Alison’s eyes opened wide not knowing what was coming next. Annabelle raised Alison’s legs until they were near her shoulders. Her mouth found her still wet with passion and she did what the women had done. Alison was squirming under her tongue. She was breathing hard as Alison came in Annabelle’s mouth. Annabelle fell against Alison exhausted, but feeling wonderful.

  “Oh my god, Belle.” Alison stood up and captured Annabelle’s mouth. Her hands began to roam over her body until she found the wetness. “You’re so wet,” she said against Annabelle’s neck. It was Alison’s turn to do the things Annabelle had done to her in the shower. As her fingers went into Annabelle for the first time, a primal moan left her body. “Don’t scream, Belle.” Her fingers were inside her and outside. They were everywhere and Alison felt Annabelle stiffen. Annabelle buried her mouth over Alison’s so she wouldn’t scream out.

  They both collapsed onto the bed having no energy from the passion they had shared. The two women spent most of the night getting to know each other’s bodies.

  Before the morning light, Alison slipped back into the house.


  The next morning found the two women sneaking loving glances at one another. Hank went into town to pick up supplies and the moment he left, they were in each other’s arms. After a deep kiss, Alison pulled away.

  “You will marry me, Belle?” Alison asked looking into the green eyes.

  Annabelle laughed.

  “Don’t you laugh. You have my heart, body and soul, Belle Adams. I want to marry you and spend every night in bed with you.” Alison shook her finger.

  “Yes, Alison Carter, I would love to marry you, but we can’t.”


  “Why? Because we’re two women. Suppose there’s another war? You know there’s a war going on in Europe. They’ll come looking for me and once I go for the physical, we’re sunk.”

  Alison looked at Annabelle. “There has to be a way.”

  “Can’t we just go on like this?” Annabelle asked trying to reason with Alison.

  “You want us to sneak off and have a few minutes here and there?”

  “I wish there was another way, Alison, but there isn’t.”

  “Suppose I told my father? Then you could stay in my room.”

  Annabelle nervously laughed. “If you tell your father, he would shoot me or have me jailed.”

  Alison began to cry. “There isn’t a way for us to be together, is there?”

  “No, Alison. There isn’t. I’m sorry.”

  “If a war ever happens, you’ll leave won’t you?”

  “I’d have to. Everyone here thinks I’m a man and they won’t understand why I didn’t volunteer or get drafted.”

  “We can say there’s something wrong with you.”

  “Yes, we could say I don’t have a penis.” Annabelle tried to lighten the mood.

  “Let me shoot off one of your toes,” Alison said seriously.

  “Yes and your father will fire me because I can’t do the work.”

  “Not if we’re married.”

  “Can we think on this a while before we do anything hasty?” Annabelle asked rolling her eyes. “Shoot off my toes,” she mumbled.

  “I’m not giving up, there has to be a way.”

  Every day, Alison came to Annabelle with different ideas as to how they could get married. No solution had been found yet.

  Annabelle was building her fireplace when Alison came rushing up. “What about if we tell my father we’re going to Raleigh to get married and spend a few days there?”

  Annabelle put down the trowel and touched Alison’s arm. “He’ll want to see a marriage certificate when we got home.”

  Alison stomped her foot and stormed off.

  She felt sorry for Alison. Hell, she felt sorry for herself. Annabelle was tired of the quick kisses and short time they had together. She felt like the women in the barn. Hiding from the world for just moments at a time. Annabelle wanted badly to spend the night with Alison. The whole night. She didn’t want Alison to rush home before her father awoke to find her missing. She wanted it all.

  Winter was fast approaching and Annabelle knew that spending more time with Alison would become impossible.

  Thanksgiving was just around the corner and Alison spent her days with food preparation. Maggie and Chet would be joining them Thanksgiving Day.

  Thanksgiving morning Alison was just putting the turkey in the oven when Annabelle walked in with the milk bucket.

  “Where’s your dad?” Annabelle asked.

  “In the outhouse,” Alison answered.

  With that information, Annabelle came up behind Alison and kissed her neck before she turned around for a proper kiss. “Any new ideas?” Alison asked when they separated showing hope in her eyes.

  Annabelle sighed. “Sorry, no.”

  Hank came into the house as Annabelle was pouring the milk into containers.

  “Happy Thanksgiving, Hank,” Annabelle said with a smile. “Do you need anything done this morning?”

  “It’s getting a might chilly. Can you chop some wood and bring it into the parlor before our company comes?”


  “Belle, you didn’t have anything to eat,” Alison said as Annabelle went out the door.

  Annabelle opened the door and winked at Alison. “You have enough to do with this meal. I’ll have a biscuit when I get back.”

  “Stubborn woman,” she whispered under her breath.

  When Annabelle came back to the house with the wood, she started the fire in the stove and came back to the kitchen.

  “Why don’t you go sit with my father on the porch,” Alison said pushing her out of the kitchen.

  “Am I making you nervous sitting here?” Annabelle asked.

  “If you sit here, I’ll only want to touch and kiss you. Now get out.”

  “Okay, okay. I’m going.” Annabelle said leaving the room. She opened the door and took a seat next to Hank.

  “When are you two going to get married?” Hand asked softly.

  Annabelle didn’t know what to say. “Well, sir.” She began. “You’re daughter isn’t ready to have children yet. She wants to wait a while.”

  Hank scratched his chin and nodded.

  Annabelle let out a sigh of relief knowing h
e had accepted her answer. Now she just needed to tell Alison what excuse she had used.

  The front door opened and Alison said. “Belle, come get a cup of coffee for you and my dad. It’s getting chilly out there.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” she said hurrying into the house. Annabelle followed her into the kitchen. “Your dad just asked me when we’re getting married.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “I told him you weren’t ready for children and you wanted to wait.”

  Alison didn’t comment as she poured the coffee. What was there to say? They still hadn’t come up with a solution to their problem.

  Chet and Maggie arrived for dinner. Hank greeted them at the door and led them into the living room. Alison joined them a few minutes later.

  “Where’s Belle?” Chet asked.

  “He’ll be in shortly.” Alison answered.

  Belle walked in a few minutes later with more wood. “Happy Thanksgiving,” she said averting her eyes from Maggie’s stare.

  They all sat in the living room talking about the weather and next year’s crops.

  “Hank’s lucky to have you on this farm.” Chet commented. “If you ever want to leave here, come see me,” he said with a laugh.

  “That’s never going to happen, old man. Can’t you see this boy is in love with Alison? He’ll never leave here,” Maggie said chuckling.

  Annabelle could feel her face turning red, but she was happy to hear Maggie refer to her as a boy.

  “Dinner is ready,” Alison said coming back into the room.

  They took their seats at the dining room table.

  “Daddy, would you please carve the turkey?” Alison asked smiling as she took Annabelle’s hand under the table.

  Alison and Maggie were in the kitchen doing dishes while the rest of the group took advantage of the mild afternoon and sat on the porch.

  “So how come you haven’t married that boy yet?” Maggie asked.

  Alison shrugged.

  “I know he loves you and I can see you love him too.”

  “It’s complicated, Maggie.”

  “Love isn’t complicated, Alison.” Maggie touched Alison’s arm. “Is it because he’s only a worker here?”

  “We’re trying to work out the problems, Maggie. As soon as we can find a solution, we will be together forever.”

  “I want nothing more than to see you happy and with a family of your own. Your momma would have wanted that for you. Find that solution before your man finds someone else.”

  Alison nodded, but she had no fear that Belle would leave her. Or would she? Maggie now added to her fears that a solution would never be found.

  After coffee and dessert, Chet and Maggie left the house.

  “I’m going to turn in. Good night,” Hank said walking toward the bedroom.

  “You’ve been quiet this evening,” Annabelle said once they were alone.

  “Maggie was asking me why we weren’t getting married,” Alison said softly.

  “What did you tell her?”

  “I said we had some things to work out and we’re working on finding a solution.”

  Annabelle nodded understanding. “I’m sorry that I’m not really a man for you.”

  Alison sat on Annabelle’s lap. “If you were a man, I doubt I would want you.” She kissed Annabelle’s mouth.

  “I’d better get out of here,” Annabelle lifted Alison off her lap. They stood kissing each other. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Alison opened the door and looked at her lover with tears in her eyes. “I love you, Belle.”

  “I love you too,” Annabelle kissed Alison’s hand and walked back to her little room.


  December came in with a vengeance. It was colder than normal and snow was predicted before the week ended. Annabelle spent as much time as she could in the main house because her little shed was so cold. Even with the small fireplace, in the dead of night it became unbearable.

  Annabelle walked over to the house for breakfast. Her body felt clammy and her nose was running. As she walked into the house, Alison stopped what she was doing and walked over to her.

  “You look terrible.” Alison’s hand went to her forehead. “You’re burning up, Belle.” She took Annabelle’s hand and sat her in a chair. “I’ll get you a cup of tea and an aspirin.”

  Hank came in and took one look at Annabelle and became concerned. “I’ll take care of the barn this morning.” He patted her shoulder. “Alison, make up the bed in the spare room for Belle. He’ll get pneumonia if he stays out in the shed during this cold spell.”

  “Thanks, daddy.” Alison smiled.

  Annabelle couldn’t even muster a smile knowing she would be spending time in the house with Alison. After she had her tea and a piece of dry toast, Alison led Annabelle upstairs.

  “How are you feeling?” Alison asked concerned.


  “Let’s get you under the covers and get you warmed up.” Alison pulled back the covers and lifted Annabelle’s legs. “Try and get some sleep. I’ll come back to check on you.”

  Annabelle closed her eyes. When she woke up she was shivering. Looking around, she saw Alison sitting on a chair next to her. “Alison,” Annabelle whispered.

  “How are you?” Alison said opening her eyes. “Do you feel any better?”

  Annabelle shook her head. “I’m so cold.”

  Alison ran to the hallway and came back with extra blankets. She covered Annabelle with the blankets and got into the bed on the other side. “Is that better?”

  Annabelle nodded. “I only wish I felt well enough to enjoy you in bed with me.”

  “Quiet. Get some rest.” Alison fell asleep too. She awoke to someone shaking her arm. When she looked up her father was standing there. She got out of bed and followed him out to the hallway.

  “How is Belle?” Hank asked looking at his daughter.

  “Belle’s was so cold earlier. You’re not going to yell because I was in bed with him?” Alison asked daring him to try and argue.

  Hank smiled. “No. I made some soup. Come down and have some. Then you can bring some to Belle.”

  They were sitting in the kitchen enjoying the soup. “Where did you learn to cook?” Alison asked.

  “After my mother died, I had to learn or starve. My father idea of cooking was to burn everything.” He laughed.

  “Honey, I’m going to insist you marry Belle soon. You two can’t go on this way. You love each other, but you don’t look happy. What’s going on?”

  Alison sat for a moment and for a split second, she wanted to tell him the truth. “Belle and I can never get married.”

  “Why?” Hank asked not understanding.

  “Belle’s already married,” Alison said softly.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Belle was married to someone in Maryland. When her parents were leaving to move in with family, she left Belle.” Alison knew she was going to go to hell with all her lies, but she didn’t care as long as she had Annabelle. “The girl wanted Belle to go, but Belle couldn’t leave her family. They needed him.”

  “Why didn’t he just get a divorce?” Hank asked.

  “The girl is catholic and she won’t give Belle a divorce.” Alison sighed. “So Belle and I can never marry.”

  Hank scratched his chin as he thought about what his daughter had just told him. “Let me ask you, Aly. Is the marriage certificate so important to you?”

  Alison looked at her father knowing what he was asking. “No, dad. I just want Belle.”

  “Then let me think on this and we’ll come up with a solution.”

  “I hope you have better luck than I have had trying to find a way.” Alison chuckled.

  “Go bring some soup to Belle.” Hank went out the back door.

  Alison went upstairs carrying a tray with soup and some milk. She also brought the bottle of aspirins. Alison felt Belle’s head and saw that she was no longer bu
rning up. She kissed Annabelle’s forehead.

  Annabelle’s eyes opened slowly. “Hi,” she said with a weak smile.

  “I brought you soup. Let me help you sit up a little.” Alison helped Annabelle get into a sitting position. She sat on the edge of the bed and fed the soup to her. After Belle ate the soup, Alison handed her the glass of milk and two more aspirins. “I’ll be right back.” Alison took the tray back downstairs and came back with a bowl of warm water and a wash cloth.

  Annabelle was smiling when she came back into the room.

  Alison put the bowl down and went to her father’s room for a sleep shirt. She closed and locked the door. Alison sat on the edge of the bed and removed Annabelle’s shirt.

  “Are you trying to get me naked?” Annabelle asked with a chuckle.

  “I know you’re feeling better if you’re making jokes.”

  “Who’s joking?”

  “Calm down and let me get you washed off.” Alison gently washed Annabelle’s body and put on a clean nightshirt. “Now rest.”

  “I can’t. Come lay down with me,” Annabelle said smiling.

  “I’ll be right back.” Alison took the bowl downstairs and hurried back up. When she came back in the room, she only partially closed the door.

  Annabelle flipped the blankets on the other side of the bed and patted the mattress.

  “You’re lucky that I have something to tell you or I wouldn’t get in there.”

  “Oh yeah. What do you want to tell me?” Annabelle asked.

  Alison told Annabelle the lie she had told her father and waited for her reaction. She wasn’t sure if she was going to be angry or not.

  “You’re an evil genius, Alison.” Annabelle began to chuckle.

  “We’re not out of the woods yet. Dad said he was going to try and come up with a solution.” Alison chuckled. “I hope he doesn’t take as long as I did to find an answer.”

  “What answer do you think he’s going to offer?” Annabelle asked rolling on her side.

  “He asked me if the marriage certificate meant that much to me. I told him no, that I just wanted you.”


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