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The Story of Annabelle & Alison

Page 5

by Lydia Rose

  “So you think he’s going to let us live in sin?” Annabelle asked furrowing her brow.

  “That’s what I’m hoping for.”

  “Evil, girl, but I love you so much.” Annabelle kissed Alison’s lips. As they pulled apart, there was a knock on the door.

  “Can I come in?” Hank asked.

  “Sure, Dad.” Alison sat up.

  He looked at the two of them in bed. “How are you feeling, Belle?”

  “Better, sir. Thank you.”

  “My daughter told me what was going on,” Hank said taking a seat.

  “I’m sorry sir that I didn’t tell you.” Annabelle apologized softly.

  “Let’s forget that for now.” Hank’s hand went to his chin. “When this storm ends, I’m going to put you two on a train to Raleigh. When you come back, we’re going to tell everyone you got married.”

  The two women sat there quietly listening.

  “No one’s going to ask to see a marriage certificate.” Hank reached into his pocket and handed a wedding band to Annabelle. “This was my wife’s ring. When you put that ring on my daughter’s hand, you will be married to her.” Emphasizing his words. “I will demand that you treat this relationship as if you were really married. You can’t just walk away from her. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. I promise to love and cherish Alison the rest of my life.” Annabelle looked over at Alison and kissed her softly. “Forever, Alison.”

  Alison plopped her arm over Annabelle and hugged her close. “I love you, Belle. Forever.”

  “Good. Now that’s settled.” Hank stood up. “You feel better, Belle?”

  Annabelle shook her head.

  “Okay, Alison, go to your own room. You’re not married yet.” Hank smiled.

  “Yes, daddy. I’ll leave in a few minutes.”

  “Like I said, an evil genius.” Annabelle said laughing.


  A few days later, Hank put what he thought was a bride and groom on the train. As they sat in their seats, Annabelle reached into her pocket for the ring.

  “I love you, Alison and I promise to never leave you.”

  “I love you.” Alison leaned over and whispered. “What is your real name?”

  Annabelle smiled. “Annabelle.”

  Alison nodded. “I love you too, Annabelle. I will do anything I need to so that we will always be together.”

  “Including shooting off my toes?” Annabelle asked laughing.

  “Yes, including that. If I have to.”

  Once Hank dropped off the women, he stopped at Maggie and Chet’s home.

  “Hello, Hank. Come inside,” Maggie said smiling.

  “We’re just sitting down to lunch. Come join us.”

  “Thanks, Maggie.”

  “Hello Chet,” Hank said when he walked into the kitchen.

  “Hank. Have a seat.”

  “I was wondering if I could get your help tomorrow.” Hank asked.

  “Sure. What do you need?” Chet asked.

  “I want to bring my bedroom suite down to the small room off the kitchen.”

  “Why would you want to that?” Maggie asked.

  “Because I put the bride and groom on the train this morning to Raleigh. By the time they get back they’ll be married.”

  “So you want to give them the master bedroom?” Chet asked.

  “Yes and this way they’ll have privacy.” Hank scratched his chin. “I don’t need to be in the next room when.” He cleared his throat. “You know.” Hank turned beet red.

  “We understand, Hank. Before you know it, you’ll have a grandchild or two.” Maggie added.

  “I’m not wishing on that too fast. You know I lost my wife and son to childbirth.”

  Maggie patted his hand. “I’m sure everything will work out.”

  Annabelle and Alison checked into the small hotel where they would spend their supposed wedding night. After they checked in, they went in search of a restaurant to have a bite to eat.

  “You know you’ll be known now as Mrs. Belmont Adams,” Annabelle said as they walked arm and arm.

  “I don’t care. You will always be Belle to me.” Alison insisted. “I just don’t know why you wanted to leave the room. We could have ordered room service.”

  Annabelle mumbled and shrugged.

  “Are you nervous?”

  “It’s going to feel strange making love to you and not worry about someone interrupting us.”

  “Oh, you like the excitement of doing it on the sly?” Alison asked grinning.

  “That first time you appeared in my shower, I will never forget.” Annabelle looked away embarrassed.

  “Well the first time you,” Alison moved closer. “Used your mouth was unbelievable.”

  “You liked that?”

  Alison turned red. “Yes.”

  “I wasn’t sure because you never asked me to do it again.”

  “I didn’t know how to ask you for that.” Alison admitted.

  “You can count on me doing that every time we make love.”

  “Is that a promise?” Alison asked with a laugh.

  “It’s a guarantee.”

  Again she leaned in. “Would you like me to do that?”

  “Alison, I don’t want you to do anything you aren’t comfortable in doing.”

  “I want to, Belle.”

  Annabelle squeezed the hand through her arm. “Let’s hurry up and eat so we can go back to our room.”

  Hank picked them up at the train the following afternoon. “Welcome back,” he said shaking Annabelle’s hand and hugging his daughter. He noticed the ring on her finger. “Your momma’s ring looks good on you.”

  “Thank you, daddy. Thank you for everything. Belle got some new clothes. Thank you for paying for that too.”

  Hank looked at them seeing the love in their eyes knowing he had made the right decision. “Whatever you need, I will be there to help. Belle, you work very hard for me and I want to give you a percentage of the farm.”

  “Sir, you don’t have to do that.” Annabelle insisted.

  “You’re both going to get the farm someday. So please let me do this now while I can see you both enjoying life.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  When they walked into house, Hank carried his daughter’s bag up the stairs. Annabelle carried the other. As they reached the landing, Hank went into the master bedroom.

  “Where are you going?” Alison asked.

  “This is your room now. You and Belle.”

  “Where are you going to sleep?” Alison asked.

  “Chet helped me move my furniture to the room downstairs. You two are newlyweds and deserve privacy.” Hank said blushing.

  Alison felt guilty that her father was being so generous when all she had done to him was lie. “I don’t know what to say, daddy.”

  “Say thank you.”

  “Thank you,” They both said in unison.


  Winter was finally nearing its end. Hank and Annabelle were anxious to get the new crop in the ground. They began to cultivate the extra acres for their corn.

  Hank announced at dinner. “I ordered a new machine that will plant our corn and soybeans. It will save us a lot of back breaking work.”

  “Hank, you can’t keep spending all this money on equipment.”

  “In the long run, we make more money for a small investment.”

  “But Hank did you make enough last year to afford that kind of equipment?” Annabelle asked.

  Hank smiled as he looked at his daughter and then to Annabelle. “Now that you’re family I can tell you.”

  “Tell me what?”

  “My Granddaddy was a rich man. He made a lot of money in the stock market and even smarter that he got out before the crash.” Hank rubbed her chin. “After the crash he began buying back a lot of his stock at very low prices. He died two years after the crash and left everything to me.” Hank grinned. �
�I bought all the acres around my small farm for practically nothing. We can afford all the equipment we need.”

  Annabelle sat there in shock. Where most people had been starving since 1929, this man was sitting on a pile of cash and stocks. It hurt her to know that her family perished due to the crash especially when others made money on everyone else’s tragedy.

  Alison didn’t know what to think about Annabelle’s silence since her father told her the family secret. Was she sorry that she entered this pretend marriage? As they got ready for bed, Alison asked. “Are you okay, Belle?”

  “I guess so,” Annabelle said not looking at Alison.

  “Come here,” Alison said pointing to the bed. “Tell me what’s bothering you.”

  Annabelle looked at the comforting eyes and said. “It’s hard to hear how much money you have when I witnessed people dying every day because they were starving or sick.” Annabelle lowered her voice. “Including my own family.”

  Alison put her arm around Annabelle. “I’m so sorry, Annabelle.” Alison let Annabelle cry on her shoulder. All she could do was try and comfort her until the crying subsided.

  Hank got his machines and the two of them started planting the crops. After the crops were planted Annabelle began researching a hot water propane tank and adding a bathroom to the house.

  Before Annabelle could bring up the subject, Alison beat her too it. “Dad, what do you think about putting a bathroom in here?” Alison asked one evening.

  “I’ve been thinking about that too. I tried Belle’s shower one day and I really liked it. It would be so much better if it was in the house with heated water.”

  “Can we put a toilet in too?” Alison asked because she hated the outhouse.

  “Yes, a toilet too,” Hank said with a roll of his eyes.

  Two weeks later, the backyard looked like a bomb went off. Hank used his plow to dig a septic tank far enough away from the house, but it also meant they’d have to lay more pipe for water and sewage. By the third day, Annabelle was exhausted. She brought her pajamas and robe to the outside shower trying to get the dirt and grime off her body. Annabelle dressed and returned to the house.

  “Good night,” she said to Alison who was cleaning up the kitchen.

  Hank was already asleep on the living room couch.

  Annabelle climbed into bed and groaned as her aching body relaxed.

  The door opened a few minutes later and Alison got into bed. “Where is the woman who couldn’t keep her hands off me?”

  “She’s buried in the yard with the pipe.” Annabelle moaned.

  Alison laughed as she moved closer to Annabelle and draped her nude body over Annabelle.

  “You sure know how to torture an injured body.” Annabelle chuckled.

  “I know how tired you are. Let me just lie here against you. If I can’t have you, I just want to be able to feel you.” Alison snuggled close and closed her eyes.

  When Annabelle opened her eyes she knew morning was coming. The little bit of light coming through the windows told her it was probably close to five o’clock. Her hands reached out and felt Alison’s nude body next to her. A smile appeared on her face as she stripped off her nightshirt. She moved closer and gently stroked Alison’s skin with her fingers. Annabelle felt the woman next to her stir.

  “Oh, now you’re awake.” Alison mumbled against her pillow.

  “I had a good night sleep. I’m well rested and no longer in pain.” Annabelle draped her hand over Alison’s stomach. “You get some more sleep. I’ll be good.”

  Alison rolled onto her back. “Oh, I know you’re good.” She pulled Annabelle down for a searing kiss.

  Annabelle’s hands began a soft exploration of Alison’s body. Her hands fondled Alison’s breasts and caused a soft moan to escape her mouth. Lower they moved and Alison’ opened her legs to meet her touch. She touched her folds and then entered her. Alison’s moaning was louder as her hands brought her to a climax. A scream escaped her throat as she reached her peak.

  “You have got to be quiet,” Annabelle said covering Alison’s mouth. “Your dad is going to kick my ass for abusing his daughter.”

  “I don’t care.” Alison was panting. “What you do to my body is amazing.” She flipped Annabelle onto her back and began to worship her body. As her fingers entered Annabelle, she covered her mouth with a deep kiss. The woman underneath her shuddered riding the wave.

  They both collapsed back down on the bed. Annabelle kissed Alison’s mouth and said. “Sleep for a while longer. I’ll make breakfast for your dad and me.” Annabelle threw back the covers, washed up and went downstairs. She went to use the facility and went into the barn to collect the milk and eggs. When she got back to the kitchen, Hank had started the coffee. “Morning, Hank.”

  Hank mumbled his greeting. “Where’s Alison?”

  “I told her to sleep in.” Annabelle went to the stove and began making bacon and eggs. She could feel Hank’s eyes on boring into her as she made the breakfast. She put the food on the plate and handed Hank his food. “Not too hot outside yet,” Annabelle said trying to break the tension in the kitchen. She poured the coffee and ate her food keeping her eyes on the plate in front of her.

  Once they were outside working on the project, she began to relax. Hank got into the trench they had dug and began connecting a section of pipe. Annabelle leaned on a shovel and watched Alison come out of the house and go to the outhouse.

  “You didn’t get enough this morning?” Hank grumbled loudly.

  Annabelle’s eyes spun around and looked into Hank’s eyes.

  “You two have to remember there’s another person in that house,” Hank said taking off his hat and wiped his brow. He climbed out of the trench and stood in front of her. “You two have been going at it for months and don’t even have a baby to show for it.”

  “Hank, I don’t know what to say.” Annabelle lowered her eyes.

  “I’m sure you don’t. You obviously better with your actions, but you have to remember that’s my daughter.”

  Annabelle took a step back not realizing where she was standing. One minute she was on solid ground and the next she was in the trench. “Shit,” she mumbled as she tried to move her leg.

  Hank rushed over to the trench and leaned down. “Are you okay?” He asked looking at her.

  Annabelle shook her head. “I think I broke my leg.”

  Hank got up and turned toward the outhouse. “Alison.” He screamed.

  Alison came running out of the outhouse hearing the tone in her father’s voice. “What’s wrong?” She asked running to them.

  “Your husband broke his leg,” he said pointing into the trench.

  “How did you do that?” Alison asked looking at Annabelle.

  “I fell.”

  “Go get the truck and I’ll get him out of there,” Hank said.

  Alison ran back into the house for the keys and maneuvered the truck close to them. She opened the passenger door and helped her father get Annabelle into the truck. “I’ll take Belle to the hospital. You stay here, dad.”

  “Are you sure? I can take him or I can go with you.”

  “We’ll be okay, dad.” Alison got into the driver’s seat and they drove off.

  “I didn’t know you could drive?” Annabelle asked trying to ignore the pain.

  “I’ve been driving since I was twelve years old.” She looked at Annabelle. “Is the pain very bad?”

  Annabelle shrugged.

  “How did you fall?” Alison asked reaching for Annabelle’s hand.



  “I was watching you when you came out of the house to use the facility and your dad said, didn’t you get enough this morning.” Annabelle looked out the window and Alison remained quiet a moment before she started laughing. “You’re laughing. I thought he was going to kick my ass.”

  “Well, we are married,” Alison said still laughing.

  “Yes, but you’re his daughter.�
� Annabelle held her head. “As he so reminded me.”

  “So what did you do, jump in the hole to get away from him?”

  “No, I took a step and didn’t realize I was that close to the trench. Why didn’t you want him to come with us?”

  “Because when we get there. You are Annabelle Adams. A female.”

  “Oh,” Annabelle softly.

  Hank was standing next to the trench when he noticed a figure coming out of the woods. He watched as the person walked toward him. Hank could see the man was disheveled and thin. The man reminded him of Annabelle when he first saw him. As the man got closer, Hank could see he was older than Annabelle had been.

  “Hello, sir.” The man shuffled his feet. “I was wondering if you have any work?”

  “I could use help getting the rest of this pipe installed. My son-in-law just broke his leg.” Hank scratched his chin. “Do you think you could handle helping me?”

  “Yes, sir.” The man answered as he took off his tattered jacket.

  Hank looked at him and thought the man looked like skin and bones. “Wait here.” Hank went into the house and looked in the refrigerator. He wrapped two pieces of chicken in a napkin and poured a glass of milk. When Hank returned, the man was still standing in the same spot. “Eat this,” Hank said handing the man the food. “I don’t need you to faint from hunger while we work,” he said with a grin.

  The man looked at Hank and inhaled the chicken and drank the milk.

  “What’s your name?” Hank asked.

  “Bill, sir.” The man wiped his mouth.

  “Well, Bill. Let’s get to work.”

  Alison waited for the doctor to come out and tell her how Annabelle was doing. As he approached, she stood up. “How is she?”

  “Your sister broke her leg in two places. She’ll heal, but I’m afraid she’ll have a noticeable limp the rest of her life.”

  “Can I see her?” Alison asked.

  “For a few minutes. We have to put the leg in a cast.”

  Alison followed the doctor to where he indicated. She walked into the room smiling. “How are you feeling?”

  “They told me I broke my leg in two different places.” Annabelle looked at Alison who was still smiling. “Why are you smiling?”


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