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Gods and Frogs, Oh My!

Page 8

by Crymsyn Hart

  “I’m looking for Del.”

  The receptionist looked down at her schedule. “I’m sorry, but Del doesn’t have any open appointments. Is there someone else who can help you?”

  Kalliope rested on the stone counter and felt a vibration in the stone. It reminded her of the thump of a dance floor and the stone Lugh had given her. But she couldn’t think of that now. She had to think about what lay ahead. Goddesses taking over the world by making people eat drugged tofu disguised as burgers, or whatever crazy concoction they were feeding people, was on the agenda first. Kalliope closed her eyes and concentrated on the energy. It rippled. When the beat touched something else, it flowed through everything. It was a glamour disguising the place as a spa. It would have been nice if it really was a spa. She would have jumped at the chance to have a mud bath to relax the tension from her body. That will have to wait.

  She was tired of the runaround. She plastered on a fake smile and summoned her power. Slamming her hands down on the large marble counter top, she let her power surge over it. The energy of the glamour pounded against her. It was powerful. She gritted her teeth.

  “Miss, what do you think you’re doing?” The plastic voice was tinged with a bit of concern and fear. The secretary’s appearance wavered from a perfect blonde into having bright blue hair, pointed ears, and wearing nothing more than a black bustier and a black leather mini-skirt.

  “I don’t care if I don’t have an appointment. I need to speak to Del!” Her power flared through her. It moved down into the counter area and through the floor. Kalliope glared at the receptionist.

  “Ah, Kalliope, ya sure this is such a good idea?” Humphrey asked. “Since ya don’t have an appointment maybe we should go.”

  She glanced at the flying amphibian. He wore a leather spiked collar. More power blazed through her while she clenched the bar. As she pushed against the power, she caught glimpses of the patrons of the bar dressed in leather. Seventies disco played in the background. Down the bar she spied a woman with stark white hair. She was dressed in a neon blue leather outfit, and thigh high boots. The neon blue reflected off her hair. Her eyes were the same shade of blue her outfit was. In the spa scene, the woman was not there. It had to be Del. The Oracle’s fists were clenched. Her brow knotted from dueling with Kalliope. A final burst of power left Kalliope dizzy, she had to grab a hold of the bar and shut her eyes. When she did, she felt and heard a pop. When she got a hold of herself and her breath, a completely different scene was before her.

  Behind the bar, the white marble turned black. A large mirror appeared that was at least twenty feet long and very high. Fist sconces held blazing torches. Large disco balls sent rainbows dancing around the place, reflecting off the mirror. There were ten stools to her left each filled with creatures that appeared to be half men and half goats. Each wore leather vests with curly horns sticking out of the top of their heads. Some had mugs of beer in their furry hands and others were downing shots of ruby liquid. Along the mirror was an array of different alcohols and other concoctions Kalliope could only imagine.

  When the first satyr looked over, he gave her a drunken smile and a once over. “Ssccome ‘ere swwweettie,” he slurred.

  She curled her nose at the drunken creature and took in the rest of the lot. In the back of the club, there was a centaur holding a mike and singing karaoke. Kalliope shivered at the off-key creature. There was another group of centaurs in another corner playing pool and smoking. The satyrs occupied the opposite corner. She planted her gaze on Del and felt a blast of cold power wash over her. Kalliope endured the cold, not breaking the Oracle’s gaze. After a moment, Del waved her back. Kalliope looked down at Humphrey who was being petted by the bartender. He looked at her and gave her a dumb smile. She shook her head and decided to leave him where he was since he was in froggy heaven. He blew kisses at her and went back to romancing the bartender.

  Kalliope avoided the grabs, pinches, and stares she got from the patrons trying not to turn green at the barnyard smell from the creatures at the bar. She walked through the door at the end of the bar and down another winding staircase. More torches popped on. She ended up in a room lavishly furnished with settees and overstuffed pillows. On a canopied bed nestled in the middle was Del. She was propped up on pillows. Kalliope stood at the end of the bed and noticed the other corner was a mini dungeon with whips, restraints, shackles, and all kinds of toys.

  “So you’re the new witch everyone’s been talking about?” Del’s accent was thick and made her sound French.

  “Yup, that’s me. The talk of the town.”

  Del purred and trailed her nails over the white sheets that matched her hair. “Why don’t you come sit next to me? It’s been a while since I’ve seen a mortal in these realms. One that was full blooded anyway.” A wicked smile curled on the Oracles’ face.

  Kalliope was not sure she liked where this was going, but she had to play along because she needed the info on the Furies. She sat on the edge of the bed and wondered if her familiar was living happily ever after with the satyrs and the barmaid above. Del crawled over the bed and ran her fingers through Kalliope’s hair. Her lips were nibbling on Kalliope’s ear. Del’s hands had worked themselves under her the corset, cupping her breasts. She jumped and put a few feet between them.

  “Okay, that was uncalled for. I came here for some help. Not to mess around. Besides, I strictly bat for the other team.”

  Del got up, pouting. “You’re no fun. I thought you’d enjoy playing since you were Lugh’s new flame.” The Oracle snapped her fingers. The décor of the room changed. There was a harp in the background plucking Master and Servant by Depeche Mode. Del wore a blue kimono style dress with a white dragon embroidered on the front. Her hair was pulled up in a bun and accented with a blue lily. Her nails were now pointed and white. Everything about the room became smoky.

  Great, what was Zeus thinking sending me here? I’m not going to wind up an exotic plaything. Maybe he’s watching this whole scene and getting his rocks off. The Oracle’s eyes glinted yellow behind the blue, becoming catlike for a split second. What kind of a creature was Del really? “Sorry to be such a party pooper, but I really need to save the world. Zeus said I should come to you.”

  Del laughed which sounded like a long purr. “Kalli-girl, you have to lighten up and have some fun. That’s what life is about. Yes, yes, you have to save the mortal realm. But do you know how many prophecies I gave to humans to avoid peril? What did they do? They ignored me! I got better reception and appreciation from the creatures upstairs than I got from the gods or from any humans in my day.”

  Hurt flashed across Del’s face from being forgotten. She put a hand on the Oracle’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, but I won’t ignore your guidance. I’m not here to take over your place. I just need some advice.”

  The Oracle smiled. “Gotcha! I haven’t had this much fun since Hercules came here asking about his twelve tasks.”

  “You think this is a joke?”

  Del chuckled. “Of course, it’s not a joke. But it was funny to see the look on your face upstairs. You’re quite powerful. It’s a shame really. I understand why Dagda doesn’t want to lend you out. It took quite a lot of convincing from Zeus to get the Greenman to let go of his prize possession.”

  What is Del talking about? Dagda hadn’t mentioned anything about me being a prize possession. She makes it sound like I need to be put up on a shelf next to his award he won for being dickhead of the year. What is going on? “So why did Dagda let me go if I’m so valuable?”

  Del walked around Kalliope and ran her fingernails over exposed skin of her throat where the collar had been. She regretted throwing the collar at Lugh. Now was a time she could have thought about him and used his protection to escape the cat’s den. This was going all wrong. Kalliope swallowed. Her eyes sought a way out.

  “Oh, it’s true the Greenman owed Zeus a favor, but Zeus knew about Dagda’s secret coffee hoard. All Hail has banned any god from imbibin
g caffeine. Chocolate is okay once in a while, but Dagda is infatuated with coffee. Zeus found out about the stash with a little help.” Del purred in her ear and rubbed her face along Kalliope’s cheek. It felt velvety.

  The only one who could have told Zeus about Dagda’s secret store was Nas. Only those close to Dagda would have known about it. Kalliope had no idea the Greenman had a hidden coffee supply, but she wouldn’t put it past him. Nas had tricked her all along. The goddess never wanted to help Kalliope in the first place. What for? What would Nas want more than anything? To get me out of the way so she could go after Lugh again. I’m an idiot. I bet she even put Apollo up to hitting me with that lust arrow so I would cheat on Lugh with some random god or who knows what. What a bitch! She was never going to help me and I fell for it. What did I do!

  Her gaze swept the room. The incense smoke had gotten heavier, infusing the room with a peppermint smell. A shiver of fear ran through her. “So, Zeus got leverage on Dagda. Big deal. What does that have to do with getting me here and letting the Furies out? Does Zeus want to rule the world or something?”

  Del chuckled. Her fingers slid down Kalliope’s arms. The Oracle raised goose bumps on her flesh. Del kissed her neck lightly like a vampire trying to find a vein. “Oh this had nothing to do with Zeus ruling the world. He could care less about anything else then getting pussy.”

  “Then who wants to rule the world? You?”

  Del’s sandpaper tongue licked a trail along her cheek. “I could care less about your world. I stopped being a part of it long ago. When mortals ceased believing in the Old Ways, I faded out. All of Delphi did. I chose to fade with it unlike Avalon which Morgaine so valiantly fought for. No, all of this is about ruling this world.”

  Kalliope wracked her brain, thinking of a spell or something to get her out of the predicament she was in. Nothing came to mind. Del’s hand slithered up her thigh, leaving pink trails where her nails were. “So, why get me here? Why have me go after the Furies?”

  “That’s such an easy question. And you’re so delicious that I’ll tell you. I haven’t had this much fun in a long time. Your fear tastes so sweet, Kalliope, just like cream. The Furies are only a distraction so you wouldn’t be focusing on the real problem. Nas had nothing to do with it. Zeus promised me the Greenman’s throne and threw you in as a bonus if everything went the way we planned.” Del grabbed Kalliope’s wrists tight enough that she couldn’t escape. A wide grin spread on the Oracle’s face, reminding Kaliope of the Cheshire Cat. She saw four pointed teeth in her mouth. “And so far everything has. But, why wouldn’t it? When you know the future, everything is so easy.”

  Kalliope tried to get away, but the woman’s grip was iron clad. It was nothing for Del to drag her across the room to the dungeon. There, she flung Kalliope against a rack. She hit her head hard on the wood. Pain exploded in her temple and then darkness descended.

  Chapter Nine

  When she opened her eyes, there was nothing but pain. It took her a moment before her eyes focused through the dancing frogs swirling around her head. When they did, she was surrounded by a group of on looking centaurs and satyrs. Next to her was another rack. On it was a barely conscious Nas. Dark purple bruises were brushed across her breasts and red lashes marks decorated her stomach. Clamps were attached to her nipples. She instantly felt bad for the goddess. Kalliope tried to summon her power, but nothing happened. Del realized she was awake. She tried moving, but she was bound spread-eagle and naked. Hot tears burned her eyes being exposed to all the strange creatures. Del’s smile widened. She sauntered over, trailing a long, black whip behind her like a tail.

  Lugh, where are you when I need you? Kalliope thought, knowing the god was not allowed to come and help her. I was an idiot to walk out and throw away your love. If this is it, I’m so sorry.

  “Well, well the witch is awake.” Del cracked the whip for emphasis. Kalliope jumped. The creatures around her jeered and whistled. “It’s no good trying to use your magick here. The restraints won’t let you. Hephaestus forged them for me. They were a present.”

  “You let loose the Furies! You knew about the planetary alignment and told Zeus all about it!”

  “Tsk. Tsk. Sure I knew about the alignment. I’m an Oracle. I see the future. Divine the fates even the Fates don’t know. It’s what I do. Like knowing the pitch of your cries when you feel the leather caress your flesh.” Del drew back the whip. A slice of pain cut Kalliope’s skin. She couldn’t help but scream. She did not look away from her captor. She wouldn’t give her the satisfaction.

  “Why did you let them out? What’s the benefit of that?” She gasped.

  “I already told you this. Distraction. Pure and simple. But you’re wrong on one thing. I didn’t let them out.” Del drew her whip back again and lashed Kalliope across her breasts this time. All Kalliope saw was red. Pain became her world. The laughs of the centaurs filled her ears. Skin separated and wetness trailed down her stomach. She tried with all her might to summon her powers again, but nothing. The bonds were magick proof. Hurt and shame moved through her with all the otherworldly creatures scrutinizing her.

  “Kalliope, we could’ve had so much fun. You should have stayed out of my way. I guess you’ll have to be my slave forever. The same with Nas over there. Poor, foolish, love sick goddess. She actually came to me for help. Like I would help such a stuck up bitch. She said you and she had reconciled. That was something I never saw coming. It’s hard to pull the fur over my eyes. I remember when her hate for you was so great she wanted to turn you into cactus. Now I’ll turn you into my servant. Soon you’ll be licking my boots and cleaning the floors with a toothpick.” Del pulled the whip back again. Kalliope winced at the anticipation of the flogging. Burning agony spread over her thighs.

  Kalliope shrieked again. “Why are you doing this?”

  Del stared into her eyes. Kalliope couldn’t help but return the gaze. She was falling. Her captor’s eyes swirled. Kalliope felt her will leaving her. Del licked the back of her hand and then ran it over her hair to smooth it back into place. “Because I can. You have to be broken.”

  The Oracle gave her a twisted grin. She knelt down between Kalliope’s legs. Her tongue ran the length of her inner thigh to her nether lips, lapping at the trail of blood made from the whip. Catcalls erupted from the audience. Her head fall back against the back of the rack. All hope drained from her. Lugh was not going to be her god in shining leather this time. There was no one she could contact.

  Del’s tongue licked at her pleasure center. God it felt so good. She jumped when the Oracle nestled between her legs. She wanted the creatures to keep on going. After a few strokes, Kalliope’s muscles clenched of their own accord even though she tried not to be stimulated from the strokes of Del’s tongue. The echo of the lashes faded away to a slow sting. She opened her eyes through half slits to once again stare into the swirling gaze of the Oracle. Yes. She would do anything for her. Yes, she wanted to be hers. It was as if a silent voice in her head was controlling her, making her desire everything Del did. Something slid into her already slick depths. A moan escaped her lips. She was getting ready to come. A hushed silence descended over the crowd while they watched the show. Del licked the side of Kalliope’s face and purred in her ear. She squeezed one of her nipples.

  “You want this, don’t you?” Del pushed the phallus deeper into Kalliope.

  Kalliope bucked against it, ashamed the Oracle was able to elicit such a response from her. But it was true. Something inside of her wanted to be used because it was what the voice inside her head was telling her to do. Each time she gazed into Del’s eyes, she fell farther away from herself. “Yes.”

  “Good girl.” Del squeezed her nipple again. This time Del didn’t stop the pumping motion of the dildo buried inside her. Kalliope’s fists were clenched. She didn’t want Del to stop. She wanted it to go on forever and ever.

  “Come on, Del. We want a turn at the witch!” One of the creatures shouted from the pean
ut gallery.

  “Shut up. You’ll get your turn,” Del shouted. She locked her lips to Kalliope. She tossed the phallus aside and pushed her tongue in-between her lips.

  I can see why Lugh loves you so. You’re such a good fuck, Kalliope. You’ll be a great plaything and concubine to keep me coming, Del whispered inside her thoughts. I’d let you go, but these chains aren’t the only thing keeping you like this. Now tell me. Do you want to be whipped again? Will you cry out for me so I can have you again? Then you’ll let the others take turns, won’t you?

  Kalliope wanted to say no. But whatever hold Del had on her she couldn’t fight. “Yes.”

  Del drew back the whip. She shut her eyes against the pain she expected. But it never came. She opened her eyes after a couple of seconds to see Apollo holding onto the whip. The tail wrapped around his arm to his elbow. Del hissed at him.

  “Del, just because I don’t come to visit you all the time doesn’t mean you should be so inhospitable to your guests.” He pulled the whip out of her hands. She spit at him and made scratching gestures wither her nails. He gazed at Kalliope and Nas.

  “They’re mine, Apollo. They came willingly into my den. By law I should get them.”

  The god walked over and unsnapped the manacles to release Nas who could barely stand. He did the same for Kalliope who then undid her feet. Once she was free, her strength returned to her. Del’s hold on her faded. She couldn’t believe she had let the Oracle violate her so. A part of her shivered because she had been so helpless. Another part of her mind had liked the sexual games the Oracle had played with her. Kalliope shook her head. Energy washed over her in a cold wave. Her magick was with her once again, and she did not feel so vulnerable now. Del would never have her way with her again.


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