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Intellectual: A Young Adult Romance

Page 25

by Katie Wright

  "Well," he began, "I took the rest of the day off actually."

  I smiled but then suddenly felt light headed and gripped onto the fridge door.

  Casey jumped up and over to me, "Maybe you should sit. I'll get you something to eat."

  I gave him a stubborn look as if to say 'I can get it myself.'

  He grabbed my shoulders softly and maneuvered me to the kitchen table and pushed me into a seat as gently as possible.

  He removed his jacket and placed it on one of the chairs and then went into the fridge, "You like eggs?"

  I supplied a yes and he started towards the cabinets.

  "Pans are on the bottom," I instructed.

  I cradled my head in my hands, the pounding returning to me.

  Casey must have noticed because in a stern voice I heard him say, "Heath, go upstairs I'll bring this up to you."

  I didn't even look up as I wandered back to the stairs. When I met the stairs I grinned. Maybe he cared more than I thought.

  I waited upstairs and watched channel 3, the only channel that was coming in with the antenna.

  "Stupid cable," I blurted out.

  "Hey, I got your food here," He set a tray on my lap.

  "Oh, scramble I like," I smiled up at him.

  He sat at the bottom of my feet on the bed, "What's wrong with your cable?"

  I pointed with my remote, "It doesn't work."

  He stood up and walked over to it, "What do you mean?"

  I swallowed some of my eggs, "I mean it doesn't work. I turned it on this morning and it was fuzzy, so I tried to put the cable cord back in the back and it's still not working."

  "You connected the antenna though?"

  "Yeah but I can't even see the non cable channels well. Could you fix it?" I felt like a small child suddenly and unnervingly. He looked over at me and grinned.

  I laid back into my pillows and pushed the tray down my legs a bit.

  Casey pulled my TV out slightly and looked at the cable in the back. I watched his rear as he bent over and felt around my wall. I didn't know nor did I care if he could fix my damn cable at that moment. If I wasn't sick I would have jumped on him. His pants started to loosen below his t-shirt and I got a glimpse at his boxers. Stripes…hmmm, blue and white stripes…


  I nearly jumped off the bed at the mention of my name. I knew he couldn't see me looking but I felt as though I had been caught.

  "Um, yeah?"

  He pulled back, "Turn the tv off for a second I'm going to redo whatever the hell it was that you were attempting to do." He pulled his pants up and returned back to his bending position.

  "I didn't do anything! It did it on its own."

  "Yeah," I heard him mumble behind the TV, "That's why you have a cable running from your DVD to your TV and not to the wall."

  I grumbled, "I've been sick Casey I don't know what I'm doing."

  "Excuses, excuses," he said loud enough for me to hear.

  Instead of giving him a cutting remark I giggled. His pants didn't seem to be holding their own and he repeatedly had to pull them up.

  "Just leave them damn it."

  His head popped out from behind the TV and stared wide eyed at me, "What?"

  Had I said that aloud?

  "Um nothing, I was talking to myself."

  He nodded, "Right…I keep forgetting you do that a lot."

  "I do not!"

  "Yeah you do. Now," he pulled the TV back to its original place, "Turn it on."

  I did so and set the TV to auto. It went through all the channels up to 96.

  "Wohoo! You got my cable back. Thank you," I finished not so shyly.

  He shook his head, "You done with this?" He indicated a finger to my empty plate and tray on my legs.

  I nodded, "Yeah you can just throw it in the sink my mom will clean it up. I'm sure she'll appreciate the fact that she didn't have to make food for me."

  Casey took the tray, "I'll be back I need to get something from my car. Don't go anywhere."

  I rolled my eyes, yeah like I was going anywhere…

  I waited patiently and after a few more minutes I was about to get up when Casey walked right back in my room with a bag in hand. He closed my door behind him and walked over to the TV.

  He pulled out a DVD and placed it in the player.

  "Movie?" My obvious question wasn't ignored by him.

  "Yes Captain Obvious it is a movie," he stated as he jumped over my body and settled next to me.

  "You know this bed has germs covering it, you'll likely get sick."

  He settled into the pillows, "True," he looked at me intently.

  I looked at him, "Don't you care? You'll probably catch it and get sick."

  "Oh I didn't know you cared? Now be quiet the movie is about to start."

  I turned to watch but seriously I didn't understand why he'd risk getting sick, "Casey, I…"

  He pushed my shoulders back and lightly kissed my lips. When he pulled away he whispered, "Quiet the movie is about to begin. Plus there's a good chance that'll happen again if you're good."

  I was stunned and did as he said. I couldn't believe he didn't care that he was kissing me while I was sick. I mean it was just a peck but we weren't even officially a couple and he was willing to catch the flu. Okay that sounds demented but to me it was a sign of affection. That and Casey was really dumb sometimes but I'd forgive him because he was the only guy I knew who'd ever done any of this for me.

  I must have dozed off during the movie because the next thing I knew I was watching the ending credits.

  "She wakes," Casey whispered. "You missed the movie."

  I blinked and looked over at him, "Sorry I don't remember any of it."

  "Yeah you pretty much passed out right after it started. But I'll forgive you," he turned on his side to look at me. "You're really cute you know that?"

  I felt my face heat up and turned my head into my pillow.

  "No reply?"

  I let my one eye focus on him and squinted, "I can't." I wanted to burst into giggles.

  "Are you laughing at me," he touched my side and I moved a bit but he held me still. "If you go back you'll fall off the bed," he warned.

  "Don't tickle me," I commanded him.

  His eyebrow quirked a bit and his eyes held a mischievous glint to them. I bit back a laugh.

  "Don't," I warned one final time before he toppled onto me.

  He tickled and I began laughing loudly.

  "Don't what?"

  "Don-don't! Stop!" I yelled as best I could between laughs.

  He nestled his face into my neck and blew hard. The sounds and vibrations emanating from him were causing my body to shake uncontrollably.


  "Heather?' A voice that was not Casey's questioned.

  Casey jumped off of me and onto the floor.

  I sat up and looked over as my mother strolled into the room, "What's going on?" I couldn't tell if she was angry.

  "Casey brought over some movie and made some food for me."

  "What did I tell you about boys in your bedroom?"

  My face blanched. I couldn't believe that she reminded me of the rule she'd set for me when I was just turning twelve. This was totally a different situation. I was sick so there wasn't anyway we could do anything…well I lie we probably could have if my mother hadn't interrupted.

  My mom then looked at Casey, "Hey Casey, maybe you should go downstairs."

  "Mom," I said.

  Casey turned and walked out of the room. "I'm sorry Mrs. Harvey," he said before he left.

  "Mom I can't believe you, why couldn't he just come in to see me?"

  "It didn't look like that was the only thing he was doing. In your bedroom, me and your father have a rule and as long as you live in our house you'll have to listen to us. Sorry but that's it," she turned to leave but then looked back at me, "As soon as you're feeling better your father wants you to start looking for a job. No more lying around
." She left and slammed the door behind her.

  Well my mother was right and soon after I was well I found myself among a large folder of possible job opportunities my father had compiled on my behalf. Within the week I was working on my interviewing skills. Suddenly I had four interviews in one week. Two jobs were in the clerk's offices, the third was a legal secretary at a small law firm, and the fourth was a waitress at one of our local diners.

  After the first two interviews I wondered if I should even try again. The interviewers felt I was overqualified and should look more into a field with research. Never mind that I could type 90 words a minute or that I could put a file away alphabetically like any secretary.

  With my spirits down I walked along Main Street and off the beaten path to where my next interview would take place. It wasn't till the day after but I'd thought I'd take a peek in an attempt not to get lost the following day. I came up to the three story field stone house. It was an impressive building. 'Lambert and Weiner' were written in gilded writing on a wooden sign in front of the stone walkway.

  I stared at the building in awe. One day I told myself I'd be able to buy something like that for myself. Then two men stepped outside in their dark suits and started down the pathway. I turned away as though I was just passing by when my cell rang.

  I answered it as soon as I could remove it form my purse, "Hello?"

  "Hey Heath."

  I was excited to hear Casey's voice. I hadn't had time to see him or talk to him since I was sick.

  "Felling better," he questioned.

  "Um yeah, I'm sorry I didn't call you. My dad had all these applications I had to fill out and stuff," was my lame reply. Truth me told I probably did have time to see him. But I wondered if he felt uncomfortable seeing someone who couldn't even have a boy in her room at the age of 22 soon to be 23.

  "No its ok I was doing the last finishing touches up on my place. Wondering if you wanted to stop by tomorrow?" He sounded eager to hear my reply.

  "Yeah I can after my interview," I smiled widely. I would finally be able to see him. I got instant butterflies.

  "Cool, how about I come pick you up and we go out to dinner. And then head back to my place and I can show you the house."

  Wow, was this a date? I mean an actual date? Was he asking me on an actual date?

  "Um, yeah," was my surprised answer, "that sounds nice."

  "Don't sound so excited Heath," he said jokingly.

  "No I'm not, not excited, I…"

  "I'm kidding Heath. I'll pick you up around 6 ok?"

  "Yeah 6 it is," I agreed.

  "Alright bye cutie," and then he hung up.

  I stared at the phone in disbelief.

  As I turned around to head back to my car I could have sworn I heard footsteps from behind me but no one was there. A squirrel soon popped out of the hedges and ran across the street. My sudden paranoia dissolved, however, I made quicker steps back to my car.

  About Being Honest

  So he had made the effort; the pick up right at 6pm, the meeting of the parents, the opening and closing of the car door and the dining at the not too overly expensive restaurant. Now it was almost 8pm and we were heading back to Casey's house.

  As he pulled his car up to the front I could finally see the finishing touches. It was done and it was adorable. The bungalow which first seemed to be a dilapidated shack was now fit for a small and up and coming family. That is if Casey had a family. We never really did delve into the details of his personal life all that often. Even at dinner the focus was on me and I couldn't help but feel somewhat selfish for not thinking of more questions to ask him.

  When we were inside he took my coat from me and placed it on a wall hook. After he removed his own coat he turned towards me, "So what do you think?"

  I couldn't help but marvel at the obvious improvements he had made, "I can't believe that you did all this yourself. It's amazing and I know it was amazing when it was half done but now it's really done."

  He smiled slightly and then turned down the hallway. I followed him and then he stopped short almost making me fall right into him.

  He turned around, "I know you've seen almost all of this already. I just painted everything. Do you want to see what I was going to make the final unveiling?"

  Now it was my turn to quirk an eyebrow, "Final unveiling? I don't know," I stared at my feet. Last time it was his bedroom which wasn't yet done, was he planning on taking me upstairs?

  He moved towards me and whispered, "Are your feet more interesting than me?"

  What he said made me look up at him. I was dumbfounded and began to look everywhere else but him. "Why don't you just show me then?"

  Now it was his turn to look at the floor.

  I couldn't help but ask, "Are your feet more interesting than me?"

  He gazed up and stared directly into my eyes, "Never." Then he took my hand and guided me back down the short hallway and upstairs like I had questioned.

  "Your bedroom," I breathed out.

  He stopped and stared down at me, "Don't worry Heather I'm not planning on taking your virginity from you tonight."

  I opened my mouth in surprise. I didn't know whether I should have been insulted or titillated at his insinuation.

  When we reached the bedroom door he took one more glance at me before he turned the knob and asked, "Unless of course you do and I don't really have a problem with that."

  He laughed when I made no response and turned the door knob. Flicking on a light I noticed the room was different and painted.

  "It seems like there's more room in here," I meandered around noticing the bed was no longer under the window.

  "Yeah I moved the furniture and stuff. I placed drywall and…" He stopped as I was looking up through the window.

  I turned around, "What?"

  He had his hands in his pockets and was looking amiably at me. I could almost see a slight grin but it faded when he caught himself, "You don't want to hear about the handiwork. Do you like it?"

  I nodded, "Yeah I liked it last time too. You made some nice finishing touches."

  "I don't know if I'm going to keep it. I thought about trying to sell it so I could get something bigger."

  "Why sell it, it's just you, right?"

  He shrugged, "For now."

  Then he slapped his leg, "So do you want to watch a movie? I mean we could still stay here if you want to…"

  I pounded back to him, "Maybe another night," and then I skidded around him and went back downstairs.

  We watched a movie; the name slips from my mind. In fact the entire movie is a blur. I couldn't help but notice how close our hands were the entire movie; almost touching but not quite. Our legs brushed one another's but there was no movement to part. I wondered if I could rest my head against his shoulder and if he'd stop me.

  I felt so comfortable in that moment until Casey stated the obvious, "You're not watching the movie."

  I fumbled for words and then he continued, "I guess you don't like my taste in movies."

  I laughed a bit remembering when he brought movies over when I was sick and I slept through them. I turned to look at him. His face was closer than I first thought and I almost moved back but Casey caught the back of my neck and held me in place.

  "We don't have to watch the movie," his words touch my lips and they parted.

  His thumb tucked under my chin and traced circles on it.

  A smile tugged at my lips and I finally couldn't help but allow it to.

  "I don't see that much," Casey said.

  "See what?" It wasn't a demanding question just a genuine one because I really had no idea what he was referring to.

  "Your smile, I love your smile and your chin and your nose," he pecked a quick kiss on my nose.

  I was flattered but out of my own insecurity I mumbled, "And my fat."

  Suddenly he grabbed my sides and pulled me into his lap, "Would you stop that." He wasn't harsh but his words were decisive. My back was agains
t him and I could feel his chest expanding as he spoke. He brushed my hair from my ear and spoke into it causing a warm sensation to run up my spine. "Can I be honest with you?"

  I nodded because I knew my words would fail me if I tried to speak. Something inside me also told me that this wasn't my time it was his.


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