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The Sex Club: Submission Erotica

Page 6

by Megan West

  “Oh, no no!” she was quick to reassure him. “Absolutely not. The dreams. They’re good.”

  She had gotten the hardest part out and only maintained eye contact through sheer force of will.

  “Okay, good. I’m very glad to hear that,” He smiled.

  Jennifer let out a huge breath, feeling much better now. “So, yeah, I just wanted to know. Is this normal?”

  “What are the men forcing you to do?” he asked, still holding her breast in his hands.

  “They spank me,” she started. “And, uhm, other things. I, uh, it’s hard to describe without being crude.”

  Jennifer was relieved he was giving her his full attention and not rushing her. She didn’t want to risk offending him by speaking in an unladylike manner.

  “It’s okay. I can handle it, I promise. Tell me everything so I can see what your concerns are.”

  Thinking back to the dream she’d had the night before, she decided to just tell it in full and get it all out. She remembered it vividly since she had written it down as soon as she woke up.

  “So, last night, I dreamt I was with a guy somewhere, not sure where. I never saw his face. But he had come up to me and took off the dress I was wearing. Just swooped it right off me. Then he grabbed my breasts and squeezed them hard. It was weird because in the dream, he was talking to someone else, but was touching me. I don’t know, that part was kind of fuzzy.”

  “Do you remember being in pain during the dream?”

  “That’s the funny thing. He was really rough with me and it hurt, but in a strange way. Like, it felt good because it hurt. Does that make sense?” She shook her head, feeling like she must sound like an idiot.

  But Dr. Franklin was nodding. “Absolutely. Do you often participate in rough sex?”

  “No,” she said, “that’s the weird thing. I’ve never done that. The men I’ve been with have always been kind and gentle with me.”

  The doctor got a contemplative look on his face and started messaging her breast again while he thought. When he finished, instead of removing his hands and closing her robe like Dr. Granger always did, he cupped her breast with one hand placed the other on her stomach.

  “Do you mind if I try something?” he asked.

  “Anything,” she said. “I’d really like to figure this out.”

  “How does it feel when I do this?” he asked, lightly squeezing her firm, round flesh.

  “Fine,” she said. “Normal.”

  “Tell me more about your dream.”

  “Well, I think we were in some kind of public place. I remember hearing people talking. Maybe a bar? Anyway, he stuck his hand between my legs and just started playing with my, uhm…” It sounded ridiculous to say vulva when she was describing a sex act, but pussy seemed too far to the other extreme.

  He gave her an encouraging smile. “I think I know the part you mean. Here, yes?”

  The doctor slid his hand down her stomach and under where the robe was still together to softly cup her pussy in his hand. His touch was impersonal and clinical, but it sent such a rush of arousal through Jennifer, making her whimper in a quick gasp.

  “Yes,” she said breathlessly.

  “Good. Go on, please.”

  Trying tremendously hard to hide how turned on she was, Jennifer continued with describing her dream. “So, yeah, uhm...he was still fondling my breasts really rough…” she groaned when suddenly Dr. Franklin squeezed her breast and pinched her nipple.

  “Like this?” he asked, his voice calm and measured like he was asking her how she liked her coffee.

  “Yes,” she gasped out. “And he shoved a finger in me, laughing when he realized how wet I was.”

  “Hmm,” the doctor said, playing on the outside of her pussy lips before slipping a finger inside his patient. “Yes, there is quite a bit of vaginal lubrication. This is obviously something very arousing to you.”

  He kept his finger where it was but released some of the pressure on her breast. “Continue, please. I think we’re making excellent progress.”

  Breathing heavy, but calmed by his praise, she went on. “A waitress bumped into me, and a glass of water spilled. Some of it got on the man’s shoes. He blamed me.”

  “This is where the spanking comes in, I assume?” the doctor asked.

  Jennifer nodded.

  “Okay, how about you roll over and then get on your hands and knees for this part.”

  He stopped touching her so she could do as he asked, but she grew nervous the more she thought about it.

  “Is this going to hurt?” she asked.

  “Maybe some. Nothing more than you can handle though. I promise.”

  Nodding, she went onto her stomach and then rose up to her hands and knees, the robe falling open.

  “I’m going to remove this.” he said, slipping the annoying paper cover off her body. “I think it would get in the way.”

  Jennifer nodded, adjusting her arms until her position on the bench was comfortable.

  “Can you continue now, please?” he asked.

  “Well, so, he got mad. I think he yelled maybe? Anyway, he made me bend over a table nearby and then started hitting me.”

  “Spanking your bottom?”


  The doctor rubbed her ass cheek for a moment and then gave her a light tap. “Like this?”

  “No. Harder.” She said, shaking her head, her long brown hair brushing her shoulders.

  He gave her a hard smack, the smacking sound of his palm echoed in the room. Jennifer gasped. It didn’t hurt at all, but was just like when the doctor had first touched her pussy.

  “Harder I think. It hurt, I remember.”

  “Okay. Let’s try this.”

  Jennifer tensed up, and this time the doctor spanked her hard enough to make her cry out, tears springing to her eyes.

  “Oh, yes. Like that. It hurt.”

  “Good, okay. Now let’s check,” he said as he placed a finger back inside her pussy. “Excellent. You're still swollen and aroused.”

  He brushed against her clit softly and she hissed at the jolt of pleasure.

  “Yes, definitely very turned on. What happened next?”

  “Uhm, he kept spanking me. I tried to get away from him, but he held me down and just started really whaling on me.”

  “Whaling?” the doctor asked.

  “Yeah, like hitting me rapid fire over and over.”

  “Okay. I see. Well, I think if we want to truly test my theory, I shall have to do the same on you. What do you think?”

  Jennifer tensed with rattled nerves, but wanted to find out what his theory was. “Yes, okay.”

  “Excellent. But before I do, what happens after? This way I can see if continuing would be appropriate or not.”

  “After he was done spanking me, that’s when he started fucking me.” Jennifer no longer cared about politeness and was using whatever words worked to get her message across. “He fucked me hard and kept holding me tight everywhere. He would squeeze my hips, then my tits. He’d take a huge chunk of my ass in his hands and squeeze hard.”

  “Is that how it ended?” the doctor asked.

  “No. He fucked my ass too. No lube or anything. Just took his cock out of my pussy and shoved it into my ass. In the dream, it was so natural. I wanted him to do it. Longed for it. That’s about when I woke up, and all I wanted was to shove something in my ass and see what it felt like in real life.”

  “Hmm. Well, I think that part of the dream is a bit unrealistic. But we can come close. I have some lube here. Let’s get you ready and then we can finish the re-enactment and see how you feel. Okay?”

  Jennifer’s mind was racing, hoping with every ounce of her being that he would actually fuck her. She figured he was probably only going to use some sort of medical device to mimic a penis. She wanted to ask him, but she was too afraid to find out if her hopes would be dashed. Instead, she nodded, and tried to convince herself that he would really go all the way with h

  The doctor moved over to a cabinet and took out a tube of lubricant while Jennifer watched, then he went back behind her and reached between her legs. With one hand, he parted her wet pussy lips and inserted a finger, wiggling it around and then sliding it up her slit and tickling her clit.

  “Does this feel good?” he asked.

  “Yes, but not like in the dream.”

  “Right, this is only to give you some arousal so I can stretch your anus easier. You must be made ready for anything anal or you can be torn and injured.”

  “Okay, I understand,” she said, grateful he was taking such good care of her.

  “Now I’m going to place my finger against your anus and slowly push in. The lube will feel a little cold, but nothing should hurt.”

  Jennifer nodded and felt him start to press against her ass while still fingering her pussy with his other hand. This was the first time a man had touched her there, and it was like nothing else she had ever felt.

  “Oh, it’s so strange! I can feel what you’re doing in both places, but when you started touching my ass, it made the other thing you’re doing feel even better.”

  “Excellent observation, Jennifer. That really helps. I’m going to continue.”

  He kept pushing against her tight little hole, and Jennifer hissed when she felt his finger start to enter her body. The skin was stretched very tight, and it reminded her uncomfortably of a bowel movement.

  “It kind of stings?” she said, not really sure how to describe it.

  “Yes. That sounds right. Your skin is being stretched. We’ll go slowly. Just tell me if it hurts too much.”

  “Okay,” she said.

  His finger went in deeper, introducing an odd sort of fullness into the already heady mix of sensations. It didn’t feel completely right even though it seemed to act as a sort of catalyst to how aroused she was from him playing with her pussy. Suddenly she felt like she might come from what the doctor was doing to her. She squirmed on the table. He might think her as immature if she had an orgasm, might even put a stop to his thorough examination.

  “How are you doing?” he asked.

  “Uhm, good,” she said, scared to share her latest concerns with him.

  “Great. I’m really happy with the progress we’ve made here. I’m going to go ahead and remove my fingers from your vagina and concentrate solely on your anus. Since most of the arousal in your dream came from the circumstances and not so much from how the man touched you, I do not want to deviate from that too much.”

  Jennifer nodded, relieved he wasn’t going to make her come. It would have been terribly awkward and embarrassing.

  The doctor started moving the finger in and out of her ass exactly like he had been doing to her pussy earlier. Every additional thrust of his finger was more comfortable to take. Then he started to circle his finger with each inward movement to stretch the skin further.

  Jennifer moaned, a deep, dark moan from down in her stomach. What he was doing to her was so primal. She felt like she was stepping out of her skin to become someone else, a woman who actually did these things and did them for pure enjoyment of utilizing every pleasure nerve her body had.

  “I’m going to add a second finger now,” the doctor said softly, as if he didn’t want to disturb the sensual trance Jennifer was in. His voice mimicked a hypnotist, calmly walking her through each step.

  Jennifer tensed up at first, nervous about being stretched double what she was now. She felt the tip probing around where his first finger was, looking for an opening. Then he found a way, and his second finger stated to join the first. The stretched skin burned, and Jennifer wasn’t sure she liked it anymore.

  “Ow?” she said, not wanting to interrupt but thinking it was important he knew it hurt.

  “Try to relax,” he said. “It’s your first time so the stretching is going to be uncomfortable. I promise you’re not being injured though. Just concentrate on keeping relaxed and breathe in and out.”


  She did as he said, breathing slow and willing her nerves and heartbeat to settle. The burning around her asshole eased, and she relaxed even more.

  “I’m going to add some more lube so you’ll feel the cold again.”

  The new application of lube cooled her ass even more. When he started to move both fingers inside her stretched ass, she was able to take it easily. It was different than before now that he wasn’t playing with her pussy. Everything was centered on the tight ring of muscle and the entirely different pleasure receptors within.

  But, like he had explained, it was more than what he was doing with her body that had her libido going through the roof. The cold, sterile doctor’s office, the man she hadn’t met before touching her so intimately, the clinical and professional way he did the dirty things to her body all culminated to intense feelings that coursed through her veins.

  It was a completely different scenario from the dream she had described, but the way it affected her was the same. More importantly, since this was real and not a dream, it was a million times better. And she knew reality trumping a dream was not something that happened very often. She would never forget this day.

  Now he started to scissor his fingers inside her tight hole. She sucked in a breath when the feeling of having her skin stretched too far abruptly ramped up again.

  “Calm, calm,” He said soothingly, rubbing one of her butt cheeks.

  Jennifer refocused on her breathing and relaxation. It was a moment of triumph when she was able to get her body under control and accept what he was doing to her. Each time she thought her hole couldn’t get any wider, the doctor made it happen.

  “Okay,” he said. “You’re pretty well stretched now. We don’t want to go too far since there should be some discomfort. I believe, from what you’ve told me, that pain is an important component in the fantasy of your dream.”

  “Fantasy?” she asked.

  “Yes. When you have a dream you remember so well, there’s usually a reason. It either scared you, or made you sad, or happy. It triggers something. This dream triggered your sensuality. I’m assuming the other dreams were similar? They also involved pain and domination?”

  Jennifer thought back. There was one dream where she had been kidnapped, and her abductor made her things before he released her. She was tied up, forced to suck his cock and take him all the way down her throat, and then he fucked her hard against the wall.

  In another dream, the boyfriend she was with at the time forced her to let another man fuck her while he watched. After the dream, she told her boyfriend about it thinking he’d be turned on. Instead he thought it meant she wanted to be with other men and dumped her.

  “Yes,” she finally said. “They all did. How did you know?”

  “I can tell by the way your body is responding to what we’re doing here in the real world. Some researchers say dreams are your brain’s way of offloading junk or stray thoughts. But I agree with the ones who say dreams have a much deeper purpose. It may sound Freudian, but we really can use dreams to know ourselves better. You’ve already taken an excellent first step in journaling them and discussing them with me. Now we get to unravel the puzzle and find the prize.”

  Jennifer thought about it for a moment. He made it sound so simple and uncomplicated. While he had explained everything, his fingers were still in her ass moving softly back and forth. He acted like it was all entirely normal. But she didn’t feel it was normal. It was about as far from it as a person could get.

  “But what do these dreams say about me?” she asked. “Why am I wanting someone to hurt me or use me like a sex toy? What’s wrong with me?”

  The doctor removed his fingers from her ass and went over to the sink to wash his hands. While he did, he answered her question. “Jennifer, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Are you actually being hurt here? I mean, injured in some way? Is anyone doing anything you don’t want done? Is anyone else getting hurt?”

  “No,” sh
e answered slowly.

  “Then there’s nothing wrong with you. Your desires are commonly referred to as kinky or alternative, but that doesn’t mean they are wrong or bad. Plenty of people enjoy the things you’ve described. And why not? Have you ever felt the way you’ve felt here today in a relationship that doesn’t have any of these, shall we say, enhancements?”

  Jennifer laughed. “Hell no.”

  “Well, there you go then.”

  Falling silent, she thought about what he had said. It kind of made sense to her. But, on the other hand, she wasn’t entirely sure she wouldn’t prefer to have simple, normal urges instead of these crazy ones.

  Dr. Franklin wiped his hands on a piece of paper towel and took a seat on the stool in front of her, bringing them to eye level since she was still on her hands and knees on the exam table.

  “Would you like to continue or do you think you want to stop for now?”

  Jennifer thought about it for a moment. “Well, you did go through all that trouble to stretch me and all that,” she said, not really sure what she should do.

  “Don’t worry about that. Decide what’s best for you right now. I’m your doctor and will care for my patient in whatever way is best for her.”

  She really did feel like she needed a break. There was so much to think about and mull over. Her body was on overload right now, and as much as she wanted to see what else he would do to her, she thought she needed to process what they had done already before moving further.

  “I think I’d like to stop now,” she said with slight hesitation in her voice.

  He smiled. “I agree. I think it’s a good idea. Why don’t we meet again in three days at my office? I’m not too far from here, just over on Williams St.”

  “That sounds great.”

  “Good. I think an evening appointment would be best. I’m assuming you do not want any nurses present? If you do, we can certainly accommodate that.”

  Startled, she asked, “You could? Wouldn’t that be...well...weird?”

  “Absolutely not. Whatever you need we can take care of,” he said assuredly.

  She considered it for a moment, but decided she wanted to continue with just him.


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