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The Sex Club: Submission Erotica

Page 7

by Megan West

  “No nurse.”

  “Okay. Six o’clock on Wednesday then. My office will call you to confirm that morning. I’m going to go on out while you get dressed. If you have any final questions, we can go over them before you head out.”

  Jennifer adjusted her position so she was kneeling and had her hands clasped between her legs with her butt resting on her ankles.

  “Thank you. You’ve been wonderful, Doctor Franklin.”

  “I’m glad I could help,” he said, giving her another warm smile before heading from the room.

  Jennifer realized they’d never done her pap smear or the rest of the exam. Smiling, she decided such boring things could wait until another time.


  That night, she had kind of expected to dream of Dr. Franklin and his unorthodox examination. Instead, her dream took on an entirely different turn.

  She was in a medical office again, but the lighting was all wrong and instead of an exam table, there was a bed. Standing beside the bed was a nurse, but not a real nurse. She was obviously in a fetish type costume. The white skirt ended barely under her ass and was made of white latex. The top part looked more like a corset than a uniform, and the nurse’s beautiful breasts were pushed up high. She had fake nursing shoes with five inch heels.

  “Well, don’t keep me waiting. Get on the bed. I have to prepare you, and I don’t have all day.”

  Jennifer got on the bed, lying on her back. Stirrups magically appeared and she put her feet into them.

  Once she was in place, the nurse was suddenly holding a very long, thick glass rod with numbers written on it.

  “What’s that?” Jennifer asked.

  “Shut up. I need to take your temperature, and I don’t want any interruptions.”

  Jennifer stopped talking. Abruptly, the nurse shoved the overly large thermometer into Jennifer’s ass. She moaned, and it echoed strangely in the room.

  “Silence!” the nurse screeched. Then she took blood pressure cuffs and put them around Jennifer’s wrists and ankles. Using the tubing connected to the air bulb on each cuff, the nurse tied her to the bed posts. Then she walked around the bed and pumped air into the cuffs.

  “You stupid bitch. Your blood pressure is too high. Now I have to relieve it.”

  The nurse took a long, wand type vibrator and placed it against Jennifer’s pussy. She held it there until Jennifer was screaming from the force of the orgasm the nurse had wrung from her. But the nurse didn’t remove the wand, and what had felt amazing only a moment before, quickly turned into pure torture.

  “Please, stop!” Jennifer screamed. “I can’t take anymore!”

  The nurse had been filing her nails and gave Jennifer a dirty look. “Can’t you see I’m busy? I’ll remove it when I’m ready. And stop your screaming or I’ll leave.”

  Jennifer whimpered, but somehow managed to stop from screaming out again. It took a bit, but thankfully the vibrator started to feel pleasurable again. Shortly, she was having her second orgasm. This one lasted longer than the other, but, like before, quickly turned painful when the vibrator wasn’t removed.

  “Please?” Jennifer begged. “Please!”

  “You’re blood pressure better be okay,” the nurse said.

  Suddenly, like dreams do, things changed. Now the nurse was straddling Jennifer, her pussy hovering right over Jennifer’s mouth.

  “You have to take all your medicine, every little bit. You keep licking until I say you’ve had enough. Don’t you dare stop, or we have to start all over.”

  Gulping, Jennifer looked at the perfectly smooth pussy over her face. It was pink and pretty, but she’d never been attracted to girls.

  Then, out of nowhere, the doctor appeared. He wore black slacks and a white lab coat, but nothing underneath the coat. His chest was chiseled and tanned, with well-defined abs. A dusting of black hair led to a happy trail disappearing into his pants.

  “Jennifer?” he said in a firm tone. “You’re not making things difficult for my nurse, are you?”

  “No, Doctor. I promise I’m not.” She could barely speak without her lips touching the woman’s pussy.

  “Good girl. You do everything she says, and you’ll get something nice and hard to lick when you’re done.”

  “Okay,” she said.

  Just when she was about to start licking the nurse’s pussy, Jennifer woke up. She was sweaty and her hand was buried between her legs under the sheets.

  Trying to continue the strange fantasy in her head, she fingered her clit while thinking of licking another woman’s pussy. She couldn’t make it work though and gave it up. She finally fell asleep only an hour before the alarm went off.

  The days seemed to crawl while she waited for her follow up appointment. She kept having the weird dreams and had finally managed to come after one particularly arousing one where a man was evaluating her as a possible sex-slave. He had beaten her with a crop, tied her up, and fucked her ass while a vibrating dildo hummed inside her pussy, making her legs jolt and tingle.

  On the day of her appointment, she prepared carefully with a long, cleansing shower. Her pussy was completely bare and smooth and her long hair in a tight braid slinking down her back. She wore a summery mini-dress that ended at her upper thighs and had a strapless halter top.

  When she walked into the waiting room, she thought for a moment that she had the time wrong. The office was deserted and filled with a strange stillness only an empty office has.

  The doctor came out from the back, smiling at Jennifer.

  “There she is,” he said warmly, coming to her and taking her hands in his. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m okay,” she said, suddenly very shy. He was just so fucking good looking. His clothes were business casual, khaki pants and a button down shirt. But they fit him perfectly and showed off his awesome physique. The top buttons were undone on the shirt, and she could see part of the chest she had dreamed of.

  “Why don’t you come on back? Everyone else has gone home so we have the place to ourselves.”

  Jennifer followed behind him, nervously biting her lower lip. He led her into an exam room much nicer than the ones at Dr. Granger’s office. The pictures on the walls looked to be originals and there was a window with a view of a lovely flower garden. Instead of a regular stainless steel sink, his was a more decorative porcelain bowl on top of an antique looking cupboard. The best thing was the temperature; it was a good five degrees warmer than Dr. Granger’s office.

  “You have a really nice office,” she said shyly.

  “Thank you. I feel it’s important to make the patient as comfortable as possible. Little homey touches like these,” he said, gesturing to the paintings and fixtures, “help put a person at ease. Invariably, it makes the appointment go smoother and we accomplish much more.”

  Smiling, Jennifer nodded in agreement.

  “So, have you had any more dreams since our last appointment?” he asked, sitting down and opening her file, ready to take notes.

  She rolled her eyes. “So many! And even more graphic than before.”

  “And did they all have the same theme? Domination and degradation?”

  Blushing, she nodded. “Yes. They all included those things.”

  He gave her an encouraging smile. “Good. Consistency is always helpful. Now, how did you feel when you’d wake up after?”

  Feeling her face heat up even more, she answered. “Uhm, aroused. Confused. Lonely.”

  “Lonely? Interesting,” he said. “In what way?”

  “Well, I guess I just kind of wished there was someone in real life who could make me feel like the dreams do. Someone who’d know how to do those things safely but still give me the experience. Like you did with the...uhm...anal sex?”

  Dr. Franklin winked at her. “Anal training would be the more technical term. But, yes, I do understand what you mean.”

  “And,” she added, rushing ahead, “it seems like it was already hard enough to find a man I could e
njoy being with. All this weirdness is just going to make it that much harder.”

  “Or, now that you have better knowledge about what you need, maybe it could be easier?” he suggested.

  “I guess I’m still not entirely confident this is the real me. It’s so hard to believe this is my life now. Like I’ve been told I have a chronic disease or something.”

  “Well, that’s why you’re here. We can do some more testing and come to a conclusive result. But, I assure you, either way, your sexuality is not a disease. And you are very brave taking steps many people refuse to even consider and who end up going through their entire lives depressed and unsatisfied. Be proud of who you are and what you’re doing.”

  Feeling a bit calmer, she smiled at him, very grateful he was the one helping her with all of this.

  “Okay, I’m going to go out and let you get undressed. Take off everything you feel comfortable removing. There’s a robe behind the door. Knock twice when you’re all set.”

  After last week there really wasn’t anything she felt she needed to conceal, especially after her careful preparations that morning. She took off her dress and underwear before slipping into the soft, cotton robe provided. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door.

  When he came in, she had gotten on the exam table and was sitting with her hands tucked between her legs and her ankles crossed. She felt shy, but excited as well and wondered what the exam would bring.

  Dr. Franklin sat on the rolling stool and moved it closer. Gently he placed his hands on her knees and coaxed her into separating her legs. When she pulled them apart, he moved the robe out of his way, exposing her pussy completely. Next, he inserted his finger into her pussy and probed around the soft opening.

  “I see you’re already aroused. Your own natural lubricants are abundant and your clitoris is swollen.” He removed his finger and showed her how it glistened in the light.

  Jennifer blushed, but didn’t say anything. Her heart was beating fast. His entirely clinical touch was turning her on so fast it was mortifying.

  “Go ahead and lie back. Instead of using stirrups, you can place your feet on the table as close to your rear as you can and let your legs remain apart.”

  She obeyed quickly, glad she could stare up at the ceiling while he continued the exam. Once she was in position, he swirled his finger inside her pussy and then probed her anus, slipping only the tip of his finger in. Jennifer wanted to squirm, but managed to keep still. Despite being uncomfortable, she couldn’t say it hurt.

  “If you decide you’d like to partake in anal sex regularly, eventually you may be able to take a penis into your anus with little or no lubricant without worrying about injury.”

  His finger withdrew, and he went over to the sink and washed his hands while Jennifer thought about what he said. She had no idea if she could ever handle full on anal sex. What they had done at her first appointment had overwhelmed her entirely, and she still wasn’t sure she had liked it, even if it had aroused her more than anything else.

  “Do I have to do anal?” she asked.

  He walked back to her and met her concerned gaze. “Absolutely not. You don’t have to do anything you truly don’t want to do. However, your dreams suggest pushing the limits is part of what arouses you. If you don’t challenge yourself to move outside your comfort zone, you may end up finding yourself getting complacent and bored very quickly.”

  “How do I figure out what I really like and what I really don’t?”

  Smiling, he said, “that’s what I’m here for.”

  “Okay,” she replied with a grin.

  “Tell me something. Have any of your dreams involved forced fellatio?”

  Immediately her blush went to a bright red. “Uhm, yes. Very often.”

  “And is fellatio something you typically enjoy doing?”

  She shrugged as best she could lying down. “It’s okay. Kind of boring. It definitely doesn’t do anything for me.”

  “Interesting. And how about in your dreams?”

  “That’s what’s so weird. In my dreams, I’m being forced to do it, and I love it. But in real life, I only do it if the guy really hints around for it and makes it obvious he’s expecting it.”

  Dr. Franklin walked around to the head of the table. “I’m going to drop this section down here,” he said, touching the padding next to her right ear. “I want you to let your head fall back once there’s no longer any table there for it to rest on.”

  Jennifer did as he’d asked, feeling strangely vulnerable with her legs still wide open and her neck so vulnerable.

  “Next I’m going to raise the table up a little.”

  He did as he said and then moved to stand directly behind her. Jennifer’s eyebrows rose in alarm when she realized he had placed her at the perfect height to give him head, even if the position was very weird.

  Without saying anything else, he undid his belt and lowered his zipper, pulling his cock out through the opening. He looked already fully erect and large.

  “Open your mouth,” he ordered in a tone more commanding than he had used all evening.

  She obeyed immediately. The head of his cock pressed against her pursed lips before forcing its way into her mouth. The doctor clasped her face between his hands and started thrusting between her lips. She was so shocked, she had no idea what to do.

  At first he only slid about halfway in. But then he started to go in further with each inward motion. His cock started to block her airway. He left it there for a second or two before drawing back. She was gagging and struggling around his thick shaft.

  Pretty soon he was hitting her nose with his balls each time, but she’d figured out it was like when he was stretching her ass. If she forced herself to keep calm and relax her muscles, it went much smoother. It wasn’t long before his use of her had her pussy thrumming with need.

  He was completely silent while he fucked her face, and the only noises in the room were the slurping sounds of his cock sliding in and out of her wet mouth. She thought he would keep going until he came, but as abruptly as he started, he stopped, removing himself completely with a loud wet POP that filled the room.

  “I’m going to put the table back up.”

  Once her head was supported again, he went to the other side of the table and sat down in his stool. Like before he inserted his finger into her pussy to test her level of arousal.

  “Excellent. Exactly like I suspected. Your clitoris is nearly vibrating you are so aroused right now, and I can see your vaginal lubricant is flowing much more. Your body is completely ripe for intercourse.”

  Jennifer was still in shock from the sudden, rough use of her mouth by the previously pleasant doctor and wasn’t sure what to say. She kept her eyes on the ceiling and waited for what would come next. For the first time, she was a little scared of him. But, at the same time, she knew he was right. Her need to be fucked was off the charts and it was only her mental discomfort that kept herself from begging him to immediately take her.

  Apparently, he wasn’t going to wait for her to ask him. He stood, and without warning, dropped the lower half of the table down. Then he stepped between her legs and thrust his cock inside her. It was quick, hard, and completely unexpected.

  There had never been anything else in her life feeling even remotely as good as being filled to the brim with this man’s dick. She moaned and then slapped her hands over her mouth in embarrassment at making any sound. Like before, he was completely quiet.

  He fucked her like a machine, setting a steady pace of maximum-thrusting. Her tits playfully bounced from the bucking of his hips against her. When she looked at him, she saw he wasn’t looking at her. The expression on his face was the same one you would see when a man was maybe reading a newspaper or an interesting article online.

  He definitely didn’t look like someone in the throes of passion. Other than his cock and pelvis, he wasn’t touching her body. His hands were by his sides while he pumped in and out of her. He looke
d like he was simply—doing his job.

  Her body didn’t seem to care whether or not he was enjoying himself. The way he moved his cock inside of her combined with everything else that had happened that night had her heading toward climax faster than ever before. She tightened up her inner muscles and clenched the fabric of the robe in her fists. Only barely was she able to keep from groaning out loud.

  But right before she was about to orgasm, he stopped. He gave her a quick smile while he, with some difficulty, put his cock back in his pants and zipped up. More than a little disgruntled, she tried to keep the disappointment from her face. After all, he was here to examine her, not make her orgasm. If he wasn’t finishing, why should she be allowed to?

  “Well, I think this has been very illuminating. In both cases I pretty much treated your body as if it was a blow up doll. I was rude and assuming. Nothing I did was about pleasing you or in consideration of you. Yet both times your level of arousal was either sustained or increased.

  Jennifer was confused. “You mean you could tell I was about to, uhm, orgasm?”

  “Yes, certainly. The signs are very clear.”

  She really wanted to ask him why he hadn’t let her come, but he sounded so clinical about it, she couldn’t make herself ask. Mind racing, she tried to think of a way to form her question in terms relating to the exam but had no luck.

  Dr. Franklin went over to a cabinet and took out a tube of something. Then he came back and moved the stool back between her legs. The end of the table was still down, so her pussy was right there in front of him.

  “I’d like you to scoot down a little further please. I’m going to resume where we left off last week with your anus. I’ll need to start the stretching over, but once I feel your comfort level is sufficient, we will move ahead with testing intercourse in this area.”

  “You’re going to fuck me in my ass?” Jennifer blurted out. Mortified, she covered her face with her left arm, wanting to kick herself for her outburst.

  Dr. Franklin only chuckled though. “Yes, in layman’s terms, I will be fucking you in the ass. With your permission of course?”


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