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Paroled on Love

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by Hestand, Rita

  "She's gaining some confidence; it was really low when she first came. Like I said, she enjoys her work now. She still worries about when she leaves here. She has nothing to go back to, and that scares her. But I think she could work almost anywhere and be self-satisfied. It's her family that is her problem, not what she has done. And I talked with her several times and she really wasn't involved in the car theft, she was just there. But she does feel that being arrested is going to go against her when she leaves here, and she afraid of that too. That is where she lacks confidence. She's so sure that her record is going to follow her."

  His father smiled, but there was more. "Now I want you to tell me if there is something between the two of you?"

  Jeremiah looked a tad guilty, but he nodded. "At first it was pity, dad. But, I do care for her. There's a sweetness there that I hadn't expected. I can't imagine a girl with so much to offer, not having confidence. Her parents must have really done a job on her dad. But I'm hopeful. Yes, dad, I'm falling for her, and I know I shouldn't. But, being here is her first experience with a real family dad, and it's made a difference in her. I've seen the change it's made. Maybe it would make a difference in all the kids. But it really shows in her."

  "I thought as much. But you did give me a good break down on her attitude and worth ethics. I appreciate that. Normally I don't allow my boys the privilege of getting close to these kids. However, Jeremiah, you are growing up, and so is she. If her performance keeps up, I intend to help her secure a job locally and offer her a place to live in the apartment above the garage. Your mother's even suggested that. So it would seem the entire family has a lot of good things to say about Leah. Even your brothers who don't see her much, think she's come a long way to improving. And I think you are right son, about her family. They've done something I promised your mother I'd never do to my children, and that is turn away from you. She's trying to deal with it. But the only thing that can mend her hurt, is love and kindness, so I think we should give her as much support as possible so that when she does get a job, she's able to handle it with ease. When someone hurts you so deep, it's hard to get over it. And the ones that hurt her are the very ones that should be supporting her right now. Parents sometimes don't realize the power they hold over their children."

  "Thanks dad, I'm glad you are going to help her."

  "Now I want to know something, off the record. Are you in love with her?"

  "Yeah, dad, I think I am. But don't worry. I've only kissed her a few times. We've done nothing for you to worry about. It's just that I've been worried about when she leaves here too."

  "I thought so. Well, we'll stand behind her all we can. And whatever happens between the two of you, is your business. You know I've taught you well, and I think we've rubbed off on her and her attitude. She's made a lot of progress, so she's one of our successes. But she hasn't had a lot of the background and bringing up that you have son, and you'll have to be patient and gentle with her."

  "I know that dad. Like I said, at first it was pity. But she's come out of that depression she was in, and she likes her work too. She's a lot happier person, but I just don't know if she'll ever recover from the hurt her family has given her."

  "For a kid that didn't know how to slop hogs, or gather eggs, she's sure learned a lot, fast. I wish you luck son."


  "Does she know how you feel?"

  "Not exactly, but there is a part of her, that thinks she's not worthy of a relationship. Something I'll have to work on with her. Because I think she's really worth the effort." He smiled at his dad.

  "Me too son. Alright, get back out there and finish your work." He told him.

  Chapter Eight

  Everything was going great until one day he went into the barn and Leah was crouched down on the floor of the barn, crying.

  "Hey, what's wrong?" Jeremiah bent to console her.

  But just then a guy jumped out from the darkened stall with a gun in his hand.

  "Who the hell is this?" the guy asked her.

  "He lives here…" Leah said her voice shaking.

  "Well, you work for him?" The guy asked.

  "No, his father." Leah said.

  Jeremiah gathered Leah to him.

  "Now ain't that somethin'. You sweet on her boy?" the guy asked.

  "What do you want. And why the gun?" Jeremiah took on a tougher persona now and Leah was a bit shocked.

  "I'm her boyfriend, buddy. And I got a gun because I broke jail." He told them. "I came to get her."

  "This is the guy you…"

  "Yeah." Leah looked devastated.

  The guy had to be close to twenty-five or twenty-six. He was rough and it looked as though he knew how to handle the gun. Jeremiah's mind worked at amazing speed.

  "Well, I hate to break this little two-some up, but she's coming with me." The guy announced.

  "N-no, I’m not coming with you. I won't." She hollered.

  "Look bitch, you'll come with me or I'll kill him where he stands."

  "What do you want her for?" Jeremiah asked out of the blue.

  "Don't you know her folks got money. She held out on me. I didn't know she came from rich stock like she does. I'm gonna hold her ransom. She held that little detail out on me. I didn't even make her pay for her room. Nor did I get anything from her in return. I guess she was pretty smart. Well, when I saw the paper, I figured out who she really was. You've been lying to me all along, haven't you kid?"

  Leah frowned, "They won't pay it. I can tell you that now" She announced.

  "What you mean, you're their kid aren't you?"

  "Not anymore, I'm not. Why do you think I came to stay with you in the first place? They threw me out. I thought you were smart enough to figure that out." Leah spouted.

  "Look, take me. Leave her alone." Jeremiah offered.

  "You, what the hell would I do with you. I’m not gay. And she owes me. You see…I never collected what she owes me, and I'm here to tell you, it's time now. I let you live there, gave you a fine room. For what? You didn't put out a thing. Well, now you will. And if Momma and Daddy don't come up with the money, I'll just do you and then in for good."

  "Why, why are you doing this Leroy? I never hurt you."

  "Cause while I was in jail, some of the goons in there told me how stupid I'd been. Hadn't got anything out of you at all. Made fun of me. Well, I showed them. I got lose and now I'll have you, and your folk's money too." He laughed.

  Tears streamed down her face now, and she was shaking with real fear. "You're wrong, so very wrong. They won't pay one cent!"

  "You touch her, and I'll come after you." Jeremiah told him.

  Leah's head turned to stare into Jeremiah's face. He'd said the wrong thing, and he didn't even realize it.

  "No…no, I'll go, but don't you hurt him…" She burst out.

  "Don't hurt him? Well now what the hell is going on here. You sweet on this red-neck hick?"

  "Please Leroy, these are decent people. I don't want them hurt. I'll go with you, but don't hurt him."

  "You begging for his life, girl?"

  "Yes, I'll beg, I'll do anything you want, but leave them alone. Let's go. Let's go now."

  "Leah no!" Jeremiah hollered.

  "Stay out of this, Jeremiah." She frowned at him now. "It's my business, not yours. He's right, I owe him something."

  Jeremiah shook his head. "You're wrong, I'm in love with you Leah…."

  Her eyes widened for only a second, then she swallowed hard and shook her head. "Then you’re a fool."

  Leroy laughed, "Poor little stupid farm boy. Come on Leah…" He flicked the gun toward the back door. "Let's go."

  She nodded. But just before she left, she tossed Jeremiah a glance, and he saw the fresh tears that ran down her face. She said nothing, but those tears told him everything.

  She'd been living on the edge with this guy, trying to survive since her parents kicked her out. Now he'd come to collect what he thought he should have had all al
ong. How had she managed not to get raped by this creep? Jeremiah ran to the house. His heart hammered in his head. He was so worried about Leah he couldn't think straight.

  "Call the police…." He told his mother.

  "What's wrong?" She frowned at him.

  "That creep that stole the car, stole Leah now. And he's going to try to ransom her for money. He found out her folks have money. Call the police. I'm going after her."

  "Jeremiah, your dad's not here, don't go yet."

  "I have to mom, they'll get away and I won't be able to find them. I've got to go now. He's going to rape her Mom. I can't let that happen. Where are the keys to the truck?"

  "On the coffee table. Be careful son."

  "I intend to. Call 911."

  She nodded and swallowed hard. "Poor Leah, she's had it so hard."

  "I know. I'm going to put a stop to this now…."

  "I thought he was in jail."

  "He broke jail."

  "Oh dear God…be careful."

  "I will. See ya." He kissed her cheek and run out the door.

  He saw the dust kicking up behind the car they escaped in.

  He grabbed his father's shotgun from the inside of the barn door and took off at record speed.

  Carol phoned 911 and told them what had happened and that they were headed west on the highway.

  Mr. Douglas came in and Carol was sitting at the kitchen table, crying. She related the story and he was stirred up too.

  "Did you call the cops?"

  "Yes, they are on it too. Frank, he took Leah, and Leah told him to take her and not to shoot Jeremiah. She saved his life. But now, he's after them and there's no telling what will happen." Carol cried. "Frank, Jeremiah said he aims to rape her first then ransom her."

  "My God!There's not much we can do but wait." He fidgeted. "The cops will know what to do about it. We can't interfere."

  "I know."


  Jeremiah was not far behind them now, but he didn't think the guy recognized the truck so he was in luck there.

  If his mother got hold of the cops, they should be on the way too.

  He was worried about Leah though.

  The cops pulled Jeremiah over not long after he caught up to Leroy. Jeremiah got in the car with them and told them to follow the car. He knew the cops and that was a plus for him.

  "She saved my life, she went with him to save me." He told them.

  "It's alright son, we'll get him."

  "Try not to let him hurt her." He told them.

  "We'll do everything we can." They told him.

  He relaxed a little because they finally had him in their sites. The guy speeded up. Jeremiah was worried now, it looked like they were going to be in a high speed chase now. Anything could happen.

  A couple more units showed up and surrounded the man's car as he seemed to have run out of gas.

  He ran as long as he could then finally, he moved to pull over. But he didn't get out of the car. Jeremiah was on pins and needles; he was going to use her as a shield. He knew it.

  Sure enough, he got out of the car and put the gun to her head.

  "You come any closer, she's dead!" He told them.

  "Son, you're just making this worse for yourself. Put down the gun, give yourself up and you might not have to do any more time. You hurt her and we'll either kill you here or you'll go to prison for life. That's a given."

  "She's gonna make me money. Don't you see?" The man yelled.

  "Money won't do you any good, where you are going."

  Leah looked so scared, and Jeremiah couldn't sit still and not do anything.

  He moved around the cars and the guy didn't see him. He motioned to the cops to distract him.

  They did, and Jeremiah jumped him, knocking the gun out of his hand. They wrestled on the ground until one of the cops leaned over them and told them it was over.

  Jimmy got off the guy and the guy just laid there.

  The cop cuffed him and read him his rights then led him to the back of the police car.

  Jeremiah ran to Leah. She was still shaking. "Why did you do such a fool thing. Don't you know he might have killed you?" She scolded him.

  "I had to protect my girl, didn't I?" He laughed.

  She looked at him and shook her head, "After all this, you call me your girl?"

  He smiled confidently now, "You can't deny it Leah, I see it in your eyes. You love me too." He said.

  "Oh God yes, I love you!" She smiled suddenly and threw her arms around his neck and hung on. "Why do you think I left with him…"

  One of the cops came up to them, "You two lovebirds can ride with Sam. He'll take you to your truck. Oh, and miss, we'll need a statement from you too."

  "You'll get one," she promised. "Thank you."

  As they rode in the cop car, Jeremiah put his arm around her and held her close.

  She didn't complain.

  "So ma'am, you want to make a statement down at the precinct?"

  "Yeah, we'll come on down there when we get his truck."

  "Good. Get that squared away."

  They pulled over by his truck and after they both thanked them, Jeremiah and Leah got in the truck.

  But before he could start it up, she grabbed him for a sultry kiss. "I thought sure he'd kill you back at the barn."

  "God intervenes at times."

  She laughed, "He sure does."

  They kissed for a long while, then he drove her to the police station, she made a statement and they went home.

  His parents were glad to see them both and they took the rest of the day off to rest and relax. But Jeremiah didn't turn lose of her all day. He kept her at his side all the time.

  The last day of her probation, Jeremiah came to stand in front of her in the barn. "Looks like you'll be moving on. Got any plans?"

  "No, not yet."

  "Good, because I do. First we'll get engaged, and then after a short while, we'll get married. What do you think of those plans?"

  "Jeremiah?" She came up to him close now. She shook her head. "You're the sweetest person I've known in my life. And I don't deserve you. But…. I do love you!" She said, staring at him with a smile.

  "That's all I wanted to hear." He produced a little black box and got down on one knee.

  "Leah, will you marry me, because I'll be lost without you, now!"

  "Yes, oh yes," she cried. She jumped into his arms and kissed him for all he was worth.

  Leah finished her probation with the Douglas's and Frank found her a job, working on another farm. He gave her the garage apartment and her and Jeremiah were together every time he came home from school.

  That Christmas, they made plans to marry the following summer.

  Leah's folks never did come around. But she made Jeremiah's family hers too and she never looked backwards again. She'd found confidence in herself and forgiveness in her heart for her folks. Only they'd never realize it, until they could at least meet her on her own terms. She loved them, but she lived with the knowledge that it could be one sided for the rest of her life. Still, she had Jeremiah, and his family and they brought her so much love and understanding, she couldn't ask for more.

  "It's their loss," Jeremiah told her.

  "Yeah, but at least I feel better about it all. I told the preacher how I felt and he said I had really made progress, that by forgiving I had set myself free to love and be loved." Leah smiled. "They say forgiving makes you happy and free, and they are right. I've never been happier in my life."

  She kissed him hard and long and they snuggled.

  "You'll never have to worry about my love for you."

  She looked into his face and sighed, "Somehow I know that Jeremiah. And you don't know how much it means to me. When I'm with you and your family, I feel so good inside. I lost my own family, but you shared yours with me…" She smiled.

  "I'm going to build us a house too." He told her.

  "A house?"

  "Yeah, when us kids marry, dad
told us a long time ago that he'd give us each some property so we could build our own house. So we will, Leah. And I can hardly wait to start our own family!"

  "Oh Jeremiah, you've given me everything I need in life. I never thought I'd be this happy."

  "See, some fairy tales do come true. Don't they?" He laughed and kissed the top of her head.

  "Oh yes, yes they do…" she snuggled against him and thanked God she'd found a real home…with Jeremiah and his family!

  The End

  About the Author

  I’m a professional writer of romance and children’s books. I’m also a poet and short story writer. I’m working on another historical western right now, one mid-grade book and just finished two historical westerns. You’ll find a lot of facts in my historical western romances not the run of the mill romances. Check them out.

  I’m also a grandmother and great-grandmother who enjoys spending time with her family.

  I hope you enjoy my books. Thank You and God Bless

  Rita Hestand

  Rita's Other Books

  Young Adult Stories and Novella's

  Off Limits

  Don't Break My Heart


  Paroled on Love

  (more to come)




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