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Paroled on Love

Page 4

by Hestand, Rita

  She realized he was great at the game as he won the first three.

  "Your very good at this, where did you learn to play?" She asked him.

  "My grandpa used to play with me all the time."

  "Where does your grandpa live?" She asked innocently.

  "In heaven now, he died about three years ago."

  "Oh, I'm sorry."

  "It's okay, he was ninety-three and he'd lived a good long life."

  "You must miss him though." She insisted.

  "Yeah, he was a character. Are your grandparents alive?"

  "No, they died in their sixties. Some time ago." She told him. "They never played games with me, though."

  "Do you have brothers and sisters?"

  "As a matter of fact I have one sister and two brothers. Both my brothers are married and have great jobs, my sister goes to college at SMU too. She'll graduate this year. She's very smart."

  "Do you see them now that you don't live there anymore?"

  "No, I don't see them anymore. They think my father was right for throwing me out. Anyone who would spend that much money for me to go to college and me just throwing it away, I deserved what I got." She repeated, but it did hurt her feelings. "Why are you so nice to me?" She asked out of the blue.

  He stared at her. "I like you."

  "You do?" She looked even more puzzled.

  "Sure, you work hard. You've done everything my father asked of you. You haven't really balked at anything here. Some of the kids we get from court are pretty wild. They try to sneak cigarettes and booze around; my dad was on to them. Some won't work. They go back to juvenile. But you've been pretty nice about everything. Why wouldn't I like you?"

  She figured he was just saying that to be nice.

  "I better get to bed, got to get up early." She smiled at him. She just realized she liked Jeremiah in a different way than the others. Maybe because they worked together all the time and were closer, but the feelings he aroused in her went deep, into her soul. Leroy was a protector, but Jeremiah was a comfort. She was just now realizing for the first time in her life, that good morals and clean living was what she had been seeking all along. She just hadn't been looking in the right places for them.

  He stared. "Goodnight Leah…"


  The way he was looking at her made her heart trip just a bit. She liked him too, but she couldn't tell him. After all, he wouldn't really be interested in a girl that had been arrested.

  Chapter Six

  The night of the dance came and Leah took extra pains to look nice. She ironed her dress and fixed her dark hair so it would hang in the back.

  Carol came up to her room. "Leah, I thought you might like a dab of perfume."

  "Oh, that's sweet of you." She told her.

  It was a very nice, sweet fragrance that made Leah feel much better. She used to have perfumes and nice things when she lived at home. But it had been a while since she'd had perfume. The memory of it, made a tear float in her eye, she did her best not to let it fall, but obviously Carol saw it. She didn't want to go around feeling sorry for herself, she'd caused a lot of her own problems she admitted.

  Carol grabbed her and hugged her, "You look lovely Leah. And I've got the shawl downstairs, in case you need it."

  "Thank you, you are so kind."

  Carol studied her a moment. "Jeremiah's waiting for you downstairs."

  "Do you mind if I go with him? I mean I didn't ask, and I don't know if it's against the rules."

  "Not at all. He said he asked you."

  "He did. But, I wanted to ask if you minded. I mean, I am from juvenile court…"

  "Leah, why don't you try relaxing. Everything is fine here. You can be yourself, and you can enjoy your life. We aren't going to spank your hand and send you to bed without supper. We like you Leah."

  Without a word, she went to hug her then turned away.

  "I'll tell Jeremiah you are almost ready." She said and left.

  When she came down the stairs Jeremiah was waiting. He stared for a long moment.

  "Something wrong?" She asked.

  "No, you look great." He told her.

  "Thanks," She said shyly.

  His parents watched from the other room.

  "Looks like our son is growing up," Carol remarked as they watched them walk out the door.

  "Yes it does. Just wish Leah was a little happier about things." He remarked.

  "She scared witless, Frank."

  "About what?"

  "She's afraid because of her record she won't be able to get a job, or a place to stay. According to what Jeremiah told me, she can't go home. I mentioned you might could help her with that, when the time comes."

  He nodded. "If she keeps doing as well as she is now, I will be glad to help her any way I can. She's a good girl, but I suspicion she's had a really hard time with her folks and it's made her uneasy about herself. She needs some confidence is all." He snuggled with his wife now.

  All the kids were gone and they could relax and indulge in each other a bit.

  "Of all the girls we've had, she's the saddest. Her folks must never hug or kiss her. Every time I do, she nearly cries." Carol looked at him.

  "Now that is sad. Well, we'll just have to try to make her feel more comfortable. She's not a bad kid. And I talked with the lawyer, she didn't really do anything. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. That's all…don't you fret my pet. We'll help her."


  The place where they had the dance was in a big barn about ten miles down the road. Music was playing by the time they went inside.

  Jeremiah was popular with everyone there it seemed. Everyone came up to him and shook his hand, the girls all crowded around him too.

  Once more Leah felt a bit out of place. She didn't know a soul here, but Jeremiah.

  But the music had her foot tapping.

  Jeremiah noticed. "You like the music?"

  "It's great. Old fifties and sixties music. Some of the best music ever made was during that time."

  "I agree." He smiled. "Want to dance?"

  "With me?"

  "Well sure, I brought you, didn't I?"

  "Oh yeah, but you don't have to dance with me. I don't expect you to."

  "Why not. You're my date, aren't you?"

  She twisted her head for a minute. "Am I?"

  "Of course you are." He took her in his arms and they danced all over the floor. And when that one ended they played the Twist. Jeremiah came alive. And she laughed. They danced several dances, then went to get some punch.

  "Say, you're a great dancer." She chuckled.

  "I love to dance and sing." He smiled.

  "You sing very nice too."

  "Thanks. You weren't so bad yourself out there. Do you go to many dances?"

  "Not recently. But I used to." She nodded.

  Then suddenly a pretty blonde came up to Jeremiah. "You haven't asked me to dance once, Jeremiah, where are your manners."

  She was everything Leah wasn't, blonde, blue eyed, and creamy complexion. She had a tiny figure and she was what most would call, hot!

  "I'm sorry Mary Beth. Excuse us," He motioned to Leah.

  Leah watched and the girl was all over him. She couldn't believe it. He was the life of the party though. And he looked very handsome in his new jeans. He wore a white shirt and a jean jacket. But here, he was the life of the party and everyone wanted to dance with him. She had no idea he could dance so well.

  When he brought Mary Beth back, she stared at Leah. "Are you going to introduce me to your friend?" Mary Beth asked.

  "Of course, Leah, this is Mary Beth. We went to high school together."

  "Pleased to meet you."

  "Are you one of those juvenile kids?" Mary Beth smirked.

  "Mary Beth…" Jeremiah scolded. "That was uncalled for."

  Leah ran outside. She hadn't thought anyone here would know, but apparently everyone did. It embarrassed her. She shouldn't have come. She
didn't belong here, enjoying herself.

  Jeremiah followed her out.

  "I'm sorry about that. She's a bit of a bitch." Jeremiah said.

  Leah looked up at him and realized that was the first time he had ever cursed in front of her.

  "Sorry, but there isn't another word for her."

  Leah almost smiled at that.

  "Why don't you go back in and enjoy yourself. I'm just an embarrassment for you. I didn't mean to be; I didn't think anyone knew who I was."

  He came closer, "Leah, this is a small town, and people talk in small towns. Don't let it bother you. It doesn't me. Mary Beth never did have any manners, that's why I wouldn't date her in high school. Now come on, let's go back inside."

  "I really don't think I should." She cried out.

  He pulled her chin up and saw the tears in her eyes. "Leah, please don't cry. Don't let her have that advantage. She's jealous. That's all."

  "Of me?" She shrieked.

  "Sure, you're the prettiest girl in there." He chuckled.

  "Was she your girl or something?"

  "Back in high school she wanted to date, I didn't. Now she does everything to humiliate me in public. I ignore her most of the time. But I do have manners and I'll dance with anyone, just about. I wised up with her some time ago."

  "She's beautiful."

  He held her chin with the crook of his finger, "So are you."

  "Me?" She shrieked and looked at him. But he was serious.

  "Yes, you." He smiled. "I don't want to seem too forward, but would you mind if I kissed you?"


  And then he did, and the world began to fade away, replaced by the sweetness of his kiss. It wasn't a kiss from a boy, but from a man. And he feasted on her soft lips for long lingering moments. But the kiss wasn't rushed or hurried, just thoroughly mind blowingly sweet.

  She moaned just a little and he smiled.

  He stared into her shining eyes. "Wrap your arms around me, and let yourself go, Leah." He whispered and then he kissed her again.

  She did as he asked and closed her eyes. It was like floating on a cloud. She drown in his kisses.

  When he came up for air, he was a bit hoarse. "This could get to be a real habit." He smiled into her face.

  She smiled back for once.

  "I knew you could smile. Your beautiful when you smile, did you know that?"

  "And you’re a good kisser," She sighed.

  "More to come, later…" He took her hand and guided her back inside.

  She floated in his arms the rest of the night and the girl Mary Beth never came near them again.

  When he drove her home, he pulled her close. "I had a great time, did you?"

  "Yes, best time I've had in a long time." She admitted.

  "I'm glad. Will you go to the next dance with me?" He asked, glancing at her every now and then.

  "Yes, if you're sure you want to take me."

  "I'm sure." He took her hand and squeezed it.

  But before they got out of the truck, he kissed her solidly on the lips once more. It was a long time before he came up for air and Leah was spellbound.

  "My folks are good people Leah, but they don't allow much hanky panky. That's why I can't go in your room and you can't come in mine. In a way, I see their point. But I have to do all my hanky panky away from them. I like you Leah. I like you a lot. I'll never take advantage of you. But I sure do like the way you kiss."

  "I like you too."

  "Well, tomorrow is Sunday, would you go to church with us?" He asked.

  She watched them go every Sunday since she'd been here, but now they were inviting her. Or Jeremiah was. It thrilled her.

  "Yes, I'd like that."

  "Good. Well, hang your dress up and you can wear it tomorrow. Get some sleep. And thanks for the kisses. You sure know how to kiss too." He smiled.

  She felt so relaxed, he squeezed her hand and opened the door for her. He kissed her lightly on the forehead and told her goodnight before they went in, and he walked up the stairs with her.

  "Night." He called through the darkness at her.

  "Night, thanks for such a nice time…" She said.

  "Your very welcome…"

  Chapter Seven

  That night she thought about the sweet kisses and the things he'd said to her at the dance. He'd made quite an impression on her. But when she thought about him, she realized it wasn't just the kisses she liked about him. It was his way of thinking. His reactions to people. His manners, his work ethics. In fact, there wasn't a thing not to like about Jeremiah. Still, she had to remember, she was here because she was in trouble. She didn't want Jeremiah to suffer because of her. She wanted the best for him, because she liked him a lot, and she had a feeling he deserved the best.

  The second month she was doing great, getting her work done, and more familiar with the animals and routine of her work. She no longer was scared of the chickens, she reached right in and took their eggs and even talked back to them if they eyed her while she did it. Slopping the hogs was a dirty job, but kind of fun. And Pinky, was expecting. Clarabelle had gotten used to her touch and Leah smiled at her, petting her when she was through. "You're a good girl."

  The horses were great too. She loved running her hands over them and looking at their shining coat of hair when she had finished currying them. They looked so pretty.

  One Sunday afternoon, Jeremiah even packed a picnic lunch and offered to let her ride one of the horses. She was elated. She'd never ridden, but was excited to learn.

  They rode around the property and she got to see where his brothers worked most of the time. They stopped to talk to them and then continued on for their picnic.

  Jeremiah laid a blanket out to sit on and she took the food that Carol had packed for them out and they ate and talked for a while. She had Saturday afternoon off and Sunday's.

  "So, I guess you'll be going back to school before too long, huh?"


  "Do you come home on the weekends?"

  "Most of the time I do." He studied her a minute.

  "So, what kind of work are you going to look for?" He asked.

  "I have no idea. I'd kind of like to work in a store, you know groceries, or a specialty shop. Something like that."

  "Dad told me he would help you find something. I guess if you work around here, I might see you when I'm home then."

  "If I find something, yeah."

  "That's good. 'Cause I like you Leah." He said very seriously.

  She got very quiet.

  "But you don't like me like that, do you?"

  "Oh no, I do…" She rushed to say. "But…you'll meet someone where you go to school I'm sure…"

  "I like you Leah." He said and leaned toward her.

  "Are you sure?" She looked at him now.

  "Very," He leaned to kiss her and she kissed him back this time with all she had.

  When he came up for air, he stared at her surprised face. "I'd like to date you, when I'm home. I'd like you to be my girl."

  "Jeremiah?" She gasped.

  "I told you I hadn't found anyone before. But…now I think I have." He smiled and kissed her again.

  After a few hot kisses, she stood up and smiled. "We better get back."

  "You haven't answered my question."

  "What question?" She asked.

  "Will you be my girl?"

  "Yes," she answered breathlessly.

  He helped her back on her horse and smiled. "Good."

  She felt comfortable now with the Douglas family. And Jeremiah was easy to work with. He also pulled her aside every now and then and stole a kiss or two.

  She did her best to not think too much of it, but his kisses meant something to her, she soon realized. They bolstered her ego, and they warmed her heart. Liking wasn't the words she'd use for Jeremiah. But she couldn't say what she really felt.

  Mr. Douglas commented on her work too. "You're doing a really good job, Leah. We are all proud of you. Y
ou've been one of our success stories."

  "Thanks, I’m getting the hang of it. I kind of like it. Too bad it isn't a permanent job." She said and walked off.

  Mr. Douglas studied that remark for some time.

  Jeremiah had nothing but glowing reports of her work, but his father suspected there might be a little more interest there than he was letting on. He'd seen the looks they gave each other from time to time.

  And then one night, Pinky went into labor.

  Everyone gathered about the barn to watch. This was a totally new experience for Leah and she was like a kid with a new toy. The first piglet born was a sweet little thing and her and Carol made over it. But she had ten and Leah was amazed.

  Jeremiah cleaned up the mess and she helped him.

  Then they sat in the barn and played with the babies, holding them, and cuddling them, and laughing.

  It was an experience Leah would never forget.

  Frank pulled Jeremiah off his duties one morning though to talk to him.

  "You wanted to see me, dad?" Jeremiah came inside and stared at his father.

  "Yes, I'm doing a half term evaluation on Leah and I wanted your input as to how she does her job, her attitude toward it, has it changed, do you see marked improvement, or areas she needs to work on. That sort of thing." He asked him.

  "You've never asked for my input before, why now?" Jeremiah asked.

  "You work directly with her, and you see more than I can. Just wanted to see if we agree on everything. Sometimes kids come here and try to pull the wool over my eyes, and I get a bit more attached to them, than I should. You see her more than I do, what do you think?" He smiled at his son.

  "Well, she's definitely improved since she came here. She knows her job now, get along better with the animals and doesn't balk. She seems to actually enjoy her work now." Jeremiah told him. "She's gaining a bit more confidence, especially in her work. Personally, I think she needs a bit more for herself. Deep down, I think she really likes her job here, Dad. Too bad she couldn't stay on."

  Mr. Douglas took this into his notes. "How about her personal feelings toward the job, and her personal growth as a person. What can you tell me about that?"


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