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Crissy Chance

Page 5

by Douglas E Roff

  “Tomorrow too soon?”

  “No, tomorrow is fine if you want, but early morning. I’ll text you but expect to hear around sixish. In the morning, sleepy head. You’ll be here in time for dinner and a walk.”

  “I’m so excited! I so want to meet your new girl. Any chance she …”

  Adam answered, “Yes, she does. And Noki, just so you know, Misti is my sis, but she bats exclusively for the girls’ team in the Night League. I’m a minor side dish, for emergencies only.”

  Noki said, “Well you’re always my main course, but now I can’t wait to have Misti in our little hideaway. I love girls and Adam lets me have a lot of leeway in that department. We’re experimenting and I’m dying to know what you think of my latest plan.”

  “With our species?”

  “Of course. But we need balance in our partners. Maybe just one, and you can tell me all about what he likes.”

  “I used to give him hand jobs when we were teens. He always protected me; kept the bad news away. I think I fell in love with him first when I was twelve. Nothing ever changed, then suddenly I was fourteen and horny for girls. I think my parents always saw us getting married; I guess I did too. But he was always on my side after I came out. And I have great stories of our weekends in Victoria. Every Saturday we went into the city where I went hunting while he waited in a museum or library. Never complained. Then, if I got lucky, we were back on Sunday. God, I had such fun; he was my bodyguard and my dinner date. Life was so perfect until he went away for school. I cried at night after he left but he called and emailed every day, so it could have been a much worse. And I visited him a lot at school, so we were back hunting again. He was my hero. Still is.”

  Noki said, “Well we have him in common and I can’t wait to meet you in person. Pack light; string bikini’s and lots of naughty underwear in your favorite styles and colors. I have lots of hardware but bring your favorite toys if you have any.”

  “I just know I’m going to fall in love with you.”

  “Me too. Leave tonight; why wait? Adam can get you a charter, can’t you?”

  “OK. I’ll text details. Same place, Victoria International Executive Terminal. They’ll be waiting. Bring your Passport. Anything you forget, we’ll go shopping. Or you two will anyway.”

  Misti was excited but knew she had business with Adam too.

  “And Misti?”


  “We keep whatever this is all about to a minimum, right? We talk about it, the three of us, then we have fun in the sun. Stay as long as you want and we can travel if you feel like it. But no more business after we chat. Promise?”

  “I do. And this project will blow your mind, while Noki and I will blow your …”

  “Alright. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

  “Yes sir. I promise Mr. St. James.”

  “That’s a wonderful thought. I’ve always fantasised about me as Head Master and you as school girl.”

  “I’ll bring the outfits, you bring Noki.”

  “See you tomorrow.”

  Noki said, “She sounds perfect.”

  “For what?”

  “For everything. Just everything.”

  Chapter 6

  Misti arrived the next day at the airport in Heraklion, on the north side of Crete, in late morning. She then boarded Adam’s float plane for the private rock in the Aegean now nicknamed “Noki’s Island”. Her pilot that day was Adam’s old friend and Greek ex-military, Niarchos Spiros, who relocated his family to Crete so he could continue to work for Adam. Adam didn’t want anyone knowing his location, so he took good care of Niarchos and his family to ensure privacy and security. They were occasional visitors to the island, but only the residence.

  Adam had hollowed out a large cavern in the island bedrock facing west in the Aegean Sea and brought in ultra modern modules, comprising well over fifteen thousand square feet of living space. There was an outside pool, and inside pool with a dozen bedrooms and bathrooms. There was a Library, private Study, several kitchens, dining rooms and family area. The family area had a curved couch, thirty feet long and four feet deep for comfort, fronting a massive picture window of military grade safety glass that looked out over the ocean below.

  The view was spectacular.

  Facing east in the back of the residence was a corridor slowly angling down to a space Adam had hollowed out in the subsurface volcanic rock, there building an additional forty thousand square feet of secret workspace and storage. Along with several apartments and his labs, he had a cigarette speed boat on rails for quick exit, should the need arise.

  The home was magnificent and, while Noki liked the hustle and bustle of the City, she loved the peace and solitude of her island. And she had Adam all to herself, never tiring of being alone with him. She had been working on projects which allowed her to travel but it was more of an open secret that when she left on “business trips”, it was to meet girlfriends for trysts lasting anywhere from a weekend to a couple of weeks.

  But, she always came home to Adam. Sexual release with her preferred gender was fantastic but her life with her man was irreplaceable. Adam encouraged her to find her balance with him, the others and their life together. He worried that this life was too isolated, too confining for Noki. She thought just the opposite; she was happy and fulfilled.

  Eventually, her business trips stopped, and her trysts were now in her condo in a Greek resort town only hours away by boat. The happy couple sometimes experimented with her conquests who were often bisexual and amenable to solo encounters with Adam; but these were highly educated, high power women who were talented and working for a living. They enjoyed their time together but Adam favored family life, albeit unconventional. They continued their arrangements with various of their favorites, but most eventually found permanent partners and monogamy was always a part of their arrangement anyway.

  Still, Adam believed in the old maxim of “happy wife, happy life” so, even though not married, in his mind the only thing missing was a piece of paper. Noki felt the same way, but worried that Adam was not happy and might never find his perfect family.

  Adam assured her she was wrong. All he wanted was her; the rest could be aspirational for the rest of their lives. If he had Noki, he had everything he ever wanted.


  Misti stepped off the plane in shorts and a tank top, her enormous tits and cleavage hard to not notice. She was used to men and women gawking; she didn’t mind so long as leering was not part of the equation. She knew she was hot and dressed to please the eyes but never too provocatively in public. She knew about certain types of men and wanted not to attract that kind of attention. She had trained in the martial arts with Adam growing up, as had Cindy and Rod, but preferred having Adam defend her honor whenever they were together. It was their thing and she loved him for it.

  When Misti stepped off the plane onto the float dock, and saw Noki, her first words were, “Oh my God. You’re an angel; no, better, a goddess. You’re so, so beautiful. Thank God I packed lightly so we have to run around naked a lot. Maybe just bikini bottoms. I bet what you have concealed beneath that sun dress is just as gorgeous as what I can see right now.”

  “Let’s hurry up to the residence and get you settled in,” said Noki. “Clothing optional. We’re alone here but we need to be discreet around our man; he gets you know …”

  “Hard? Fast? Yes, I am aware of his body and secrets. I’m jealous, though. I always wanted to keep him to myself. But now there’s you. And I can see why he keeps you a secret. If you were mine, I would too.”

  “C’mon,” said Noki. “Adam will bring your stuff. I must get to know everything about you and Adam growing up, and Barrows Bay. You need to be my spy and informant.”

  “Can we pretend you just caught me trespassing and I need to be interrogated by private security? I promise to tell you everything with the right persuasion.”

  “Good. I can be tough you know. Very disciplined and thorough.
I search everywhere, and I mean everywhere.”

  “I’m counting on it.”


  The girls settled in and as suspected, Noki wanted Misti moved immediately into the Master bedroom without further discussion. They closed the door and locked it, two heads sticking out only briefly to say they had girl talk on the agenda first, followed by a tour and later a walk. Adam could work and they would join him later. He could make lunch and dinner for three, then it would be time to talk business. Noki wanted business out of the way quickly so she could spend all her time getting to know her gorgeous new friend and Adam’s faux “sis”.

  Noki had plans and an idea. She would do her due diligence first, then sit down with her boyfriend and his childhood best friend to discuss matters.


  Adam disappeared down to his Lab and went to work on some new assignments; most were easy and left him plenty of time for his other personal pet projects. After a couple of hours, the girls moved to the living room, drinking wine spritzers and talking about anything and everything. The initial physical play had been energetic, satisfying and sampled to their mutual satisfaction several times; now they both wanted to know more about each other and where each fit into Adam’s life. Misti knew right away that Adam was in love, something rare and beautiful for him. And she sensed the same with Noki but could not read her as easily or thoroughly. After all, they had just met; Misti had had many years of practice reading Adam.

  Noki went first, telling Misti everything. Her love for Adam, her hopes and fears, his desire for family; family was something both wanted, but in just the right way. She was open and honest about her past occupation and her sexuality, as well as her miserable and likely short life span until she met Adam. Then the knife fight, the deals he made, the treatments and his commitment to her every day and every waking hour.

  “He says he has things to atone for; that he has done bad things and seeks penitence and forgiveness. But the man I know can’t be the man he thinks he is. I don’t understand; what can you tell me about the missing pieces?”

  “Adam is different and he thinks differently. Wired in some weird way. Some things eat at his soul; things he has done to protect the ones he loves, but mostly what he agonizes over the life he never had with his own parents. His mother and father gnaw at him and were, and still are, horrid to him; they don’t deserve right to call him son. Certainly, they don’t deserve to be called his mom and dad. You know he’s super close to my parents.”

  “He told me. He loves your Mom but talks to your father, ‘Pops’, every day. I think he would go mad without them, you and your bother and his family. Cindy is also like a sister as I understand it.”

  “Yeah. If it wasn’t for Rod, Adam would probably be making babies with Cindy. We were all close growing up; even Cindy and I experimented at little. That is a secret though; Adam knows it, but Rod doesn’t. And they have two daughters who adore their uncle Adam.”

  “Lips are locked, key thrown away.”


  “I think Adam wants to visit but the situation in Barrows is so tense whenever he is in town. He hates his parents and Cindy’s father, Mark. It wasn’t easy being Adam as a kid. A genius, a new species of thinker some say. Started his company at twenty, then disappeared for a year at age twenty-two. Claims to have gone to Tibet to discover his inner soul. We thought he was chasing skirt but he wasn’t. Won’t talk about it, not even to me.”

  “How did the company run?”

  “Kalindra Wright, his ‘work wife’. She took over and ran the mundane stuff; she’s the only one who knows everything about that time. Adam got back after a year away from New York just in time, supercharged, and built his business along with her. They’re close and he doesn’t make big moves of any sort without her.”

  “Were they, you know?”

  “No. He tried hard; she said no. Not one hundred percent sure why, but it wasn’t for lack of love and affection. It was something else.”

  “And now?”

  “Something’s up with Adam. I’ve been summoned for an event, I’m told; Edward, Anna and Crissy Chance are not on the guest list. I hear that call didn’t go so well.”

  “No. I’ve never seen Adam so angry and distraught. I guess I’ve never seen Adam angry at all, for that matter. Not with me anyway. Tense business stuff, for sure. Edgy, certainly. But he’s a gentle soul with me; I’m the luckiest girl on the planet.”

  “I think he thinks it’s the other way around. I can tell. But the other thing you mentioned?”

  “We’re working on it. He says there’s no rush so long as I’m with him. I believe him. I believe everything is possible with him. Even this odd life we share.”

  “I think you’re right. What about this big meet and greet coming up?”

  “I don’t know. He says it’s a mega surprise. But he won’t tell me about it and we talk about everything. I have to ask about things I know he’s trying to keep to himself; I’m hoping you’ll educate me on what else I need to know about my guy. I want him to be happy, even if I can’t give him the life he’s always fantasized about. I love him that much.”

  “Don’t worry, Noki. What Adam says is what Adam means. I don’t think he knows how to lie, so he just doesn’t even try. If he says he loves you, he does. If he says he loves you madly, then you’re a really lucky girl. I used to be his favorite, but now I think I’m number two.”

  “I would never try to replace anyone in his life. Never.”

  “I know. But it’s a role I’ve wanted to pass on for years. He needs someone to love who is there for him, who can make his life complete in every detail. It was me for a long time; I’m hoping it’s you now.”

  They hugged and Noki cried; she had never had close girlfriends. Now she knew she had at least one.

  Noki said, “Please say you’ll stay for a while. I so want us to be best friends. And he needs you too. He was so happy that you were coming. We even had mad sex last night he was so happy.”

  “Dirty girl!”

  “He’ll show you something I know you’re going to love. We do it all the time now.”

  “Sex toys?”

  “Nope; much better than that. It’s a surprise for bedtime but maybe we’ll preview it today.”

  “Preview what?”

  Adam walked into the room, brow furrowed. “Been talking about me I assume. Planning to boss me around I suppose.”

  Misti said, “Talking about you yes, and as for bossing you around, I always do that. You’re a mess without us.”

  “It’s ‘us’ now, is it? I knew you guys would be fast friends. I love you both.”

  Noki said, “If I ask you to do something for me as a favor will you do it, no questions asked?”

  “You know I will. What is it? Foot massage? Naked Twister?”

  “No. I want you to show Misti your mind trick. What we did last night.”

  “Really? She’s like my sis.”

  Noki said, “Who gave you hand jobs? Let’s get past the faux family stuff. I know you want to do her, so why not show her a little love? This is a nice start.”

  “Misti? You alright with this?”

  “Mom and Pops always wanted us married. I think the answer is yes.”

  “OK,” said Adam. “Please come over here and sit facing me, on your knees”

  “A blowjob?”

  “No, not a blowjob.” Misti came over and got on her knees.

  “Now close your eyes and think of the best sex you’ve ever had. We’ll start there, then I’ll give you a peek at last night.”

  Adam put his fingers on Misti’s temples, finding just the right spot.

  Misti went into a trance state, breathing heavy and climaxing, one orgasm after another. She pushed hard on Adam’s fingers as she shouted in ecstasy. Then suddenly, it was over.

  “More please.”

  “That’s enough for your first time. It gets better.”

  “Fuck Barrows Bay,” said Misti. “I�
�m never leaving this Rock.”

  Noki smiled, knowing something Misti and Adam had never considered. Noki had found her perfect piece of the Adam puzzle. She would say nothing now, but if she got her way, Misti would complete the family Adam so desperately wanted. She had been in his life all along. She would please him and pleasure him, and boss him around like a henpecked husband.

  And he would love it.

  Chapter 7

  Adam, Noki and Misti got started with dinner a little later than usual. The afternoon had been filled with walks and talks aimed at getting the three acquainted, reacquainted and prepared for the evening talk about Misti’s real reason for visiting Adam and Noki on the Rock. Sure, there was the cover story about Misti meeting and getting a look at Noki, but the real fireworks were put off until after dinner. Nobody wanted to start the ‘business’ conversation early; as they day progressed, Misti didn’t want to discuss it at all. She loved Adam and was really enjoying everything about Noki; smart, beautiful and open. She couldn’t have wished a better woman for Adam than his new girlfriend; she didn’t mind Adam’s mind trick or the trysts in the bedroom with Adam’s woman either.

  Before they assembled for dinner, Noki asked Misti if she’d like to go for a walk on the grounds. Misti had been watching Noki carefully after the two had talked about Noki’s ‘Adam’ project and what Adam wanted for the long term. She noted that Noki was very inquisitive about why the Misti and Adam had never gotten together to do the deed, about how Misti’s parents wanted the two to be a couple and what if anything had changed over the years. Did she still feel the same, not about men in general, but whether Adam in particular had been a lost opportunity; the one that got away?

  They sat down far from the residence on a bench in one of the many gardens toward the eastern end of the island. The view was beautiful looking out over the azure waters of the Aegean Sea.

  Misti asked, “He can’t hear us you know. What’s on your mind, girlfriend? I feel like you have something you want to ask me, just not around Adam.”


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