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The Phoenix King

Page 2

by Keegan Long

  “You got to be more specific, boy,” Gibson smirked. “Even though this is a small island there’s a lot happening in it. And I don’t know why everyone calls it an island. We are connected to the mainland by the way.”

  “Yeah, but we are far away from the other kingdoms and mostly surrounded by water,” Carter countered.

  Gibson could only smile at the boy. “The great Kingdom of Horses, Troja, could easily make their way over here if they had ships, and the Sky Kingdom of Andros could easily fly over here with their Pegasus but lack a ruler to lead them.”

  Gibson looked back towards Carter and saw him a loss of words. This made the old man laugh.

  “But go on boy,” Gibson grinned as he continued to walk once again. “What news do you bring me?”

  “Issor has brought five more pirate clans under his banner,” Carter continued.

  Issor was seen as nothing but as an outlaw to most on Thieves’ Landing. He was banished many years ago by Agnes for a reason many still do not know to this day. Some say it was because Issor slept with one of Agnes’ mistresses. Others say Issor was trying to start a mutiny against Agnes and his rule. There are many other stories and rumors on this as well.

  In the last few years, Issor has united several pirate clans under his rule and plans to challenge Agnes and his forces to take the Throne of Skulls for himself and rule Thieves’ Landing.

  “What of it?” Gibson groaned. “How many clans does Issor have now? No more than ten? Agnes still has well over twenty pirate clans under his name and much stronger ones as well.”

  “I guess,” Carter muttered to himself as he thought about it more.

  The two pirates continued on with their day as the sun slowly began to peak above the horizon. People would soon begin going about their day. Ships could be seen coming into port and leaving. Merchants began opening up their market stands, and inn keepers opened up their shop and bars as well.

  Carter and Gibson continued their day by harvesting the wheat fields and rode their oxen cart as they slowly made progress throughout the long day. He continued to harvest the grains and store them into his basket slouched around his shoulder as it grew heavier as the day progressed.

  But before Carter and Gibson could continue any further, they were interrupted by the sound of a large horn coming from the pirate palace. The sound echoed throughout the entire island as it was impossible to ignore.

  “Well, we better get going,” Gibson sighed as he began loading up the oxen cart with tools and bushels of wheat.

  “What’s going on?” Carter asked as he had never heard that horn before in his lifetime.

  “Issor must have gathered more pirate clans than we thought,” Gibson explained. “Agnes has called all the pirates to the throne room. It looks like we’re going to war.”



  The great Kingdom of Andros was like nothing else that existed on Terran. The great city was high in the mountains and surrounded by clouds.

  What really made Andros special was not the location but the animals. Andros was home to none other than the magnificent magical creatures of the Pegasus. Ordinary horses, almost, except the small fact that they have wings and can fly. The people of Andros have established a strong bond with these animals for hundreds of years and that was not going to change anytime soon.

  The tradition that has existed for many years and generations was, when a child turned the age of twelve they were given their very own Pegasus youngling. They were expected to train it, feed it, and learn to fly it one day. They would become their companion in the fights to come.

  And the only way to get into the city on the mountain was by flying.

  Andros for the last several years has kept to itself. It has not engaged in the Terran Civil War that has waged on for the last many years and has stayed truthful and loyal to the High Council of Olympia. Even though they don’t support the High Council made up of the Druids fully, they still remain faithful.

  Andros for the past many years has had no king or queen. Many years ago they went to support the southern kingdom of Lotheria against a mysterious oncoming attack. They were the only kingdom that heard the call. When the soldiers returned the king and queen did not. Since the time that has passed, Lotheria has fallen and been host to a band of barbarians and savages known as The Exiled.

  A small council of elders has ruled in the king and queen’s absence since their disappearance and continue to do so until the only child of the former king and queen comes of age. And that time is almost upon.

  The sun was out in full view today and what better day than to train. The people of the kingdom loved flying on their pegasus as much as they could. Especially the Valkyrie. The elite protector force of Andros and its people. Made up entirely of women and one of the most fiercest forces in all of Terran.

  Amongst these people that were out training was the heir to the throne of Andros and the late king and queen’s daughter.

  “Nice flying, My Lady,” one of the nearby Valkyrie called out to the young princess. “You and Layla truly have a special bond.”

  The pegasus roared at the sound of its name.

  “You don’t have to be all formal with me, Bri,” Emma called back to her friend.

  Emma was just shy a couple days of her nineteenth birthday. Also known as her Name Day. The day she was expected to take the crown and take her place on the Emerald Throne. Not a day she was looking forward to.

  Emma loved the feeling of flying and going out wherever she wanted to. The moment she took the crown she knew that all that awaited for her was being stuck in the throne room and ruling the kingdom she loved so much.

  Emma truly was special though not just because of her claim to the throne. She rode the only white pegasus Andros has ever seen before. All pegasus are born of the color black, but Layla was not. Rumor has it that Layla was born the same day the princess was as well and that they were made for each other. Thus, Emma has also been giving the title as people have come to call her the White Rider.

  She never approved and wanted this title but is a popular name that has caught on to all people across the kingdom.

  “We better get back to the city,” Brianne called out to Emma. “The High Council is expecting you soon. They wish to go over the details for your Name Day.”

  “I guess we should,” Emma complained as the last thing she wanted to do was discuss more politics.

  This was what her life was about to become, even though she never asked for it.

  Emma quickly turned Layla around to head back towards the castle as her long light brown hair trailed behind her.

  The City of Andros truly was an amazing structure that never got old looking at. Located high above the clouds and in the peaks of the mountain side. Other small buildings and houses surrounded the kingdom grounds but the majority of life was inside the palace itself. The palace was big enough to support markets, barracks for troops, stables for the pegasus, and housing for thousands of people. The only people that did not live in the palace or on its grounds were the farmers and livestock keepers that grew the food for Andros beneath the mountain and on the grasslands of Terran. Emma rarely went down to the farmlands but had gone from time to time.

  Emma carefully made a slow landing into the Valkyrie pegasus stable, which was located closest to the heart of the palace. Emma was no Valkyrie herself, but did have the privilege of keeping Layla with the highest care Andros had to offer.

  Upon reaching the stable, Emma noticed that one of the members on the council of elders was already waiting for her outside the stables and sat by the fountain in the nearby courtyard.

  Emma lead Layla to her stall and left her some carrots to snack on before she departed. Emma approached the elder and took a seat next to him as he continued to admire the beautiful stone fountain of a woman.

  “She truly was beautiful,” the elder spoke as he noticed Emma taking a seat next to her. “You look just like her.”

�I don’t remember anything about her,” Emma remarked about the late queen and her mother. “I wish I remembered something but no matter how hard I try I can’t.”

  “You were barely of the age of one year when she left,” the elder replied. “There is no way you could remember. Your mother, Queen Leana, had this way with the people. She loved all the people of Andros as did they of her.”

  “What I would do to just see her so I could remember her face,” Emma dreamed.

  “She loved you,” the elder assured the future queen. “And leaving you was the hardest thing she had ever done.”

  “So, why did she leave then?” Emma questioned.

  “Because it was the right thing to do. People needed her help and she could not simply ignore the call for help. It wasn’t in her nature. Just like it’s not in yours either.”

  The two of them continued to sit at the base of the fountain in silence for a few long moments until it was time to get on with the day’s work ahead of them.

  “So, why are you here, Loris?” Emma asked as she stood up from the bench. “What do you need of me this time?”

  “Nothing too major, Your Grace,” Loris answered as the two of them began walking towards the entrance into the palace. “Just a couple of things we must go over about your Name Day.”

  “You don’t need to call me, Your Grace,” Emma quickly interrupted. “I’m not your queen. At least not yet.”

  Loris smiled but ignored Emma’s remark, nonetheless. “It seems like your friend is really fitting into her new role of captain.”

  “She sure is,” Emma smiled in response. “Brianne is a well fit choice as being the leader of the Valkyrie. She’s worked hard. She deserves it.”

  “I’ve known the two of you ever since you were little girls,” Loris remembered. “And look at you two now. Running the kingdom practically.”

  “Nothing I ever wanted,” Emma reminded him.

  Loris could not help himself but laugh. “Those who often never want to rule end up being the best rulers Terran has ever seen. You are no different.”

  “But ruling means being stuck in meetings and sitting on a really uncomfortable throne,” Emma complained. “Trust me. I tried it out once.”

  “Everyone looks up to you,” Loris countered Emma’s complaints. “The Council of Elders can’t rule forever. It is time you take your seat on the Emerald Throne.”

  “But–” Emma tried to protest again but was interrupted as Loris opened the doors to the throne room.

  As the doors opened the Emerald Throne came into full view. The throne truly was magnificent and beautiful and anyone who saw it would think the same. The green emeralds shined brightly as the sun peaked ints way into the room.

  Emma slowly entered the room to see that the other four council elders were already waiting for her inside.

  “Your Grace,” one of the council members addressed and bowed as the rest of the group followed her lead. “I trust your flying session went well?”

  “All went well, Laura,” Emma replied. “Thanks for asking.”

  “We have much to discuss, Your Grace,” Loris began as he ushered Emma and the others towards the room behind the throne.

  Alright then,” Emma uttered as she followed Loris to the council’s chambers behind the throne room. “Let us begin.”



  Beyond the reaches of pirates, and to the south of the great kingdom of flying horses, was a small village that most people often choose to ignore. Surrounded by an abundant amount of trees, and vast open land for farming, it was the perfect place for those who wished to escape the life in the city. The simple life.

  Yorktown was geographically closer to the Kingdom of Andros, but control of the town fell upon Olympia. The people in the past had pleaded to both kingdoms for help in the circumstance of shortages in crops or the constant raids from The Exiled held up in neighboring Lotheria. But no help ever came.

  Often the Kingdom of Andros would send spare supplies to help but could do nothing more as their power did not reach over to this land. But ever since the Queen and King of Andros disappeared long ago, the supplies were never seen again.

  Yorktown over the years had learned to provide for itself due to these events. They planted more farms, raised more livestock, and gathered more wood. Houses were small but the culture of the people of Yorktown was to always take no more than was needed. It has been this way since the foundation.

  Among the villagers of Yorktown was a young boy named Magnus and was no more than the age of nineteen. He had lived in Yorktown his entire life and has never seen any village or kingdom outside of it. He dreamt of adventure outside of Yorktown day and night but knew he could never leave. His family was here, and he was to always be here to look after them. Nothing mattered more to him than that.

  Magnus often found comfort escaping to the neighboring woods as it was quiet and allowed him to read in silence. He grew up reading the same books as he still does today while his family did not posses anything beyond a few books. The tales of the Phoenix King and all the rulers and descendants that came after him were among his favorites. A time where the ruler would fly across Terran on the back of a phoenix and travel from kingdom to kingdom to protect the peace. Magnus dreamt of seeing a phoenix one day, but they were gone now. Dead alongside the last Phoenix King.

  “Magnus!” a girl’s voice called out and interrupted his reading. “Are you in here?”

  “Over here!” Magnus responded as he closed his book and made his way towards the exit of the forest. “I’m coming!”

  It did not take long for Magnus to make his way out of the forest as he had travelled through these woods more times than anyone could count. As he made his way out of the dense woods, a figure of a slightly younger girl came into his view as she waited for him ever so patiently.

  “What is it, Anna?” Magnus asked the girl as he wondered why she interrupted his reading.

  Anna was Magnus’s younger sister by only a couple of years. She was what people would consider average height, but she still stood stronger than most. Today she let her long brown hair fall freely beyond her shoulders. This really showed how beautiful she really was and caused her to get much attention from the men of the village. The comments never bothered her though as she never needed any protection or companionship. If so, it was actually quite the opposite.

  “Is everything okay?” Magnus asked once again as the brother and sister began walking back to the village.

  “Everything is fine,” Anna quickly reassured him. “Ma says it’s time for some supper.”

  “Oh, good,” Magnus licked his lips. “I’ve been starving all day.”

  “So, what are you reading again this time?” Anna asked curiously as she looked down at the book Magnus was holding by his side.

  “The Rule of Lucias the First: The Conqueror of the Sand Wars.”

  “Hmm,” Anna commented curiously. “The Sand Wars are always an interesting topic to learn about.”

  “Sure is,” Magnus went on to explain further. “Lucias was the Phoenix King during the time and defeated Anubis at the Battle of Anuba. Dethroned him from his seat and imprisoned him at the Labyrinth on Titan.”

  “Too bad it was all for nothing,” Anna continued on. “Anubis still has strong supporters and is only a matter of time until he breaks out of the Labyrinth. He plans on uniting the East under his rule. Possibly one that could rival Olympia one day. Or at least they say.”

  “Anubis is the only Olympian that is left in this world you know?” Magnus went on to explain with much enthusiasm.

  Anna laughed at this. “You consider Anubis a god?”

  “Well, that’s what the Olympians were,” Magnus went on to explain.

  “Gods,” Anna laughed at this. “There were never gods in Terran. Yes, they were beings with great power and magical abilities but hardly could be considered as gods. They were only gods because that is what we made of them. We worshiped and i
dolized them, nonetheless, but it was our decisions that made them seen as gods.”

  “You have a fair point,” Magnus uttered as he took his sister’s argument into perspective.

  “Of course I do,” Anna joked with her brother. “I’m the wisest person you know.” She grinned playfully.

  Magnus could not respond with words to her comment but rolled his eyes at her anyway.

  As they approached the small village, the two siblings noticed that there were still many people out enjoying the evening and finishing the day’s work. One of their neighbors had been out all day fixing their wooden roof from a small party of The Exiled that had passed through the village a few days ago.

  Magnus had always wished he could fight back against The Exiled whenever they came through, but he knew deep down he would never stand a chance. He was no expert swordsman or archer like his sister. He found himself having to constantly stop his sister from doing something rash each time these barbarians came through.

  “Poor Thomas,” Anna commented as she looked on and saw their neighbor continue on repairing his roof. “We should fight back or this will never end.”

  “Don’t give anyone ideas,” Magnus hushed his sister. “You know we don’t have the strength or numbers to defend against an attack against The Exiled.”

  “I know… but still,” Anna mumbled to herself but Magnus still overheard her.

  “And with Olympia not sending any aid or protection, there s nothing we can do,” Magnus continued. “At least for now.”

  “What a bunch of low life’s,” Anna raged on. “Those Druids have done nothing but made all of Terran miserable. One day I am going to march up to that capital and give them a piece of my mind.”

  “And I don’t doubt it for a second,” Magnus smiled to himself.

  Magnus and Anna continued on throughout the village before they were interrupted as they passed by the village pub.

  “Hey there sweet thing,” one of the older men, who reeked of ale, called out to Anna. The man was hanging out with his buddies and drinking outside the pub.


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