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The Phoenix King

Page 3

by Keegan Long

  The man was much older than Anna herself, and by the looks of it, he was a looter by the way he was dressed. A brown, worn down, leather cloak and boots. Typical looter style look.

  Looters did nothing but make life miserable for everyone else in the world. They stole other people’s goods and sold them for their own profit.

  Anna decided to do nothing and ignored the man.

  “Oh, come on,” the man drunkly called out once more. “What is a pretty thing like you doing with someone like that.”

  He ushered towards Magnus.

  “That’s my brother, thank you very much,” Anna slashed back as she marched towards the man. “So why don’t you just shut your pie hole and bother someone else!”

  The drunken looter did not stop. “She’s a fighter,” he and his friends laughed. “I’m always up for challenge though.”

  Anna turned to leave but the drunken man moved to approach Anna and grabbed her by the arm. But before the looter could do anything more, the man was screaming in pain as Anna had quickly twisted the man’s arm and kicked back as he fell face planted into the pile of mud behind him.

  “Don’t touch me ever again,” Anna sternly said.

  The other two of the looter’s buddies began to approach Anna to fight back but Anna had already pulled out her bow and had an arrow drawn and ready to fire if necessary. They quickly retreated back into the pub and left their friend knocked out, laying in the mud.

  “Not bad,” Magnus praised his sister.

  “Nothing out of the ordinary,” Anna smiled back. “About the most exciting thing that can happen in this village.”

  Little did the brother and sister know at the time, that the future ahead of them was nothing ordinary compared to what they would experience.



  Olympia. The busiest, and dirtiest, city anyone would ever see in all across the vast regions of Terran. Not a real attractive place to come live, but it was here that well over a million people called it their home. And one of those people was a young woman who went by the name of Sara.

  Sara had known only of a life in Olympia because it is the only place he has lived and grown up in. She had never ventured beyond the Olympian farm fields or the waters of Royal Bay. This city has been her entire life and nothing else.

  For the most part, Sara liked to keep to her self. She lived with her father in a very small house connected to the blacksmith shop that the two of them ran together. Her father made the weapons and she was the one that sold them. They barely made enough to provide for themselves but that did not stop them from helping everyone else where they could.

  Nothing too exciting ever happened in Sara’s life. For the most part, it was the same routine every day but she liked it that way. It was safe within the city walls, or that’s what everybody believed.

  Sara, on more than one occasion, was always confronted with the question where her mother was at in the picture. Where is your mother at? Surely you don’t get your beautiful red hair and lovely green eyes from your father.

  Sara always had to answer the same though. She truly did not know. She had no memory of her mother and her father always assured her that there was never a mother in her life. He raised her since she was first born and no one else.

  Her father, on the other hand, was the strongest and most noble person Sara knew. He used to be a part of the Olympian Guard and got way better pay for his work. The Olympian Guard was the backbone and protection of Olympia.

  One day, Sara’s father was on patrol outside the city’s walls when they were ambushed by a giant. He was the only one to survive the attack and was seriously inured in result. When he explained, and tried to reason with the Druids, they refused to believe him. No giant had walked these parts for hundreds of years, they insisted. So, they stripped him of his titles and was forced to take his child to the lower ring of the city.

  Sara always liked to start her mornings bright and early before most of the city was up and running. She always loved walking the city streets when no one was out and about, and then finally making her way to the outer walls while watching the sun rise from the top.

  This morning was like any other morning. Sara was already up and getting dressed for the day. Once she was dressed, she grabbed her bow and quiver of arrows. She silently left through the front door, careful not to wake her father.

  Sara began her normal routine throughout the city and saw the city was calm and silent, like she expected. The city streets were littered with trash, animal maneuver, and other evidence of the previous nights events. Olympia truly was a dirty city, especially in the lower ring of the city. Those in the upper ring were able to enjoy a more pleasant and less stressful way of life. That included Olympia’s generals, physicians, record keepers, and of course the Druids.

  Sara began to notice that the sun was surely, but slowly, starting to creep its way over the horizon and just a glimpse of orange could be seen coming over the capital’s walls. She quickly rushed to the outer walls of the city until she came at the base of the wall. There were only two ways up to the top of the wall. You could walk the stairs that were built inside the walls or take the easy way, which was taking a ride up the wooden lift.

  Olympia’s walls were massive and the tallest walls in all of Terran. When at the top of the wall, one could see an amazing view of of the entire city and the sparkling reflection of the busy harbor of Royal Bay. Sara loved the view and it was the only time each day where she could escape the harshness of reality and just have some time to herself.

  “Right on time,” a man dressed in deep red armor greeted Sara.

  “You know me, Boris,” Sara kindly replied to the Olympian Guard. “I can’t miss that morning view. How was the night’s watch?”

  “Nothing too crazy,” Boris told. “Just a bunch of drunks and foreign visitors looking for a good time.”

  “I’m glad to hear that but to be honest I was hoping for something for exciting,” Sara joked.

  Boris could not help himself from laughing. “Oh, Sara. You ask too much of this city. Nothing exciting happens here. Why are you even here still? You’re young and thrive for adventure. You should be out there exploring Terran for yourself. Go visit the elves at Elvenvale. It truly is a magical place and definitely the prettiest city out there.”

  “I’ve never seen a elf before,” Sara went on. “They never come here to Olympia. And I wish I could go out there and explore and see things for myself but I could never leave my father. He’s the only family I’ve ever known and got left.”

  Boris let out a deep sigh. “Your father did not deserve what he got from the Druids. He deserved better. You both did.”

  Sara couldn’t help herself and gave Boris a loving hug. “Thank you, Boris. You truly have been a great friend to me all these years.”

  “I’ve watched you grow up ever since you were a little girl who couldn’t even walk yet,” Boris embraced her. “You’re like a daughter to me. Now you get going on up there. You got a sunrise to see.”

  “Will do,” Sara continued on.

  Sara made her way into the wooden lift as she slide the door closed behind her.

  “Going up!” Boris yelled up as he pulled down the lever next to the lift, and then with a sudden rumble movement, the lift began to carry Sara up the city’s walls.

  Sara looked down and saw the figure of Boris get smaller as the view of the city got bigger. It was not long after, where she could now see the vastness of Olympia in full. She could see all the way from the lower district, where she lived, to the upper district and the Olympian Keep, located at the highest point of the city. It was like a fortress up there.

  The Olympian Keep was where the Phoenix King and his family lived. Or at least did at one time. It also housed the famous throne room and the infamous Ruby Throne. Now it housed the High Druids who took over control many years ago.

  Sara always had a hatred towards the Druids due to what they did to her father. It d
espised her to see that symbol of the burning tree of the Druids hang from the flags from the keep and all across Olympia. She prayed that one day things would change for the better.

  This view never gets old, Sara thought to herself.

  It was not long after, that the wooden lift came to an abrupt stop signaling that the passenger has finally made it to the top of the great walls of Olympia. They had never fallen to any war or type of siege before and many believed this would hold true for the future as well.

  Long ago, and way before Sara or her father’s time, there was a great siege that took place against the capital. At the forefront the army was led by a powerful group of people who called themselves the Mystic Order, which was made up of a group of powerful Sages.

  Sages, just like Druids and Greybeards, were a magical group of people that posses unique and great magical capabilities within them. All these groups differed however in minor ways. Druids and Greybeards were conjurers of magic. They used their magic to conjure spells such as shield wards, blasts of magic, and much more. Sages, however, were only limited to their surrounding elements. They could manipulate and control nature itself to an extent. Still just as dangerous and potentially threatening as Druids and Greybeards though.

  The small group of rogue sages laid siege to Olympia for 600 days. It was a troublesome time for Olympia but they would survive. Eventually the sages and their army would grow worn and tired and run out of food and supplies one day. So the sages and their army would dispatch and leave Olympia to itself.

  Unfortunately, it was not long after that the Druid Order dispatched their own forces to kill the leader sages for their treason and disloyalty to the throne. It was during this time too that the Druids would outlaw any practice of the magic of manipulating the elements. The Sages were hunted to extinction and no Sage has been seen for at least the past several decades.

  Sara slowly stepped out of the lift as she stopped thinking about all the past history stories she loved ever since she was a small girl. She looked over the wall and felt the cold and refreshing morning breeze come in and hit her across her face.

  It was not long after, Sara made her way to another part of the wall that did not overlook the harbor and the vastness of Royal Bay. This view was much more simple but Sara enjoyed it just as much.

  On the other side she took in the view of the great and open landscape of the fields. Just open landscape for anyone to go out and explore. There were several farms, livestock farms, stables, and more located all across the the open fields, but there was still plenty of space for anyone to go out and take in. Sara dreamed of the one day where she would be able to venture out beyond these walls.

  “It’s a lovely view isn’t it?” A mysterious voice came behind as it startled Sara.

  Sara quickly turned around to see who this mysterious voice belonged too. “Never gets old to me.”

  The stranger was young, just like Sara, and probably around the same age as her as well but possibly a year or so older. The young woman had long smooth blonde hair and piercing green eyes. She was slim but the bow and pouch of arrows around her back would tell you she was not a force to be reckoned with.

  “Forgive me for the intrusion,” the woman carried on. “But I’ve started to notice your morning routines now.”

  Sara knew exactly who the stranger was as she has had many conversation with her before. She wore red leather and a dark black cloak with a hood attached. The typical attire for anyone who belonged to the Hunters of Artemis.

  The Hunters of Artemis were an elite force that was stationed in Olympia, just like the Olympia Guard. The Olympia Guard may be the brute force of Olympia but the Hunters were the masterminds behind it all in. Deadly assassins with mastery in archery, and not being seen or heard. Nothing happened in Olympia without the Hunters knowing about it.

  The Hunters used to be only loyal to the Phoenix King, just like the Olympia Guard before. Some even say even more loyal as money did not buy their loyalty like the Olympia Guard. But with no Phoenix King, and desperate to have a purpose in the world, they have changed their oaths and have now vowed to protect the Druid Order.

  “Not creepy at all, Ashly,” Sara frowned.

  Ashly was the leader of the Hunters of Artemis. Even though the group she leads is very little she still is proud to be a Hunter and would never change a thing about it.

  “Sorry. Couldn’t help myself,” Ashly said but no regret in her voice. “You know how I must know about everything and everyone in this city. That includes you as well.”

  Sara rolled her eyes at Ashly’s answer. She knew why she was really here. Ashly has been bothering her about it for several months now.

  “My answer is still no,” Sara said with no second thought at all. “I will not join the Hunters of Artemis.”



  Titan was the last place anyone in all of Terran would ever want to be. It was desolate, abandoned, destroyed, and dead.

  There was no life on Titan and was only important to people because it housed the inescapable Labyrinth. The most secure prison in the entire world. And it was nothing like a normal prison you would find amongst the Terran kingdoms.

  The Labyrinth was a magical prison meant to house the most dangerous people and creatures throughout the lands. It was not guarded by the living either but by the undead creatures known as the Shades.

  The Shades only had one purpose in life, and that was being the gatekeepers of the prison. Creatures of darkness like never seen before that made escaping impossible. Only one is known to have had control over the Shades and he has been long missing for many years. The Phoenix King.

  The overall state of the Labyrinth remains a mystery to most now and even frightens many due to a certain prisoner they hold. Many want this prisoner to stay imprisoned and some even would prefer he was killed, but there are a select few that wish to see him free from his chains.

  And one of those few is Jadyn.

  Jadyn is a young, but a fierce and determined woman. She may be a bit on the shorter side for her height, but it just makes it just as much easier to sneak into places where she is not supposed to be.

  Jadyn has known nothing but the life of an assassin with her sisterhood known as the Daughters of Anubis. Loyal to the Olympian as they see him as the rightful ruler and father of Terran. The group has always been at the right hand side of Anubis, even during his defeat during the Sand Wars.

  Jadyn was brought in and raised by the order. Abandoned by her parents and left alone as a baby at Wilbro, she was adopted and became a Daughter of Anubis. Over the years she has become an expert in all kinds of weaponry but there is no weapon she would prefer than over her spear.

  Ever since the imprisonment of Anubis by the Phoenix King of the time, the daughters have lived in hiding in neighboring Wilbro as they await the day for Anubis to escape and retake their home, Anuba, and unite the East into one kingdom that could even rival that of Olympia.

  Many people looked the other way when it came to the eastern region of Terran. It mostly had to do with its geography. This region was made up mostly of deserts. It was hot and brutal all year long. The the sand was everywhere you went. Additionally, this region was in constant chaos and conflict. Ever since the Olympians’ imprisonment, there has been no ruler or order to fear and obey. Since then, neighboring villages and kingdoms have been at constant war with each other over the grand prize. Anuba.

  Currently, Anuba was under the influence of savage barbarians.

  “Jadyn. Wake up!”

  Jadyn’s dreams and thoughts were soon interrupted as she suddenly woke up at the yelling of her name.

  “What is it?” She groaned and turned to her other side. Her back now facing her friend.

  Grace had been one of Jadyn’s best and closest friends since growing up and being a part of the Daughters of Anubis. She truly was beautiful, but just as deadly as the rest in their group and was not to be fooled with.

  Jadyn tu
rned around and was now facing Grace. She looked and saw that her friend had put her blonde hair up into a ponytail and had her light tan leather armor already strapped on and ready for battle.

  “Titan just came into view. We’ll be on land within the hour.”

  Jadyn had awaited for this moment for what seemed like months. For the past couple of weeks, the group had set sail from Wilbro and was making their way towards the dominion of death and evil. Titan.

  They were more determined to complete their mission than ever before. They were going to break out Anubis from the Labyrinth.

  A task that was impossible and never done before with the Labyrinth’s unbeatable escape record. But that didn’t discourage the Daughters or Jadyn at all. They were determined to be the first.

  “What about Abby and Siera?” Jadyn asked. “Are they already up?”

  Grace smirked at her friend. “Already up top waiting for you.”

  “Oh, great,” Jadyn said as she struggled to finally get up from her bed. “That means I’ll be the last.”

  “Right you are,” Grace smiled. “And you better hurry. June is already up there too.”

  Jadyn’s stomach became uneasy at the mention of June’s name. Things were about to get interesting.

  June was the current leader of the Daughters. She had never cared for, or liked Jadyn since the beginning, and was always out to get her. She was always looking for a reason to punish Jadyn with the most annoying chores and tasks that existed.

  “I guess I better hurry then,” Jadyn acknowledged as she started scrambling around her cabin and gathering her belongings.

  “I’ll meet you up top then,” Grace said as she left Jadyn alone in her room as a trail of laughter followed her steps.

  Jadyn continued to scramble quickly around her cabin and get her outfit ready for the day. Of course on one of the most important days for them, and possibly for history itself, she had overslept.


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