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  Aboukir, Roman medallions found at

  fascination with Achilles 6, 100;


  birth of 12; heir to Philip 19, 25,

  Abramenko, A. 166

  26, 36; Aristotle as tutor 25; as

  Achilles 35, 63, 91; descendants of

  regent 25; son of Zeus Ammon

  5–6; and Hector 85–6, 175–6

  26, 48, 102–3, 110, 113, 119;

  Ada of Caria 166

  relationship with Olympias 27–8,

  Adams, W.L. 171, 174

  41, 42, 49, 50, 55; relationship

  Adea Eurydice 72–3, 136, 171; death


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