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by Elizabeth Carney

  with Philip 27–8, 38; battle of

  of 44, 75, 76, 126–7, 136; trained

  Chaeroneia 31; at wedding

  as a warrior 72, 97; at war with

  symposium 31–2, 35; illegitimacy

  Olympias 73, 74–5, 96–7

  32–3; exile of 32, 35–6, 154; exile

  Admetas 7, 9

  of friends 37; succeeds Philip 38;

  Aeacid royal family 5–6, 8, 9–10, 107,

  expedition to Asia 39, 40;

  138, 188; marriage policy 10;

  implication in murder of Philip

  succession to throne 10–11; loyalty

  39–40; early years of reign 42,

  to 11; at Macedonian court 26;

  43; hegemon of Corinthian League

  perceived insult to 36; and Epirote

  43; attempts to persuade him to

  Alliance 52–3; and Antipatrids 53;

  marry 48; claims to be ruler of

  demise of 104, 135

  Persian Empire 48; believes

  Aeacides (son of Arybbas) 9, 10–11,

  himself to be son of Zeus

  126; King of Molossia 67–8, 74,

  Ammon 48, 102–3, 110, 119,

  81; revolt of army 81, 106, 135

  154; marriages of 49; invasion

  Aeacids 105, 162

  of India 49; Exiles’ Decree 49, 51;

  Aegae 20–1, 30

  correspondence with Olympias

  Aelian 179

  49, 53–4, 55, 56–7, 112; and

  Aeschines 160, 163

  Antipater 52, 58–9, 110, 131–2;

  Aesclepius 7, 14, 95

  trial of Amyntas 55, 56; gifts to

  Aetolians 80

  friends and officials 56–7, 166–7,

  afterlife 89, 99

  190; and Hephaestion 57; death

  Agis, defeat by Antipater 52

  of 59, 63–4; cult at Samothrace 95;

  Alcetas I (son of Tharyps) 9

  religious beliefs 185; Dionysaic

  Alcetas (son of Arybbas) 9, 11, 47,

  cult 98, 100; and deification of

  106, 143–4

  Olympias 101–2; believes himself

  Alcetas (son of Aeacides) 11

  to be divine 102–3, 110, 119,154;

  Alcetas (brother of Perdiccas) 72, 85,

  in Alexander Romance 111–13;

  86, 87

  Roman interest in 117–20,

  Alexander I 9


  Alexander III (the Great) 14, 21, 78,

  Alexander of Molossia (brother of

  86; heroic ancestors 5–6, 141;

  Olympias) 105, 107; relationship

  214 Index

  with Olympias 28–9; lover of

  and polygamy 21; demise of 60, 84,

  Philip? 28, 29, 36; and exile of

  104, 136; Cassander and 84

  Olympias 36–7; marriage to

  Aristobulus 129, 131

  Cleopatra 37; death of 32

  Aristonous 54, 80, 81,173; death of

  Alexander IV 62, 68, 84, 169–70, 173;

  82, 84

  regents of 68; Olympias and 70, 71,

  Aristotle 6, 25, 161

  73; cult at Samothrace 95; murder

  Arrhidaeus (Philip’s son) see Philip

  of 108


  Alexander, Lyncestian 56

  Arrian (Lucius Flavius Arrianus) 28,

  Alexander (son of Aeropus) 156–7

  37, 56, 102, 141, 152, 156, 166,

  Alexander Romance 34, 53, 63, 103,

  167, 174; on trial of Amyntas 55;

  118, 122, 124, 128, 138, 189;

  on Olympias’ feud with Antipater

  Olympias’ part in 110–13

  58–9, 66, 131–2

  Alexander Severus 118, 120, 122

  Arybbas (uncle of Olympias) 7, 9,

  Amyntas III (father of Philip) 101

  67–8, 169; successors to 10–11,

  Amyntas (nephew of Philip) 33, 40,

  143; betrothal of Olympias 13,

  156; death of 43, 72; marriage to

  14–15, 94; court of 17; exiled by

  Cynnane 72

  Philip 29; sons of 144

  Amyntas (son of Andromenes) 130;

  Arybbas (royal bodyguard) 29, 54

  trial of 55–6, 163

  Aryptaeus 67–8

  Anaxinus of Orens 160

  Asirvatham, S.R. 179, 183, 186, 195

  ancestry of Olympias 6, 15, 17–18, 63,

  assassinations 11, 20, 27, 40; of Philip

  85, 86

  38–40, 128

  Andromacha (wife of Aryybas) 7, 14,

  Athenaeus 96, 160; Deipnosophistai

  140, 144


  Andromache 5, 6

  Athenians 9, 178; alliances with 11;

  Andronicos, M. 189, 190

  Olympias and 51; oracle at Dodona

  Anson, E. 194

  91, 92

  Antigonus 70, 76; and body of Alcetas

  Attalids 187

  85, 86

  Attalus 30, 132, 165; questions

  Antigonus Gonatas 108, 172

  Alexander’s legitimacy 21, 31–2,

  Antipater 31, 39, 48, 111; feud with

  34–5, 133, 154; relationship with

  Olympias 30, 52, 53, 57–9, 66,

  Philip 33–4, 38; death of 43, 44,

  67–8, 81, 162–3; military control in


  absence of Alexander 42, 49–50;

  Audata (wife of Philip) 21, 22, 23, 72

  extradition of Harpalus 51;

  Augustine, Saint 124

  influence with Alexander 52, 56,

  Augustus, Emperor of Rome 117

  126; and death of Alexander 63–4,

  Aulus Gellius 119, 191

  110; and Cleopatra 66; marriage

  Aurelius Antonius (Caracalla) 118,

  initiatives 66, 168; alliance against

  120, 122, 191

  67; death of 68; and Adea Eurydice

  Austin, M.M. 168

  72–3; deathbed warning 75, 78–9,


  Baalbeck, mosaics at 124

  Antipater (son of Cassander) 108,

  Babylon: as Alexander’s base 49;


  dissension at court after death of

  Antipatrids 108, 109; Olympias

  Alexander 62

  blames for Alexander’s death 63–4,

  Badian, E. 154, 155, 165, 166, 185,

  71–2, 77, 79


  Aphrodite 93–4, 180

  Bardylis 22

  Apollo 108; dedication of gold crowns

  Barsine 61

  for 96, 136

  Bauman, R.A. 172, 174

  Archelaus 20, 98; murder of 39

  Baynham, E.J. 159–60

  Argead royal family 20, 108–9, 138;

  benefactions 50–1, 52

  loyalty to 11; and regicide 20, 39;

  Berve, H. 151

  Index 215

  Bieber, M. 190

  Craterus 49, 59, 62, 66, 110, 164

  Blackwell, C.W. 161, 163, 164, 165

  Cratevas 84

  Blundell, M.W. 184

  Cross, G.N. 143, 163, 169

  Bosworth, A.B. 152, 159, 166, 167,

  cult practices 89–90; initiations to 13,

  168, 171, 173, 175, 186, 189


  burial, refusal of 77, 84, 85–7

  Curtius (Quintus Curtius Rufus) 77,

  Burkert, W. 179, 181

  86, 95, 129–30, 162, 174; on trial

  of Amyntas 55; on death of

  Cabanes, P. 141, 143, 163, 164, 188

  Alexander 63; on Olympias 101–2,

  Cadmeia (daughter of Cleopatra) 52,

  130; on death of Philip 156–7

  67, 169

  Cynnane (daughter
of Philip) 21, 72,

  Cadmus, marriage to Harmonia 93, 94

  145, 170

  Callas 80

  Callisthenes 102, 131, 186; authorship

  Dakaris, S. 178

  of Alexander Romance attributed to

  Deidameia (daughter of Aeacides) 104,


  170, 173

  cameos, of Alexander and Olympias

  Deidameia (daughter of Olympias II)

  114–17, 118


  Caracalla (Aurelius Antonius) 118,

  deities, dedications to 88, 90–1. 95–6

  120, 122, 191

  Delos, monument to Apollo 108

  Carney, E.D. 149, 153, 155, 159

  Delphi 49, 110; dedication by

  Cassander (son of Antipater) 126, 135,

  Olympias 96

  170; and Polyperchon 68, 69, 70;

  Demand, N. 141, 150

  feud with Olympias 68, 71–2,

  Demaratus 133

  79–80, 85, 87, 129; murders of

  Demetrius II of Macedonia 105

  family 75, 76, 77; return to

  Demosthenes 3

  Macedonia 79–80; battle with

  Dicaearchus 21

  Olympias 80–2; Molossian troops

  Dillon, M.P. 177, 182, 184

  alliance with 81, 105–6; trial of

  Diodorus 44, 48, 51, 52, 57, 67,

  Olympias 82–4; and Alcetas 106;

  125–7, 159, 162, 168, 178; on

  links with Alexander 108; no

  downfall of Lyncestrian Alexander

  popular revolt against 108–9

  56, 166; on feud between Olympias

  Chaeroneia, battle of (338) 31

  and Antipater 59, 126; on death of

  Cicero 118

  Alexander 63, 126; on Olympias’

  civil war 62, 68

  alliance with Polyperchon 69–70,

  Cleitarchus 125, 128, 129, 130

  70–1, 126; on Adea Eurydice 74,

  Cleitus, death of 49

  171; on Olympias’ behavior after

  Cleopatra (wife of Philip) 7, 8, 33;

  victory 75, 76, 77, 126–7;

  marriage to Philip 31, 34; children

  Cassander 77, 81, 106, 108, 127,

  of 35, 153; death of 43–7, 157–8

  172, 174; on death of Olympias

  Cleopatra (daughter of Olympias) 21,

  82–3, 85, 86, 87, 127; on death of

  26, 53, 169; relationship with

  Hephaestion 126; treatment of

  Olympias 28, 52, 164; marriage to

  Olympias 126–7, 191, 194; on siege

  Alexander of Molossia 37, 155;

  of Pydna 127; on Cleopatra’s

  benefactions 51; regent 52;

  marriage to Alexander of Molossia

  remarriage 65–7, 145; wealth of 65;

  155; on Attalus 157; on

  in Sardis 66–7

  Macedonian war 173, 174

  Cleopatra the Great 135–6

  Dion, cult to Olympian Zeus 89

  Cole, S.G. 180, 181, 184

  Dione, statue of 91, 92

  Companions 20, 37, 38, 138

  Dionysius of Syracuse 9

  contorniates 122–3

  Dionysus: cult of in Macedonia 89, 96,

  Corinthian League 43

  97, 98–100; Olympias’ interest in

  Cothelas 21

  96, 97–8, 99–100; worship of 98–9,

  Courby, F. 189


  216 Index

  diplomacy, role of royal women in

  Habicht, C. 195


  Hamilton, J.R. 167

  Dodona 8, 94; oracle of Zeus at 89,

  Hammond, N.G. 140, 141, 143, 164,

  91, 142, 178

  170, 171, 172, 173, 177, 188

  Dover, K.J. 159

  Harmonia 93, 94

  Dressel, H. 193

  Harpalus 51, 54, 131, 161–2

  Droysen, G. 164

  Harvey, D. 141–2

  Duris 74, 96–7, 184, 194

  Harris, W.V. 158

  dynastic murders 45–6; of children

  Hecataeus 157


  Heckel, W. 140, 146, 151, 152, 153,

  155, 156, 165, 166

  Edson, C. 187

  Hecuba 6

  elite women ( see also royal women):

  Hephaestion 133; Olympias and 57,

  Greek 7–8; role in public funerary

  126, 167

  ritual 63; in Roman tradition 119;

  Heracles, Alexander depicted as 122,

  drinking 142


  Ellis, J.R. 145

  Heracles (son of Alexander) 61

  Epictetus 131

  Heraeum 109

  epimeleia 70, 78

  Herman, G. 161

  Epirote Alliance 10, 52–3, 105, 163–4

  Hermolaus, conspiracy of 49

  Epirote army, alliance with Cassander

  Herodian 120, 191

  81, 105–6, 173

  heroic deaths 84–5, 135–6; of

  Epirotes 12, 81; and Aeacides 106;

  Olympias 82, 84, 85

  hatred of Olympias 81, 174

  Hertel, D. 190, 192

  Epirus 8, 11–12, 53

  Hetairoi (Companions) 20, 37, 38,

  Eratosthenes 102


  Erigyius 54, 165

  Hieronymus of Cardia 76, 125–6, 127,

  Eumenes 30, 66, 86, 125, 195; loyalty

  171, 172, 194

  to Olympias 54, 70–1; death of 81,

  Hoepfner, W. 142


  Homer 85, 86, 118, 136, 140, 175

  Euripedes 5, 6, 98; Trojan W omen 47; Hornblower, J. 171, 172, 173

  Bacchae 98

  Hygieia, dedication to 49, 95–6

  Europa (daughter of Philip and

  Hyperides 51, 91, 96, 136, 178; on

  Cleopatra) 21; death of 43, 45, 47

  death of Alexander 63–4

  Eurydice (mother of Philip) 24;

  dedications to deities 90–1; statues

  Illyria 9, 21, 22, 23; invasion of

  of 101, 109, 114, 177, 185;

  Molossia 17; Alexander in exile in

  ethnicity of 154


  Euxenippus 96

  India, Alexander in 49, 101

  executions 76, 77–8

  infanticide 47

  Exiles’ Decree 49, 51

  Iolaus (brother of Cassander) 79;

  dishonouring of tomb of 75, 76, 85,

  Foley, H.P. 150

  86, 87

  Franke, P.R. 163

  Fredricksmeyer, E.A. 182, 185, 186

  Jouanno, C. 189, 190, 193, 195

  Julia Domna 118, 123

  Gagé, J. 192, 193

  Julia Mamaea 192

  Garnsey, P. 161

  Justin (Marcus Junianus Justinus) 25,

  gnesios/nothos opposition 32, 34

  28, 66, 69, 74, 77, 81, 142, 150,

  Golden, M. 159

  154, 155, 156, 173, 180, 186;

  grain, recipients of 51, 52

  names of Olympias 15–16; on

  Greece, attitude to royal women 53;

  wedding s ymposium 32, 36; on

  and Dionysus 98–9

  adultery of Olympias 34, 111, 179;

  Griffith, G.T. 145

  on deaths of Adea Eurydice and

  Index 217

  Philip Arrhidaeus 75; on trial of

  34–5; friendships at 54–5; after

  Olympias 82; on death of Olympias

  death of Alexander 61–2

  84, 175; on Molossian revolt

  Macurdy, G.H. 163, 164, 171, 181,

  against Aeacides 106; treatment of

  184, 186

  Olympias 128–9; on deaths of

  marriage alliances 12–13, 13–15,

  Cleopatra and Europa 153, 158

  21–2, 22–3, 181

  marriages: close-kin 10; for political

  kinship 50

  reasons 12–13, 22, 34; Greek

  Klotzsch, C. 140

  practice 15; security via 65

  Kottaridi, A. 176

  masculine sexuality 26–7, 29

  Kron, U. 177

  Maxwell-Stuart, P.G. 180

  Meda (wife of Philip 21, 22, 147

  laments 63

  Megalopolis, siege of 126

  Lamian War 64, 65, 67

  Mendels, D. 161

  Langarus 154

  Milns, R.D. 146

  Laomedon 165

  Mirón-Pérez, M.D. 172, 175

  Lapatin, K. 185–6

  Mitchell, L.G. 160–1

  legality, in Macedonian society 86

  Molossia 8–9, 52, 67; women in 7–8;

  legitimacy 32, 34, 86

  history of 9; monarchy in 9–10, 11;

  Leonidas, tutor of Alexander 2, 29

  Olympias’ role in 51, 52; in alliance

  Leonnatus 54, 65, 168

  against Antipater 67; reputation of

  Liber de Morte Testamentoque

  Olympias 105; hostility to

  Alexandri 109–10

  monarchy 107

  Livy 162

  Molossian court 5, 8, 9–10, 11, 105–8;

  Lucian 119, 179

  heroic genealogy and 5–6; female

  Lysimachus 77, 135, 172, 173

  behaviour 6–7, 7–8; succession

  10–11; compared with Macedonian

  Macedonia: role of women in 7–8,

  court 11–12, 17; attitude to female

  172; invasion by Illyrians 19;

  rulers 107

  history of 20; monarchy 20; elite of

  monarchy 27–8, 53, 59

  20; consolidation of borders 20, 22;

  Monimus 81

  royal women 30–1, 53; sexual

  Mortensen, C. 145, 146, 148, 149,

  relations between rulers and ruled

  151, 152, 179, 180, 181

  36; effect of Philip’s murder 40;

  mother–son relationships 27, 28

  political violence after death of

  Muses, cult of 90

  Alexander 61–2, 68–9, 79;

  murders 75–6, 77–8; by women 45–6,

  Antipater and 68–9; loyalty to royal


  family 69, 79; Olympias and 75,

  Myrtale (other name of Olympias 16,

  78–9, 81–3, 84, 127; laws 77, 78,


  86; religious cults in 89–90, 91,

  Myrtilus 151

  98–9; memory of Olympias in

  myrtle 93–4, 180

  108–9; view of Alexander in 108–9,

  119; Macedonian army: resentment

  name changes 15–16, 93

  in 48–9; and Alexander’s succession

  Nau, E. 192

  62; defects to Olympias 74–5, 97,

  Nearchus 54, 165


  Nectanebo 111–12, 113, 189

  Macedonian coins, images of

  Neoptolemus (father of Olympias) 5,

  Alexander and Olympias on 122,

  9, 17, 169


  Neoptolemus (son of Cleopatra of

  Macedonian court 57; compared with

  Molossia) 52, 67, 107


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