These Truths
Page 121
historical importance to, 16–18
of politics, 156
Quebec, 25, 84
British and American victory at, 79
Queen Anne’s War (1702–13), 66
Quest for Security, The (Rubinow), 438
Quincy, USS, 508
quota sampling, 458
race, 409
and Constitution, 701
Franklin on, 70
Jefferson’s formula for, 175
politics of, 176–78
slavery and, 55, 56–57, 69–70, 86, 143
and women’s rights, 660–61
see also civil rights movement
“Race Problem in America, The” (Douglass), 356
race riots (1960s), 623–24, 627–28, 630
and political polarization, 643
and presidential election (1968), 632, 633
racism, 530–31, 541, 575–88, 756
in English North America, 23, 24
in New Spain, 23
radical feminism, 651, 660
Radical Republicans, 317, 318, 320
in election of 1866, 323
radio, 421, 422–23, 427–29, 429, 430, 435, 436–37, 465, 479–80, 543–44, 561, 571, 572, 584, 704
debates on, 459–60
in the Depression, 440
fundamentalism on, 460–61
populism nourished by, 461
Radio Corporation of America (RCA), 422, 473
railroads, 189, 191, 231, 249, 255, 333–34, 336, 341, 347, 363, 364
desire for public ownership of, 346, 347
government support for, 338
income from, 406
regulation of, 376
taxing of, 336, 338
transcontinental, 262
Ralegh, Walter, xvi, 35
Roanoke colony of, 28–30
Ramsay, David, 181
Rand, Ayn, 553
Randolph, A. Philip, 498
Randolph, Edmund, 119, 121, 134
Randolph, John, 186
Randolph, Peyton, 94
Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, 205
Rather, Dan, 706
Rayburn, Sam, 568
Raymond, Daniel, 178–79
Reader’s Digest, 507
readjustment benefit, 527–28, 528
Reagan, Nancy, 616
Reagan, Ronald, 540
and abortion, 650
and AIDS crisis, 685
assassination attempt, 672, 676
background of, 624
economic policy, 669–72, 705–6
and end of Cold War, 683–84, 690
and Free Speech Movement, 625–26
gubernatorial race (1966), 625–27
and gun control debate, 673, 676–77
inauguration (1981), 668–69
and Iranian hostage crisis, 680
and judiciary, 684–90
and King’s assassination, 630
and media, 682, 704, 705–6
military spending, 681
and political polarization, 683
and presidential election (1976), 664, 665
and presidential election (1980), 669
and presidential election (1984), 683, 706
and race riots, 624
War on Drugs, 699
Real Majority, The (Scammon and Wattenberg), 636–37
Reason Why the Colored American Is Not in the Columbian Exposition, The, 356–57
Reconstruction, 337, 368, 585–86
failure of, 329–30, 389
Reconstruction Acts, 323
Redeemers, 330
Red Scare, 415–16, 443–44
Reed, Ralph, 689
Reed, Stanley, 577, 579
Reflections on the End of an Era (Niebuhr), 427
Reformation, 42
Rehnquist, William, 580, 644
Reid, John, 181
Reign of Terror, 142
and abortion, 649–50, 664
evangelical churches, 662–64
lack of established, 200–201
and presidential election (1964), 616
slavery and, 17
religion, freedom of, 49–53, 137–38
as fundamental right, 96
Jefferson and, 161
Madison and, 89–90
Report of an Exploration . . . between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains (Frémont), 242
Report of the Exploring Expedition to Oregon and California (Frémont), 242
constitutional convention and, 121–22, 123, 124–25
popular sovereignty and, 49, 83, 122
sovereignty and, 90–91
taxation and, 81, 83
three-fifths rule and, 125, 130, 157
reproductive rights, see abortion; contraception; culture wars
Republic (Plato), 50
Republican clubs, 318
democracy vs., 181
Madison on, 144–45
Republican National Committee (RNC), 571, 581
Republican National Conventions:
of 1952, 561
of 1956, 572
Republican Party, U.S.:
and abortion, 668
black support for, 323, 386–87
business interests supported by, 562–63, 570, 572
conservative support for, 560–63, 570, 579–80, 581
conservative takeover, 658–59, 664–68
and contraception, 649
creation of, 264
1860 convention of, 287
1864 convention of, 303
and expansion west, 32–33
1912 convention of, 386–87
and Nixon-Khrushchev meeting (1959), 589
popular support for, 541–46, 564
and presidential election (1960), 599–600
and presidential election (1968), 631–33
and presidential election (1976), 664–65
and Reagan, 624
rearrangement of, 431
and Schlafly, 616–17, 658–59
southern strategy, 632, 636, 656, 667
women as supporters of, 529, 551, 555–57
and women’s rights, 658–59, 665, 692
see also Radical Republicans
Republican Party (first), 211
Republicans (Jeffersonian), 144, 145–46, 159
in election of 1800, 154–55, 160–62, 164
Louisiana Purchase and, 170
political dominance of, 172
as pro-slavery, 176
Republican Women’s Task Force, 659
Requerimiento, 22, 23
reservations, 337
Reston, James, 629
Restoring the Quality of Our Environment (Environmental Pollution Panel), 680
restrictive covenants, 530
return to normalcy, 407, 504
Revenue Act, 487–88
revolution, right of, 99
Paine on, 95–96
revolutions of 1848, 254
Rhineland, 427, 466
Rhode Island colony, 44
religious and political freedom in, 49–50
Rice, Condoleezza, 745, 763
Rice, Tamir, 767
Richards, Ann, 660
Richardson, Elliot, 643, 644
Richmond, Va., 302, 311
Richmond Examiner, 297
Richmond News Leader, 582
Richmond Recorder, 175
Ridings, Dorothy, 706
“Rights of Black Man, The” (Bishop), 143
Rights of Man (Paine), 142
Rights of the British Colonists Asserted (Otis), 86
“Right to Equal Opportunity in Employment, The” (Murray), 500
Right to Keep and Bear Arms (Subcommittee on the Constitution), 677
Riley, William B., 392–93
Rising Tide of Color Against the White World-Supremacy, The (Stoddard), 411
RKO, 473–74
Road to Serfdom, The (Ha
yek), 57, 506
Roanoke colony, 28–30
Roberts, Owen, 463, 465, 496
Robertson, Pat, 664
robots, 559
Rochester, N.Y., 195–96, 197, 202
Rochester Society for the Promotion of Temperance, 195–96
Rockefeller, John D., 352, 372–73, 412
Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 405
Rockefeller, Nelson, 615
Roe v. Wade, 647, 653, 654, 655, 656, 664, 678, 686
Rogers, Lindsay, 542, 543–44, 546
Rogers, Ted, 563
Rollins, James S., 304
Roman law, slavery in, 21–22, 47, 48
Romney, George, 615, 665
Romney, Mitt, 728, 765, 774
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 428, 431–33, 432, 483, 504, 586
and Commission on the Status of Women, 647
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 750
“arsenal of democracy” concept of, 538
Atlantic Charter negotiated by, 482–83
Churchill’s courting of, 478
and colonialism, 603
convention attended by, 219
court-packing plan of, 464–65, 479
death of, 508, 510–11, 523, 531
in election of 1920, 403, 428
in election of 1932, 429–31, 454
in election of 1936, 462
executive branch reorganized by, 466
fight for civil rights by, 500–501
“forgotten man” concept of, 563
Hitler’s underestimation of, 485
inauguration of (1933), 433
influenced by populist movement, 332
Keynes’s letters to, 435, 466
letters to, 435–36
letter to Churchill from, 480–81
and liberalism, 611
on limits of welfare state, 438–39
New Deal policies of, 526, 527, 531–32, 535, 552, 570
and Pearl Harbor attack, 484
plan to arm Europe, 475
political consultants vs., 457
presidential campaign of (1944), 542
public opinion surveys relied on by, 457–58
racial polices of, 531
radio addresses of, 428–29, 429, 430, 432, 436–37, 465, 479–80
radio debates refused by, 460
recording system, 640
scientific research supported by, 525
at Tehran Conference, 502–3
United Nations plans of, 491–92, 502–3
urged to be dictator, 434
war powers claimed by, 487
on World’s Fair, 473
at Yalta Conference, 508–10, 509
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, Jr., 478
Roosevelt, Theodore, 374, 428
in election of 1896, 374–75
in election of 1912, 386, 387
judicial recall supported by, 378
mothers praised by, 380
muckrakers named by, 371
on need to control commercial forces, 365
on Paris Peace Conference, 398–99
reforms pursued by, 375–76
in Spanish-American War, 367, 374
on women’s equality, 343
Roots (TV show), 660
Roper, Elmo, 597
Rosenthal, A. M., 711
Ross, Harold, 413
Rossetto, Louis, 731–32
Rostow, Walt, 603
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 110
Rovere, Richard, 572
Rubinow, Isaac M., 379, 438
Ruckelshaus, Jill, 665
Ruckelshaus, William, 644
Rucker, Edward, 225
rule, nature of, 15
rule of law, xviii
see also English common law
Rumsfeld, Donald, 746
Rush, Benjamin, 75, 200
on liberty and slavery, 92
Russia, 242, 426
Russian Revolution, 362
Rustin, Bayard, 498, 607, 609
Rutledge, Edward, 94
Rutledge, John, 126, 167
Sacramento Union, 448
Safer, Morley, 646–47, 655, 742
Sagan, Carl, 681–82, 683
Saint-Dominque, see Haiti
Saintes, Battle of, 103
St. John’s, slave rebellion in, 57
St. Kitts, 84, 88
St. Louis, Mo., 333, 522
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 472
St. Louis Republic, 453
Salem, Mass., witchcraft trials in, 57
Salisbury, N.C., 302
SALT II, 680
same-sex marriage, 686
Sandburg, Carl, 412
Sanders, Bernie, 757–58, 766–67
Sandys, George, 36
San Francisco, Calif., 342, 522
earthquake in, 376
San Francisco Chronicle, 379–80
San Francisco Examiner, 349, 448, 449
San Francisco Times, 341
Sanger, Margaret, 386, 394, 649
San Juan Hill, 367
Santa Anna, Antonio López de, 223, 250
Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad, 339
Santayana, George, 361
Santorum, Rick, 764
Sao João Bautista, 38
Saratoga, Battle of (1777), 101
Sasaki, Toshiko, 521–22
Satan, 569
Saturday Evening Post, 507
Saturday Night Massacre, 644, 688
Saudi Arabia, 739
Savannah, Ga., 102, 104, 105, 204
Save Our Children, 661
savings and loan crisis, 672
Savio, Mario, 620–21
Scalia, Antonin, 684–85, 763
Scammon, Richard M., 636–37
Schell, Jonathan, 681
Schlafly, Phyllis, 646, 655–56
and evangelical churches, 664
and National Women’s Conference, 659, 661, 662
and presidential election (1976), 664
and Republican Party, 616–17, 658–59
and Trump, 668
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 553, 614, 691
school desegregation, 608, 628, 662–63
School of Politics, 557
school prayer, 662
schools, common, 209–10
school shootings, 764
Schumpeter, Joseph, 735
and climate change, 680–81, 682–83
and conservatism, 682–83
and environmental movement, 680
and nuclear weapons, 682
“Science, the Endless Frontier” (Bush), 525
SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), 596–97, 606, 607, 620, 622
Scopes, John, 414–19
Scott, Dred, 268–69, 270–71
Scott, Walter, 373
Scott, Winfield, 216, 250
SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative), 681
SDS (Students for a Democratic Society), 625, 633
Seale, Bobby, 627
difficulty of decision, 292
push for, 289
Second Amendment, 673, 675, 677–78, 679, 688, 764–65, 768
Second Bank of the United States, 219–21
Second Bill of Rights, 532
Second Great Awakening, 190–91, 195–98, 196, 345
and alleged Christian origin of U.S., 201
Second Treatise on Government (Locke), 1
secret ballot, 344, 353, 386
Secret Service, 234
secularism, 555
Securities Exchange Commission, 437, 446
Sedgwick, Theodore, 113
sedition, 395
See It Now (TV show), 566–67
segregation, racial, 530–31, 541, 575–88, 585
start of, 330
Seitz, Frederick, 683
Selma march (1965), 621–22, 625
Seminoles, 181, 212-13
Senate, U.S., 125, 157, 529, 531, 537, 538, 546, 547, 548, 549, 551,
567–68, 586
Civil Rights Act (1866) passed by, 319–20
direct election to, 346, 364
Indian removal voted on in, 215
rule over Philippines discussed in, 368
Texas annexation vote of, 233
Versailles Treaty rejected by, 400–401
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 401, 551
Senate Judiciary Committee, 465–66
Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, 551
Seneca Falls convention, 257–58
“separate but equal” doctrine, 359–60, 576–77, 579, 580
separation of powers, 157
judiciary and, 165–66
in World War II, 479
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, xviii, 719–29, 719
Sepúlveda, Juan Ginés de, 25, 47, 337
Sequoyah, 214
Serviceman’s Readjustment Act (1944), 527
Seven Financial Conspiracies Which Have Enslaved the American People (Emery), 340
Seventeenth Amendment, 157
Seven Years’ War:
cost of, 78, 80
global arena of, 77
in North America, see French and Indian War 1763
treaty in, 79–80, 80
Seward, William, 689–90
“irrepressible conflict” speech of, 282
on passports, 315
slavery criticized by, 255
sexual harassment, 697, 709, 712
Sexual Suicide (Gilder), 670
Shaftesbury, Earl of, 52
Shakers, 201
Shall Christianity Remain Christian?, 415
Shanghai, 427
sharecroppers, 439
Share Our Wealth Society, 461–62
Shays, Daniel, 116
Shays’s Rebellion, 116, 118
Sheldon, Charles, 366
Sherman, John, 345
Sherman, Roger, 98
Sherman Antitrust Act, 345
Shields, Mark, 715
Shiloh, Battle of, 293
Shiloh Presbyterian Church, 299
Shine, David, 567
Short, Mercy, 57
Shotwell, James T., 506
Sierra Leone, 135–36, 147–48
“Significance of the Frontier in American History, The” (Turner), 354–55
Silent Spring (Carson), 680
Silicon Valley, 695–96
silver, 347, 352
“Simplified Blueprint of the Campaign against Compulsory Health Insurance, A” (Whitaker and Baxter), 547–48
Simulmatics, 598–99, 603–4, 635
Sinclair, Upton, 412, 450–51, 535
Singer, S. Fred, 680–81, 683
Sioux, 335
Six Nations (Iroquois confederation), 66
Sixteenth Amendment, 376–77, 504
skyscrapers, 406
slave owners, 223
Slave Pen, Alexandria, Virginia, 295
slave rebellions:
of Turner, 205, 206
of Vesey, 203
Slave Representation, 173
slavery, 536, 553, 554, 583
slaves, slavery, xiii, 10
American Revolution and, 93–95, 100, 108
and annexation of Texas, 235, 236, 246
Aristotle on, 21, 47
in Caribbean, 46