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Withstanding Me

Page 7

by Crystal Spears

  “Shut up. Winter made me sit in this damn thing.”

  His head never turns as the corner of his mouth barely twitches. He’s trying hard not to laugh and smile.

  “Thank you,” Shadow murmurs.


  “For…” I drag out.

  He doesn’t reply; he just nods his head in Tatiana’s direction. That makes me want to scream for so many reasons. What is with these men wanting someone and not taking her? He’s lucky I don’t reach over, grab one of my crutches leaning against one of the chairs, and knock him upside the head with it. I decide right there that men are stupid. Yes, they are stupid and I’m sticking with it.

  “Where’s Sniper?” Shadow finally breaks his gaze from Tatiana and looks at me.

  I smile and point over to where Sniper is hitting on one of the sales girls. It’s a funny sight because she’s just bustling around not giving him the satisfaction of even a grin.

  “I give her credit. She’s not falling for it. He’s tried everything. He’s even asked her to be his date at the wedding.”

  That last comment throws Shadow’s head back around to me.

  “He asked her to be his date at the weddin? Why the fuck would you need a date for a weddin?” His voice comes out in shock.

  “Well, because with normal people Shadow… when there is a wedding, it’s proper to take a date,” I smart off.

  “Do I need a fuckin date?”

  Oh boy.

  “You don’t need anything Shadow. If you want to take a date, take a date. But if not, it’s not a big deal. Did you not look at your damn invite for the wedding? It says you may bring a plus one.”

  “Jesus Christ!” He exclaims, almost too loudly while standing up. I watch as he walks over to one of the sales chicks helping Piper. He leans in murmuring something in her ear, and I watch as her face contorts from confusion to a giddy schoolgirl. She nods her head ‘yes’ excitedly as his hand trails slowly down her arm before letting her go and walking back over to me.

  “There. I have a stupid fuckin date. Is there anything else I need to check off for this damn event?”

  “Yes. You might want to grab a bucket of water, maybe even a hose, because with the look Tatiana is giving you… you’re gonna be set on fire.” I growl at him.

  “Shit!” He yells.

  “Dumbass.” I say as I wheel myself away from him.


  Chapter 12


  The construction is finally finished on the compound, and the expansion looks fucking fantastic. Not gonna lie, Winter knows her shit. After the construction crew was paid off, Braxxon kicked them all out. We’ve been on lockdown since the ma and pop shooting and having construction workers on and off the compound made everyone uneasy. After they left, the brothers got busy looking for bugs and cameras. With the new building and the new windows inside the clubhouse, you can never be too sure. I know Winter and the club have paid a pretty penny to have this done so damn fast, but in the end, we all know it’s worth it. Too many loved ones getting fuckin killed.

  Braxxon decided to kiss Winter’s ass some more, and have a pizza and wings night in the new building on the compound. And for once, my daughter isn’t out hiding, doing shit she’s not supposed to be doing, so I guess I should be thankful. There’s that damn word again. Thankful. I need to shoot something. I need to feel like a man again. Too many emotions make you a pussy.


  “Hey Mason.” Storm smiles down at me with her plate in her hand. She takes a seat beside me at one of the picnic tables in the courtyard of our newly fuckin awesome building. I look around to make sure known of my brothers caught her saying my real name and I inwardly sigh in relief when I notice no one did.

  “Hey Apple,” I smirk back.

  “Fuck you,” she laughs, taking a bite of her pizza.

  She looks just as yummy as that pizza. She’s dressed down, and I decide right there that Storm looks fucking fantastic in gray sweats rolled to her knees and a white wife beater with some tennis shoes. Not to mention her hair is piled on top of her head all messy, and she’s not wearing any makeup. Yeah, that natural beauty thing she’s got going on isn’t good for my dick. It’s already standing at full alert, stressing against my jeans.

  “You ready for the rehearsal dinner tomorrow?”

  Yes, baby keep talking wedding shit, so my cock stops throbbing for your touch.

  “Do I look like I’m ready?” I say back as I take a bite of my hot wing. Shit, that’s so fuckin good.

  “No. Not at all,” she answers back as she tries handing me a napkin.

  “I don’t need that damn napkin; give me your tongue,” I tease her, causing her eyes to go wide. She finally snaps out of her shock and throws the napkin at me.

  “Horny bastard,” she giggles uncomfortably.

  Damn. She has pizza sauce on the corner of her mouth. What to do, what to do?

  I lean into her, causing her to gasp as my face comes closer and closer with hers. She shutters, closing her eyes and I drag my pierced tongue along the side of her mouth. Pizza sauce and Storm. Fuck. So damn delicious.

  “Mason,” she whispers and my cock hardens more. “Please don’t do that unless you’re ready.”

  Dammit! Way to spoil the mood Storm. I back away from her, picking up my plate, and stand up. I’m not fuckin ready for no damn commitment. I can’t look at her; I know if I do, I’ll just be pissed off with myself. I hate the hurt looks I always cause to show up on her beautiful face. I walk over to the trashcan and toss my paper plate. Everyone is laughing, smiling, and fuck if I don’t wanna be one of those people right now. My prepay buzzes in my pocket and I dig it out as I walk back inside the building, the cold air almost stealing my breath. Damn that air conditioner kicks ass in here. Better than the one in the damn clubhouse building.

  “Dillan,” I say into my phone as I sit on the couch and dig out a smoke.

  “ZZ, it’s Juan. I’ve been tryin to reach your Prez and VP, and they’re not answerin. I got some info on that shootin at the restaurant.”

  What the fuck? Why wouldn’t they answer their goddamn phones? It’s just a damn pizza dinner.

  “Let me hear it,” I grumble lighting up my smoke.

  “The hit came from the east coast; word is there’s a pretty big penny sittin on five gals’ heads.”

  Two things replay over and over after he tells me this. East coast and five gals.

  “The hits, who is on the hit list?” I all but yell into my phone as I make my way back outside. I throw the door open, and all heads turn towards me. I point to my phone with the hand holding my cigarette in it. Braxxon digs out his phone, automatically knowing he’s missed an important phone call. He jumps up and makes his way over to me.

  “I’ll send the photos to your prepay. Have my money delivered to me.” Juan says, waiting for me to hang up.

  “I’ll send a prospect.”

  I hang up the phone as Braxxon shuts the door behind us.

  “What did Juan say?” Braxxon asks.

  “Five hits and they’re from the east. He’s sending photos to my phone.”

  Braxxon nods and reopens the door leading to the courtyard, motioning for a prospect. Once the prospect comes in, Braxxon closes the door.

  “Prez.” He greets.

  Braxxon starts firing off as he digs out money from his wallet. “Take this money to the location I’m about to text your prepay. Follow the instructions I send with the text.”

  The prospect takes the money with a nod and starts walking off as Braxxon starts rapid texting from his prepay.

  My phone dings and I take a deep breath to see who is all on the hit list.

  “Storm.” I click. “Winter.” Click. “Tatiana.” I growl and click again. “Piper.” Click. Fuck! “Ma.”

  “What are the damn odds Prez that the five main women of the fuckin club are on a fuckin hit list?” I yell.

  “I don’t think it has anything to do with the clu
b, brother.” He says opening the door again and calling for Winter.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I think it has everything to do with Angel. I think that whoever wants Angel dead wants whoever she hangs with dead too.” He answers back as Winter shuts the door behind her.

  “What babe?” She frowns as she notices his facial expression.

  “The hits from the east coast. Show her your phone, brother.”

  I do as he says and hand Winter my phone. I watch as she clicks through the five photos, a scowl developing on her face.

  “I’m so fuckin sorry ZZ,” she croaks, handing me back my phone.

  “Call your uncle Angel. Now!” Braxxon orders.

  “Don’t fuckin take that tone with me! Of course, I’m gonna call that fucker.” She yells at him.

  I leave them to argue. I need to talk to my girls. I walk back outside and motion for my mom, daughter, Piper, and Storm. They all stop talking and make their way into the building. They look at me in confusion as we pass Braxxon and Winter arguing back and forth like they’re already fuckin married.

  “Sit down, all four of you.” I growl motioning to the couches. I’ve set my tone mean on purpose. I want them to take this shit fuckin seriously.

  I take a deep breath and cross my arms. The look I want to give them needs to be fuckin menacing. They need to know I’m deadly serious.

  “Dad?” Tatiana croaks.

  I’m about to speak when Winter walks over to us. “Change of plans, wedding will be here.” And she walks away.

  Thank fuck! That was one more worry I had with this fuckin hit.

  “Son, spit the shit out. I need to get back with the children.” My ma sighs, already exasperated with me.

  “The hit is on the four of you and Winter. It’s probably a Russian Mafia hit, so take this shit seriously. It has nothing to do with the club and everything to do with Winter knowin you. I mean it. You better take this shit seriously. Piper and Storm, your shifts at Club Sated will be heavily guarded. You won’t fuckin leave this compound without at least three club members, got me?”

  I wait for them to nod their heads in understanding before I continue.

  “Tatiana, I swear I will fuckin tan your ass if you leave without at least three men at any time. Do you fuckin get me kid?”

  “Yeah dad, I understand.” She whispers wiping a tear from her eye. Everyone hates when lockdown gets even heavier. Not to mention someone wants her dead. Hate to say it but I’m glad my kid is crying. It means she understands.

  “Ma,” I begin to say and she holds up her hand.

  “I won’t leave without James.” She answers.



  Chapter 13

  It’s a Breakneck Wedding Chapter

  Part One


  I watch as Winter and Braxxon exchange their vowels. The wedding so far has gone off without a hitch. The guest list did get cut in half due to the lockdown because Braxxon made Winter compromise. Either get married by the Justice of Peace or cut the guest list down. The rehearsal was hilarious. Picture getting a bunch of biker men trying to line up and walk the right person down the aisle. Funny shit. I’ve never seen Winter get so red in the face. She was clearly frustrated with them and trying not to blow a lid. I love the color scheme she picked out though. It screams Breakneck, red and black everything, even the roses and her dress match.

  The preacher says you may now kiss your bride, and Braxxon literally jerks Winter to him roughly and ascends an assault on her. The guests laugh and cheer as he continues to tongue her to death in front of everyone. The preacher sighs and calmly folds his bible up waiting for them to finish so that he may announce them. Finally, Winter slaps Braxxon’s shoulder, and he lets go of her. I look over at ZZ to find him watching me…



  My palms are fuckin sweatin like a motherfucker right now. In just a minute, I’ll have to escort Storm down the aisle. I don’t need to get a boner in this damn tuxedo. I’m still pissed off Winter made us wear this shit. I’m a fuckin biker; we don’t wear tuxedos. Thank fuck we’re allowed to change for the reception. My mind goes back to Storm. Beautiful, hot, sexy Storm. I’ve made my mind up that she also looks fuckin delicious in red. Sinfully fuckin delicious, like an apple. Just like her name. You know when you look at a plump, fresh apple, and your mouth starts watering as your mind thinks about how fucking good it is? Storm looks like that right now. Fuck yeah she does.

  I revert my attention back to Braxxon who is mauling the hell outta Winter. He looks fuckin happy. I can’t believe he gave up all the pussy in the world for just one. Must be one hell of a lay.


  I bet she’s awesome in the sack, and up against a wall, and on a counter, and on my bike, or in the shower. Dammit!

  I look back over at her. Why can’t I stop fuckin lookin at her? Shit. She just caught my ass. As if I haven’t lead the bitch on enough. Dammit, it’s time to walk down the aisle now.



  Tatiana and I are the last to follow down the aisle after the ceremony is over. As soon as I lace my arm with hers, I immediately wanna pull it away. She’s stiff and doesn’t want me near her, and I don’t fuckin blame her. I’ve pissed her off by askin that chick from the dress store to come here with me as my date. I didn’t wanna bring a stupid fuckin date. But damn Storm said I should have one. If Tatiana would only understand that little Barbie bitch isn’t even gonna get a kiss from me, she would understand.

  I don’t do regular chicks. Prim, proper bitches don’t get my motor runner. I just have certain tastes and needs. Little Barbie just wouldn’t cut it.

  We’re standing in a line as the guests say their congrats and shit to Winter and Braxxon, and Tatiana is barely smiling as people shake our hands.

  “Stop lookin at me Shadow. I can feel your eyes on me every damn time. Go play with Miss America!” T growls at me, before stepping outta line and going inside.


  The entire stupid bridal party is lookin at me.

  I force a smile, which I never fuckin do; smilin is for the damn birds, and I walk inside to try patching things up with T.



  I’m laughing alongside Piper when I hear Tatiana start going off on Shadow. Piper and I stop to listen and watch as Tatiana storms off. Piper shrugs and just smiles at me. I love this girl. She’s fucking awesome. She’s free spirited, and if I were a chick, I would say that she’s also my best friend. She’s not afraid to laugh, get dirty, cry, have a little fun; she’s just fuckin awesome. When I told her about the chick in the dress store turning me down, she just smiled and said ‘you can’t get them all Snipe’. I then replied with ‘yes I can’.

  “I’m ready to get the hell outta these heels,” Piper groans.

  I look down at her feet. “No. Don’t. Those are some hot shoes.”

  “Hot, but a fuckin pain in my butt cheeks.”

  “What?” I laugh.

  “My ass cheeks hurt. Swear they do. Every time I take a step, it feels like my ass muscles are pulling.”

  “You’re a nut,” I laugh as I jerk her into a hug and kiss her forehead. She groans, wiping off my slobber.

  “That’s why you love me,” she says, seriously.

  “Very true,” I reply.



  If Sniper slobbers on my forehead one more time, I’m liable to rip off his tongue. I love the dude, but dammit, I hate when he does that. He does it all slobbery on purpose. He knows it pisses me off.

  He’s lucky I love him.

  We’re the fun ones outta the group, both searching for love while living our life to the fullest. It wasn’t a shock when Sniper and I hit it off. He’s a talker, and I love a man that’s a talker. Sniper’s not afraid to show that he’s a badass that has a heart. That’s what makes him the most different outta this bunch. He cares, and he’s not
afraid to show it. He’s also a deadly fuckin weapon. Watching him shoot guns in the desert is one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen. When he parts his legs, his jeans hanging low, and his boxers show… sexiest thing ever!

  “I’m ready for a damn shot,” he says, grabbing my hand and dragging me off towards the bar setup outside.

  “I’m going to change my damn shoes,” I grumble, trying to jerk free.

  “No, you’re not.” He grips at me tighter.

  “You’re being a bastard.” I grit out.

  “But that’s why you love me,” he jokes.

  “Very true,” I repeat his words to me.



  I’m rapping when a blonde comes to sit next to me at my table. She’s the chick that came in with Shadow. Where the fuck is he anyways?

  “You’re a white rapper?” She asks.


  I stick out my hand and greet her. “I’m Rap.” She takes my hand in hers, and I shake it. I have manners dammit.

  “Nice to meet you Rap. I’m Alice.” Hmm. Not sure the name fits her.

  “To answer your question, yes I rap. Hence the name. Where’s your date?”

  Yes, I’m a forward guy. It’s best just to cut through all the bullshit.

  “He went chasing after some girl. I don’t care though. It’s interesting to see how… to see how bikers might celebrate a wedding.” Ah, I knew I smelled a nosey bitch.

  “Is that the only reason you came with Shadow?” I smart off.

  “That and he’s hot.” She shrugs.

  The door flings open and Tatiana storms out into the courtyard straight towards ZZ. Oh shit!

  “Dad, get your fuckin boy away from me. I’m seriously gonna fuckin leave if you don’t.”

  Dammit, Shadow. Just leave the damn girl alone. He’s causing a scene. Fuck, I may be a new member and young, but shit, it’s a fuckin wedding for Christ’s sakes.

  Shadow walks up beside them and crosses his arms. “All she’s gotta do is tell me she’s okay and I’ll leave her alone.” He says, causing Tatiana to jump.

  “Jesus, stop doing that! What is wrong with you?” she shrieks.

  I gotta admit the fucker is a pretty damn sneaky bastard.


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