Book Read Free

Withstanding Me

Page 6

by Crystal Spears

  He looks absolutely terrified.

  I go to reach for him and I regret it the moment I move; a cry rips from my throat and ZZ’s head snaps up.

  “Regretting it yet, bro?” Pyro kneels down beside ZZ.

  What the hell? Regret what?

  “Shut the fuck up, Pyro. I don’t need your shit right now,” ZZ grumbles.

  “You need to move ZZ. The EMT’s need to get to her.” Pyro pats him on the shoulder in that way that only guys fucking understand.

  I didn’t even see the EMT’s come in. Wow, I’m either way out of it or ZZ just has that kind of pull on me.

  “Ma’am, do you know your name?” An EMT says bending down and flashing a light into my eyes.

  “Yes, but that doesn’t mean I need to give it to you,” I smirk.

  “Storm…,” ZZ warns.

  “No fuckin way am I giving him my real name. You can’t fuckin make me.”

  He’s stupid if he thinks I’m gonna embarrass my ass like that. Hanging with these bikers is ruining my vocabulary with curse words.

  “Apple Martini is her name. Don’t question it; just write the shit down. It’s her real name,” ZZ warns.

  The other EMT coughs and I throw daggers at him through my dazed state.

  They go through the motions of checking my vitals and accessing my wounds, and are about to lift me on a stretcher when ZZ and Pyro shake them away.

  “We… got… this,” ZZ growls.

  He’s being a pain in the ass.

  “Be careful not to move the shards in her leg,” one of the EMT guys point out.

  Shards? As in more than one?


  “I’m not gonna hurt her,” he responds.

  More than he already has, I want to add, but I decide that wouldn’t be a good thing to say right now. He looks ready to kill and the EMT’s wouldn’t know I’m talkin mentally.

  “Hurry the hell up would ya. I’m in a lot of pain here,” I groan.

  They finally stop the pissing match long enough to lay me flat on the stretcher and strap me in. My body feels cold and I express that to the EMT’s because I really don’t know what kind of blood I’ve lost.

  “I’ll meet you at the hospital, baby,” ZZ whispers against my forehead.

  “Yeah, okay.”

  I shut my eyes as they wheel me away.

  Chapter 10


  I watch as they take Storm out to the ambulance. I have all these fucked up emotions rollin through me right now. I’m not good with emotions. Not used to them. I can’t believe she saved my daughter’s life. She risked her own life to save my daughters, like her life wasn’t worth something too. I don’t understand it. I’m fuckin thankful. Don’t get me wrong, I am. But. What. The. Fuck?

  “ZZ, go to the hospital. I’ll take Tatiana back to the compound.” Shadow says, standing next to me.

  I rub my temples before sliding my shades back over my eyes. Too many emotions flying across my eyes right now for all to see. My daughter grabs my arm, forcing my attention to her. “Go Dad, I’ll be fine. She needs someone.”

  I embrace my daughter one more time before heading out. I feel for Braxxon having to clean up this shit. I hate talking with cops, but then again, who doesn’t? Not one person utters a word to me or looks in my direction as I leave the ma and pop restaurant. Not even the cops. I wonder what facial expression is showing on my face. It must be pretty fucking scary if they won’t even look at me.

  I reach for my cross and grip it tightly as I straddle m’lady. I’m not all that religious, but I do believe in a higher power. That’s all I’m gonna say. The entire ride to the hospital goes by in a blur. I don’t know if it was my mind or the speed I was going, but something was going a hundred miles an hour. I guess I’ll say it was both, my mind and my bike.

  When I walk in to the hospital, my entire body shudders as I spot the old receptionist. If I have to flirt with her to get the information I need, I’m gonna be pissed.

  I clear my throat before I speak, lift my shades up, and decide to take a direct approach first to see where that gets me. “Hi, I’m looking for the woman they just brought in by ambulance. Her name is Apple Martini.”

  The gray haired woman looks up and smiles, her stained false teeth straight horrifying the fuck outta me.

  “Are you a relative?” she rasps.

  “No ma’am,” I say honestly and nicely. The older ones like respect. “But I’m the only family she’s got.”

  She smiles even wider before typing on her computer.

  “Ah, yes. They’ve already schedule her for surgery. She’s being prepped.”

  The old woman grabs a brochure looking thing and uses a pen to draw a few lines. When she hands it to me, I feel almost like a dumbass that I thought it was a brochure. It’s a fucking hospital map.

  “Follow that path I drew you young man. It will getcha where you need to go.”

  “Thank you,” I tell her before walking away. I’m not usually such a thankful person. But today I am. Storm saved my daughter’s life and this old woman treated me like a normal person.

  Another reason to be thankful added to today’s ever-growing fucking list is because if that old receptionist hadn’t drawn a follow-me-idiot line, my ass would’ve gotten lost. Two elevator rides and about ten hallways later, I reach the nurses station in the O.R. wing.

  Dammit! It’s a guy nurse.

  “I’m looking for information on my friend Apple Martini,” I say heavily, almost too forceful.

  “Just one moment,” he says, not even looking up at me.

  “Listen, I don’t have one fucking moment. She’s someone I care about and she just took some glass in the fuckin leg savin my daughter,” I grit out.

  Douchebag looks up rather angrily, but that look fades as he takes in my appearance. Yeah, that’s right you little fucker. I’m a biker and yes, you probably recognize my cut.

  “Well hello, darlin,” he whistles.

  What. The. Fuck! I don’t fuckin think so. Oh hell no!

  “Stop lookin at me like I’m your favorite piece of fuckin’ candy and give me the fuckin information I asked for.” I snap out.

  I’m not homophobic but damn, this is his job, and he’s sitting here bluntly checking me out.

  Nothing is detouring this idiot from staring at me. I really hate to get mean right now. Just not in the damn mood.

  “Look man, I’m flattered truly. But I don’t swing the corndog way, okay. I love regular hot dog buns if you get what I’m saying.”

  There. That was nice enough, right?

  He tsk’s a few times. “What a shame that is.” His eyes still roaming my body.

  “The information,” I growl. I’ve lost my patience. I’ve never really had any to begin with. If I weren’t being a thankful fucking person today, I would’ve already snatched this little prick up by the collar and smashed his head in the desk by now.

  He clucks his tongue, writing on a post it note, a bright pink one I might add, and then hands it to me.

  “Go to the room I wrote down and wait for her to come out of surgery. They usually make you wait in the waiting room, but I wouldn’t get any work done with your fine ass sitting there.”

  And I wouldn’t have any patience with you staring at me either fucknut.

  I don’t say thank you. I might’ve said thank you if the bastard wasn’t hitting on me. I mean I’m a biker, yeah, I get that, but even I know a fucking hospital is a shit place to be flirtin. People die and shit in here. I can feel his eyes on my damn ass as I walk away towards the room he wrote down.

  I shut the door and leave the lights off as I enter the room, and take a seat in the green plastic chair in the corner. I don’t see a bed in here, and I remember ma’s stay at the hospital; they wheeled her everywhere in that damn thing when she had surgery. She had to have her appendix removed. Fun time that was. Dad was a mess; he didn’t calm down until the doctor had told him how many people have it done a year. After t
hat, he finally breathed.

  I must be exhausted with the clock on the wall ticking loudly; I start to dose off in the cold hospital chair.



  My eyes flutter open and I sigh in relief when I discover the room isn’t bright. I hear murmuring on the right side of me and try to crook my head through my drug-induced state to the sound. It’s ZZ talking with a doctor. I strain my hearing and try to focus on their words.

  “So she’ll be okay?” ZZ asks the doctor.

  “She’ll heal just fine. The fragment of glass barely punctured an artery.”

  “But she bled a lot,” he says back to the doctor.

  The doctor chuckles, amused with ZZ, I guess.

  “Have you ever noticed a small cut bleed a lot, son?”

  ZZ nods a yes.

  “There you go then. She had a bunch of small cuts and one very large one.”

  “Right, so what did you do to her in surgery?” he asks.

  “Well, the large glass that was sticking out of her thigh was mostly stuck in flesh, fatty tissue. The tip grazed an artery. She was lucky. The artery only needed just a few stitches. The main wound to the flesh of her thigh was our worry after we stitched up the artery. We needed to make sure the wound was cleaned and stitched correctly to lower her risk of infection.”

  “And did you do just that? I mean is she infection risk free or whatever?”

  I notice the doctor smile at him.

  “Son, she’ll be fine as long as she keeps it clean and rested. She doesn’t need to walk much during the first few days.” The doctor answers back.

  “Okay, when does she get to go home?”

  “Tomorrow, as long as she stays fever free.”

  “Thanks doc,” ZZ murmurs while rubbing his jaw. ZZ actually looks stressed out and worried. “Look, I’m gonna give it to you straight here. I’m not leaving her side, and don’t be surprised when at least two more of my kind show up here.”

  I gasp drawing their attention to me. ZZ’s eyes light up and the doctor comes walking over.

  “How are you feeling Miss. Martini?” he asks, shining a light in my eyes.

  “Call me Storm please, and I feel fine, just a little drugged,” I whisper. “I heard you talking about my surgery and the aftercare needed. I don’t need you to explain it again.”

  “Very well, press that button for a nurse, and they’ll get you whatever you need. If all goes well you’ll be leaving here tomorrow morning with a few prescriptions. I’ll be back in just a few to check on you.”

  “Thank you, doctor.”

  I look at ZZ as he drags the chair over to the side of my bed and takes a seat.

  “How long was I asleep?”

  “Only a few hours. You know I’m pissed at you right?” ZZ laughs. Like I can really believe he’s pissed at me when he’s laughing.


  “Tatiana may be my daughter Storm, but your life has the same value as hers. Don’t get me wrong babe, thankful as fuck that you did that for my daughter, but shit. I dunno. I’m just torn about it all.” He blows out a breath leaning back in the chair.

  “I think that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me, Mason.” I smile.

  “Jesus,” he curses.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Even after a surgery you look fuckin beautiful,” he huffs, as if he’s annoyed by it.

  “Number two compliment. You’re on a roll,” I giggle.

  A knock on the door stops my giggling as ZZ jumps up and I crane my neck to see who is knocking.

  When the door opens all the way, Winter rushes in knocking ZZ outta the way. Braxxon follows behind her.

  “Well you look good, so everything’s good?” Winter’s words come out in a rush as she assesses my entire body.

  “Just some stitches and a small surgery, no biggie.” I smile, feeling loved.

  Her eyes go wide. “Surgery?” She cries.

  “No, no just a small surgery to stitch up an artery. No big deal.”

  “Whatever, you’re gonna start carrying,” she says, sitting down in ZZ’s chair.

  “Carrying what?”

  “A gun, silly,” she says, in a duh tone.

  “Um no,” I say back.

  “Yes!” All three of them say.

  I look to the guys and can see their minds are already set. My ass will be learning how to shoot so I can carry a gun. Lovely.

  “So who shot at us?” I say, dropping the subject of me carrying a gun.

  “Braxxon has calls made,” she says simply.

  And that’s it. She’s curt, so I know to drop it and let the Club handle it.

  “I’m gonna cancel the dress fitting and reschedule it for another day,” Winter says.

  “No, I get out tomorrow. I might be gimpy but we are still doing it and that’s it. Don’t push me.”

  “Angel,” Braxxon growls.

  “Don’t start Braxx; send Sniper with us for all I care. We’re not canceling anything just because some idiots with a gun are trying to kill us. I’m not gonna hide with my ass tucked like a fuckin pussy.” She practically yells at him.

  “What she said,” I agree, out loud.

  I’m not going to stop living my life. It’s too short for that.

  “Angel you’re wearing on me thin, baby,” Braxxon growls.

  ZZ sighs from across the room. “Storm needs rest can ya’ll take your couple spits somewhere fuckin else.”

  “I’m fine,” I try to assure him.

  “Darlin,” he sighs again.

  “No, he’s right. We need to get going anyways. Club is going on lockdown and all that shit. Gotta help get groceries with Berry and being as Braxxon isn’t letting us travel alone, I want to get this shit done and over with. The sound of construction is going to be lovely.” Winter smarts off.

  “But worth it,” I say, putting my two cents in.

  “Yes, worth it,” she agrees, leaning down to hug me goodbye. “They finish tomorrow anyways. Love you.”

  “Love you, too.” I say back and wave to Braxxon.

  “Can you send Sniper here when you’re done with him? I want that hall covered while we’re in here. And can you make sure someone at least tries to tail Tatiana right now?” ZZ asks Braxxon before he exits the door.

  “Sure thing, brother.”

  “Thanks, Prez,” he grips Braxxon’s shoulder in a manly ‘thanks man’ kinda move.

  They nod, and Braxxon and Winter leave.

  “You need any more pain meds right now?” ZZ asks quietly.

  “No, I’m good.”

  “Great, scoot that fine ass over. I’m tired and I’m not leaving you, so that means we’re bunkin up, darlin.”

  I know my cheeks flame red. The thought of sleeping next to him all night does things to my tummy. “Okay,” I squeak out.

  I watch as ZZ kicks off his boots and sets his gun on the tray table. He moves the tray closer to the side of the bed and I know that I need to scoot to the other side. He wants to be close to the door. I find my voice and ask, “Do you want some of the blanket?”

  ZZ sits on the bed, turning towards me. “Of course I do. Who the hell sleeps without a fuckin blanket?”

  I can’t help it. I laugh. I love him.

  “Watch your leg baby, I’m comin in,” he smirks as he lies down next to me and throws the blanket over both of us.

  As his smell invades my senses and his body heat swarms with mine, I decide I’m no longer going to withstand him.

  Chapter 11


  I know the drugs aren’t what helped me sleep last night. It was the hard brick of a man sleeping beside me.

  Of course, when we woke up, and ZZ took me to Winter and the girls for the dress fitting, his soft mood was gone and the hard exterior came back. He leaves us with Sniper, and I immediately miss him. I crave him, and sometimes I love that I do, and other times I hate that I do. My thoughts are interrupted when Winter comes around the corner with
a wheel chair.

  “I’m not sitting in that,” I grumble, trying to cross my arms, but the crutches make it hard.

  “Yes you are.” She smarts back.

  “No. I’m not a cripple.”

  “Never said you were babe, but we’ll be here for a while,” she says while stopping the god-awful wheel chair in front of me. She couldn’t at least get a newer one? Or you know, deck it out in some cute shit? It’s an ugly ass brown color.

  “Where in the hell did you get this thing? It looks like it came from the 70’s. Send it back through whatever time machine you got it from.” I try to push it away with one of my crutches.

  “Miss Grumpy Pants must’ve not gotten any sleep last night,” Winter smirks as she pretty much rips my crutches from me.

  “I got plenty of sleep. In fact, it was some of the best sleep I’ve had.” I laugh trying to reach for my crutches.

  “Nope. Sit your pretty little ass down.”

  That’s enough for me. Her tone was serious. So I reign in my anger because I know she’s doing this because she cares about me. I do as I’m told, and sit in the awful ugly ass brown wheelchair. I let a huff out as she moves me over to the mirrored landing.

  “You frustrate me. Just so you know.”

  “Well… you frustrate me, too!” She exclaims, but not without trying to hide her smile.

  “Whatever. Let’s just do this dress thing.” I huff and cross my arms.

  “Yes. Ma’am.” She salutes all smart ass like.


  We’re halfway through the dress fittings, I think, when Shadow comes strolling in. That man is one fine mystery. Once I caught him putting in light blue contacts just to cover his coal black eyes. I made a comment that he should leave them out, and that was the first time I seen that dude smile. Something about these guys all wearing badass shades does something to female insides. Makes us putty in their hands.

  “All you need is some Go-Go boots, Storm.” Shadow smirks, sitting down next to me. I watch his movements carefully. He doesn’t normally strike up conversation. Once he’s seated, he slouches, spreads his legs apart, and places his elbows on his knees while rubbing his jaw. My eyes follow his line of sight, and they land on Tatiana. He’s watching her carefully. His sunglasses aren’t hiding it. I hope he knows that.


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