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Withstanding Me

Page 13

by Crystal Spears

  “Her first name is Mira.”

  Told ya. The kid looks just like Mason and Tatiana.

  Mason walks away for a moment dialing someone and starts yelling into the phone. I wish it were business hours because at least then we would have music going.

  “He’s not mad at you Mace. Mira is just a bitch. No offense.”

  “I don’t give a shit. Bitch gave me up for adoption.”

  Oh no!

  “No, my parents were great. It’s just, I’m a little different, and as I got older, it got harder on them, and they kicked me out. I’m not mad at them. But I can see now where I get my wild side from.” He chuckles. “Are you his friend?”

  I open my mouth to answer when Mason comes back.

  “She’s my girlfriend.”

  “She’s hot.” Mace laughs. “Even with the bruises.”

  “Fuck, he’s definitely my kid.”

  “And you’re too young to be my dad,” Mace says, studying Mason.

  “I knocked your bitch of a whore mother up when I was thirteen.”

  “Seriously?” Mace’s mouth drops open.

  “Yeah, seriously. You have a twin sister.”

  “Oh shit, that’s cool. Can I meet her?”

  Mason rubs the back of his head uncomfortably. I go to walk away, and he snatches my arm, growling under his breath. “Don’t you dare fuckin leave me.”

  Then he turns back to Mace and says. “Uh yeah, let’s talk some first.”

  We all three sit in the booth, and I feel so outta place here.

  Chapter 23


  I can’t believe I have a fuckin son. I hate that bitch Mira; I swear I fuckin hate her. Storm starts to move to walk away, and my hand clamps down on her arm. And I growl low at her, “Don’t you dare fuckin leave me.”

  I turn back to my son. My son. Shit, that’s gonna take some getting use too.

  “Uh yeah, let’s talk some first.”

  We sit down, and I notice Storm nervously fidgeting beside me. Shit, if my woman feels awkward, how the fuck does she think I feel?

  “So… apparently the bitch’s womb you grew in gave you up for adoption and didn’t tell ya about me. I’m fuckin sorry about that. Didn’t even know you existed until just now.”

  Fuck, I mean it’s true. Shit, this is fucked up. I reach under the table to lock my hand with Storm’s. I need her right now.

  “She told me that when I found her. I knew it was gonna shock ya,” Mace laughs. Shit, he’s not even nervous. But the fucker is my kid. You can just tell. Dirty blond hair and brown eyes. Gets the blond from his whore mother.

  “So, did you get raised right? I mean, they didn’t stick you in a shit home did they?”

  Please say fuckin no. No fuckin kid deserves that shit.

  “I have amazing parents. We’re kinda not talking right now because I’m like the black sheep. Always getting in trouble. I’m obsessed with street bikes and racing cars. Uh, my parents didn’t care for that.”


  “Street bikes? Seriously man?”

  “Don’t get your panties in a twist, pop. I’m a lover of all brands.”

  Shit. He’s a mini me. Dammit!

  “One. Don’t call me pop. I’m not even 14 years older than you. Two. Fuck. You better be,” I say with a somewhat growl. Yes, I’m fuckin growling at my kid. I rub my jaw with one hand and squeeze Storm’s hand with the other. I’m f.u.c.k.i.n stressed!

  “Well, what the fuck do you want me to call you then?”

  Storm starts laughing, and I turn my head and raise my eyebrow at her. “What? He’s your fuckin kid.” She says and starts laughing more.

  “How about just ZZ?” I grit out.

  “That shit works for me.”

  “Oh shit. I can’t take it. He’s a mini you.” Storm loses her shit completely, and I sigh.

  “She’s hot. Maybe when you’re old and gray and shit, she might wanna move onto a younger version of you.”


  “Shit.” Storm curses, her laughing stops.

  “You’re only getting away with that comment because my blood runs through your veins,” I say with a hoarse tone.

  “Gotcha. So, here’s the thing, my parents want shit to do with me right now. Gotta place I can crash?”

  Before I can answer, Storm starts tugging on my arm. I avert my attention to her, and she gestures for me to bend down so she can whisper. “The Russians, babe. If they find out you have a son and he’s not being pro-tec-ted…,” she drags the final word out.

  Jesus Christ! Will it ever stop?

  I take a deep breath, pray that my newly found son isn’t a pussy, and hope that he won’t run away. “Look, here’s the thing kid. Well shit. You’re not a kid. Fuck. Mace. We’re not… dammit. Storm, a little help here?”

  I don’t know what to say.

  “Mace,” she says sweetly. “We’re in a bit of a pickle here.”

  “Pickle, really?” I laugh.

  “You want me to explain it or not?”

  I throw my hands up from her tone.

  “People want some of us dead.” She points to her battered face. “See. This ain’t race wars and shit you’re probably used too.”

  Race wars. Huh. Good job babe.

  “If you want to stay here, you need to follow lockdown rules. If the people after us find out your ZZ’s son, you’ll be killed. I’m not saying that shit to play games. They will kill you. So if you stay, you will need to listen to the brothers, follow their rules.”

  I look over at my son and see a grin float across his face. I admit I’m a little freaked out right now, because this kid is me, like not long ago…

  “Fuck I’m in.”

  I groan and smack my head onto the table.

  “Don’t worry about him,” Storm says with a laugh and starts rubbing my back. “He’s just a little stressed.”

  Mace whistles and I look up. He’s got his eye on Piper. Oh hell no. “Don’t even think about it kid. Sniper will kill you.”

  “Damn she’s cute, and she’s coming this way,” he says with a smile, totally ignoring what I just fuckin said.

  “Hey guys what’s up? Oh, who’s the fox?” Piper grins at my son.

  “My son.”

  “What? Oh, are you fuckin serious?”

  “As a heart attack.” I reply.

  “Well, you want something to drink? ZZ, you look like you fuckin need it.” She laughs at me. What’s with all this fuckin laughing? This shit ain’t funny. I’m now responsible for two kids. Would have been a third… Fuck, I do need a drink.

  “I’ll take one.” Mace grins the Dillan smile at her. FUCK!

  “You’re under age,” I growl.

  “ZZ, you let Tatiana drink all the fuckin time. Get the stick outta your ass,” Piper taunts.

  “Who’s Tatiana?”

  “Well, I guess she’s your sister. She’s ZZ’s daughter.”

  Leave it to Piper to tell the world every motherfuckin thing.

  Piper and Mace start chatting one another up, and I sit back in the booth, place my arm around Storm, and drag her body into mine. I need a calming peace right now, and she’s my fuckin peace. Just when things feel like they’re settling, Winter comes over and gestures for me with a head nod.

  “I’ll be right back.” I whisper to Storm and place a kiss on her temple. I can’t kiss her on the lips. I want to devour her every single fuckin time when I do.

  I walk up to Winter, and she’s nervously biting on her lip.

  “I need you to talk with the brothers. On my prepay that we set up for my cousin…” she trails off, waiting for me to remember what Braxxon informed us about before he left. “He says some of the Russians are my mom’s and some of them are my uncle’s. I have no fuckin clue who is who. Or who we can trust ZZ. My cousin sounded a little fishy, and I don’t think I can trust him anymore.”

  “You can’t open the club tonight, darlin.”

  “I know.”
r />   “See that kid over there with Piper and Storm?” I nod to our booth.

  “Yeah?” She says looking over my shoulder.

  “He’s my son.”

  “What? You’re shitting me, right? Like this is some fucked up way of making a laugh outta the shit we’re in?” Her mouth drops open when she takes a look at my serious face. “Well… I think Sniper might snap if you don’t send him towards another skirt to chase.”

  “Right?” I laugh.

  It’s only a matter of time before Sniper and Piper realize this shit. They’re like fuckin best friends or some shit. Completely unaware of their attraction towards one another. It’s actually fuckin hilarious.

  “So… the Russians?” She’s nervous, and she’s never fucking nervous.

  “Call your husband; tell his ass to hurry the fuck back. We need him here. I’ll handle the brothers. I’ll go talk with them now.”

  I start to walk away when I remember something. “Where’s Ma?”



  “What now?” It can’t be bad, right? Too much fuckin shit goin on for more bad.

  “James is cookin her dinner…”

  Well that’s fuckin sweet.

  “Awesome.” And I mean it. Ma doesn’t need to be sad for the rest of her life. And James will keep her busy. She loves takin care of men.

  “Wait, you’re not mad?” Winter laughs.

  “No, why the fuck would I be mad?”

  She cocks her hand on her hip like she always does when she’s losing her patience with us, and I find it extra fuckin hilarious.

  “Because she’s your ma…?”

  I roll my eyes and walk away. “She deserves to be fuckin happy,” I toss over my shoulder.

  I place my hand on Storm’s shoulder, grabbing her attention from my son and Piper.

  “I gotta go babe. Can you call Tatiana and introduce them two? I know it’s fucked up and I should be here, but we got word about the cockroaches in town.”

  I hope she gets it because I don’t wanna say too much in front of Mace. Not yet.

  “I can do that for you.” She smiles up at me. Fuck… wish those lips were wrapped around my cock again. Dammit, stay focused.

  “Yeah?” I kneel down to the edge of the booth.

  “Anything for you.”

  That shit does stuff to me. A woman who will do anything for me. Yeah, that fuckin tugs on somethin, what that somethin is, I don’t know yet.

  “Keep them two apart, yeah?” I motion with my fingers at Mace and Piper. I don’t need Sniper getting jealous and shit. The motherfucker is scary with a gun, and I don’t need him pointin one at my son.

  "Uh…," she says flicking her eyes.

  I groan, and looking over my shoulder, I see Sniper coming our way. When the fuck did he get here?

  “Piper,” he growls as soon as he walks up. “Who’s your friend?”

  Fuckin Christ! “He’s my son, brother.”

  “Shit. Really?”

  No. I just like makin up shit.

  “Yes. I was about to come find your ass. Winter just gave me some shit to chew on with you brothers. ”

  I grab Strom by the hair and drag her down, sticking my tongue in her ear. Her body shudders, goose bumps rising on her arms. Yeah, baby. “Tonight… my cock in your mouth.”

  She moans low. “Tonight… you’re fuckin my mouth.”

  Now I shudder. God dammit. How the fuck am I supposed to leave with those words replayin in my mind? Her fingers grip my cut as they turn into the letter L. I ain’t stupid. I know she’s tellin me she loves me. I just refuse to say it back until I fuckin feel it.

  “Bye Mason,” she whispers just low enough no one else can here. Oh, fuck being polite and careful. I turn her head and thrust my tongue into her mouth. She tastes so fucking good. She does this thing where she runs her tongue along mine, and it gets me so damn hard. Every. Single. Time. I pull back with her bottom lip in between my teeth, before letting it go and kissing her lips one more time. I want more fuckin time with her. Right fucking now!

  “Bye darlin,” I groan.

  I groan because my cock is pressing against my jeans, throbbing to death. Yeah, throbbing, aching, wanting. So many damn words for how my poor cock feels right now.

  I point my finger at my son after letting my shades fall back across my eyes. “Stay with Storm.”


  What the fuck. He’s ballsy. Just. Like. I. Was and Am.

  “Piper, be fuckin careful,” Sniper growls.

  Oh for fucks sake.

  “Go away Sniper,” she growls back.

  “C’mon brother. We got shit to take care of.” I smack him on the back.

  “I just fuckin worry about her,” He grits through his teeth.

  “Yeah, yeah. I know.”

  It’s no secret that Sniper is all about finding love. He’s the only one in the MC not fuckin scared to admit it, and I think my brother might just be falling…


  Chapter 24


  Sniper, Pyro, and I are sitting in the VIP lounge going over this Russian bullshit. It’s so fucked up. I’m not one to admit when I’m all confused. But shit, I’m confused.

  “We have two sets of fuckin Russians runnin around our town. One set belonging to Winter’s mother, and the other to her uncle. We have no way of actually knowing who the fuck is who until Winter’s mom gets into town,” I say as I toss back my whiskey. “And where the fuck is our Prez?”

  We can handle this shit, but Braxxon is the key to holding this fucking MC together. He knows how to keep his cool while doing it too.

  “He’s on his way back,” Pyro murmurs while rolling his joint.

  “So what’s with this Travis shit? The Russians hired him to fuck Tatiana or somethin? Still not understandin that,” Sniper pipes in.

  Welcome to the fuckin club.

  “That’s what fucktard said. Before we killed his ass. It makes sense. Tatiana is good at evading us when on lockdown. Maybe he just hasn’t had the opportunity?” I reply thanking fuck that my daughter is just that fuckin smart.

  “Still doesn’t make any goddamn sense as to why it’s been quiet with him.”

  And I have to agree with Sniper. It makes no sense, and that’s got my fuckin palms sweatin. If it weren’t my daughter, I can guarantee my palms wouldn’t be sweatin.

  “This is what we’re gonna do to keep the fam safe. Club Sated closed until further fuckin notice. Lockdown in the compound. No one, but brothers leave the compound,” Pyro speaks up. He’s acting prez so we’ll do what he says. Just one problem. You ain’t getting Winter, and the rest of the women to agree to that shit. What makes lockdown bearable for them is being able to move in between the two locations.

  “Not gonna work,” I laugh.

  “Why the fuck not?” Pyro growls at me.

  “Winter and the girls ain’t gonna let that slide. She’ll close down the club, but she ain’t gonna be confined, and you fuckin know it.”

  It’s just the damn truth.

  “Where the fuck is our Prez?” he growls. Braxxon is the only one that can order Winter around.

  “So we close the club and pretend to let the ladies move back and forth. Ya know, act like we trust them with this shit. That crazy reverse shit that people do. Let’s do that.”

  Pyro contemplates it for a minute, running it through his brain. “That’ll work.”

  We end our conversation, start tossing back shots, and smoking our joints. We haven’t had a fuckin party in ages at the club, and I know we’re all fuckin aching to get so blistering fucked up we can’t remember the last 24 hours. We’re in the middle of shooting the shit when I hear my daughter’s voice loud and clear through the club.


  I groan. Dammit!

  “Yeah, we forgot to talk about that.” Pyro chuckles.

  “Shut the fuck up,” I growl and stand up, popping
my knuckles and neck. “Winter got any junk food in the kitchen?”

  They both look at me like I’m crazy. “How the fuck would we know?” Sniper says.

  I roll my eyes and jog towards the Club kitchen. She’s gotta have some kind of cookies in here. I rifle around the cabinets and spot some sugar cookies. Okay, they’re not chocolate chip, but my baby will understand.

  I jog back over to where I left Storm and Mace. I tap Tatiana on the shoulder and she flies around. I hold out the cookies, and she jerks them from me. “Dad… what’s going on?”

  I flinch. Fuck do I flinch. She sounds hurt. I fuckin hate that.

  “Sit down baby.” I motion towards the booth.

  I go on to tell her about how her mother didn’t tell me I had a son, or that she had a twin brother, and tears roll down her face. She’s so fuckin hurt. I fuckin hate when my baby is hurting. And I can’t stop this hurt because I didn’t fuckin cause it. All I can do is make it easier on her.

  “I fucking hate her dad; I fucking hate her so bad.”

  I blow out a breath, thanking fuck she’s not mad at me. It’s one thing for a parent to be let down by a child, but for a child to be let down by the parent, not fuckin cool. Never wanna let down my kid. Shit. I mean kids.

  Which reminds me.

  “Tatiana, need to tell ya somethin baby girl.”

  The cookie she was about to eat pauses midway to her mouth.

  “Storm was pregnant, but she lost our baby in the car accident.”

  Strom squeezes my leg underneath the table booth and a small gasp escapes her lips. I don’t think she was expecting me to tell anyone else.

  “Storm…,” Tatiana cries like she doesn’t believe me.

  “It’s true.” She replies.

  “This is a fucked up world.”

  And that’s it. Tatiana doesn’t say sorry because she knows it’s not what Storm wants to hear right now. Another reason why my dumbass is finally trying. My daughter loves Storm.

  “So Mace… is your name Mace or is it short for Mason?” Tatiana looks at her brother.

  “It’s short for Mason.” He answers her.

  Damn. I seriously hate that Mira.

  “Me and you. We’ll be good as long as you agree that our birth mother is a cunt.”

  I choke on my laughter. Leave it to Tatiana to leave an ultimatum.


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