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Outbreak of the Living Dead (Book 1)

Page 15

by Guerra, Aaron

  Luke had stood up slowly before popping his knuckles. The loud clapping sound of thunder continued to roar across Little Bow. It was able to make the area shake for a couple of seconds.

  “Rebecca and I were taken into custody for questioning. For some reason I was bailed out by a local officer there. But I also remember seeing a few soldiers in black when I left the police station. Rebecca was forced to stay in holding for more questioning. Maybe she had something to do with those guys,” he had said in a low tone. Sarah was doing her best listen to him, but the lovely sound of the rain kept taking her mind away.

  “Do you think she’s still alive?” she asked him. The man nodded before turning over to face her again.

  “I was in Crimson Falls when the outbreak started a week ago. Out of no where these crazy people started attacking others on the streets. I was in a hotel when they came to my door. The things I had to do to survive will haunt me forever,” he said quietly to himself near the end.

  The blond woman forced herself up to focus only on his story.

  “I killed the things that took over the children from the hotel. They tried to bite me. I just thought they were sick and needed help. But I was wrong. They were already infected,” Luke said with a shaky voice. Sarah couldn’t help but imagine him slaughtering a group of children that tried to eat him. She had took his hand into hers as he pulled her down for a comforting embrace. “Next was their families. I had to get through them all. The entire Hotel was infected with this new disease that spread quicker than wildfire. Can you believe I started on the seventh floor, fighting my way through so many people that were trying to eat me? Straight out of a horror comic book. The power to the elevators was out so I had to take the stairs to escape,” he said before taking a moment to catch his breath. Sarah couldn’t say anything. All she could do was hold him close to her. “Enough of that sad stuff. We’ll wait here until you feel well enough to leave this place. The storm should give us some cover for awhile. I also made sure all the doors were locked. Chained them real good so that they can‘t get in so easily,” Luke said with a smile.

  The officer ignored the pain the best she could as she stood up from the floor again. She slowly turned to the side to see a small window. The woman started to walk over to it carefully while holding her side. Sarah looked through the window to see a large number of those flesh eaters on the football field. They were just bumping into each other as the rain poured down on them.

  “No, we shouldn’t wait any longer. I must find any survivors that I can and help them escape this town,” said Sarah. Even in pain, she was still a force to be reckoned with. Luke stood behind her while placing his hand gently on her shoulder. They watched the brainless morons outside on the field slipping on the wet grass.

  “If that’s your plan, then I’ll help. My real goal is to find that thing that escaped the container last week. It’s the cause of all this death and destruction,” said Luke. Sarah turned her head slightly to look at him from the side.

  “Do you think we could find it here?” she had asked. Luke patted her head gently with a small smile forming.

  “Hopefully. Capture it to see if the CDC can extract a cure from it‘s body. That‘s my real goal,” Luke had said as he stared out the window.

  Another thunderous bang came from the sky as everything in the school started to shake from the pressure. In the science lab a few hallways down from the Locker Room, some of the shelves holding the equipment fell over. They were never sturdy to begin with. It always caused trouble for the janitor each time it a heavy storm like this came through the town.

  “What was that?” said Sarah as she turned to stare in the direction where the loud crashing sound came from. “Sounded like something falling over. Do you think one of those creatures is lurking in a room nearby?” she quietly asked him.. Luke went over to the bench to pick up his metal pipe before walking to the large doors that were securely chained up. There were two thin windows on the doors that allowed him to see down the hallway.

  He noticed a few of them coming out from the classrooms. Their bodies were covered in random bites and scratches.

  “We have company now,” said Luke in a whispery voice. The female cop had walked over to Luke to see through a window beside him.

  “They don’t seem like much trouble. Maybe we can take them out easily without alerting the others outside,” she said while clenching her left fist tightly. Luke placed his hand firmly on her shoulder again which was already becoming a habit of his.

  “If you’re up for it. We can close the doors on each side of the hall and take them out along the way,” said Luke. The woman went back to where she had first awoken. Kneeling down to the floor, she grabbed her handgun that was next to the Police Bag.

  “Just incase! Do you have any firearms besides that metal stick of yours?” she playfully asked. The man had looked down at the bloody bent weapon with a sly smirk appearing on his face.

  “Old faithful? I’ve been using this since Crimson Falls, and that’s ‘Mr. Lucky Metal Stick’ to you my friend,” said Luke as he waved it around in the air. The woman slapped his chest as a friendly gesture before they made their way back to the chained doors.

  Bruce and Rebecca finally escaped from the police building. Now on the streets in the middle of the darkness. Bruce decided to go back to the grocery store where he first met the other survivors from the city.

  “How far is it?” she had asked him.

  “I’m not from around here either. Just thought you‘d like to know that,” said Bruce.

  “I’ve only been here for a week, and most of it was inside that jail cell,” she said.

  “Well that’s just fine,” he said while rubbing his face with his right hand.

  “Aren’t you curious as to why I was put in there in the first place?” she asked.

  “I’m curious alright, but it won’t mean anything if we can’t make it to a safe place to talk. Let’s go,” said Bruce.

  The woman was lifted up from the road and onto the large trolley bus that was flipped onto it’s side. From up on the trolley bus, they were able to see down the street.

  “Well shit!” Bruce said as he could see brief movement within the darkness of the night. But what he noticed the most was the direction where his Little Bow town was located. A lot of freakish lighting could be seen from where he was. It was starting to get to him. “I have to return home to my wife,” said Bruce. The woman looked at her gun, then to his back.

  “Do you believe she is she safe?” she asked.

  The man had waved his hand around while glaring at the ugly corpse that was passing by the trolley bus.

  “She’s at home. I told her to lock the window and doors until I came back. I didn’t expect to be hold up here in this town,” Bruce told her. From the distance they could hear a woman screaming out for help. That attracted a lot of the beasts that were wandering the streets. Rebecca had watched all the creatures gather around a corner before the woman’s screams suddenly stopped. She stared down to the gun in her hand.

  “It’s sad to believe that this is our chance to make it to the grocery store. Sacrificing a person to survive is something I thought I‘d never do in my life,” she had said to herself.

  Rebecca quickly hopped down from the large vehicle with Bruce following after her. He agreed with what she said. It disgusted him as well to think he would allow someone to die so that they could escape.

  “We can’t save everyone. Not anymore! Hate this shit!” he said loud enough for her to hear. They ran as quietly as they could around a couple of vehicles. They had noticed a few other walking meat bag’s were wandering around the area near the cars.

  “Hold it sheriff! I got this one,” she said with confidence. Rebecca swiftly snuck behind a tall walking corpse without making a sound. She tucked her gun down the back of her pants to keep it there. With great haste she grabbed the sides of it’s head before viciously twisting it. It’s head tore right off due to the way she
removed it. The body collapsed onto the road with the horrible smell escaping from the fresh hole from the neck. It was strange to see the body still twitch, but it wasn’t a threat anymore. She had lifted her leg up high before bringing it down with great force to shatter it’s head into pieces with one strike.

  Bruce was quite impressed and just a tad bit more curious about her background now. Something about the way she was able to take the thing down so easily was giving his gut one of those feelings. The woman waved to him with the intention to follow. He glanced around to make sure that there weren’t any of them nearby. It was clear for them to move on from what he could tell. The sheriff took his first few steps after her while keeping an eye out for any strange movements around the vehicles. When he finally caught up to her, she was standing next to a building’s corner near the end of the street. The gun she possessed was still tucked in the back of her pants. She decided to use stealth to hide from the creatures in the dark instead of blasting her way through. Bruce was standing next to her now while holding the pistol close to his chest when a few smelly bastards came walking by them. Fresh blood could be seen smeared across their faces. Their white clear eyes were staring up at the sky as they continued to walk away.

  “Let‘s go!” She quietly said to him. Rebecca turned past the corner only to suddenly jump back.

  A loud roar came from the other side as Bruce saw another large muscular beast sprinting after the woman. She launched herself to the right as it’s decaying body clashed against a turned over truck. The thing quickly turned around before making another loud roar with blood spilling out from it’s eyes.

  “Shit! Go! He’s calling those things here like the other one did at the station,” Bruce had yelled! Rebecca had got up from the road with her pants being torn near the knee when dodging from it’s attack. She soon caught up with the elder man down the street as the heavy dead bastard followed right after them. From the distance they could hear a lot of the creeps come out of the darkness. They held out their arms while biting the air with their clear eyes staring blankly in their direction.

  “We don’t have enough bullets for all of them! How far is it until we reach that store?!” Rebecca said out loud due to the fear of being eaten.

  She finally pulled her handgun out to shoot a few shots into the giant’s head which caused it to stop and scream again. More of the reanimated bodies in the streets started to rise up from where they were laying. Each of them were stiff as they began to walk towards the beast that was screaming.

  “It’s just down this street to the right! But it’s not barricaded well enough for us to stay inside! These fuckers will just walk through the damn doors after we do,” said Bruce. Another large rotting creature had came busting out of a building’s window near Bruce’s side. It was missing it’s right arm but the left was still hanging on by a few strings of muscle tissue that was showing. “Ugly bastards! Why are these things so different from the normal ones?!” he said. Rebecca didn’t have time to explain it to him. She was preoccupied in surviving at the moment.

  “Sheriff! I’ll head in first and tell them to get ready to seal the door off! Don’t wait a second longer!” said Rebecca. She picked up her speed before jumping over the hood of a car while Bruce quickly turned to see the two heavy beasts following from behind. The sight of the street was filled with the flesh eaters which nearly gave him a heart attack.

  “Shit! Shit! Shit!” he said to himself. Bruce finally made it to the entrance of the store. The guy wearing the red apron and Rebecca started to close it the moment he ran through the doors. Bruce turned around to see another man slide a shelf against the sliding double doors. The old woman from before came out from the back while holding a wounded child in her arms.

  “WHAT IS THIS?! WHO IS SHE?! WHERE IS PHILLIP?!” she had screamed. Rebecca heard the over exaggerated voice, but didn’t really pay any mind to her. “YOU, SHERIFF! YOU BROUGHT SOMEONE ELSE?! WHERE IS PHILLIP?! PHILLIP BLAKE! ARE YOU HERE?!” she continued to scream out loud. Rebecca had turned around to glare at the elder woman. Her patience was already running thin from her constant nagging.

  “Would you please shut the hell up?! We have a situation here if you haven‘t noticed,” Rebecca had said in an angry yet calm manner.

  The elderly woman walked to the front entrance that was sealed off. Large shelves were put there recently to block off their only exit.

  “Why? Why are you doing this?! Get out! We don‘t want you here anymore,” she said to both of them. Rebecca pointed her handgun over to the woman with some of her black bangs sliding down past her eyes.

  “Say another word and you won’t have to worry about those things out there,” said Rebecca. The wounded boy in the woman’s arms struggled in pain as his skin started to turn pale. “What’s wrong with the kid,” Rebecca had asked while aiming the gun down to the child. She brought it back up to the older woman after examining the boy.

  “He came inside for shelter after the sheriff left! It’s just a scratch on his leg! He’s not infected like everyone out there is,” she said to the woman that was pointing the gun at her. Bruce came over with his handgun resting in his left pocket.

  “You two break it up! Ms Lee, would you please lower your weapon and just walk away? We don’t have the time to start shooting each other in here! We need to think of a way to escape this deathtrap!” said Bruce as he now stood between the two women. Everyone in the store stood still when they heard about the small army of the flesh eaters coming their way. Bruce, Rebecca and the old woman were looking through the shelves to see an ocean of the dead getting closer.

  Sarah watched as Luke unlocked the padlock that held the doors together. Removing it caused the heavy chains to loosen up. He then placed the chains down to the floor without making much noise. Sarah had then opened the doors quietly before stepping out into the hallway. Luke followed behind her as three of the creatures stood in the hall. They were facing towards the classroom doors that were open. Sarah closed the first door to the right when heading down the hall while Luke did the same to another door on his side. Luke silently placed his pipe around one of the thing’s neck from behind. He forced it to take a few steps back as the flesh-eater tried to grab whatever it could when it struggled. Sarah quietly walked over to the captured creature to her left. She used her gun to bash it’s rotting face in a few times. The officer continued to strike the creature until it’s body fell limp in Luke’s arms. Without making any sound he placed the body down onto the floor before piercing through the second creature’s head nearby with his metal pipe.

  The third one had turned around only to get a strong kick against the chest by Sarah’s right leg. It fell onto the floor while facing up with it’s white eyes looking all around. She stepped on it’s chest right after it tried to get back up again. But she already had it immobilized for the moment.

  “Disgusting monster,” she said to it in a low cold voice. She had lifted her leg up high before smashing it’s head in from the force of the attack. The skull shattered as the face caved in with blood and brains spilling out to the floor. The smell was indeed horrible, but she was able to withstand it now.

  Luke had turned to the woman when he heard some distant groans coming her way.

  “Sarah!” he yelled out. Four more creatures came walking out of a classroom. They suddenly started to sprint towards the two but she had already brought her gun up. The officer started to fire her weapon in their direction. Three of them fell down to the floor once the bullet pierced through their skulls. The fourth one was smacked hard in the face by Luke’s weapon. It fell to it’s knee’s with Sarah planting a more powerful kick against it’s head. The attack caused the beast to stumble against the wall to her left. To their advantage, the blow from her kick was powerful enough to crack it’s head wide open. “Been working out little lady? Cause damn that had to hurt,” Luke had said while staring at the deceased. She had tapped his chest again with her palm while winking in a playful manner.

  “I try to workout every morning before I head out. Didn‘t get a chance this morning though,” said Sarah. She placed a hand on her side where her wounds were. She had hoped that the pain would go away for now, but it kept affecting her every time she did something. “Some painkillers would really be a great help right now,” she had thought to herself. Luke ran over to the other doors to close them tightly so that nothing else could make things more difficult for them. But in the last room to the right had small children that were brought back by the evil sickness.

  The images of the children he had to deal with back in Crimson Falls suddenly came into his mind.

  “N-No!” Luke yelled. The man had grabbed the doorknob tightly. He slammed the door as hard as he could so that the little ones couldn‘t escape. Sarah had walked over to where he was to look through the small window to see what he was afraid of.

  “Oh no,” she said quietly. She couldn’t help but look away after witnessing the tragic scene in there. Luke placed his arms around her as tight as he could. The two couldn’t help but lout out a soft cry from the great heartache that was just on the other side. They were able to hear the children claw at the door with their light whimpering groans.

  “Susan, are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, one of the places you should really avoid in these kinds of situations is the Police Station and the Hospital,” said Tristan as he walked behind the red head. Kim tagged along in the back to keep an eye out for anything strange. They were walking down the open streets with an amazing amount of luck on their side. It had been awhile since any of those creatures were in their view.


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