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Outbreak of the Living Dead (Book 1)

Page 16

by Guerra, Aaron

  “Hey! It’s a brilliant idea! I’m positive a majority of the police officers had to go respond to the many disturbances that occurred all over the town! So, it’s safe to say that most of the weapons should still be there! I’ve been inside the station a few times when my dad was working there. I know where the weapons are located,” Susan had explained to them. Tristan and Kim made an uneasy face when they made eye contact.

  Tristan was apparently the oldest one in the group. He felt like he had to protect them at all cost if something were to happen.

  “It’s great to be accompanied by two cute girls during this outbreak,” he had thought to himself. He looked around for a bit before responding to the teen in front of him. “Susan, even if that’s true. What if it’s overrun or boarded up like all the places we‘ve seen? We have to think smart! We can come up with a better strategy to acquire the things that we need,” said Tristan. The redheaded teenager stopped in her tracks while clenching her fists tightly after listening to him speak.

  “You two are already getting on my nerves! Why don’t you guys go and fuck off?! I already feel like the third wheel here! Ever since miss ‘Princess’ joined us, you two have been making sappy eyes with each other,” Susan had said to them in anger! Kim suddenly took a step away from Tristan while turning red in the face. Her hands started to move around everywhere nervously like a shy kid.

  “Me?! Him?! N-No! I mean! No way! Why would you say that Susan?!” Kim asked the teenager in a defensive position.

  The male couldn’t help but smile from how shy and confused she was.

  “Susan, we aren’t like that. Let’s just go to the police station to pick up the weapons and ammunition together before leaving this town,” Tristan calmly said. The youngest there had sighed deeply while nodding slowly. She was just stressed, and anxious to escape this nightmare since it started.

  “F-Fine, I’m sorry. It’s not that far now. We should be arriving at the entrance in just a couple of minutes,” said Susan. Tristan smiled when he had looked over to the girl by his side. Kim was still muttering to herself with a red face while walking beside Tristan.

  “C’mon honey, let’s go get us some goodies!” Tristan said playfully before placing his arm around Kim’s waist to hold her close. But that didn’t last very long. She knew he was teasing her, and she didn’t like it one bit. She ended up stepping on his foot just before picking up her pace. Kim was now walking side by side with Susan in the front. “It was just a joke! Kim! Susan! Wait up,” he said while walking through the pain in his foot!

  They finally arrived to see the entrance gate to the police station. It was destroyed. There was nothing closing it off anymore. Tristan had walked in the building first with a pistol ready and his flashlight on. Kim entered next before Susan joined her. They looked around the entrance hall to see nothing but turned over desks and chairs. The flashlights were a big help to see through the darkness of the room. Sadly there was blood all over the floor, at least that’s what it looked like to them. They somehow felt comfortable doing this in the dark, even though a rotting flesh eater could leap out at them at any moment. Tristan stood between two desks that had documents scattered all over them. Using his flashlight, he was able to read some of the papers that were in front of him.

  “This stuff doesn’t have anything to do with the recent attacks. I should keep looking for something that’s worth checking,” he had said before putting the papers back down. He turned around to see the redhead walk past Kim in the darkness. “Hey Susan, which way is it?” he asked her. The teen looked around with the light in one hand and the gun in the other. She moved her hand up to her nose to keep the disgusting smell away the best that she could.

  “It’s just down this hall. The door on the right leads downstairs to the basement level. On the Basement Floor we have the Armory Room to the right. If you go straight down the hall instead, it should lead you to the jail cell area where they would contain criminals or drunks,” Susan had explained. Tristan decided to take the lead. They should depend on him during such an occasion, at least that’s what he wanted to believe.

  His finger rested against the trigger of the gun as he continued to walk past the desks in the dark. They could hear something strange from the other side of the door down the hallway.

  “What’s this room?” Tristan asked Susan. He stood beside the door where the noise was coming from. The stairway to the basement level was located to his right. The teenager had looked up to see the name of the room with her flashlight.

  “It’s the rest area, but we need to go downstairs over here. That‘s where the Armory Room is located!” Susan said while pointing her light at the door to her right. Tristan shook his head before making sure that the clip in his gun still had some bullets in it.

  “You two go get the weapons. I want to know if there’s someone hiding in here. We have to help anyone that we can! But if it‘s one of those ugly monsters, I‘ll deal with it with one shot. So be prepared to hear one going off,” Tristan said. Kim smiled at him before she patted his shoulder in a comforting way.

  “Alright Sir! Let’s go Susan! Let‘s get the guns, then leave this spooky place,” Kim said with a bright smile.

  Kim began to walk down the stairs very slowly as her gun was held firmly in both hands. She stopped halfway when she noticed that Susan wasn’t behind her. The redhead sighed somewhat before walking down to the basement level where Kim was waiting. They made sure that the safety’s on their guns were switched off.

  “It’s pretty creepy down here. The police use to put the bad guys in this area?” Kim had asked as she looked along the walls with her flashlight. She was able to see dried bloody handprints smeared across the wall.

  Tristan carefully placed his hand on the cold door knob before twisting it slowly. He wanted to know if anyone or anything inside would react to the moving doorknob. It was quiet so far when he opened the door just a bit to peek inside. He finally entered the rest area where the police officers would relax during their breaks. The young man slowly closed the door behind him before walking further inside. Tristan hoped to find a survivor somewhere in the room. He quietly walked towards the middle of the room with his flashlight moving all over to see everything that he could. The large fan attached to the ceiling above him was still spinning, which meant that the lights were merely turned off instead of the power being dead.

  “That‘s pretty strange. Maybe the lights just went out?” Tristan had quietly said to himself. He suddenly heard a woman giggle from one of the corners to his left. “E-Excuse me? I’m here to help you! Are you alright?” he asked the person that was hiding in the dark. The closer he got to the woman, the more she continued to giggle for some odd reason. “Listen, my name-” Tristan’s body landed hard against the cold floor before he could finish talking. He started to black out as the crazy laughter echoed through the darkness.

  “This is it, right?” Kim asked while standing beside a door that was closed on the right side of the hallway. Straight ahead in the small grey hall was a door with old rusted bars for it‘s frame. That had to be the way to the jail room, which meant the plain door beside them was the one they needed to enter. Susan moved Kim over to the side before opening the door slowly. She was able to see two officers on the floor from the light of her flashlight. The teen walked up to one before placing a hand onto the man’s chest.

  “I believe this is officer Ryan. My daddy always told me that they weren’t kind with each other,” Susan said. Kim slowly entered the room to see the female officer on the floor beside him. The officer had a gunshot wound in the head like the male officer beside her.

  “Do you know who this woman is?” Kim had asked. The redhead started to wipe off some sweat from her face before looking over to the female officer.

  “No, I think she was new here. I don’t recognize her at all,” she said.

  Susan stood up from the floor and walked over to the wall in front of her. Some of the weapons were already missing
from where they should have been. But she was able to find some ammunition clips for their handguns.

  “Bingo,” Susan said as her eyes widened! Kim quickly made her way to the girl with a bright smile on her face.

  “You know, you‘re pretty cute when you smile Susan,” Kim said to her. The redhead blushed out of embarrassment from what she suddenly brought up. Her speed increased as she loaded up a police bag with whatever she could find in the room.

  “S-Shut up and help me! Check some of the lockers! There might be some guns or bullets for us to take,” Susan ordered! Kim smiled as she skipped off to the lockers. Her long dark blonde hair bounced from side to side due to her movement. She had opened most of them only to find a couple of items.

  “We have some handcuffs, another handgun, a few uniforms, a riot shield in the corner and some night sticks,” Kim said as she examined the stuff. She shook a small plastic container in her hand which made a rattling noise. “Painkillers! They might be useful since we’re walking a lot. Your legs must be killing you right now, aren‘t they?” Kim asked while looking at the teenager’s legs. Susan turned around to look at Kim’s long legs.

  “You’re saying that your legs aren’t in any pain from all the walking?” said Susan.

  The woman started to move around gracefully before standing up from her toes.

  “I use to do Ballet when I was younger. My legs can endure a lot of walking and running,” said Kim. The teenager looked away while making a stuck up face.

  “Shouldn’t Tristan be here already? We never did hear that gunshot after all,” Susan said as she closed the bag. She immediately placed the strap over her shoulder to carry. “Let’s go pick his ass up! He’s probably flirting with another woman up stairs,” she said in anger! Kim grabbed the riot shield from the corner. She held it tightly with her left hand and her pistol in the right.

  “Do you think he really found someone up there? Wouldn‘t it be a police officer? They have more training with these weapons which will benefit us,” said Kim. Susan exited the room first with the flashlight in her left hand. Kim was behind her with the shield. It gave her a more comfort than the firearm did.

  “If there was a creature, he would’ve shot it right? We should’ve heard the shot if he was attacked as well. I’m sure he would’ve yelled out for help if something was wrong,” Susan said while showing some signs of fear. Her body shook each time she took a step closer to the stairs. Kim agreed with her, but she still hoped that he was safe. “A man can’t help himself when he sees a woman in uniform though,” she said as she chuckled from her own words. They slowly walked back up the stairs to the first floor.

  The girls were struck in the back of the head from each side of the entrance to the hallway. They instantly landed against the hard floor with the heavy police bag.

  “So he did have some friends with him? Such little cute ones too,” a woman dressed in a Little Bow Police Uniform had said. She slowly came out of the shadows while twirling a nightstick in her hand. She was tapping her leg with it in a slow rhythm. “Hey! Nicole, Crystal! We got us some more little toys to play with,” the female officer said out loud. The woman knelt down beside the unconscious girls while licking her lips from the sight. “I can’t wait to play with you two,” she said.

  The other two women in uniform came out of the rest area where Tristan entered earlier. Both of the females started to laugh at the sight of the unconscious girls on the floor.

  “Valerie, did you hit them too hard? We want them to be able to wake up for the fun! Not be in a damn coma,” said the tallest one. The woman that had dealt the attack smiled innocently. She started to chew on some bubble gum that was already in her mouth.

  “Sorry, guess I just got a little carried away,” said Valerie. Crystal, the leader of the two slapped Valerie hard in the face. The gum flew out of her mouth and down the stairs to the basement level.

  “I told you not to chew your gum inside the building! That’s very bad manners Valerie,” said Crystal. Valerie rubbed her face where she was just smacked.

  “I’m sorry! I forgot, okay?” said Valerie as she rubbed her cheek. Nicole smiled as she placed her arms around both of the women that were next to her.

  “Why don’t we go show these two where their boyfriend’s at? Doesn’t that sound like fun?” said Nicole. The trio cheered with excitement, but it was interrupted when a walking corpse came stumbling into the main hall from outside. It was thrashing around all over with it’s eyes missing. Crystal calmly walked up to it with a nightstick being pulled out from the side of her belt. It growled when it was able to hear something move. The creature was about to jump in her direction. Before it could do anything, it was cut off during mid-attack. The female had already embedded the end of the stick through it’s eye socket with great force. It caused the creature to fall down to the floor with black blood oozing out of it‘s head.

  The woman stared down at the corpse that began to twitch. She quickly stomped the nightstick deeper into it’s head to completely destroy the brain. After that was done, Crystal turned around to see her companions standing near the doorway in the back. She gave out a playful wink when she tilted the cop hat to the side. The smile that appeared on her face came off as lustful. Though before she could return to her friends, the thing on the floor started to twitch all over again. The nightstick was pierced through the hard wooden floor which kept it in place.

  “Why don’t you just shut up?! You weren’t invited to the party, shit head,” Crystal had yelled at it. She turned around to look at the other two again with her sweet smile returning. “Now my dear friends, let‘s go have some fun,” said Crystal in a cheery manner.

  Officer Sarah Parson was leaning against a wall in the hallway while facing the closed classroom door. The sounds of the children in the room started to get louder with each scratch they made to the door. Luke returned to the locker room to clear his mind after learning what was behind the door that Sarah is guarding.

  “We can’t wait any longer! You have to snap out of it Luke! Sarah needs you to be ready for anything,” Luke thought to himself.

  She was rubbing her arms to get warmer when a cool chill came through the hall. After some time passed she decided to deal with the little tykes that returned to life. She opened the door to knock a few of them away. Sarah entered the room before slamming the door behind her. All of the little creatures turned to face her position with blood and drool sliding out of their mouths.

  Luke was sitting on the bench beside his metal pipe. He stared down at the floor where Sarah was resting earlier that night. The sound of a door being slammed had echoed to where he was sitting. He could hear Sarah putting the children to rest.

  “She’s going to be like me, totally fucked up in the head. That‘s if we survive this one,” Luke had said to himself once more. He slowly reached over to grab the pipe that was beside him. Luke went to join her in releasing the children from their nightmarish turnout. By the time he made it to the door, Sarah was already coming out of the room. She was covered in blood with her eyes closed.

  “It’s okay,” she sadly said. The officer had closed the door behind her with her back being pressed against it. “They’re free now,” said Sarah. Luke took a step closer but she refused to be touched at the moment. “Let’s just leave this place. Luke, we’re losing time. The longer we wait, the more innocent people will be turned. By the time we do try to escape, the entire town will be infested with these monsters,” she said while clenching her left fist tightly. She moved away to kick the door open that lead to the main hall. A few of the teachers that had been brought back to life started to sprint over to the loud noise. Sarah’s eyes weren’t that of a normal police officer anymore. They were of a survivor, a warrior that had finally been awaken to deal with the ghoulish fiends.

  The first reanimated teacher had a long scruffy beard with a blue uniform that only coaches would wear. It’s white eyes widened when she kicked it’s stomach from the side. The forc
e caused the coach to fall head first against the floor. The next one running to her was put down instantly with a bullet to the head. Luke charged in from the hallway to bash the last teacher in the head with his metal pipe. Another door broke down with two more adult sized monsters came out. They ignored the two survivors and headed down the hall to where three others were. All five of the creatures were clawing against the large door while they growled and snarled. Their fingers were scraping against it. A sign was above the door that they were able to read.

  “Look! There must be someone alive in the Cafeteria. Why else would they be trying to get inside,” Sarah said while pointing at the creatures!

  Luke ran to them as he held his pipe firmly in his grasp. Sarah looked down to the creature that she first hit when entering the great hall. It started to rise up with it’s hands trying to reach for her leg. But with a swift jab to the head with her left fist, she was able to knock it back down to the floor. The reanimated coach cried out with blood leaking out of it’s eyes. She bashed her fist against it’s face again when it stood up. The attack dislocated his jaw as it’s body fell to the floor once more. She stood beside the creature as it laid there with more blood spilling out from both of it‘s eye sockets.

  “This ones different from the others,” she had told herself. The creature’s eyes were slowly turning red with it’s body twitching nonstop. Sarah quickly brought her right leg up high before smashing it’s head in with one last strike.

  The man with the metal pipe had already dealt with the few by the door. Sarah made her way over to him before placing her hand on the doorknob to the Cafeteria. She tried to open the door but it was no use. Someone locked it from the inside. He placed his ear against the door.


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