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Forbidden Lust (Tales of the Forbidden)

Page 3

by Jaden Sinclair

  “You!” she heaved, breathing hard.

  “Hello, Makayla.”

  Darius Alistair stood before her, dressed in white silk pants that should be loose fitting but weren’t, and she knew who he was. She’d seen him at her twenty-first birthday, and had heard Dane bitch about him all the time, but she never dreamed that he’d be the one to have her summoned to the Compound. Hell, she didn’t think he had that kind of power, come to think about it.

  His chest was bare, and his feet. A grin tugged the corners of his mouth and between his legs, her eyes widened on the obvious tent of his arousal. Clearly, he had no shame in the fact she saw it. It all equaled to her being so fucked she didn’t know what to do next.

  Standing proudly before her, she took in his washboard abs, thick black hair that was neither long nor short. Dark, forbidding eyes looking their fill at her body made Makayla instantly uneasy about being scantily dressed in a locked room with him.

  She took several steps back, crossed her arms over her breasts and raised her chin at him, standing her ground. “Dane is going to kill you for this.”

  He smiled, and she so wanted to melt at his feet with that smile. “Maybe, but he’s not here tonight. It’s just you and me.”

  * * * *

  Darius fought damn hard to stay put and not rush up to her, taking her where she stood. He must’ve had a hungry look in his eyes by the way she kept backing away from him.

  Take it slow! Taking a deep breath, he looked around the room. “So what do you think of the room? Kind of nice.”

  “Small talk?” she huffed. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “Hungry?” He turned to the food spread out on the table. Sitting down, lounging back on the pillows, he pulled out the bottle of wine chilling in a bucket of ice and read the label. “Not bad, but I’ve got better in my stock.”

  “This is ridiculous.” Makayla shook her head and went to the door.

  “We’re locked in for the night,” he told her, popping the cork, pouring the liquid in the two glasses. “Which by now you should know.”

  “This is such bullshit.”

  “Come over here and have something to eat. I’m sure what they tried to feed you today sucked.” Darius began serving the food, waiting for her to join him. “Oh wait, you didn’t eat what they tried to feed you today, so you must be hungry. Come.” He patted a spot next to him and smiled up at her. “You’re going to need all the energy you can get tonight.”

  “What’s your name again?”


  “Yeah, well, um Darius, I think this little game of yours has gone on long enough. So why don’t you just call that woman who brought me here and have her let me go about my merry old way and you can keep your nuts intact. Otherwise, Dane is going to cut them off and feed them to you and I’m going to watch with enjoyment.”

  Darius took a big drink, nodded and stood up. “Well I guess being nice at the moment isn’t going to work like I thought. So let’s try a more aggressive approach.”

  He went over to her, only to have Makayla back away quickly. It didn’t stop him from charging her, bending over and picking her up, slinging her over his shoulder.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she cried out, twisting her body and pushing up on his shoulder.

  He went to the bed and tossed her onto it. She bounced, quickly pushed a hank of hair out of her face and glared up at him. Darius stood on the side, grinning down at her, cocking his head to the side and making sure she knew he was checking her out—thoroughly.

  “I had planned on doing this nice and slow, but I see that you like the more direct approach,” he said. “So let’s get right to it then.” He reached for the string holding the white silk pants around his waist and her eyes got huge.

  “Are you out of your mind?” she gasped, squirming on the bed. He grinned when she glanced around the room, clearly looking for a place to run.

  “I must be,” he drawled, pulled on the string and the pants fell. He stood naked as the day he was born in front of her. “Since I just pissed away a friendship in order to have you.”

  Makayla gasped, looked her fill of him—and everything he had to offer. She turned and, as quickly as she could, tried to crawl off the bed. Darius got on the bed just as fast, grabbed hold of the first thing he could, which happened to be the thin lingerie. It ripped down to her waist and she cried out, stopping and coming up on her knees, arms crossed over her breasts. Darius was upon her, arms wrapped around her, holding her tight from behind.

  “Enough,” she panted. “I mean it. If you go any further, Da—”

  “Dane isn’t here, Makayla,” he said in her ear low. “And the threat of him isn’t going to work with me. I’ve stayed away and have kept my hands to myself for long enough. No more. I’m going to have you.”

  She turned her head towards him. “Wh—what’re you going to do?” she asked in a whisper.

  “What am I going to do?’ He held her with the one arm, giving his other hand free reign to do as he pleased. Moving it down, Darius cupped her pussy. She gasped and stiffened in his arms. “Anything I want.”

  He turned fast, tossing her down to her stomach, lying on top of her. Makayla struggled, kicked and even tried to bite his arm when he fought to get her wrists up to the headboard of the bed. Everything happened so fast that he didn’t have time to get his props that he brought, so Darius had to improvise with what he had.

  Holding her with ease, thanks to the use of his body weight, Darius reached down and finished ripping the thin lingerie. Each strip he ripped she screamed. It was a major struggle to hold her, rip pieces off, which he used to tie her wrists to the bed. By the time he finished, sat back on her legs to look down at his work, he felt as if he’d had a nice workout. Not much of her outfit was left just like there wasn’t anything keeping it on her body.

  “Now the question I am asking myself is do I want you on your back or stomach first.”

  “I hate you!” she yelled, twisting under him still. “You really are a son of a bitch like Dane said.”

  Darius didn’t even think. He raised his hand and spanked her hard.

  “Ouch! What the hell was that for?”

  “I think tonight I’m going to state one rule and you can choose not to follow it if you wish, but I must at least warn you it would be wise for you to follow it.”

  “You can take your damn rule and shove it up your ass!” Another slap to her ass. “Argh! You suck.”

  “As I was saying, this rule should be very simple for you to follow. You threaten or better yet, mention Dane’s name tonight then I’m going to spank you.”

  “You wouldn’t!”

  “Just did. Care to try it out to make sure?”

  “So Dane does worry you after all.” Another slap. “Damn you!”

  “You keep this up and your ass is going to be very sore before we start.”

  She flung back her hair and looked over her shoulder at him. “We’re not starting anything, you prick. Now let me go.”

  Darius shook his head, “Oh no. I’ve been looking forward to this for a very long time.”

  “This isn’t a game, Darius. Let me go!”

  “Oh but it can be a game, and I’m not letting you go.” He moved, forced her legs to part and stretched out between them from his chest down. “So how shall we get this started?” One more yank and she lay completely naked before him. “Backside or front side?”

  “Go to hell.”

  “You’re right, backside’s a fine position since you’re already in it,” he said, acting as if she answered for him instead of fighting. “Now what should I do first?”

  “I already answered that for you. Go to hell!”

  “You know, I think the other way will be much better,” he said, still acting as if she didn’t say anything. “Easier in fact.”

  Darius skimmed up her body, pressed his on top of hers and untied one wrist only to cross it over and tie it over the left.
He then undid the left and moved it to the right, sat up, and taking hold of her ankles flipped her over to her back.

  “You bastard!” Makayla screamed, trying to kick him.

  Darius bit his lower lip and groaned loudly, letting his eyes roam over her body. “Oh, baby, you look good enough to eat.” He held her legs out, open for his viewing pleasure. “Which right now sounds like the best thing to do first—have a little snack.”

  Chapter Three

  What the hell am I going to do? Makayla asked herself that question, over and over again as she watched Darius. He parted her legs, looked down at her body, had her holding her breath, fearing what she didn’t know. When he lowered his head, she began to panic and started breathing so hard and fast she thought she might pass out.

  “If you don’t breathe right, you’re going to pass out,” he told her, his breath on the inside of her thigh.

  Makayla closed her eyes and tried to breathe normally, but it was so damn hard with him between her legs, and her wrists tied over her head. This wasn’t the way she had pictured her first time.

  “You need to stop,” she panted fast. “I can’t do this.”

  “Oh, I’m not stopping, only getting started.”

  The first touch had her jumping, tensing up and straining to move her body away. It was hopeless. Darius held her legs open from the inside of her thighs with ease. He rubbed his face up and down her left thigh then moved to the right, giving her light kisses.

  “Relax,” he said against her skin.

  “And how the hell am I supposed to do that when your face is down there!” she snapped.

  “You need to trust me.”

  She laughed, “Ha! Like that’s going to happen. Tying someone up isn’t the way to earn trust, you dick.”

  Darius glanced up at her. “Does your sister know what kind of mouth you have?”

  “Dane does.” One eyebrow went up and he slowly moved back up on his knees. Without a word he untied her wrists, flipped her back to her stomach and retied them once more, then landed another slap on her ass, this one much harder than the last. “Ow! You prick.”

  “Told you that would happen if you said his name again tonight.”

  “You know this isn’t going to work,” she told him through her teeth. “Already I want to rip your nuts off and shove them down your fucking throat!” she finished with a yell.

  He laughed, “Man, you have one hell of a temper. Might give Kera a run for her money.”

  Makayla kicked her legs up and down on the bed and screamed out her frustration into the pillows. Darius laughed at her.

  “You know, I think I’m just going to finish what I started with you like this.”

  “You’re out of your mind,” she huffed, looking over her shoulder at him.

  “Yep, have to be to do what I’ve done already for you.” He repositioned himself beneath her body and raised her hips up.

  Makayla looked forward quickly, unable to believe what he planned on doing to her, in this position. How the hell is it possible?

  She was about to find out.

  Closing her eyes, biting her lip, she stiffened when he pulled her hips down. First touch of hot breath upon her wet flesh and she couldn’t process that he indeed was planning on finishing what he started with her on her stomach, and this time he didn’t start slow.

  Fingers parted the folds of her sex and a heated, wet tongue slipped between them. He sucked on her. Licked at her and teased at her now throbbing clit until she thought she might go crazy. How the hell he could bring out this kind of hunger in her so fast was beyond her. Hell, how could she even think for a second that she might want him stunned her, since they didn’t know each other. But with the things his mouth was doing to her now, Makayla was about ready to scream at him to just fuck her and get it over with.

  Unlike other girls that came to the Compound, she’d had a full education of sex and learned about her body behind closed doors. She knew what got her off, what pleased her, what excited her, and so far, everything Darius was doing with his mouth hit the mark for her. Unfortunately, she had to remind herself to not give into the bastard. She needed to fight him, not let him take what he wanted, like every man that walked through the Compound’s doors.

  Sure, she wanted to experience sex, but she wanted it on her terms, not his. Guess that idea went out the door, but that didn’t mean she had to be easy either, so she fought the pleasure that gripped her body, and worked damn hard at pushing back the orgasm that he quickly brought to the surface.

  “You’re fighting it,” he said against her pussy. “Stop it.”

  “I’m not going to give you what you want,” she panted, shaking her head.

  “Yes you will.”

  Makayla screamed when his lips closed on the clit, fingers thrust hard into her, pumping fast. She became powerless then to stop the orgasm from breaking free. It felt like it was never ending. She didn’t notice or feel him move from under her. Didn’t notice her hips being brought up, and barely registered the feel of his cock pressing for entry from her backside. The only thing she could feel and focus on, at the moment, were his fingers which resumed rubbing at her clit fast and hard, drawing out another climax to the fullest.

  One thrust and he was inside her to the hilt. Makayla screamed at the invasion, but the pain she half expected only felt like a pinch, thanks to the damn orgasm that didn’t seem to want to end. Never in all of her ‘alone time’ did she ever have a climax this powerful or last this long. Hell, as she came down she felt like crying.

  “Oh shit,” Darius groaned behind her.

  “Don’t stop,” she panted again, eyes closed, hands fisting into the sheet overhead.

  She knew she was begging then, and didn’t give a fuck. Already she could feel the pressure building up once more and desperately reached for those feelings again. She wanted each and every sensation he could give her body, and she wanted them all right now.

  “Just try to get me to stop.”

  Her released her wrists and Makayla rose up more on her hands and knees, pressing backward into him, taking his cock even deeper. It felt strange, good, hard and so full having him in her like this. She even felt stretched to a burn deep inside.

  Slowly he pulled out, and just as slowly, he entered. The slowness alone was enough to have her wanting to scream at him again. Fingers teased at her throbbing clit and still he moved slowly, never fast, never hard, this time.

  “Don’t do this to me,” she gasped and pushed back the sob when she spoke, head hanging down, body shaking. “Don’t make me beg.”

  “Would never do that.”

  The speed picked up and she lost her breath. Makayla fisted her fingers tighter into the sheets, holding on for dear life while he took her like she always secretly dreamed about being taken.

  Makayla never wanted a gentle lover. At night, alone in her bed, she would fantasize about a man taking her hard, rough. He would never take no for an answer and would ignore her innocence for the pleasure at hand. It seemed she’d found that man. What she didn’t count on was the simple fact that the man happened to be her brother in law’s best friend. No, scratch that; Dane was pissed at Darius right now.

  Right before her peak he stopped and she found herself flipped over onto her back. One hard thrust back in and Darius moved fast. The movement stole her breath. All reasoning all thought of how wrong this was, and all though of how she should stop him went right out the door. His own hands fisted over her head into the sheets, muscles strained with each motion. Makayla got a glimpse of his face right before her own eyes closed. He looked in pain with a frown marring his forehead, teeth biting into his lower lip, eyes closed.

  Her own eyes closed, mouth opened in a silent moan of pleasure. Each thrust rubbed against her throbbing clit, making the pleasure rise again, the sensations racing down her spine. She couldn’t stop herself from lifting her legs up as high as she could get them, taking him deeper into her. She reached down to his waist, held on
and welcomed the climax that built.

  She couldn’t hold the cry of bliss from passing her lips. Makayla arched her body and yelled with pleasure as she shook with the climax. She could feel Darius swell inside her, and that pressure added to the pleasure. She dug her nails into his side, wrapped her legs around his waist, and held on for the ride of her life.

  Wave after wave crashed into her. Never did she think an orgasm could be this powerful or this addictive. She wanted it to end, didn’t want it to end. Wanted to do it all over again, and yet wanted to run as far away from him as she could get. The thought that he was dangerous to her senses hit and she had to agree with that inner voice. Darius was dangerous if he could make her feel like she felt right now.

  Once the peak ended, she simple dropped in exhaustion. Legs, arms, whole body just went lax under him. She was too tired to even open her eyes and look up at him. She couldn’t stop the whimper that slipped out when he pulled out of her. Ripples of hot sensitivity soared through her lower body, she didn’t think she could move to close her legs and ended up staying spread out on the bed before him.

  A light kiss touched a breast and then the bed shifted. She managed to open one eye to watch him leave the bed and go over to the bathroom. She heard the sound of water pouring, and saw him return to her with a washcloth in hand. Makayla didn’t have the energy to move away from him when he joined her once more on the bed. She groaned at the cool touch of the cloth between her legs.

  “Sorry about that,” he said. “I didn’t plan on being so rough with you the first time.”

  Makayla smiled, her eyes closing, need for sleep overpowering her. “I didn’t mind,” she sighed right before she passed out.

  How long she slept she couldn’t say, but from the way she felt when her eyes opened again, later, had her thinking it wasn’t a very long time. Slowly, with the sheet up to her chest, she sat up in bed. Her nose was what woke her. The smell of food had her stomach growling in desperate In the bathroom she heard a shower going.


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