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Forbidden Lust (Tales of the Forbidden)

Page 4

by Jaden Sinclair

  Looking around, she spotted robes on the floor at the foot of the bed. Slipping from under the sheet, Makayla went over to them, picked one up and slipped into it as she walked over to a low table with several delectable-appearing dishes of food.

  She didn’t hesitate. Makayla sat down and dug into the food, shoving it in her mouth as fast as she could. It amazed her how hungry she was, but then again she hadn’t really eaten since coming home. Dinner at school hadn’t looked good, so she’d skipped it, then she got the call that Dane was sending a car for her to come home. Being home less than an hour and shipped to the Compound where the food in this joint needed a major make over.

  “Well, I see you have your appetite back.”

  Makayla almost choked on the food in her mouth. She looked up and saw Darius in the bathroom doorway, towel around his waist and another in his hand, rubbing his hair. As much as she hated it she did enjoy the look of his body. Nothing but a brick of muscles.

  She swallowed and wiped her mouth, forcing her eyes from the god like body before her. “I didn’t eat much since leaving school. Sure I’m acting like I have no manners. Nana would be proud.”

  He chuckled, tossed the towel into the bathroom and joined her at the low table, sitting across not next to her.

  “I hear they always give you finger food first.” He looked at the spread before them, taking a chunk of roasted chicken from the platter. “Maybe they’re afraid of giving you girls things to stab us with.”

  “Kera said she had silverware.”

  “And she tried to stab Devon,” he nodded, sitting back with his legs stretched out before him. She found herself fascinated by the simple act of him eating.

  “Do you think I’d try to stab you?”

  “In a heartbeat.”

  Makayla sighed, tossed the food in her hand back on the table and glared at him. “Okay, how long do we play this game?”

  “And what game might that be?”

  “I’m not going to start being nice to you just because I let you fuck me.”

  Darius hissed, “Ouch. So harsh.”

  “So how long do we play the game? I’d like to get out of here.”

  “You do at least know the rules, right?” Makayla didn’t answer him, only stared in what she hoped was a ‘I really don’t give a shit’ look.

  “Okay.” He took a deep breath. “When we leave here, Makayla, it’s as wife and husband.”

  She snorted and laughed. “I don’t think so.”

  He sat up, one knee drawn up with an arm hanging over it. “And what makes you think you’re not?”

  “You need my family’s permission and you don’t have it.” This time she didn’t stop from smirking at him.

  “Well Makayla, there you’re wrong again. See, since Berdina and Dane kept you out of town, making it hard for anyone to even try to meet you, well, let me just say that it sort of changes the rules. Besides, in case you’ve forgotten, your father didn’t really sign over a thing when your sister got summoned.”

  “That’s bullshit!”

  “That’s the truth.”

  She shook her head, “I’m not going to play being your wife. I don’t even know you.”

  “Which is what tonight is all about.”

  She snorted at that. “You expect me to just know everything there is about you in one night and go off in the sunset for happily-ever-fucking-after? I don’t think so.”

  She stood up and headed for the shower, slamming the door behind her. She took a long hot shower, scrubbing every part of her body that he’d touched, pissed over how her flesh seemed to tingle for more.

  Turning the water off, taking a deep breath, she dried and got back into the robe and braced herself to face him again. When she came out, she was shocked to see the bed remade and the food gone. Darius still lounged where she left him, drinking wine in a lazy manner.

  “I want out,” she said.


  “Damn it, Darius, this isn’t a game. This is my life!”

  “No, it’s our life now. We’re married.”

  Like a child, Makayla stomped her foot on the floor, unable to come up with a decent comeback fast enough. She looked around for a place to lock herself into, yet found nothing. The only door in the room, beside the one going out, was the bathroom and there wasn’t a damn lock on that door.

  “I can’t believe this shit is happening,” she mumbled to herself.

  “Why don’t you just calm down and come over for a drink.” He sat up and poured some wine into the second glass. “They also brought some fruit and I hear the strawberries are to die for.”

  Unable to come up with anything else for the moment, she did just that and took a seat across from him, picking up the glass and downing half of the wine. He refilled it, then handed her a bowl that contained two large chocolate covered strawberries. Rolling her eyes at him, she took one of them, bit into it and took another drink. Darius put the bowl down, picked up the other berry and bit into it, his eyes upon her.

  “This isn’t going to go well with the family,” she finally said right before taking another bite of the fruit. “You know that.”

  “I know.”

  “Nana is going to want to kill you.”

  “She might need to stand in line.”

  “You really are treating this like it’s some kind of game.”

  “Makayla, we’re locked together in a room, married. Tonight, I really don’t give a shit what the family thinks. All I care about is you and me.”

  “Wow! That’s rich, since I don’t want to be locked in here with only you.”

  “So what would you like then? Do you really like being away from everyone and everything? Or would you like to be finally grounded with a home and have that family you seem to care about so much around you?”

  “It’s not that simple.”

  “Sure it is.” Again, he lounged back. “You just have to give this a chance.” He put the last amount of his strawberry into his mouth, then finished what was left of the wine in his glass. She watched his throat muscles move while he swallowed, fascinated for a few moments by the action.

  She started to feel warm, then warmer, then blazing heat tore through her body and she had no idea why. Her skin began to tingle, the robe started making her skin feel itchy, irritating her skin.

  “I don’t feel right,” she breathed out, pressing a hand to her forehead.

  “That might be the aphrodisiac,” he told her, sitting up again. “I’m starting to feel it also.”

  “The what?” she gasped, desire suddenly hitting her low in the gut, flowing down to pool between her legs. Shit, her clit started to throb.

  “It’s a drug they put in the strawberries.”

  “Oh great!” She moaned this time, bending over, holding her stomach, trying to breathe through the first wave of intense, raw need. She ended up holding her breath, waiting for it to end.

  “Fighting it doesn’t help at all.”

  “How the fuck would you know?” she snapped through her teeth. “You knew about it! That’s why you had me eat the damn things.”

  “Yeah,” he said, took a deep breath, stood up and the towel fell to his feet. “I knew, and I’m looking forward to it.”

  She groaned and struggled to stand up, shaking her head. “No. No fucking way are you going to fuck me again.”

  “Wanna bet?”

  She turned and ran towards the bathroom, only to be stopped by him grabbing hold of her arm. He spun her around and shoved her against the wall. Both were breathing hard, staring at each other, him naked, her still in the robe.

  Darius reached for the knot and she slapped his hands away. One eyebrow went up, and he grasped her wrists in one hand and held them up over her head. With his free hand, he easily managed to untie the knot and part her robe.

  She gasped when cool air touched her nipples. They stiffened and were painful, and seemed to beg for attention.

  He didn’t say a word, just brushed o
ne stiff nub with the back of his hand, drawing out a ragged moan from her. A moan she couldn’t hold back. He didn’t smile or act cocky. Another jerk and her robe came off, leaving her naked before him. Darius didn’t break eye contact with her. He pulled her leg up to his waist, moved just slightly, and standing up entered her slow and easy.

  Muscles parted, stretched for the width of his cock. With the drug in her system, her body was more than ready for him and hungry for raw passion, not slow and easy loving. It didn’t even register that her wrists were free and that she was digging her nails into his shoulders until she tried to crawl up on him. Groaning, Darius picked her up. She wrapped both legs around his waist and he began to move steadily within her.

  “Not slow,” she managed to say, shaking her head.

  Groaning again, louder this time, his hands cupped then squeezed her ass as Darius picked up speed. Moving harder—faster—his upward thrusts shoved her body hard against the wall.

  Fuck if it didn’t feel like heaven. Makayla closed her eyes and held on, welcoming each sensation, each bit of pleasure he gave her. And fuck her if it didn’t feel like a drug she was starting to get hooked on.

  The orgasm hit without any kind of warning, and still Darius moved hard and fast. He didn’t slow down, or go easy on her. He just kept right on thrusting, drawing another out another climax on top of the first.

  “Shit!’ she cried out, holding onto him tighter. “What is this shit?”

  Darius didn’t answer her, but kissed her deep. His tongue slipped past her lips and she moaned, sucked on it and held on as he pushed them away from the wall, turned and onto the bed, they bounced. A quick flip and she was on top, looking down at him.

  Common sense told her she should get off right now, but her body refused to listen. With her hands planted on his chest, she moved her hips and took things up a notch. Straightening up, keeping eye contact he seemed to like, Makayla fucked him this time, fast and hard.

  His hands at first were at her hips, then moved up to her breasts as she rode him, but the harder and faster she moved the more of a response she got out of him. His hands left her body and moved over his head, grabbing the covers—maybe even the mattress as she moved.

  “Oh, fuck me!” he yelled.

  She felt him swell, felt the contractions of his release and smiled in pleasure at the sight of his twisted, pain filled face. And like him, she didn’t stop moving, which had the muscles on his arms straining even more.

  “Stop,” he begged, eyes still closed tight. “It’s too damn sensitive.”

  “Not there yet,” she panted back.

  “Son of a bitch!”

  Faster she moved, gasping at the pleasure, welcoming the climax that came. Her movements became jerky as she struggled to keep going with it. Then the unexpected happened. She lost it all and started sobbing.

  Darius sat up and held her close. She let go and cried, holding him back, pressing her face into his neck. It soothed her to have him rub her back, rocking her back and forth.”

  “Shhh,” he soothed. “You’re alright.”

  “It still burns,” she sniffed, trying to stop crying.

  “I know. It burns in me still also. We’re in for a long night darling, a very long night.”

  Chapter Four

  Darius had one hell of a time releasing Makayla. He watched her walk to the bathroom, close the door, then heard water running in the tub. He worked at staying in bed to give her time, but damn if it wasn’t a hard task. Already the drug had him hard, ready to go again, and he was pretty sure she felt the same way.

  He could only lie there for so long before he sat up and scooted from the bed. Padding on bare feet, naked, as he entered the bathroom. She was in the tub, resting her head against the back, eyes closed, arms out to the sides. Bubbles covered her body from his view.

  “I don’t recall asking you to join me,” she said with her eyes still closed.

  “Don’t recall asking if I can,” he said, going up to the tub. He stepped in. She opened her eyes and watched him lower himself into the hot water. Sitting up quickly, she slid her legs up to her chest, arms crossing over them.

  He grinned. “Kind of late to play shy, isn’t it?”

  “Get out of my tub, Darius.”

  He stretched out, one leg on either side of her and slid his arms up on the sides of the tub. With a sigh he purred, “Nice and hot. Just how I like-em.”

  “Darius, leave!”

  “I don’t want to.” He met her gaze, daring her to do something, and something she did. She splashed him, or more like water slapped him.

  “Get out!”

  Wiping his face off, he narrowed his eyes on her for a moment. That damn stubborn chin of hers went up. God, if he didn’t love her before, he sure as hell was falling in love with her now. There just was something about the way she stood up to him that he thoroughly enjoyed. Besides his friends, not too many ever did. They were afraid of pissing him off and fucking up any deal they might want to make with him. With Makayla, she didn’t give a shit either way.

  He sat up higher in the tub, keeping his eyes on her. Her head slightly shifted to the side, and the way her eyes sparkled told him she thought she’d won this little battle and he would leave.

  Moving his own legs up half up, he hooked both feet under her legs, drew back, jerking her toward him and she went under. Water splashed everywhere, as did her arms for a few seconds before he let her back up.

  “You ass-hole!” she yelled.

  Darius laughed.

  “Not funny,” Makayla whipped the suds and bubbles from her face, and still he laughed at the sight.

  Moving forward, he reached for her under the water, took hold of her waist and brought her to his lap before she could fight or bolt from the tub. He had her in the perfect position and planned on taking full advantage of it.

  “It was very funny,” he said.

  She pressed against his chest, stiffening in his arms. “What are you doing?”

  “Don’t tell me you don’t feel the burn still.” It was a struggle to hold her. Already water splashed out onto the floor, and he had a good feeling even more would be there before this round ended.

  “Just because I feel it doesn’t mean I have to do shit about it.”


  He leaned into her, licked a drop of water from her throat with the tip of his tongue. She shuddered, but didn’t relax. Using only his bottom lip, Darius grazed up towards her ear, giving the lobe a nip that had her jerking and a gasp slipping past her lips.

  “Lie and tell me you don’t feel the need to have me slip inside you once more.” Before she even opened her mouth to answer him, he had his cock at her entrance and was lowering her down. “I dare you to lie to me.”

  He made sure to lower her down on him extra slowly, allowing her to feel and experience each sensation, each stretch of her pussy from his cock, which he buried inside her. He wanted her to feel it all and get hooked on the sensations—hooked on him.

  However, Makayla kept her mouth shut, her body now relaxing against him, eyes closed and head resting back on her shoulders. He watched her face, saw conflict spreading across her pretty forehead and knew he had her, even if she refused to admit it.

  Her hands went to the sides of the tub, gripped them so tight the knuckles turned white, and she lowered herself down, finishing the job he’d started.

  Fully embedding him inside her, Makayla took the lead. Darius laid back in the water, watching it all, feeling everything while she moved herself up and down on him. Water swayed around them both, and the faster she moved the faster it moved until it started to splash on the floor.

  All care went out the door. The need, the pleasure took over them both. More water splashed out of the tub. Hell, from the look of things he’d bet that over half of what was in the tub was now on the floor.

  “I can’t do this.” She stopped so suddenly that for a moment Darius didn’t know what the hell was happening.
br />   She stood up and got out of the tub, leaving him there. He saw her grab for the towel, and his reasoning and good sense left him. Just as fast as he could he got out, grabbed her and slipped on the floor, giving a shout as he went down.

  They wrestled on the wet floor, slipping and sliding all over the place. It took a bit before he got the upper hand and found some sound footing. Once he did, Darius had her up on her knees gripping the side of the tub. One powerful thrust and once more, he buried himself to the hilt inside her.

  He didn’t hold back. The power of his thrust, the power of the drug left him powerless to do anything but give into his body’s demands, and needs.

  And then it all came to an end.

  A rush unlike any he ever experienced tore through him and he climaxed again. Darius was breathing hard and fast, resting his forehead on her back, unable to move, unable to withdraw from her. She was the one that finally moved, pushed him away and stood up, reaching for the towel. He stayed on the wet floor, watching her wrap it around her body, her back to him, ignoring him. She left the bathroom and he sighed, not sure what to do or what to say at the moment, feeling a bit guilty over how he’d just taken her. He smiled. Just a bit.

  * * * *

  Makayla dropped the towel next to the bed, crawled in under the covers, lying down on her stomach. She sighed, tired and sore, eyes so heavy she didn’t think she could keep them open if she wanted to.

  She heard him, felt the side of the bed give under his weight but kept her mouth shut. She didn’t want to talk to him. What she wanted was some sleep and time to think about how she was going to handle this situation and him.

  Unable to stop herself, she had to ask the question on the tip of her tongue. “So are you expecting me to play house now?”

  He sighed and the bed moved again. Turning her head, she saw him lying on his back, staring up at the ceiling. “I’ve been alone longer than you or the others could even know about. I don’t want to be alone anymore, Makayla. Is that so hard to understand?”

  “You don’t act like a man alone.”

  He turned to his side, facing her, and she did the same. “I’m more alone than you know.”


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