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Absolutely Not

Page 37

by Daisy Dexter Dobbs

  “Me too,” Keller agreed. “I’d be happy fucking you anywhere, sweetheart. Anytime.”

  “And now, as for you, Keller, you dirty, lowdown, lying snake in the grass,” Maisy teased as she gathered his wrists again. “This time I’m showing no mercy. The only way you’ll get out of these knots is by having me slice these silk ties off with a knife.”

  “Go ahead and do your worst,” Keller said with a cavalier smile. “Punish me to your heart’s content.”

  “I’m going to do just that,” Maisy agreed.

  “Absolutely. I certainly deserve it,” Keller said.

  “I see you snickering. You think you’re going to be able to get away again, don’t you? Hah!”

  “The thought never crossed my mind,” Keller promised.

  “Mmm-hmm. You know, you look really hot tied up like this,” Maisy noted. “You remind me of Tarzan, bound up in the jungle by the evil ivory hunters, left for the lions to devour.” Maisy removed the cap from the bottle of chocolate syrup, glazing Keller’s grape-stained cock. “I’ll be the lion,” she announced, licking her lips a moment before she ran her tongue from the root of his cock to the swollen cap of the head, where she placed a kiss.

  Then she paused to put his blindfold in place.

  “Whoa, wait a minute,” Keller protested. “Let’s skip the blindfold, okay? I want to watch.”

  “Too bad. Just relax and enjoy the sensations. You’ll like it.” Wasting no time, Maisy clamped her mouth on his cock and sucked.

  Keller’s breath grew ragged. “But-but men are visual creatures. Half the enjoyment is in the observing.”

  “Observe this,” Maisy said. Gently massaging his balls, she scraped her teeth lightly over the sides of his cock, causing his thighs to tense and his shaft to jerk. Her tongue swirled in slow, circles, torturing him sweetly, she hoped.

  “Your body isn’t the only thing made for sin,” Keller said. “I love the way you fuck me with your mouth, baby.”

  Maisy flicked her tongue out over the top of his shaft, capturing a little pearl of pre-cum before digging the tip of her tongue into the tiny hole at the summit.

  “Tarzan like?” she asked after another wicked lick across the small opening.

  Tensing his muscles, Keller wailed a Tarzan yell loud enough to rattle the picture frames on the wall. “Damn right. Tarzan like, very much.”

  “You know what this lioness likes?” Maisy asked, pausing from nipping the soft flesh covering his marble-hard column.

  “Tell me,” Keller said. “Fuck, I wish I could see you right now.”

  Maisy raked his chest and abs with her nails, hard enough for an erotic jolt, but soft enough not to scratch him. “This lioness likes the salty taste of cum sliding down the back of her throat as she sucks Tarzan’s gigantic cock.”

  “Aw…fuck me,” Keller groaned.


  “You’re killing me, Maisy.”

  “This lioness doesn’t kill,” Maisy informed. “She just likes to play with her meat and maul it a little bit.” She leaned in close, spreading his thighs. Her hands snaked beneath him, clutching Keller’s ass cheeks and digging in her fingers, hard. Then she licked the sensitive patch of skin between his balls and ass.

  As he growled, she felt his butt muscles tighten in her hands and decided it was a good time to finish the job of pleasuring the big, beautiful, bound hunk of man before her.

  Inch by inch she swallowed as much of his cock as she could, until she felt it butt up to the back of her throat. Maisy sucked it, licked it, worshipped it, fucked it until her lips and cheeks were sore. She cupped his sac with her fingers, rolling it gently as she milked his cock.

  “Ah…I wish I could sink my fingers into your hair now,” Keller said. “Hold your pretty head close to me as you fuck me with that amazing mouth of yours.”

  Maisy could tell he was getting close. Listening to his grunts, groans and murmurs, she watched Keller’s head shift from side to side as the muscles all through his body tensed and tightened.

  A moment later, his body rigid and a pleasured grimace across his mouth, Keller howled out a blistering curse as his hips bucked against her mouth and his hot semen flooded the cavern of her mouth and throat.

  Once she’d finished catching, savoring and swallowing every last drop of his cum, Maisy sat back on her heels, quite pleased with herself as she watched the rise and fall of Keller’s chest. She only hoped his experience was half as erotic as the one he’d given her.

  “I enjoyed that very much,” she told him, removing his blindfold. “In fact, that was so pleasurable, it just brought you one step closer to claiming first place on my chocolate bliss-o-meter.”

  As Keller opened his mouth to answer, the phone on his nightstand rang.

  The rude interruption had them both groaning.

  Keller looked at the clock beside the bed. “Jeez, it’s just past midnight.” He shook his head. “I’m just letting it ring. The machine can pick it up. Now why don’t you untie me like a good little girl?”

  When the answering machine kicked in, it was Norman’s voice.

  “Hey Keller, you there? Maisy? Hey, are you guys there? If you are, pick up. I’ve got important news about Wilson and Sharon.”

  Maisy bolted up on her knees. Keller struggled with his bindings.

  “Get me out of this,” he demanded.

  Maisy couldn’t help giggling at the fearsome scowl across Keller’s features. “Gee, why don’t you just slip out of those girly knots all by yourself, Tarzan?”

  The no-nonsense glare he transmitted gave her second thoughts about any further glibness. She fiddled with the ties at his wrists, grunting and groaning as she tried to undo her handiwork. It was useless. She’d clearly succeeded in tying a series of manly knots at Keller’s wrists.

  “Keller? Maisy?” Norman’s voice called out again.

  “Damn. Hit the blue button on the machine,” Keller instructed. “That’ll put him on speakerphone. And get these damned ties off me!” He yanked so hard, Maisy half-expected the headboard to come flying overhead. Scrambling over Keller, she hit the button on the answering machine, falling off the bed in the process and landing on a heap of sheets and the comforter on the floor.

  “Whoooop!” she warbled as she landed in a sprawl.

  “Yeah. Yeah, Norman,” Keller called out. “What’s up?”

  “Is that Maisy’s voice I heard? Is she there with you?”

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “Good,” Norman said, laughing. “I’m glad she’s there.” Groaning, Keller gave a resigned laugh. “Am I on speakerphone?”

  “Yup. Go ahead, Norman.”

  “Hi, Maisy.”

  Half sighing and half laughing, Maisy answered, “Hi, Norman.” Standing, she instinctively pulled the sheet up, covering her exposed breasts, bunching the fabric in her fist.

  “I kind of figured I might catch you two together there.”

  Keller turned to Maisy and whispered, “There’s a jackknife in my nightstand drawer. Get it out and cut off these damn straps.”

  “Straps?” Norman said. “Hmmm, sounds like you two have been having fun.”

  “Shut up, Norman,” Keller said as Maisy got the knife and opened it. The blade whooshed out, startling her.

  “Wow, this thing is lethal. Why do you keep it in your nightstand?”

  “Just untie me, for chrissakes,” Keller demanded, yanking at his bindings again.

  “I have to be careful, Keller. I don’t want to slice your wrists.”

  “Oh yeah.” Norman chuckled. “Some good times were had.”

  “Never mind, Norman.” Tsking, Maisy felt her cheeks flush. “What about Sharon and Wilson?

  “She said yes, Maisy. Sharon said yes.”

  “You mean, my sister and your cousin—” Keller started.

  “That’s exactly what I mean. Wilson, your soon to be future brother-in-law, just called me. He was on his way to the airport to catch
his plane for Texas. He and Sharon leave for Russia in—get this, guys—in two weeks! Yeeehaaa!”

  His hands finally free, Keller telegraphed a mile-wide grin, which Maisy echoed. “Yeeehaaa!” they chorused back to Norman.

  “So remember, Keller, you have to act completely surprised when Sharon tells you her big news about marrying Wilson and moving overseas.”

  “No problem. I guarantee I’ll put on a performance that would make you proud, Norman.” He worked at the knots at one ankle as Maisy worked at the other.

  “Good boy. Maisy, I’ve penciled in a two-week vacation for you starting the day after Sharon leaves for Russia. You can take a few extra days if you need to, but no more than three weeks, okay? That starts cutting into our busy time.”

  “Vacation?” Maisy cocked her head and frowned. “Why, Norman? I wasn’t planning to take a—”

  “For your honeymoon, of course.”

  “Honeymoon!” Maisy gasped. “What honeymoon?”

  “Oops.” Norman broke into his patented nervous giggle. “Keller, haven’t you…uh…talked to Maisy yet?”

  Keller looked to Maisy, grinned and scratched his head. “Uh…no. Not yet, Norman.”

  “Keller, what’s Norman talking about?” Maisy said, trying desperately not to look too eager. Trying frantically to keep her heart from leaping out of her throat. Trying madly not to let out a scream that would crack those lovely old leaded-glass windows in Keller’s bedroom.

  “I was planning to wait until we had breakfast together, Maisy, but thanks to your bigmouth boss,” he cupped his hands over his mouth to amplify the words over the telephone,” I guess I’ll have to change my plans.” Sitting at the edge of the bed, Keller raked both hands through his hair and laughed.

  “I swear to God, Norman,” he said. “You’re going to be worse than an in-law, you know that?”

  “Aw, don’t worry, Keller,” Norman answered. “You’ll be used to me before you know it. Won’t he, Maisy?”

  There was silence as Maisy looked skyward and let out a noisy sigh.

  “Maisy?” Norman’s giggle pierced the air.

  “Right, Norman,” she finally said, shrugging as Keller laughed.

  “Okay, Norman,” Keller said, “since you basically orchestrated this whole relationship with Maisy and me, I suppose it’s only fitting that you hear the proposal.”

  Ears perked, Maisy sat up arrow-straight. “Proposal?”

  “Yes!” Norman said. “Yes!”

  Keller rose from the bed and paused, looking down at his naked cock. “Wait, “he said. “There’s something I have to do first.”

  “What?” Norman said. “What?! You’re killing me here.”

  “None of your beeswax, Norman,” Keller said, slipping into his jeans. He grabbed his shirt and yanked that on as well. “There. That’s better.” He beamed a broad grin. “Somehow it just wouldn’t seem right the other way.”

  “What other way?” Norman asked. “What’s going on there? Keller? Maisy?”

  “Oh gosh,” Maisy said. “Just a minute.” Gathering the top sheet, she wrapped it around herself, flinging one end over her shoulder. Sitting there naked and purple just didn’t seem apropos when she was about to get proposed to.

  “You look just like a Greek goddess, Maisy,” Keller told her.

  “Thank you. Okay, I’m ready.” She sat back down on the edge of the bed, feeling just like a kid on Christmas morning.

  Getting down on one knee, Keller cleared his throat.

  “Ohmigod,” Maisy whispered, her eyes filling with tears as he took her hand in his and cleared his throat again.

  “Maisy Morganfield, I love you. I can’t live without you. And I can’t imagine feeling this way about anyone else in this lifetime or any other. You are the woman of my dreams, of my heart, my soul.”

  “Oh that was good, Keller,” Norman said. “Really good.”

  Keller closed his eyes and smiled. It seemed to Maisy as though he might be counting to ten.

  “Norman?” Keller said.

  “Yeah, buddy?”

  “Shut up.”

  “Go ahead. My lips are sealed.”

  Keller cleared his throat for the umpteenth time and gazed into Maisy’s eyes. “You and I are like the components of a fine wine, Maisy. Blended together, I know we can achieve that special balance and harmony that will provide our relationship with body, substance, smoothness, character. And, of course, a pleasing finish.” Keller grinned.

  “And don’t forget great legs,” Maisy said with a wink, remembering her wine gaffe during their picnic lunch.

  Keller laughed and squeezed one of Maisy’s calves. “Great legs. Definitely.”

  Norman expelled an audible sigh, indicating his impatience, and Maisy and Keller snickered.

  “What I’m trying to say, Maisy, is,” he paused and cleared his throat again. Maisy had never seen him so nervous.

  “Yes, Keller?”

  “I want to ask you if—”

  “Oh for heaven’s sake, Keller, spit it out already!” Norman cut in. “The man’s asking you to marry him, Maisy. Say yes before I keel over from old age, will you?”

  Keller slapped his hand to his forehead and Maisy burst out laughing.

  “Are you, Keller? Asking me to marry you, I mean?”

  Keller nodded. “And doing a rather poor job of it apparently.”

  “Oh no. It was perfect, Keller. Just perfect.” Maisy threw her arms around his neck and squealed. “Yes! Yes, Keller. Yes, yes, yes!”

  “Finally!” Norman said. “See, Maisy? Maybe now you’ll believe that I’m psychic. I told you my predictions always come true and that you and Keller would end up together, didn’t I?”

  “Yeah, with plenty of cockeyed finagling from you, Norman,” Keller said.

  “Well, it worked, didn’t it? It was my responsibility to get you two together. Anyway,” Norman continued, “congratulations, kids. I’ll get busy and set up the wedding arrangements at that cute little chapel with the justice of the peace over in Bloomingdale. You’ll get married the day after Sharon and Wilson leave for Russia. We’ll—”

  “Whoa!” Maisy said. “Slow down, Norman. The man just finished proposing and you’re already planning our wedding? What if we want a long engagement?”

  “Trust me, that’s not a concern, darling,” he assured her. “We’ll have to keep the wedding relatively small because of the short notice, and, of course, we don’t want Sharon to get wind of anything before she leaves. Rudy and his sister Marta have offered to have the reception at Bavaria Haus. We don’t have to worry about wine because you can provide that, Keller. And—”

  “Norman, stop,” Maisy cut in. “I really think Keller should have some say in all this.”

  “It’s okay, trust me. Keller and I already worked out the details when you were passed out after downing that killer chocolate potion.” Norman laughed.

  “I wasn’t passed out, I-I was sleeping,” Maisy objected.

  “Yeah, right,” Norman and Keller chorused.

  “Anyway,” Norman continued, “we decided it was best to get you guys hitched as soon as we ship Sharon out of here. We don’t want to wait too long because if she comes back for some reason, she might try to screw things up. This is for the best, Maisy. Really. Trust me.”

  Maisy’s jaw dropped and she turned to her new fiancé. “You mean to tell me that you and Norman got together and planned this all out without consulting me? Before you even proposed or knew that I’d say yes?”

  “Uh…well, sort of, I guess.” Keller looked like deer caught in the headlights. It was that undeniably clueless expression men often get when put on the spot by a woman. “See, Norman was eager to make the plans, and so I told him to go ahead and run with it. I wasn’t worried about you saying no to my proposal, so that wasn’t a concern.”

  Maisy huffed, balled her fists and planted them on her hips. “Oh is that so?

  “Are you kidding? After all that trouble you wen
t to just to hook me? No chance in hell you’d say no, sweetheart.” Devilish, teasing laughter erupted from Keller’s lips.

  Maisy rose abruptly and shoved Keller’s shoulder, making him lose his balance on the one knee and land on his ass. “So you and my boss just decided to plan out my wedding and my whole life for me without even asking me for input.”

  “You’re absolutely right, Maisy,” Norman said. “We definitely should have asked for your input. Barcelona, London or Frankfurt?”

  Maisy skewed her features. “Huh?”

  “You want to be asked for your input, Maisy, so I’m asking. Which of those three places do you want to go for your honeymoon?”

  Maisy slumped back on the edge of the bed, dazed and bewildered. “Well, let’s see. I love London, but I’ve always wanted to go to Germany…hmmm, I guess maybe—”

  “Barcelona?” Norman said. “Good. Just what I was thinking. Spain is great this time of year. I’ve got this terrific little villa lined up there for you guys with a gorgeous hand-painted ceramic tile veranda that overlooks the city. The neighboring buildings are a few hundred years old with magnificent larger-than-life sculptures and columns. It’s quiet, full of history, secluded, the food is great, and I hear the villa’s master bedroom suite is to die for. Good choice, Maisy. You’ll love it.”

  Still on the floor, Keller peered up at Maisy, broadcasting a charming little-boy smile. “Sounds romantic to me, Maisy. What do you think?”

  “Do I have a choice?” Maisy threw her hands up in the air. “Sure. Why not?” She paused for a moment and then it struck her. She gaped at Keller, her heart racing. “Oh my God. Oh. My. God!”

  “What?” Keller and Norman said together.

  “Well, it’s just that this has all happened so fast and I just now realized that we’re talking about the two of us actually being husband and wife and spending our honeymoon in Spain.” She indulged in a dreamy sigh.

  “I feel just like a princess in a storybook—after the ugly old witch gets her comeuppance and takes off for Russia with the horny Texas toad.”

  Beaming a grin, she snaked herself down and sat on the floor next to Keller, giving him a hug. “Keller, I don’t care where we go or when, as long as we’re together. So, Norman,” she raised her voice so he’d be sure to hear, “you can just go right ahead and take care of whatever plans you please.”


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