Between Flesh and Steel
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enteric fever, 219
epidemics, 42, 66, 102, 120, 182
epidemiological works, 72
epilepsy, 179
ergotism, 42
ersatz kompanie, 232
erysipelas antitoxin, 204
Esmarch elastic bandage, 136, 183
ether, 135, 161, 162, 166, 167
etiology of disease, 184
eugenics theories, 225
Europe, 3, 4, 14, 19, 20, 42–46, 56, 69, 70, 75, 77, 82, 113, 121, 131, 147, 161, 180, 185, 194, 245, 255
Eusol solution, 216
evacuation hospital, 224, 226, 227, 236
evacuation of psychiatric cases, 213
evacuation syndrome, 213
executioners, 72
exhausted hearts, 178
exploding artillery shot, 216
Eylau, battle of, 142, 146
Ezerski, General, 211
Fabry, Wilhelm “Fabricius,” 72
facial disfigurement, 262
facial injuries, 174
facial reconstruction, 174
facial wounds, 218
factory system, 11, 13
fahnlein, 56
Fallujah, Iraq, 255; second battle of, 258
Faraday, Michael, 134
fascist state, 20
feigned insanity, 178
feldlazarett, 231
feldscher, 55, 160, 180, 210, 213
femoral artery, 153, 35
femoral fractures, 217, 229
fentanyl, 258
fermentation, 137
Ferrara, Italy, 57
feudal armies, 5, 6, 54, 60
feudal social order, 1, 4, 8, 41
fibrin, 218, 230
field ambulances, 223, 228
field artillery, 4, 8, 90
field evacuation system, 210
field hospital, 70, 83, 110, 112, 171, 176, 195, 196, 201, 205, 206, 208, 218, 224, 226, 227, 228, 236, 248
field hygiene, 58, 78–79, 119, 208, 221, 199, 228, 251
field latrines, 251
field medical chest, 72, 75
field sanitation, 252, 253
field surgeons, 83
field telephone, 15
field transfusion units, 218, 230
Fifth Motorized Rifle Division, 250
Fifty Strange and Wonderful Cures for Gunshot Wounds, 72
filth pharmacopoeia, 74
Finland, 21
firearms, 3, 6, 73, 83, 90, 92
fire direction center, 26
firelock musket, 4, 5, 7
first aid kit, 219
First Battle of Bull Run, 169
fixed ammunition, 15
flak jackets, 247
Flanders, Belgium, 108, 178, 198, 201
flash burns, 50
flash pan, 5, 50
Flemming, Alexander, 229
flint, 5
flintlock 5
flogging, 100, 102
Florence, Italy, 57
Florey, Howard W., 229
flush toilets, 251
flying ambulance, 51, 143–47
flying hospital, 106, 120
flying machine, 17
Fontenoy, battle of, 97
Forrestal, USS, 25
Fort Irwin, California, 26, 269
Fort Henry, Tennessee, battle of, 170
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 168
forward aid station, 229
forward: surgery, 219; surgical stations, 216; surgical teams (FST), 228, 259
forward treatment of psychiatric casualties, 214, 227
France, 21, 44, 52, 68, 79, 80, 89, 91, 92, 100, 109, 110, 227, 139, 141, 157, 159, 160, 179, 182, 202, 224, 227
Francis, Duke of Guise, 59, 60
Franco-Prussian War, 6, 97, 131, 138, 139, 161, 179, 181, 182, 184, 195, 197, 213, 217, 219, 231
Frederick the Great of Prussia, 7, 8, 92, 115, 181
Frederick Wilhelm I of Prussia, 92, 114
Frederick Wilhelm Institute, 115, 181
Fredericksburg, battle of, 170, 173
French Academy of Sciences, 69
French Army, 91, 144, 153, 154, 158, 221, 222
French and Indian War, 117
French Journal of Medicine, 69
French military medical service, 112
French Navy, 102
French Republic, 112
French Revolution, 111, 112, 113, 129, 131, 140, 181
Freudian psychology, 261
frontline hospitals, 216
frostbite, 219
frettage, 15
Fuller, Samuel, 70
fumigating ovens, 209
Furious, HMS, 20
Galen, 44, 46, 52, 67, 71
Gandhi, Mohandas, 194
gangrene, 166, 234; gas gangrene, 136, 216, 217
gas: casualties, 226; masks, 225, 226; warfare, 226
Gates, Gen. Horatio, 96
Gatling gun, 12, 13
GAU-8, 27
Gehema, Janus Abraham, 73
general hospital, 106, 108, 110, 111, 114, 146, 147, 150, 151, 155, 156, 162, 166, 170, 173, 176, 196, 228, 229
General Hospital for the Insane, 179
Geneva Convention, 159, 175
Genoa, Italy, 99; Genoese Navy, 57
George I of England, 91
George Washington, USS, 25
Georgia, 245, 253
Gerlich gun, 22
germ theory of infection, 153, 138, 204
German Army, 139, 181, 215, 219
German General Staff, 220
German medical service, 231–33
German officer corps, 232
Germany, 14, 21, 42, 106, 131, 132, 134, 136, 139, 159, 178, 179, 180, 196, 202, 203, 220, 225
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 202
Ghent, Belgium, 106, 151
Glogau, Germany, 115
Goercke, Johann, 181
goniometer, 15
Gorgas, William, 137
Gospitali, 116, 117
Goto, Masanao, 204
Government Hospital for the Insane, 177
graduate wonders, 232
Grant, Gen. Ulysses S., 169
grapeshot, 8, 48
Graunt, John, 68
Graveyard of the German Army, 70
Gray Ghost of the Confederacy, 12
Great Northern War, 116
great Richmond fire, 174
Great Plague of London, 70
Greece, 44, 45, 46, 268; Greek physicians, 69
Grenada, 245
grenade, 76, 197, 202, 206
ground attack fighter, 23
guided torpedo, 16
Guild of Barbers in England, 48
Guild of Surgeons, 48
Guillemeau, Jacques, 78
Gulf War, 254, 255, 257, 267
gunpowder, 1, 4, 48, 50, 51, 53; revolution of, 3; weapons, 33, 51, 266
gunshot wounds, 49–53; 74, 77, 105, 198
Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, 6, 5, 73, 81, 82
Gutenberg Bible, 45
Guthrie, George James, 135, 147–48, 151
Guthrie, Samuel, 134
gyrocompass, 17
gyroscope, 17
Hickman, Henry Hill, 134
Hadrian, 99
Haig, Gen.eral Douglas, 224
halberdsmen, 2
Hales, Stephen, 100
Halifax, Lord, 100
Hall, John, 156
Halsted, William Steward, 136
Hammond, Surgeon General William, 167, 169, 171, 175
hand grenade, 7
hand-washing basins, 209
Harbin, Manchuria, 214
hard biscuits, 101
Hardy, Capt. Thomas, 102
Hardy, J. D., 34
harnessmaker’s silk, 136, 166
Harvard College, 70, 172
Harvey, William, 52, 66
hauffen, 56
hauptverbandplatz, 231
head wounds, 92
health certificates, 99
heart disease, 250
heart surgeon,
heart ventricles, 66
heat exhaustion, 209
heat stroke, 212, 250, 255
heimweh, 178
helicopter, 234, 235, 236, 237, 258, 267
Hellfire antitank missile, 27
helmet, 75, 76, 83
hemogram, 259
hemorrhage, 258
hemostatis, 135, 151, 166; hemostatic agents, 258; QuickClot, 258; HemCon, 258; Combat Gauze, 258; forceps, 216
Henry IV of France, 80
Henry VII of England, 56
hepatitis A, 250
high-mobility battlefield, 266
high-velocity rifles, 198, 247
Hind Mi-24, 27
Hippocrates, 49
Hiroshima, Japan, 24
histology, 66
Hobbes, Thomas, 87
Hodgen, John, 167
Hodges, Nathaniel, 70
Hodgen splint, 167
Holland, 45, 68, 97, 117
Holland, USS, 17
Home Hospital Reserve, 201
Holmes, Oliver Wendell Sr, 133
Homer, 99
Honeywell guns, 27
horde tactics, 140
horizontal rudder, 16
Horrocks, Col. William, 202
horse artillery, 4, 7
horse cavalry, 8
horse-drawn artillery, 38
horsehair, 136, 166
hospital cars, 170
Hospital Conveyance Corps, 155
hospital fever, 96
hospital trains, 225
hospital ships, 60, 99, 103, 170, 195, 206, 228, 236
hospital wagons, 143
hospitals: field, 77, 78, 80; military, 79–83; mobile, 80
hot knife, 102
Hôtel National des Invalides, 80
howitzers, 8
Hughes 30mm chain gun, 27
human fat, 75
humane weapons, 198
Humvees, 259
Hundred Years’ War, 2, 3
Hungarian Disease, 70
Hunter, John, 88, 89, 93, 105, 142
Hustin, Albert, 218
hydraulic recoil cylinders, 15
hydrophone, 20
hydroelectric gun stabilizing system, 23
hygiene, 185; regulations, 110, 212
hyoscyamus, 78
hypnotic suggestions, 133, 136, 167, 216
hysterial blindness, 214
hysterical excitement, 214
hysterical paralysis, 178, 179
hysterical reactions, 226
Iatrochemical School, 68
Iatromathematical School, 68
icons, 212
Iliad, 33, 34, 37, 99
immunization, 193, 200
Imperial Courts-Martial, 56
Imperial Guard, 146, 147, 158
Imperial Japanese Army, 204
Imperial Russian Army, 210
impressment, 101, 147
Indian houses, 162
Industrial Revolution, 11, 13, 14, 131, 162
infantry, 28
infection, 1, 49, 50, 51, 77, 84, 94, 95, 107, 141, 153, 159, 166, 183, 198, 228
infectious disease, 204, 205, 250, 251, 254; infectious disease hospital, 248, 253
infectious hepatitis, 250, 251
infectious ophthalmia, 142
infirmiers, 146
influenza, 42, 105, 211, 227; influenza epidemic of 1918, 219, 227
infrared sensing system, 27
inhalation injuries, 235
Inkermann, battle of, 152
inoculation, 97, 122, 152, 159
insane of war, 118
insanity, 178, 179
intranasal ketamine, 259
Instrumentarium Chirurgicum militare Austriacum, 90
insurgency warfare, 245, 254
interchangeability of parts, 14
internal combustion engine, 8, 17
International Congress of Military Medicine, 159
interrupter gear, 20
intestinal disease, 200
intravenous injection, 67, 68; intravenous (IV) line, 256; intravenous saline infusions, 216; saline replacements, 217
Introduction to General Military Surgery, 161
invention of printing, 44
Investigations into the Etiology of Traumatic Infective Diseases, 138
iodine, 138
ipecac, 167
Iran, 246
Iraq, 36, 165, 245, 255–59, 260, 262, 267, 268; military medical service, 268
Iraqi-U.S. conflict, 268
iron plating, 16
iron ramrod, 7
iron ships, 13, 16, 104
Israeli-Arab War, 268
Israeli Defense Force, 34
Israeli-PLO War, 34
Istanbul, Turkey, 153
Italy, 20, 21, 44, 45, 57, 100, 131, 158
IV bottle, 257
Ivan III of Russia, 69
Jackson, Gen. Thomas J. “Stonewall,” 175
jail fever, 96, 120
James I of England, 75
Jameson, Horatio, 136
Japan, 21, 201, 202, 204, 207, 215; Japanese army, 203, 205, 207, 208, 209, 215; navy, 206
Japanese Imperial University, 203
Japanese Red Cross, 205
Jenner, Edward, 96
Jesuits, 80
jet-powered aircraft, 24
Jones, Sir Robert, 217
Jones, John, 121
Josephinum, 115
Journal de médecine militaire, 110
Kabul, Afghanistan, 246, 248
Kaga, 22
Kandahar, Afghanistan, 248
Kangaroo, HMS, 155
kaolin, 258
Katherine the Great, 69
Katyusha, 23
Keen, William W., 166
Kentucky rifle, 6
Kevlar flak jacket, 257
Kilmainham, 81
Kimpton-Brown waxed tubes, 218
King’s College, 121
Kircher, Athanasius, 66
Klebs, Edwin, 138, 139
Koch, Robert, 138, 139, 204
Kunduz, 248
Korea, 34, 165, 238, 255, 267
Korean War, 233, 258
kriegslazarett, 231
Krupp “Big Bertha” howitzer, 15
Kure, Japan, 206
La Rochelle, siege of, 80
Laennec, René, 136
Lancet, The, 139
landing zone, 236
Landsknechte, 56, 57, 82
Landsteiner, Karl, 218
Larrey, Dominique-Jean, 51, 74, 135, 142–46, 151, 154, 169
Lasaer, Jesse, 137
latrines, 209
laudable pus, 49–50
laudanum, 167
laughing gas, 133
Laupen, Battle of, 2, 3, 54
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent, 161
Lawson, Surgeon General Thomas, 168, 169
le Prestre, Sébastien, Marquis de Vauban, 81
lead poisoning, 42
lead shot, 49
leather sutures, 77
Leclerc, Gen. Charles-Victor-Emmanuel, 148
LeClerc, Daniel, 68
Lee, Gen. Robert E., 175
Lee-Enfield rifle, 13
Lenin, Vladimir, 245
leprosy, 71
lethality, 32–35
Letterman, Jonathan, 169, 182, 208; ambulance service, 169–71
letters of credit, 9
lever action rifle, 6
Lexington, USS, 22
Leyden, Germany, 117
Liao-tung Peninsula, Manchuria, 209
Liaoyang, battle of, 202
Library of the Surgeon General’s Office of the Army, 175–76
Libya, 18
lice, 212
ligation, 234
ligature, 53, 77, 78, 83, 132, 135, 136, 166
Lille, Belgium, 110
limb immobilization, 229
limb transplantation, 262
lime juice, 101
Lind, James, 101, 103, 104
linear tactics, 6, 32, 266
linear combat formations, 10
Lister, Joseph, 95, 136–39, 167, 176, 180, 182, 204; methods of, 220
Liston, Sir Robert, 133, 134, 135
litter bearers, 110, 144, 147, 150, 154, 159, 169, 181, 201, 220, 206, 222, 224, 231
litter-jeep, 233
Little, Nathan, 167
local paralysis, 214
locomotive torpedo, 16
Londinius, N., 99
London, England, 134
Long, Crawford, 134
Long Island, battle of, 119
Longmore, Sir Thomas, 135
longbows, 2
Lorenz rifle, 182
Louis IX of France, 58
Louis XIV of France, 77, 109
Louis XIII of France, 80
Louis XVI of France, 143
Lovell, Joseph, 162
Low-profile hull, 22
Lyster bag, 227
M-110 gun, 26
M-163 Vulcan cannon, 26
M-2 90mm gun, 23
M-77 explosive rounds, 26
Macedonian phalanx, 2
Machaon, 99
machine gun, 12, 14, 18, 224, 247; machine gun war, 13, 19
MacLeod, George H. B., 34, 135
magazine-fed infantry rifle, 6
Magi, Bartolommeo, 53
Mainz, Germany, 45
Maison Royale de la Charité Chrétienne, 58, 80
Maizuru, Japan, 206
mal du pays, 178
malaria, 95, 103, 204, 219, 227, 237, 250, 252, 253; malaria fever, 137
Male Accident Ward at London Hospital, 137, 138
Malpighi, Marcello, 66
Maltese carts, 196
manured soil, 219
marching column, 29
Mark IV tank, 20
Marshall, Henry, 151
mass casualties, 176
mass production, 11–14
Massachusetts Bay Colony, 117, 118
matchlock, 5
Mathijsen, Antonius, 161
Maurice of Nassau, 72
Mauser rifle, 13
maxillo-facial injuries, 218
Maxim, Hiram, 13
Maximilian I, Duke of Bavaria, 56, 82
Maximilien, Duke of Sully, 80
Mayflower, 70
McClellan, Gen. George B., 168, 175
McGrigor, James, 148, 149, 151, 153
measles, 42
medevac helicopters, 236, 259; crews, 237
Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, 176
medical: barges, 225; cards, 183; chests, 83, 118; dictionary, 68; discharge, 105; education, 90; humanists, 45; journals, 91; laboratories, 182; microscopy, 66; periodical literature, 69; publishing, 46, 89; record system, 176; regulating officer (MRO), 236; service corps, 194; treatment detachments, 254; wagons, 144
Medical Staff Corps, 157
Medicina Nautica: An Essay on the Diseases of Seamen, 103
Medicina Curiosa, 69
Medical Observations in Hungarian Camps, 72
Memoires de Chirurgie Militaire et Campagnes, 142
meningitis, 250
mental asylums, 177
mental collapse, 176, 213
mercurial fumigation, 71
mercurous chloride, 167
mercury, 75
Messerschmitt Me-262, 24