Between Flesh and Steel
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Messines, battle of, 217
Method of Treating Gunshot Wounds, 52
Metz, France, 110
Metz, battle of, 145
Metz, siege of, 59, 60
Meuse-Argonne offensive, 227
Mexican War, 148
Mexican War of 1846–1848, 32, 131, 134, 148, 153, 161, 162
Mi-24 Hind helicopter, 246
Mi-8MB (Bisector) helicopter, 249
micro-bleeding, 261
microphotography, 174, 176
microbes, 137
microscope, 66, 137–40, 174
Middle Ages, 1, 29, 33, 41, 44, 51, 53, 54, 65, 71, 78, 80, 88, 99, 123, 153; armies of, 1–3
migratory genocide, 246
military hospitals, 56, 83, 95, 114, 117, 141
military hygiene, 48, 105, 110, 204, 207
military medical officers, 132
military medical schools, 90, 123, 141
military pharmacy, 48
military psychiatry, 213, 227, 261; invention of, 76–79
military physician, 147, 129, 266
military sanitation, 59, 185
military surgeon, 34, 78, 77, 92, 93, 116, 117, 118, 147
mines, 16
Minié, Capt. Claude-Etienne, 152
Ministry of War, 112
Mirror of Anatomy, 46
Mississippi River, 170
Mitchell, Silas Weir, 167
mobile army surgical hospital (MASH), 233, 234, 235
mobile artillery, 10, 92
mobile field hospitals, 95, 109
mobile laboratories, 228
mobile siege gun, 3
mobile surgical teams, 228
mobile surgical field hospitals, 171
modern warfare: beginnings, 8–18; casualties and lethality, 28–38; emergence of, 1–3; gunpowder revolution, 3–8; twentieth century war, 18–24; twenty-first century, 24–28
Mogadishu, battle of, 255–58
Moldova, 245, 253
monasteries, 43, 58; monastic orders, 59
monocoque construction, 18
monoplane, 22
Monro, Alexander, I, 89, 94, 95
Mons, 222
Montague, Lady Mary Wortley, 96
Montpelier, France, 112
Moore, Surgeon General Samuel, 173, 175
morbid anatomy, 89
Moreau, Gen. Jean-Victor, 144
Morel, Etienne, 78
Morgan, John, 122
morphine sulfate, 167, 258
Morton, William T. G., 134
Mosby, John Singleton, 12
Moscow, Russia, 178
mosquito netting, 209
mounted knights, 2
Mower General Hospital, 173
mujahideen, 247, 253
Mukden, Manchuria, 207; battle of, 210; siege of, 202
mules, 224
mummy dust, 75
musket, 3, 5, 6, 7, 12, 48, 73, 75; musket ball, 49, 73, 75, 76; musketeer, 4–7
Muslims, 71, 247; armies of, 44
Mussolini, Benito, 20, 21
mustard gas, 19
muzzle-brake, 23
muzzle-loading cannon, 181
Nagasaki, Japan, 24
Naples, Italy, 57
Napoleon, 15, 13, 14, 19, 25, 112, 141, 145, 146, 152, 178; armies of, 11, 74
Napoleon III, 158
Napoleonic Wars, 29, 32, 51, 110, 140, 131, 132 181; Aboukir, battle of, 146; Austerlitz, battle of, 146; Austrian campaign, 146; Egyptian campaign, 141; Peninsular campaign, 147; Russian campaign; Spanish campaign, 244
nasopharyngeal airway, 256
nation in arms, 11, 19
nation states, 4, 9, 41, 83, 90, 122
national armies, 41, 60
National Assembly, 112
National Convention, 112
National Sanitation Bureau, 204
naval medicine, 99–104; naval physicians, 99, 101; naval surgeons, 97, 99, 104, 135
Nazification, 232
Nebelwerfer, 23
necessary suppuration of wounds, 50, 51, 143
necrotic damage, 257; tissues, 142
needle thoracostomy, 256
Nelson, Lord Horatio, 102; Nelson’s blood, 102
nervous diseases, 177
neurasthenia, 214
neurological profession, 177
neurologists, 177, 213, 261
neurology, 177, 179
neurosurgeon, 249
New Model Army, 83
Newton, Sir Isaac, 65, 66; Newtonian induction method, 87, 88
Nieuport fighter, 18
Nightingale, Florence, 153, 155
nineteenth century, medicine 129–33;
Amputation, 135–37; Anesthesia, 133–35; bacteriology and microscope, 137–40; British medicine, 147–50; flying ambulances, 143–47; military psychiatry, 176–79
nineteenth century, wars: American Civil War, 162–76; Crimean War, 152–53; England, 153–57; France, 157–60; Franco-Prussian War, 179–85; Mexican War, 161–62; Napoleonic wars, 140–43; Russia, 160–61; Waterloo, battle of, 150–52
nitrous oxide, 133, 134
non-penetrating head wound, 76
noninfectious disease, 205
Normandy Invasion, 230
Northern Ireland, 34; Troubles in, 35
nostalgia, 177, 178
nuclear: artillery shells, 24; reactors, 25; torpedoes, 24; weapons, tactical, 24, 25
nuclear-powered guided-missile frigate, 25
nurses, 172, 118, 153, 170, 173, 176, 205, 206, 211, 233, 225, 247, 259; African American, 171; anesthetists, 249, 259; matron, 118; naval nurses, 171; surgical nurses, 249
O’Halloran, Sylvester, 94
Observations on the Diseases of the Army, 105
Observations on the Diseases of Seamen, 103
Odyssey, 99
Ohio River, 170
oil of roses, 53
oil of vipers, 75
122mm gun, 23
operating gowns, 139
operating rooms, 180
ophthalmia, 141
opiates, 253
opium, 75, 78, 102, 133, 167; pills, 167
Ordnance Department, 154
orthopedics, 173, 217; orthopedic surgeon, 259
Ostend, Belgium, 151
Ottoman Turks, 41, 44; armies of, 3; empire of, 96
ox trek wagons, 196
Oxford Philosophical Society of England, 69
oxygen concentrator, 260
P-59 Aircomet, 24
Pacific theater (WW II), 238
pack howitzer, 19
paddlewheels, 16
painted face masks, 218
Pakistan, 246, 247
palm juice, 75
Panama, 245
panoramic sights, 15
Panzerfaust, 22
paper cartridge, 5, 73
Paracelsus, Philippus Aureolus, 50, 52
paratyphoid, 227
paratyphus, 250
Paré, Ambroise, 46, 47, 50–53, 77
paregoric, 167
Paris, France, 112, 134, 147; Paris Revolt of 1848, 135
Paris Medical Faculty, 48
Pashtun, 247
Passchendaele, battle of, 217
Pasteur, Louis, 137, 138, 176, 204
Pasteur Institute, 228
pathology, 89
pavilion-style hospital, 173, 176, 206
Pavlovna, Elena, 153
pediculosis, 72
penetrating head wounds, 94
penicillin, 230, 232, 233
Peninsula campaign, 147, 169
Peninsular War, 149, 150, 152, 154, 211
pension system, 176
People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan, 246
Pépinière, 115, 181
percussion cap, 5
Percy, Baron Pierre-François, 135, 141–43; Percy’s Wurst, 144
periscope, 17
permanent military hospitals, 61
Perpignan, France, 81
Perry, Adm. Matthew, 201
Peter the Great, 69, 115, 116
Petersburg Admiralty Hospital, 117
Petit, Jean-Louis, 53, 78
pharmacist, 247
Pharmacopoeia for Use of Army Hospitals, 122
Philippine Insurrection, 32
physician’s assistant, 247
Physick, Philip, 136
physiological chemistry, 66, 67
pickling solution, 100
PIE (proximity, immediacy, and expectancy), 215
pike, 3, 10; pikemen, 4, 6
Pirogov, Nikolai Ivanovich, 153, 160, 161
pistol, 48
plague, 24, 219, 250
Plague Commission, 200
Plain, Concise Practical Remarks on the Treatment of Wounds and Fractures, 121
plasma, 230, 258
plaster of Paris, 161, 167
plastic surgery, 174, 218
platelets, 258
Plymouth colony, 122
pneumonia, 96, 227, 250
pocket compendiums of anatomy, 46
Pope, Elijah, 134
Pope Julius II, 50
Port Arthur, 211, 212; siege of, 202, 203
portable firearms, 4
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), 261
postmortem investigation, 89
Postnikoff, Peter V., 69
postoperative infection, 138
potable water, 115, 212
potassium permanganate, 167
Pott, Percival, 94
Pouteau, Claude, 94
powdered mummy’s flesh, 74
powdered sandalwood, 75
Prague, Czeck Repblic, 70
Pravaz, Charles, 136
precision-guided munitions, 266, 267
pressure dressing, 166
pressure sponges, 93
preventive medicine teams, 251
Priestley, Joseph, 133
primary amputation, 135, 142, 151, 176
Principia Mathematica, 65
principle of expectancy, 215
principle of forward treatment, 213
principle of immediacy, 215
principle of proximity, 213, 215
Principles of General Military Field Surgery, 161
Pringle, John, 94, 95, 105
printing press, 45
professional armies, 10
professional medical journals, 69
Progress in Medicine, 69
prosthesis, 77, 102, 135
prosthetic limbs, 217, 261
Protectorate, 81
Protestant Reformation, 43
Prussia, 79, 82, 89, 91, 95, 97, 112, 113, 150
Prussian Army, 83, 113, 182; medical service, 113; military medicine, 115
Prussian Dreyse needlegun, 13
psychiatric: casualties, 177, 212, 215, 225; debilitation, 179; examinations, 225; hospital, 214; screening, 178, 179
Psychiatric Institute, 260
psychiatrists, 213
psychologists, 213
psychosis, 178
public sanitation, 133
Puli-Khumri, Afghanistan, 248
pumpkins, 101
Purmann, Matthaeus, 72
pus, 74, 77
putrefaction, 137
putrid fever, 96
Pyhrric victory, 269
quarantine, 101, 103, 204
Queen Victoria, 135
Queen Elizabeth I, 59
quinine, 103, 136, 167, 175
quinquereme, 99
radar, 24; detectors, 23; transceiver, 23
radio communication, 18
rag and bottle method, 134
Raglan, Lord, 154
railways, 13, 174, 170; corps, 183; officers, 14
rain worm oil, 75
Ramillies, France, 92
Ramon, Gaston, 228
rations, 92
Ravaton, Hughes, 78, 95, 105
rear hospitals, 107, 183
recoil mechanisms, 12
Recommendations of Inoculation According to Baron Dimsdale’s Methods, 122
reconstructive surgery, 218
red cells, 258, 260
Red Army, 21
Red Cross, 159, 171, 175, 201, 205
Red Rover, USS, 171
Reed, Walter, 137
regimental aid stations, 159
regimental collecting stations, 233
regimental hospital, 108, 111, 151, 162, 171
regimental surgeons, 107, 108, 111, 113, 116, 118, 205
regular medical examinations, 91
regulation uniforms, 100
Regulations for the Order and Discipline of Troops of the U.S., 122
remittent typhoid fever, 95, 220
Renaissance, 41, 42, 45, 68, 71, 73, 74, 82, 83, 90; armies of, 54–58; medical challenges, 41–46, 48–53; reappearance of military surgeon, 46–48; medicine in renaissance armies, 53–61
renal insufficiency, 235
Renault FT tank, 20
respiration, 67
respiratory illness, 95
Restoration, 71, 157
retractors, 216
Reval, Estonia, 117
Revolution of 1848, 157
Revolutionary War, 36, 121, 122
revolving turret, 20, 22
Reyer, K. K., 142
rheumatism, 100, 250
rheumatologist, 249
rhubarb, 75
Richmond, Virginia, 173
rifled breech loading artillery, 12, 15
rifled cannon, 6, 8
rifleman, 4, 5
rifling, 6, 12
Rio Grande River, 175
Robespierre, Maximilien, 140
rocket artillery, 23
Roentgen, Konrad, 199
Romans, 76
Romanov Dynasty, 69
Roman Army, 58
Roman ballista, 8
Roman Empire, 2, 132
Roman medicine, 44; medical texts, 44; medical service, 51
Roman notion of preventive medicine, 59
Roman Navy, 99
Rome, Italy, 3, 44, 69, 268
Kronstadt naval base, Russia, 117
Röntgen, Wilhelm, 136
Roussel, J. 217; “transfuseur” apparatus, 217
Royal Army Medical Corps, 157
Royal College of Surgeons of London, 134
Royal Society of London, 69
Royal Styptic, 77
RPG, 247
rubber bulb syringe, 217
rubber gloves, 139, 209
rubberized taffeta, 143
Rush, Benjamin, 122
Russell, Maj. Frederick F., 200
Russia, 20, 42, 69, 89, 115, 117, 132, 180, 202, 215, 222; army of, 152, 153, 160, 212, 213, 214, 220; imperial army, 202, 203; military medicine, 69
Russian Fourteenth Army, 253
Russian Ministry of Defense, 254
Russian Red Cross, 213
Russo-Japanese War, 15, 117, 177, 194, 201–10, 213–16, 251
Russo-Turkish War, 15, 142
saber, 4
sabot round, 22
Salmon, Thomas, 227
salmonella, 251
salted meat, 101
Sanctorius, Santorio, 67
sand filtration, 201
sanitary disease hospitals, 195
sanitary detachments, 206, 223
sanitary regulations, 154, 199
sanitary sections, 228
sanitäts kompanie, 231
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 148
Sarajevo, Bosnia, 19, 185
Sardinian contingent, 152
sarissae, 2
Sasebo, Japan, 206
sassafras, 75
satellite communications, 28
Saxony, 97
scabies, 96
scavenger teams, 224
Schmidt, Joseph, 46
scholastic approach to medicine, 44, 51; scholasticism, 67, 88
schwerpunkt, 267
science of vital statistics, 68
scientific society, 68
bsp; scorpion oil, 75
Scotland, 117
Scott, Gen. Winfield, 134
Scottish Highlanders, 178
Scotus, Caspar, 67
screw propeller, 16
screw tourniquet, 53, 78, 93
Scultetus, Johannes, 68
scurvy, 59, 101, 103, 168, 203, 212, 220
Scutari, Turkey, 155; hospital, 153
sea sponges, 166
seaplane, 18
secondary closure of wounds, 219
secondary hemorrhage, 136
secondary infection, 166
secondary intention, 53, 198, 216
Secret Academy, 68
Sedan, battle of, 202
self-inflicted wounds, 178, 212
self-propelled artillery gun, 23
Seminole War, 136
Sendai, Nagano, 204
Seneffe, battle of, 81
sepsis, 198
Service de Santé, 142
Sevastopol, battle of, 160
Seven Years War, 93, 96, 105, 106, 114
seventeenth century, 65–71; amputations, 77–78; field hygiene, 78–79; military hospitals, 79–83; trends in military medicine, 71–73; wound treatment, 73–77
75mm gun, 15
Several Chirugicall Treatises, 72
Sha-Ho, 211
shanghaied, 101
shell fragments, 77, 92
shell shock, 214, 226, 261
Sherman tank, 23
Shibasaburö, Baron Kitasato, 204
shigellosis, 250, 251
Shiloh, battle of, 170
Shindand, 248
ship cockpit, 101
ship convoy, 20
shipboard surgery, 101
shock, 52, 213, 214, 217, 229, 230, 235, 237, 256, 257, 259, 268
shoulder-fired antiaircraft missile, 28
shrapnel, 15, 102, 104, 197, 198, 216, 255, 258
sick bay, 102, 104
Sick and Wounded Board, 97
siege cannon, 15
siege mortars, 3, 4, 19
Sieur, Inspector General Hercule, 140
Sikorsky Bolshoi, 18
Sisters of the Holy Cross, 174
Sisters of St. Joseph, 174
skin infections, 237
sledges, 224
slop-shop surgeons, 142
sloped armored glacis, 23
smallpox, 42, 71, 96, 97, 102, 118, 120, 159, 219, 220, 227; inoculation, 96, 175
smart bombs, 266
smokeless powder, 15, 216
smoothbore cannon, 4, 15
sniper fire, 254
Snow, John, 135
Société Royale de Médicine, 112
Society for the Aid of Wounded Soldiers, 159
sodium citrate, 218
sodium hypochlorite, 167, 216
sodium phosphate, 218
soldier’s heart, 178
Solferino, battle of, 158
solid ball shot, 8
Somalia, 245, 254
Somme, battle of, 29, 217, 222
Soubeiran, Eugène, 134
South Africa, 194, 198
Soviet-Afghan War, 245
Soviet Army, 21, 248, 251; battle physicians, 51; medical system, 248
Soviet Union, 20, 25, 245, 252
Soviets, 231, 22, 246, 255