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The Third Heaven: The Birth of God

Page 25

by Donovan Neal

  "There will come of day when we will have to kill him." said Gabriel.

  Michael breathed heavy and sighed, with a glint of sorrow in his eye. "Lucifer's rent still tears at me to this day."

  Jerahmeel put his hands on his two siblings. "There will indeed come a time when blood will be shed again—yet I am content for now to return home."

  Michael nodded and cited the words to open a Ladder and smiled as he saw the appearance of the vortex that would lift them to the golden gates of Heaven, and he replied.

  "Let us go home."


  Iblis moved through his Lord's lands, and entered the domain of Ishtar and Shamash. He recollected as over the span of centuries as his brethren lifted themselves to be worshiped as false Gods. Each smote and or deceived men from the truth to keep them in compliance. Principalities of regions who through deceit changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things. The angelic overseers of Lucifer, always moving to circumvent the existence of El and mar the image of Him in the earth.

  Further Iblis flew, arriving into the territory of Pangu principality over the eastern lands of Asia. He descended, to present himself to the local minister for passage across his lands. Presentation to the regions warlords helped to prevent war between Lucifer's governors.

  Landing at the waypoint that Lucifer had established, Iblis waited at the checkpoint. Lucifer governed with an iron hand. He made it so that none could move arbitrarily or circumvent his plans to raise nations of men immune to El's influence. In his new order, Lucifer determined the order of promotion, and ruthlessness, and the ability to bring about his plans without Heaven falling down to intervene quickly caused one to ascend. More and more Lucifer divided the tribes of men, and with each division assigned familiar spirits to track families so that wherever on Earth the image of God would raise its head, Lucifer would be quick to see that it was snuffed out.

  "Halt!" ordered an Arelim. "What business hast thou in the land of the Sino?"

  Iblis bowed. "I am on ambassadorial duties on behalf of his Lord Traxiel. Governor of the tribes of Shem. I bring word to thy master Pangu."

  The Arelim smiled and eyed Iblis, and he tucked his leathery wings behind his back. "You will give the message to me, and I will relay it to my Lord."

  Iblis guffawed. "I will do no such thing. Of course, if you refuse me passage, I will simply return to my Lord Traxiel. In which case your Lord Pangu will not have the information he needs to facilitate the Godking's plan for this region and I am sure his wrath will not be appeased. I will make sure to mention your disdain for royal protocol when the seal of a principality is shown to thee." Iblis then turned away to return to his master Traxiel, when the Arelim spoke.

  " may pass. Nevertheless, know that you have two days to complete thy task. If your charge is not complete, I will authorize the Grigori in our land to seek thee out and report of thy stewardship. Are you clear in your purpose?"

  Iblis nodded. "It will be as you say." The angel then took to the sky and soon found his destination. He landed in a crowed city filled with the people of the nation. The Sinites were a remarkable people. In time, Iblis could tell, they would become a mighty nation, exactly as Lucifer predicted. His purposes for them were not clear, but he drilled into them ruthlessness and a rigor, that made them compliant and highly disciplined. Traxiel had speculated that there would be nations of men used to fuel the armies of the fallen and return them all to Heaven.

  He landed at Pangu's seat of power in the city of Xi'an, and was greeted by Dicis.

  "You are late!" the Issi said.

  "It could not be helped, Traxiel hast grown suspicious. Report of the plan."

  "The plan has failed. For Pangu hath made the sword in hopes that it would consume the Usurper but alas, Lucifer holds the keys to Death and Hell, and with but a touch of his keys hast tamed the blade. I fear we have done naught but given him even more of a weapon to strike at the Father."

  Iblis looked somber, "No—not the Father. Michael is who he will attack. What hast thy master learned of Lucifer's plan?"

  "Pangu reports that he is obsessed with the Hebrews, for they are as the Grigori and write the words given by El. He has lifted from the people tomes that he may study. His attempts to destroy them hast met with failure. Though there be ten tribes now scattered to the winds, yet two remain that stand as possible host to Shiloh, and he works even now to destroy the Judahites. He raises countless nations, all in hopes of sending men as fodder to what he foresees will be a future battle. He has plans upon plans, obsessed over the man El hast prophesied will one day bruise his head."

  “Tell your master I will give report to Chronos, and let him know, so that Heaven may be made aware of this new weapon." Iblis turned to leave before Dicis stopped him.

  "Wait— there is yet more. Lucifer hast found a way to further enhance and change Elohim to his purposes. He hast already devastated many of the Kortai that followed him, for in them all he sees is the image of Michael. Moreover, to the creature Hell has he given them to consume, and with their Kilnstones, he hast created armors, weapons and yea—even creatures of destruction. Lucifer prepares for war, the forge fires within Hell itself. He hast hidden his plans well, for the forge is buried deep in the bowels of the creature and a great gulf separates the righteous dead from his tormented souls. A gulf he uses as shield to bar the Holy One from assault. How then can the Almighty strike at the heart of Hell? For Lucifer holds title, and El hast sworn by Himself that He will not take what hast been given."

  Iblis replied, "Aye, this is true."

  "Then how then will El bring dissolution to the Hellforge?" Dicis eyed Iblis warily. "And who is this Mary?"

  Iblis hesitated, for he had not mentioned Mary to him.

  "How do you know that name? For from my lips have I not spoken it."

  Dicis pressed his inquiry. "Who is she? What does she mean to the Godking? Where is her people, and where is her house?"

  Iblis backed away and looked to his left and to his right, and he turned to fly away when two Grigori misted into view and laid hold of him.

  "You have not yet been given leave, agent of El. No, we have many questions to raise with you," said a familiar voice.

  Iblis turned to his rear and saw that he was surrounded on all sides, and Assyrix and his lieutenants hovered over him, laughing.

  "Take him to Quetzalcoatl. He will loosen this traitor’s lips."

  A strong breeze then fell sharply upon them all, and Assyrix grinned. "Yes, Chronos run and tell Michael what you have seen, for it means naught. I know you are here. You were after all my own charge! Ha,ha,ha! Flee, Time Lord, and let the Builder of Heaven know that his time is short!"

  Chronos, invisible to the eyes of all, raced to evade their perception and lifted himself to Heaven to inform his Lord Jerahmeel of Ibis's capture.


  "Master the Redactors have come for me!"

  Lucifer did not turn to Assyrix and instead continued in his study of the books El had given the humans. He remained lost in thought, deep in his surmising the plan of the Almighty.

  "Seventy weeks, he said..." Lucifer mumbled in unintelligible murmurs. "The time of his departure will be soon..."

  "Master!" cried Assyrix, looking as the fog of the Grigori preceded their arrival. For soon, the mist would reveal the shadow of the three who by their hand were rumored to wipe out all fallen Grigori.

  "Your rumors and tales of these Grigori upstarts do not interest me, Asyrr. Surely, you are able to contend with ghosts? Why do you disturb your Lord?"

  Assyrix watched as the fog entered the room, and it climbed the walls and Lucifer still paid no heed. Then the fog climbed higher to the ceilings, and from the ceiling, three figures formed from the mist, shrouded in smoke, and spoke.

  "You are the Grigori Assyrix. You will surrender your tome and sub
mit to redaction."

  Lucifer looked up when he heard the words spoken in his chamber and spoke, "No..." Lucifer said. "He will not. He will continue to provide me needed information and continue in my cause of libel. You, however, will remove yourself from my presence. Or I will feed your stones to Hell."

  Isidor did not heed Lucifer and misted to surround Assyrix. Assyrix's stylus was then stripped from him and he froze as if caught in invisible shackles, unable to move.

  "Help me!" cried Assyrix.

  Lucifer turned, and eyed the three angels of smoke and spoke once more. "I have given order to depart, yet you still remain." Lucifer's voice modulated and the pressure in the room changed as he spoke. His voice formed a vortex and the wind disrupted the trio that they could no more stay misted.

  Assyrix's stylus dropped to the ground, and the smoky shackles that held him in place dissipated.

  Turiel then spoke. "You have interfered with the redaction. You shall be purged."

  Rorex then moved towards Lucifer who smiled as the Grigori floated towards him. Rorex wrote the words for deletion, and when he did a black cylindrical sphere of light formed at the foot of Lucifer and rose up his body. Lucifer chuckled. "Foolish creature, I have stood foot over the stones of the universe. There is but one that can assault me." Lucifer now walked towards Rorex. "You have exceeded your mandate. Lucifer grabbed Rorex by the throat pulled out his sword, and spoke to the struggling Grigori. "Your people hast always thought themselves aloof from the ways of angels and men. Allow me to tutor then in humility-behold the true meaning of the word 'deletion', and tremble." The First of Angles flicked his wrist and the Blade of Malice came to life. The sword hissed as a thing alive and the screams of angels, men and daemons lifted into the ears of all. Lucifer then plunged the blade into the abdomen of Rorex, his life force separated from his body, and the sword siphoned his spirit as an alcoholic libation, and the blade glowed and shimmered and Rorex's screams were added to those already contained therein.

  Immediately, Rorex's body burst into ash and his person disintegrated in Lucifer's hands, as his remains floated as black drifting snow in the wind. Lucifer then turned to both Isidor and Turiel and spoke. "This is my wink at your ignorance to my power. If you wish to join thy brother in oblivion, then come. But I give you leave to depart whilst the mood still appeals to me. You will leave—and you will leave NOW."

  Isidor, and Turiel looked upon Lucifer, then Assyrix, and Turiel spoke to them both. "The redaction is not yet complete. We will return."

  Isidor also stared at Assyrix and spoke. "We will have your tome, Assyrix of House Grigori. The Usurper will not deter us when we come again." Then the duo misted behind the waves of visible light and were gone.

  Lucifer sheathed his blade and it coiled and became invisible around his forearm, then turned to Assyrix, "Are you alright?"

  Assyrix was shaken and replied, "Aye my Lord, but they will return."

  Lucifer smiled. "Indeed, I am counting on it."


  Chronos rushed into the council chamber and Argoth rose to rebuke him. Jerahmeel lifted his hand to stop the prince of Grigori. He stood and walked over to Chronos and looked to his brethren, "Chronos is my most trusted servant." Jerahmeel then turned to the member of his house. "I trust my friend that you come to the Lumazi out of order to report on something of grave import?"

  Chronos bowed to his Lord. "May the guard of Heaven live forever, and pardon thy servant’s interruption. I do bring grave news, my Lord, and trust to the wisdom of the elders of Heaven. Iblis by subterfuge hast been taken captive! Even now, he travels to the stronghold of Quetzalcoatl in the western lands of Earth to be questioned and I know not what may befall him if he and our contacts are exposed... We have learned much by his cooperation. We must see to his survival!"

  Jerahmeel nodded and looked at his brethren, "Chronos hast spoken, what sayest the council?"

  Azaziel was first to comment. "He is now numbered with the Fallen, let Iblis be consigned to his fate. He was lost from the moment he chose to side with the Usurper. I owe him no allegiance. He hast simply reaped betrayal among his own kind. What does it matter?"

  Argoth spoke. "Without the network of Grigori, we have been hampered in our efforts to know the enemies’ whereabouts. For a third of all Grigori has left Heaven to explicate. And though the redactors hunt the tomes. We have no intelligence of the enemy's movements as before. I would not be swift to lose such an asset. If he helps the cause of Heaven, he is an ally."

  Metatron chimed in. "An ally? You would have me ally myself to an angel who rose up against my God? Ally with an enemy? We do not need his intelligence. We are the Host! And do you think it idle that God Himself cast Iblis from our midst?" Metatron turned to Chronos and looked him in the eye. "Chronos, I heard what he did in vowing to help Heaven for your saving him. Yet did not El take into account such an act before his ouster? Would he not be in the number of Heaven even now if El repented? But no, El's word is clear—exile. I will not help him."

  Gabriel turned after hearing his brothers and said, "I will not stand idle whilst evil is allowed to destroy that which is good. For know ye not that he that knoweth to good but doeth it not, to him it is a sin? Will I sit by whilst it is in my power to lend assistance to he who hast lent me aid? Is it not good to foil the enemy's plans? Iblis is not Lucifer. If the Lord will see him among our number, then so be it. But if not, unless the Lord himself gives me command to yield. I will not see someone who hast given our cause aid go without attempt to deliver. For what will the Host say? That if one does us good he will not reap what he has sown? Nay, Iblis will have my staff."

  Azaziel turned to Talus and said, "And what of you? Will you lift your finger to rescue an enemy from our enemy?"

  Talus held his eyes closed, and his fingers were crossed while his thumbs held his forehead up. After a moment he looked up from his musings and spoke. "I am the will of the Lord. Michael is Chief Prince. If he lets loose command to go, I will go. If he sounds command to stay, I will stay. I am the will of the Lord."

  Michael had heard them all speak and stood, and when he did, all others stood as well. Michael walked over to Chronos and placed his hands on his shoulders and spoke. "El may not repent. I have reason to believe He will never repent, for His will is clear that He hast prepared Hell for the Devil and his angels. Yet though punishment cannot be avoided, Iblis hast helped the host of Heaven. Would ye have me return evil for good? Should I leave him to his fate? Nay. I will not. Gabriel has spoken rightly. Iblis will be rescued. His fate, though fire may be, will not be because we failed to intervene to deliver him from the hands of the Betrayer. Moreover, consider that we might learn more of the command structure of the Adversary. We will go."

  Chronos smiled and replied, "Thank you Chief Prince." And he bowed to Michael and the Lumazi.

  Each then left the war room, to gather their people, and Metatron trailed Talus as he left, studying his brother as they walked in silence. Talus noticed his gaze, and stopped and spoke in irritation. "What is it?" he asked.

  Metatron was quick to reply, "Why do you seem quick to put yourself in harm’s way?"

  "Is there not a cause?" Talus replied.

  "Aye, but this seems amiss to me. Self— if you care not for your life. And to throw your life away for someone who hast betrayed us…"

  Talus sighed. "Lucifer and Ashtaroth...have humbled me. Manipulated me. But alas, neither could do if what lied within me were not already there."

  "And what is that, my prince?" said Metatron.

  "Lucifer discovered vanity and pride. And because I wast puffed up beyond measure, I was able to bring war to the land of Heaven. I can never remove such a stain from my name or my house."

  Metatron nodded. "Indeed, it is a badge from which one might seemingly never forget. Why then doest though throw thy life away as if it is meaningless?"

  Talus turned away and stood at a window, looking out to the great s
ky of Heaven. "I desire a new badge. A new attempt to bring honor to my God, to my people, and to myself. It is not about forgiveness. Nor is it about revenge. It is about taking control over my actions and decisions. Though I may fall in battle. Though Lucifer may indeed take my head. He will know of a surety that his path and his usage of me to his ends will come at great cost. I will see him and those that serve him know that we stand ready to implement the will of El at any time. I would bring honor back to my house. But more than all things. I will know the love of God. For El hast shown me by revelation, that scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet, peradventure for a good man one would dare to die. For while man is yet in his sins He would die for him. If I am His son, will not I be as my Father? I will go. Nay, we will all go and show the fallen that love conquers all things. Though it be wrapped within a cocoon of hell-fire, love never faileth. We will show them this thing as will our Lord, and we will be victorious." Talus then turned from Metatron and went to prepare himself for the mission ahead.

  Metatron stared after his brother as he walked down ivory corridors, and wondering.

  Did he just say that El will die for the man?


  Yeshua walked into the war room, and Michael upon seeing his Lord, bowed.

  "Rise Prince of Angels," said Yeshua.

  Michael stood at attention as his God reviewed the layout of maps and troop movements. Yeshua's hands stroked the wooden pieces that were displayed across the table. He frowned as He saw the position of many of his angels combating the forces of Lucifer. He stood over the panorama and stared over the display. He then stopped and looked Michael squarely in the eye. "Who do the people say that I am?"


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