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The Third Heaven: The Birth of God

Page 26

by Donovan Neal

  Michael was taken aback by his Lord's question. "My Lord?"

  Yeshua looked upon His son and asked a second time, "Who do the people say that I am?"

  Michael thought for a moment. "Some say that thou art the I AM: some, the Elomic command; and others—the Alpha and Omega."

  "All that thou hast said is true." Yeshua walked towards Michael locking His eyes upon him and spoke, "But whom say ye that I am?"

  Michael considered his reply, and the words of El flooded his mind, and he raised his voice for Yeshua to hear.

  "Mary shall be Mother to Shiloh

  From misery shall spring forth joy.

  With lashes to the back of the innocent,

  Shall Lucifer be destroyed.

  The blood of Shiloh shall be spilt,

  Forsaken to cry and plea.

  His blood shall he wash sin away,

  Accursed to make men free."

  "You are the Shiloh. The God—man, he who will destroy the works of the enemy."

  Yeshua nodded as He sighed and smiled, "Blessed are you, Michael of the Kortai, for by revelation hast the Father shown you this. Upon this revelation will your faith stand, and the gates of Hell itself shall not prevail against this truth."

  Michael stood silent, his head down, his eyes darting away from the Lord. Yeshua touched his shoulders, lowering his head to look into Michael's eyes. "Look into my face, and speak what is in thine heart."

  Michael reluctantly raised his gaze, started to speak, and then stopped. Yeshua smiled, "Do you think that your words will be of surprise to me, Michael?"

  Michael laughed at how ridiculous his thoughts were to his maker and spoke. "Lord, there is fear in Heaven. For but a day your presence was not felt in the realm, and havoc reigned throughout Creation. For one day did you rest from thy work, yet you who art everywhere wast no where to be found. And your son hast lifted up his hand against thee. There are but few who know what I know. And when the time is set to reveal thy plan. Who will willingly voice to see God injured? I have seen what lies before thee. How can I be party to the death of my God? You would have me stay my hand, all that my Lord may go down to deliver Adamson from the hands of the enemy? Would you have me stand idle and have me watch you die?" Michael shoved the pieces of wood from the table and they went crashing to the floor.

  Yeshua was quiet, and watched His son.

  Michael's breathing slowed and his voice lowered in tone as he bowed his head. Looking at the wooden pieces strewn throughout the floor, he knelt to pick them up. "I will do as commanded, and even if not bidden by order; if my King's intent is to see this thing through, then I am thy right hand. But Lord, the host may not be so. They have not seen what I have seen. They fear the absence of God. They know above all Creation the risk when God is not there."

  Yeshua placed his hands under His son's arm and motioned him to stand. Military pieces still lay on the floor. Yeshua turned Michael around to face Him.

  "This thing is known to us. And in the days to come, you and your people will look into the ways of man, and serve as a great cloud of witnesses to acts of faith not yet seen. And all will know what Eladrin hast taught thee about love. For what would one do for love? And what I do, thou knowest not now, but will know. And what I do, I must do, for my love of the man is strong, that I would lay down all that I am, that he might live. You shall in time ponder the mystery of this thing, though it now plagues your mind." Yeshua knelt and picked up a wooden piece and looked upon it. "You are your brethren are not wooden pieces to be moved across maps. Know that you and all the Host are so very dear."

  "Adam is as a son who hast wandered from my way. For he hast thought to taste now things meant to be savored later, and after lying in squalor is now ripe for turning. Would you see Lucifer bring Creation to ruin? For the man is in my image, and Lucifer seeks to unlock the fullness of what lies therein. For if, I do not go down. Then must I set my hand to destroy all of Creation, and this, my son, I will not do. There will come a time soon when we will look to the Host and seek out one that would risk all on behalf of another. Hereby might you perceive the love of God, because as I go to lay down my life, ye ought also to lay down your lives for thy brethren. For if I who possess the breath of life, and see that Adam hast need, but shutteth up my bowels of compassion for him, how then could love be said to dwell within the heart of the Almighty?"

  Michael looked on the Lord, pondering the words in his heart, and replied, "The thing that thou askest is hard. But nevertheless at thy word I will accomplish the will of my Lord."

  Yeshua looked upon his angelic prince and smiled. "You shall be a champion in the days ahead, and thy brother will you one day see adrift in a lake of fire." Yeshua turned to leave his son's presence, then looked over his shoulder and said.

  "Verily I say unto you that in the last day when Lucifer stands at thy feet judged, then you will know what God would do for love. But be it known that I have raised up a man by name of Augustus, and through him I shall make a kingdom where my influence will jettison to every corner of the Earth. We are close now," said Yeshua. "For Mary hast arrived and will be ready to soon receive me. For she shall not many days hence conceive and bring forth a son, and they will call his name Emmanuel, meaning God is with us. I must depart and go down."

  Yeshua turned to leave the room and Michael looked at the God of Creation, this second person of the Trinity.

  "Lord, be not angry with thy servant. For I will move all to do thy will. But surely once it is known among the Fallen that the maid is of importance she shall be hunted—nay, even killed. If it seemeth good to my Lord, allow me if I may to send Azaziel and Argoth to serve as escort for her."

  The Lord Yeshua nodded. "You may do this thing. For even now, thy brother hast surmised that within her family lies my image and a purity of heart. Go quickly to inform thy brethren, for I must depart soon."

  Michael bowed and Yeshua left him to his duties.

  Chapter Seven

  The Gulf

  Fires belted out from Hell. Lava and the work of thousands of slave daemons made Hell conform her flesh into caverns and deep places of grotesque looking storage chambers and horrors of torture. Lucifer was unwilling to leave the creature to her own devices, for she would devour them all. So pliant she became at his hand, as pliant as any wild animal that could be held in captivity. She became a muzzled hungry animal that if loosed, would have them all.

  Lucifer and Ares marched to the staging area at the foot of the mountain of Hell, nestled deep in what men named the Himalaya's. Lucifer had built within the mountain range a home to his greatest creation—the Hellforge.

  "Your plans have come to fruition, my Lord. Now we have a new kiln that we might create an army to depose El and take back our home."

  "No Ares, we have nothing. I have an army."

  "I stand corrected, my Lord. Would you care to see what we have created for you?"

  "Show me," demanded Lucifer.

  Ares and Lucifer wound themselves into an open chamber and Lucifer beheld the multitude of creations his schemes for over a thousand years had wrought. To his left were pens which held flying mounts Ares had named Wyverns. Patterned after their Lord's image when he transformed when fighting Michael, they were smaller, but deadly. The dragons that walked upon two legs and razor teeth, filled powerful jaws to rival any of Gabriel's warrior griffins.

  "To your right, my king, I present to you your Death Knights. These will serve as thy guard for the secret things you hold dear."

  Lucifer looked them over. They stood as giant sentinels covered in black. They misted as the Grigori, but with four arms which each held a sword. It stood in fiery black onyx armor.

  "What else is there?" said Lucifer.

  Ares moved forward, pointing nervously, "This way, my Lord. Look here."

  Lucifer moved toward two towering colossi. Each was bathed in light, and fire roared from within them. They shimmered in a bluish glow and when Lucifer approached, then knelt and bellowe
d out, "Great is the king of all the worlds! For there is no god but Lucifer! Behold, the Bleeder of El!"

  Lucifer smiled, "I like these. They shall stand at the gates of Hell. Now tell me, what progress hast been made to the area of men?"

  Ares then turned and walked Lucifer towards the gulf that separated the dead of men. "Hell refuses to ingest the righteous dead, my Lord. As you know, she hast created a gulf that separates men into two factions and will let none pass the gulf. Yet we have discerned that all those that have opposed you lie across the region beyond where we stand. Our spies have seen that across the gulf, the dead may talk with one another and word is that they still cling to El as their hope, and speak of a Messiah yet to come to rescue them."

  Lucifer frowned as he watched the great gulf that was erected by Hell itself. He had not anticipated that when men died El would send their spirits here. For Hell was created for angelkind. So Lucifer schemed El's intent, and frowned that he could not cross to lay hands on their souls. No one dared raise the issue that even in Hell Lucifer had limits. Lucifer eyed the righteous dead nervously, for although they too could not cross to him. He imagined what manner of insurgence they could plot to see his work undone, so he sought to destroy the righteous dead at all costs.

  "Are Moses and David in there?"

  "Aye, my king, as are Joash, Abraham, Noah and a host of those who whilst they walked the Earth thought they could escape thine wrath."

  Lucifer smiled. "In time we will bridge this gulf. Why hast not Charon made Hell to heel and give us passage to this 'Goshen' within my realm?"

  Lucifer then turned and Charon stood to his rear, smiling, but said nothing.

  "I command an answer from Death. And your skeletal grins do not suffice as response. I grow tired of your smirks, Ferryman. It would seem, slave that you smile more than before we first met. I would know why."

  Charon stared at Ares and snorted. Ares backed away, for all save Lucifer were afraid of him. He, too, was like Hell and it was unclear the degree of Lucifer's control of the Warden.

  Charon looked upon his captor and spoke, "Thesssse are ssssealed for they have beennn found unworthyyy of myy lasssh, and the extent of their judgment liessss here within Paradissse. Yet they carry the plague of ssssin within their blood. For in Adam all hath sssinned and in Adam all musssst die. Yet though thou art godd of this agee, El'sss charge to me standssss, and cannot be altered. I am the vengeance of God and thessse the eyesss of vengeance do not sssee."

  Lucifer scowled. "I will cross this gulf. You, Ares, will see the thing done." I will have the spirits of these men. I will take the essence of their love of El and with it craft a device to smite at the very heart of the Almighty. Work with him, Ares." Lucifer then turned pushed past Charon and walked away, incensed.

  "All of you—work!"

  Lucifer schemed how he might change Charon's charge to fully control him and muttered to himself as he stormed from the staging area of the Hellforge.

  Lucifer spat on the ground and curdled his lips as he cursed. "I will see this gulf crossed."


  Each of the Lumazi had arrived and settled at the circular table of the war room. Michael stood and all stood with him and he opened the session with an invocation.

  "There is one God who stands as Creator of all things. The Father of us all, Judge of all the Heavens. Let his wisdom guide us. His commands steel us. His love preserves us. We are the Lumazi, and His will be done this day. So say we all."

  Each replied as one, "So say we all."

  Each of the seven seated themselves and waited for Michael to speak.

  "We have command by God to assemble. For He hath made known that a vessel for Shiloh has come into the earth in the form of a maiden. There can be no doubt that in time, Satan will find the female; we must therefore secure the maiden’s safety. Yeshua hast authorized the girl's protection."

  Argoth rubbed his chin. "So what is your plan to protect the maiden until Shiloh arrives?"

  Michael's brow became stern. "Lucifer is cunning. He will look for any instance that might arise among men to bring him low. It is not our task to overturn him. Man himself must do this. This springs from El himself. But we must give man means and time so that Shiloh might be brought forth into the realm of men. Therefore, I will use the armies of Heaven to misdirect Lucifer. I will station a legion to draw his attention to a nonexistent threat. If we are successful, we will pull his resources and bid us time to protect Shiloh."

  "Protect—Shiloh?" said Metatron. "Do you know who Shiloh is?"

  The members of the Lumazi looked at Michael in stares of expectation, waiting for him to speak more on the subject. But he did not.

  "Of greater importance is to bring about the will of the Lord. To do this we must create a diversion."

  Argoth sighed. "Your plan though sound, will cause many of our people to fall. Will you surrender your brethren to dissolution, for the love of man? Why should an Elohim give his life for a creature of flesh and blood?"

  Michael looked down, closed his eyes and sighed. "I am the builder of Heaven. Yet I would see the beams of her foundation destroyed and Heaven herself cast into the Abyss if it were the will of El. Lucifer must be made to believe such a threat, though unreal, is true, or he will not be feigned. Therefore, one of you must do this thing. One must lead the armies of God, and fall into the enemy’s hands."

  Silence covered them all. They knew the Lucifer would have them as prisoner, and that Charon who was Prime over both Death and Hell would of a surety torture them for information.

  "Gabriel started to speak, "But Michael—"

  "I will go," said Talus, interrupting his brother.

  Everyone turned and looked at him. Gabriel grabbed Talus's arm

  Talus immediately raised his hand to ward off others from approaching or speaking.

  "Are you sure?" said Michael. "If Lucifer discovers thee, he will of a surety put thee to death."

  "I do not fear dissolution," Talus replied. "Lucifer through his stratagems hast manipulated me to bring Heaven to conflict. Therefore, if the Lord wills it. I will take satisfaction in returning recompense upon his head."

  Michael nodded. "Then the order is given, for El hath commanded for the changing of nations. You will take a legion to the far side of the planet. And you will seek to destroy the stronghold of Quetzalcoatl. From there you, Jerahmeel, and Chronos will free Iblis and feign capture to the Fallen, spy out their plans that we might counter them and disrupt Lucifer's aims at all costs.” Michael gazed upon Talus, pausing to give his brother time to reconsider. "Are you clear in your purpose?"

  Talus nodded. "I am clear."

  "Then go and make thy preparations." Michael dismissed them all.

  Each one sullenly walked from the war room, and Michael, Chief Prince and General of the armies of Heaven, looked at them as they left and wondered in himself if he had just sent his brothers to their death.


  Ashtaroth rushed into the chambers of Lucifer, who was seated pouring over tomes of ancient texts. Lucifer's eyes darted over passages of scripture that El had given his people.

  "Lucifer, Assyrix hast had a vision! He beckons that you come to Egypt immediately for consult."

  Lucifer looked unconvinced. "Really? What does he claim to see?"

  Ashtaroth bowed before his Lord and spoke. "He claims to have found Shiloh."

  Lucifer immediately left his stronghold and traveled from his throne in Pergamos and soon arrived in Egypt. He looked for his Chief of Eyes, and Assyrix was in a Grigoric trance. The Grigori hovered in place, his pen writing in the journal that was his heart. Assyrix was misted, yet glowed that he could be yet be seen. Lucifer waited for Assyrix to speak and when he did not, he moved towards him and shook him until he awakened.

  "Speak, Assyrix! Ashtaroth tells me that you have word of Shiloh? What have you seen that I should leave my plan to—"

  "There is a maiden that will bri
ng forth a son."

  Lucifer rolled his eyes, "So...the descendants of Eve continuously spawn the clayborn—what care should I take in the birth of another?"

  "True, Lord," Assyrix said, "Yet I have seen a man born of a virgin."

  "Impossible," said Lucifer.

  "The scene is true and the word is sure, but fear not, for victory over Shiloh hast also been seen."

  Lucifer's interest peaked. "Say on and keep nothing back."

  "I have seen Shiloh hung upon the back of a tree."

  Lucifer smiled. "Who are her people and where does the maiden live?"

  "She is lodged in the empire of Rome, and hast arisen from the tribe of Judah, my Lord."

  Lucifer cursed. "I have moved repeatedly to destroy those dogs under the protection of El since their inception as a nation. For over a thousand years, their extinction hast defied me. I grow weary with the two tribes that yet remain. It is time to once again cull the ranks of their wretched race." Lucifer turned to Assyrix and Ashtaroth his lieutenant. "Gather me executioners, for I will see this woman, her child, and her family destroyed."

  Assyrix raised his voice in concern, "But, my liege, the vision shows the child hung upon hewn beams of a tree."

  "Yea," said Lucifer, "but unless we disrupt what hast been seen we will only serve to bring to pass the will of the Almighty. No, we will not let the child live only to die on beams of trees. We will wipe from the earth the woman's line, upending El's plans entirely. You merely see what El allows you to see. We must disrupt His plans. She and her kind hath plagued me for the last time. Now go, and prepare me executioners that we might bring ruin to the maiden's people."

  "Aye. Lord. It shall be as you say."


  Assyrix flew to Pergamus and came to the seat of Satan, bowed before his master and spoke. "My Lord, I have assembled per your command those who I seek to accompany me on my charge to destroy the maiden."


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