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Because It's Not Love

Page 5

by Kitty Parker

  Nick shook his head and stood up, letting the subject drop. Sooner or later, he was going to find out what was going on with Carson. "Let's just do something," he suggested.

  Carson was pretty sure Nick was also keeping something to himself. Whatever it wa,s he didn't want to think about it too much. He was, in any case, still had a secret to remain.

  Dean also stood up and crossed his arms. "Ugh, stop with the tension already. It's even worse than porn."

  Nick grinned at his friends wickedly. "Speaking of porn, I have something that you guys might like."


  "Well remember two weeks ago we wanted to do a prank at the girls and humiliate them by putting a hidden camera in their changing room but forgot to check on it?" The boys nodded at him as they now all remembered their stupid prank.

  John smirked at Nick, if it wasn't for him there wouldn't be any small camera for them to use. His father was a movie director and he had many types of camera, something that John himself found the use of them. The four boys would always do a prank together and they decided to hide a camera in the girls' changing room and to play it in their prom night, a revenge they thought of after a bunch of girls in their year humiliated them by stealing their clothes when they were having a shower at school after a long day of football practice. They had to run to their cars with nothing but a hand across their crotch. Senior girls could be so mean.

  But after Nick took the camera again, he found something else more valuable than girls changing their clothes in the changing room. "I took the camera yesterday and found…something very interesting."

  Dean looked at him enthusiastically. "What? What did you find?"

  "Let's just say that the school nurse did something very naughty…to herself."

  "…no way," Dean gasped.

  Carson laughed out loud and sat up straight as his stomach shook roughly. "I have got to see this."

  "I want to see it first!" Dean asked Nick like a stubborn child.

  John also stood up and walked over to his friends. "It's my camera, so…shouldn't I see it first?"

  Nick rolled his eyes. "It's your father's camera. And no, Carson's going to see it first since he's the one who asked first."

  "He just said that he had to see it." Dean pointed out.

  John shook his head. "Calm down, we're all going to see it." He stretched out his arms as he stood up. "You know, talking about porn makes me want to shoot some balls. What do you say, fellas?" He suggested.

  The rest of them chuckled and agreed although Dean was still upset that he didn't get to see Joanna, their school nurse, doing something he was sure what a porn star would do.

  Playing some basketball with the boys was no easy. Carson paired up with Dean while Nick and John kicked their asses with the difference of two scores. Good thing there was a small basketball court at his house or he would have to get ready and put some clothes on. Believe it or not, Carson played the whole game only in his boxers and a pair of basket shoes.

  Exhausted, Carson stumbled on a sofa in the living room. His friends left a few minutes ago and all he wanted to do was to have a dip in the pool even with the sun already out of sight.

  He turned his head when he heard footsteps and found his brother walking down the stairs. "I'm leaving, bro."

  Carson tilted his head and stared at Cameron. "So soon?"

  "Yeah, nice of you to let me stay."

  "Well this is your house too."

  Cameron flashed a smile. "I know," he drawled and walked toward the door before nodded to a maid nearby. Before he left Cameron looked pass his shoulder and glanced at his younger brother. "I'm going to visit dad at the hospital."

  "Please remind him that he has a house." Carson told him.

  Cameron chuckled. "Sure thing." And by that he finally left the house.

  Carson stood up and headed to the pool after his brother left. Without changing his boxers, he stepped out of his shoes and splashed into the deep cold water, hoping that it would relax him.

  A good swim in the night was perfect.

  He did some laps back and forth before relaxing in the pool, staring up the sky. The sky was already dark and gloomy, with stars surrounding the half moon, shining softly towards earth. He smiled to himself as he spotted one star that shined brighter than the others. Since he was a boy, the sight of the dark night made him in peace. His mother would always take him outside the porch and they would count how many stars that were shining towards them.

  It had been a long time since the last time his mother called him again. She was nevertheless a great mother; maybe just a lousy wife. The last time he met his mother was around a year ago when he and Cameron visited her without bringing their father. He missed his mom. He missed her motherly touch. To be honest, he missed being an innocent child that didn't know what was happening around him in the evil reality of the world.

  He didn't know how long he was in the pool, just spacing out until a voice interrupted his thoughts.


  He turned around and was startled at the sight of Maggie looking down at him. Even though she was wearing a torn faded jeans and a white shirt underneath her purple jacket with her hair in a high ponytail, she still took his breath away. What was it with Maggie's beauty? There was something about her that shouted stunning to him. It was like she was a magnet to his dark blue orbs. "Why it's a pleasure to see you, Wilson."

  Maggie looked uncomfortable as she waved a CD in her hand. "Nick wanted me to give you this."

  Carson frowned but grinned as he remembered what it was. "And you came here just to give me that?"

  Like a sudden lightning, he saw an unexpected anger rising in her eyes. She folded her arms and scowled at the half naked man inside the cold water. She couldn't believe she was here after the way he left her that night. "For your information, I was about to buy some sugar and Nick asked me to give this to you."

  "You drove here?"


  Carson frowned slightly. "I didn't know you could drive."

  Maggie narrowed her eyes at him. "Well there are a lot of things you don't know about me."

  Carson looked at her face calmly. "Such as?"

  She didn't say anything. She remained quiet as if she was considering on what to say to him. There was sudden pain in her eyes as they softened but the anger was still equally there. She whispered softly, "For one, I don't like to be played."

  She said those words with a meaningful look towards him. Something was off with her and he had the feeling that he had something to do with this. His brows twitched up. "Excuse me?"

  Carson saw her roll her eyes as she threw her arms around her. She quickly snapped at him, the look of sadness now gone from her face. "Stop playing dumb with me, you asshole! I hate you, and don't you dare going near me ever again!"

  "What the hell did I do?"

  Maggie placed the CD on a beach chair nearby and bent down on her knees and eyed him. Her lips formed a straight line. "You had sex with me before you screwed a whore? I am not a slut, Carson."

  His suddenly felt guilty. How the hell did she know this? He quickly shook his head and decided to stay at a safety zone. He wasn't going to admit in front of her face that he slept with another girl nor was he going to deny that it happened. So instead he walked slowly towards the edge, getting closer to her face that mirrored a look of shame and betrayal. "Who said you were?"

  "Well what you did makes me feel like one," she drawled like it was such an obvious statement.

  Carson frowned at her after he thought what would be the right thing to say. "I thought we were friends with benefits, only sex."

  It might not be the right thing to say, but that was what he thought at the moment. She surprised him by groaning loudly before sitting herself down, placing her palm on her closed eyes to cover her flushed face.

  "I know! I-I don't know what's wrong with be honest," she admitted slowly.

  Carson courage himself to say what he was
about to say, because he knew that every time he said this, it would always come out as a tease. He turned his face into a serious expression. But surprisingly, he managed to ask in a soft whisper. "Were you jealous?"

  Maggie dropped her hands and opened her eyes to find him looking up at her. His soft eyes ached her heart…something about this guy made her feel so, so different. She was scared at the way he was looking now, with the humor long gone from his eyes and the teasing voice of his turned into a serious tone. She looked away from him. "I don't know."

  After seconds of silence, Carson decided that he had enough of her. He was tired, and somehow every time she was near him, he never felt like himself. "So what now? You want more? You know I can't give you—"

  She groaned loudly and threw her arms out again. "I don't know what I want! Sure, the sex is good. It's just…just…I don't know!"

  Carson watched her lips as her teeth bit her bottom lip softly. She was nervous. He shook his head and brought back his eyes towards her face. "What's wrong with just sex?"

  He heard her scoff as she played with her nails like it was more fascinating than to look at his face. "Well that's easy for you to say. You're a guy, guys only want to get laid. I'm girl…and a girl, as much as she's a slut or not, wants respect." Her eyes finally snapped at his own ones. "Ever heard of the word before, Carson?"

  What was up with that little head of hers? He groaned loudly. "You're really confusing me, I thought you were fine with it before."

  "Well I was…until I found out you screwed some chick minutes after you were on my bed."

  Carson suddenly became angry and he didn't know why. What was it with Maggie? She could make him want her so badly, and the next thing you know, she could make him furious for no reason. "You are so…different from the other girls I've been with."

  "Well I find that as a compliment. I'm even shocked that you're comparing me with your sluts that would easily go to bed with you."

  He raised his eye brows at her. "Aren't you the same thing?"

  Her smirk that played on her lips fell down completely. Damn, she just realized that she was, in fact, one of his sluts. She couldn't take it anymore; she had had enough of his games. "What is it that you want from me Carson? Seriously?"

  "I've told you before that I'm not finished with you," he stated simply.

  "Finished what? You've taken my virginity, you've had sex with me for many times and you've had the chance to play me by screwing another chick right after you had sex with me!"

  As an attractive girl, she was the most irritating girl he had ever slept with. He wanted to kick her out of his house, but the urge to pull her in the water and kiss her was bigger. He shrugged it away. He just stared at her as he couldn't think of an answer. Why the hell he still wanted her by his side was beyond him.

  Maggie moved her head closer like she was practically crawling towards him. "So let me get this straight. You still want me but you want to fuck other girls as well?"

  He didn't answer and looked away.

  "Then if we continue to have this friend for benefits thing, you wouldn't mind me having sex with another guy, would you?"

  Carson's eyes shot up. That never crossed his mind. Maggie? With another guy? Yeah right, he was the one who took her virginity and no way in hell would she go that easily to search for pleasure with another guy. Right? She just seemed too innocent to do that. He narrowed his eyes at her. "You wouldn't."

  She reached her hand and wiped a wet strand of his hair from his forehead. "Now baby, you're not being fair."

  Carson backed away and looked at her face. It wasn't like her to do such...things, something was definitely wrong. "Are you drunk?"

  She laughed humorlessly. "Honey, you've made the person I am now."

  She was whispering so low that he had to move closer to hear her words clearly. The fact that they were screaming at each other earlier with her now whispering to him seductively turned him on. Maggie smirked at his face, deciding that she was now finished with him, and was about to stand up when all of a sudden, his hands captured her delicate face and pressed his wet lips on her soft one. She whimpered from his touch and held his shoulder as she found herself kissing him back.

  "Oh god," she moaned louder. This wasn't supposed to happen. The plan was just to give him the CD while also giving him a piece of her mind, or rather, ending the benefit thing when Nick mentioned about Carson sleeping with somebody the same night he was with her. This was not supposed to happen…then why was her body screaming more for him to touch her?

  With tongues slipping in and exchanging breaths in between, Maggie almost fell down to the pool when Carson pulled her closer. He pulled away for a moment and climbed out of the pool, all wet and cold and quickly crashed his lips onto hers again. She didn't care that he was wet and her clothes were starting to get damp by the cold drips of water on his body, because she didn't mind at all. All she hungered was his lips on hers deliciously.

  Carson felt the eyes of his maids on him and Maggie, and wanting more privacy from curious eyes, he quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her inside the house towards the stairs. His grip on her wrist wasn't soft; it was actually anything but soft. He pulled her harder and she couldn't help but let out a yelp when she hit herself onto the wall. He didn't look at her, not even a glance, when he hurriedly opened his bed room door and shoved her inside. She stumbled a little but managed to stay put as he slammed the door with his foot, creating a loud thud that echoed around the house.

  She couldn't think straight. She knew she was now trapped in the mess she had put herself into, and she couldn't help but to feel quite terrified by the way he was looking at her. He didn't move, he merely watched her breathing uncontrollably as she looked at him like he was some kind of beast. He did look like a monster in her eyes now. The way his eyes roamed down her body and stopped at her breast gave her shivers. Yet again…she couldn't help but to realize the warmness inside her panties. She could really tell that he wanted her so much. His eyes met her briefly before he took a step forward.

  "Take off your clothes."

  She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She knew it wasn't a question; it was a command that came out from his mouth. She looked deep into his eyes to see if he was joking or not, but all she could see was the scowl on his face and how his eyes narrowed at her angrily.

  "Carson, I—"

  "Take off your clothes, now." He repeated sternly.

  She was getting scared by the sharpness of his voice. This wasn't like him. Yes, he could be rough sometimes, but he never had to speak with that harsh tone towards her before.

  "Look, I'm sorr—"

  He clenched his hand into a fist. "Do you not understand what I just said?"

  She quickly nodded and took off her purple jacket. She was wet, literally wet, the front of her shirt was damp, clinging onto her body perfectly and she didn't like the feeling of it one bit. Her eyes caught his gaze as she slowly threw away the jacket onto the floor, landing there with a soft thump. She felt his eyes on her lips as she licked them before she tugged on the bottom of her shirt and lifted it up over her head. That too followed her jacket that was lying innocently on the floor.

  His eyes wandered over her body as she unbuttoned her jeans, very slowly letting her zipper down. His breath went faster when she bent down and took off her jeans that moved slowly down her long legs. She kicked them fast and watched his eyes gazing hungrily at her body. He saw her pointing her bra as she looked at him doubtfully. "This too?"

  He couldn't say a word when he felt his boxer tightening around his waist. He nodded slightly and licked his lips when her hands unclasped her bra from the front, revealing her plump breasts with her soft looking pink nipples pointing towards him. He let out a low growl when her bra finally fell down, gliding down her shoulders softly before it rested around her feet.

  The moment she traced her fingers on her panties, he couldn't take it anymore. With long strides of his legs, he was already in front of
her in no time. With his rough hands, he forcefully pushed her toward the bed. She gasped when the bed made contact with her back…it was very soft as she remembered, but somehow with the way he shoved her, it somehow felt like she was being thrown onto a hard rock. Her gasp was soon captured by his mouth as he let his tongue taste the inside of her. She moaned when she felt him settle himself between her legs. He roughly thrust his wet boxers onto her core. She whimpered at the pleasure she was feeling.

  He captured one of her nipples with his tongue and circled it fast. His other hand fondled with her other breast as his thumb traced her nipple violently. She let out a loud moan and moved her hips toward his own. He looked at her face in pleasure when he softly bit her nipple while he moved his hips toward her already wet core. She bit her lips from screaming his name…she wasn't going to let him have the satisfaction of hearing his name now.

  His lips trailed down her body; towards her stomach and licked her navel swiftly. He sat up straight and finally, but oh so slowly, grabbed her panties and without asking her, she lifted her hips and straightened her legs for him to take off them easily. Once they were off, he parted her legs as widely as they could manage and scanned her now naked body. She was already soaking wet and pink and the warm radiating from her made him even harder.

  Maggie tried to close her legs but the grip of his hand on her knees wouldn't let her do such thing. She realized now as he stared at her from head to toe that whenever they were about to have sex, he would always do this first. She didn't know why she was being this provocative, but the thought of even doing it turned her on. So without even thinking anything else, Maggie parted her legs very wide for him to see and closed her eyes as she let one of her hand made a way across her stomach and let her fingers stop at her core.


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