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Katrina, The Beginning

Page 4

by Elizabeth Loraine


  The roadway turned, and as we entered a dark forest I suddenly felt the weight of impending doom surrounding us.

  “Listen,” I told myself. “Use all your senses.” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I could feel Quinn and Thomas tense as they realized what I was doing. They slowly drew their swords, and as they did, so did Gunter, Simon, and Father. I could ‘see’ many horses and many humans.

  Then Father’s voice boomed. “Ride!”

  As we forced our horses into a gallop, I was thankful we had left the rest of our, servants , horses and wagons, in the city to rest. My senses now told me the men in the woods to the right of us outnumbered us by ten.

  “How far? How far were our attackers from us?” I asked myself. A mile maybe less, I detected.

  “How far is the Palace?” I yelled.

  “Two miles!” Father shouted back.

  “We’ll never make it; they’re only a mile away.”

  No common robber would risk attacking such a large party. Despite all the care and secrecy with which we had undertaken this journey, someone must have alerted our assailants to our presence. We must have spies amongst us; for only one kind of human would have the audacity to attack us - the Volator. The Volator’s sole purpose in life was to hunt and kill vampires. That they had picked this time to attack was no accident.

  I could see the Palace now, less than a mile away. We might just make it.

  Then out of the darkness of the woods, I detected the distinct whistle of an arrow in flight.

  “Duck!” I screamed.

  We instinctively bent low as we urged our horses ahead. Another arrow came from the right, and a horse squealed and fell, the guard flying off his mount into the ditch.

  Suddenly Father, Philepe, and Gerhardt pulled their horses up, dismounted, and ran into the forest.

  “Get Katrina to the palace, now!” yelled Gunter. We galloped by as he dismounted to follow Father.

  Suddenly Nulla tripped. Only my strength and quick reactions enabled me to cling to the saddle and avoid being thrown. I clung perilously, hanging off the side of the saddle, as Nulla continued thundering down the road.

  “Open the gate!” Quinn yelled as he reached out to help me back into the saddle, in the process almost being unseated.

  I had trained my whole life to be able to protect myself, and the time had come to do it. I pulled my body up and back into the saddle, just as the gate opened and we galloped through. Guards, swords drawn, pushed past us, ready to aid Father. My heart was pounding as people rushed toward us.

  “Are you all right, my Lady?” someone asked.

  “Yes,” I answered, whirling to my Watchers. “Quinn, Thomas, are you hurt?”

  “No, we’re fine. We’re going back to help,” Quinn panted.

  “No!” Thomas insisted. “Katrina is your charge right now. You stay here; she must be kept safe.”

  I dismounted and noticed blood dripping down Nulla’s leg, an arrow jutting from her shoulder.

  “Oh, no!” I cried, “Nulla!”

  Hearing my cry, Quinn rushed over to see what was wrong.

  “She’ll be fine, Katrina,” he assured me as he looked at the wound. “The wound is not deep. Stable boy,” he signaled to the young boy “Here! Now! Take my Lady’s beloved mare to the stable and see to her. Take great care and report back to me.”

  The stable boy nodded, and poor Nulla limped away with him.

  As if he had read my mind Quinn assured, “She’ll be fine. Your father will be fine. It’s the cowards in the woods you should worry about. Your father and Philepe will show them no mercy. Our only problem will be to endure the stories of bravery Gerhardt will tell.”

  I rolled my eyes and we both had a laugh. It was short-lived however, because just then the gate swung open and Father’s party galloped through, the dust from all the hooves making it impossible for me to see for a moment. Then I heard my father shout. “Katrina! Where is my daughter?”

  “I’m here Father.”

  He was alive and just as we had predicted, out of the dust Gerhardt appeared, smiling, arms outstretched. “Did you miss me?”

  Philepe, Gunter, and Simon were also unhurt but we’d lost four guards, two from our garrison, and two from the palace detail.

  “What of the Volator, Father?”

  Father had a shocked look on his face. “You knew?”

  “Who else would it be?”

  “Five got away, but twenty-five or so were not so lucky. Unfortunately, I don’t think their leader was amongst them. But I assure you he’s not far, and we’ll find him. No one is safe until we root out the traitor who has revealed us. Now you get cleaned up and rest, because we must report to the High Regent.”

  The thought of a traitor living amongst us sent shivers up my spine.

  A lovely girl named Gretchen showed me to my quarters. Several young ladies would be sharing this large common area surrounded by bedrooms. Tall leaded glass windows on each side of the fireplace filled the room with light and gave the gold, overstuffed chairs and sofa a soft glow. A round table with six chairs sat in the corner. From the high, dark-beamed ceiling hung two iron candled chandeliers. My bedroom was the second door to the left, and in it was a large bed with high wooden posts, lush green velvet bedding, and an eiderdown so thick they might not be able to find me in the morning.

  I heard the door to the common room open; my curiosity revived me enough to rise to meet the new arrival. She was stunning. Glossy, ebony hair drifted over her shoulders nearly to her waist. Her large eyes were brown and her skin was the color of warm sand.

  “Hello, I’m Katrina Von Dracek.”

  “How nice for you,” she said in a bored voice without looking in my direction.

  “I can see this is going to a long week,” I thought to myself.

  “I’m Rosalinda DiPalicio.”

  “How nice for you too,” I turned to walk away.

  “All right, that was rude, forgive me. It was just quite an adventure to get here. I’m exhausted, I’m starving, and I smell like a horse.”

  The tension broken, we laughed. I knew just how she felt.

  “Let’s start again. I’m Rosalinda DiPalicio, but you may call me Rosa.”

  “I am pleased to meet you, Rosa. I’m Katrina Von Dracek, and you may call me Kat.”

  “There were some delicious morsels standing guard outside. I don’t suppose we’re allowed to feed on anything or anyone we want to?” Rosa grinned and licked her full lips.

  “No, I don’t think so.”

  Again, the door opened and Gretchen came in carrying a large case. She was followed by a girl of medium height; her blonde hair was pulled back away from a lovely heart-shaped face, which featured a smile that seemed to light her from within.

  “Hello. I’m Eleanor Flanery. We just arrived from England.”

  “I’m Rosalinda DiPalicio, and this is Katrina Von Dracek. You may call us Rosa and Kat.”

  “I’m glad to meet you, Rosa, Kat. Please call me El.”

  “And call me Letta, short for Arletta,” said the girl stepping out from behind Eleanor.

  Arletta Valdesio had traveled from Spain. She had olive skin and dark brown hair pulled back and up in ringlets secured with a beautiful jeweled comb. Instead of the brown I was expecting, coneflower blue eyes met mine as we were introduced.

  Gretchen showed the newcomers to their rooms.

  “Thank you, Gretchen. Has a bath been prepared?” Letta asked while stripping off her gloves.

  “Yes, we could all use a bath,” Rosa suggested, sniffing.

  “I’ll see to it at once,” Gretchen answered, “and then I’ll bring you luncheon.”

  “Oh, glorious,” El cried. “I’m starving,”

  “I am, too,” I realized then, I was hungry also.

  Eleanor flopped down on one of the chairs.

  “At least I survived the crossing. I really hate sailing. How were your journeys?”

sp; “We were attacked in the forest, about two miles from the front gate,” I informed them.

  “Really? How frightening!” Eleanor’s face showed her concern. “Was anyone in your party hurt?”

  “We lost two guards, as did the palace. Nulla, my beautiful mare, took an arrow in the shoulder, but she’s going to be fine. Our forces defended and pursued them; Father thinks only four or five of our attackers escaped.”

  “Who was it? Why would anyone do such a thing?” asked El.

  “There are many who dislike our kind and despise our way of life,” Rosa retorted sharply. “They seek to end our existence and take our lands, but they’re fools.”

  “It is true, man often seeks to kill that which he does not understand, and it seems, as a species, man is always fighting someone,” I added.

  “Makes my trip seem pretty boring,” Letta’s eyes widened. “Although, I did get to stop in Paris to buy some new dresses. I’ll show them to you as soon as my things arrive.”

  I wished I could be more excited about getting some new clothing. But most of the beautiful dresses Father had ordered to be made for me were still unworn, since we rarely had guests, there was no reason for formal dressing. Personally, I preferred the simple, comfortable sheaths and leggings more suited to my training, to the constricting dress of a gentlewoman.

  “Ah, Gretchen, thank goodness,” Rosa sighed in delight.

  We all followed Gretchen across the room, eyeing the tray of treats she had brought us for lunch and now set on the table. She had also brought a pitcher full of Crimson to strengthen and refresh us and news the baths would be ready for us by the time we had finished eating. We practically inhaled the food and the Crimson. Then, dressing gowns in tow, we ambled off to our baths and looked forward to resting before dinner. I had hoped to see Quinn waiting outside the door, but he was nowhere to be seen. I’d have to seek him out later.

  “If you’re looking for your Watchers, they are gathered down the hall, deciding watch shifts and duties amongst them,” Gretchen informed me.

  “Thank you Gretchen.” I smiled.

  After the layers of grime were removed (which took a lot of scrubbing, I might add). I put on my dressing gown and a robe Gretchen had brought in, ran a comb through my hair, and slowly walked back toward my room. There, leaning against the wall, was the silhouette of someone I knew well.

  “Quinn!” I called, so happy to see him.

  He looked up and smiled. Without even thinking, I ran over, threw my arms around him, and drew him into a close embrace.

  “Oh, Quinn, I missed you.”

  Quinn stiffened, I’m sure my hug was quite a shock. He had never seen me react to his short absence quite like this before. He grasped my shoulders and pushed me away slightly.

  “I should stay away more often,” he laughed. “I do have duties, you know.” He feigned a serious look, and then he smiled.

  “Is not my well-being one of those duties?” I asked peevishly as I folded my arms and turned my back to him.

  “Of course it is.”

  He pulled me back towards him, his arms now crossing around my waist.

  “My most important duty,” he whispered in my ear.

  His warm breath on my neck made my knees weaken. My pulse raced; more than anything else in the world I wanted him to kiss me.

  “Well, well. What have we here?” we heard from behind us.

  Quinn pushed me away so quickly I almost fell. When I turned around I saw a man I’d never seen before.

  “Lady Katrina Von Dracek, this is Joseph. He is Watcher for Lady DiPalicio and will be taking the first watch this evening. I will, however, be accompanying you to dinner, and if you wish, beforehand, to the stables to see Nulla.”

  “Thank you Quinn. I would like that and I am pleased to meet you, Joseph.”

  “The pleasure is all mine,” he returned.

  I hurried past as fast as I could. Without looking at Joseph, who opened the door, I went in and straight to my room. As I rushed through the bedroom door, I was happily surprised to see Sarah laying out my clothes.

  “Oh Sarah, thank goodness.”

  She looked up. “Well at least you’re clean. But we’ll have to do something with this hair.” She had walked over, and was now lifting wet strands and shaking her head in disgust.

  “I brought those oils your father gave you last summer. You remember he brought them back from the Far East?”

  “I do remember,” I replied. “He had to join with Philepe and Demitrie to go to the aid of Gomon, whose clan was in a bitter fight with a wild fledgling enemy.”

  Vampires that are made, rather than born like us, when first created are known as fledglings. They can be unstable, even more so if they were unstable in their human form, or once made they had been left to fend for themselves without the benefit of guidance and training. This is why the making of new vampires is mostly forbidden, except in rare circumstances. As it happened, when our group arrived to help the Gomon, they were able to seek out and kill the made wild creatures by beheading them, the only way to ensure the creatures stayed dead, and then the fledglings’ remains were burned for good measure.

  “Well,” I thought, “that’s an unsettling subject to take a nap with.”

  “Sarah, finish my hair and get out a simple sheath for me. I won’t be able to rest now. I want to go to see Nulla. Quinn said he would take me.”

  “What else did he say he’d do for you?” Sarah teased.

  “Sarah, please. You know it’s forbidden.”

  “Yes, I remember, Katrina. But do you? I know your feelings for him; after all, we talked for hours on the way, if you recall. And I see the look on your face and the flush of your cheeks, so don’t act so innocent with me.”

  “Very well, but it’s our secret - it has to be. All right, let’s get me dressed, and then go ask that Joseph fellow to find Quinn, so he can escort me to the stables.”

  When Quinn arrived, I guessed the other girls were resting, because there was no sound in the common room.

  “Thanks for meeting me a little sooner than we’d planned.”

  “Not at all, my Lady. It’s my duty to be at your beck and call,” he said without expression.

  I rolled my eyes. He was obviously making an effort to be more professional in front of Joseph, who gave us a look and a smile, but said nothing.

  “Shouldn’t you be resting?” Quinn asked. “We’ve had quite a trip.”

  “I couldn’t sleep,” I said, as we walked down the stairway and then crossed a small garden courtyard.

  “After Sarah brought up the situation Father faced with the fledglings in the Far East last summer, I knew I wasn’t about to sleep. And I really do want to check on Nulla. Are you sure she’s going to be all right?”

  “They carefully extracted the arrow, then cleaned and bandaged the wound, and when I checked on her she seemed comfortable. I even brought her carrots from the kitchen. She’ll be fine.”

  “How about Father and the others?”

  “They’ve been in Council since we arrived. Everyone is a little shaken because of the attack this morning. I don’t really understand the attackers’ motives either; there have been no killings other than the ones they bring on themselves. Maybe that’s what they are trying to do.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, how can they get rid of you - that is to say, us, all the clans - if they can’t blame current unrest and murder across the continent on vampires? Without the violence and killings, no one would believe you’re a threat, and then they’d have no right to hunt you.”

  “Well they don’t have any right, period. We are peaceful. We take care of our own problems as they arise amongst ourselves, as we have for a hundred years. Why do you think the Volator hate us so much - especially the leader, whoever he is?”

  “I don’t know, but I’d wager your father does. Have you ever asked him?”

  “When subjects like that come up he always says ‘it’s
Council business’ and tells me ‘not to worry about it’. He let me know this was one of the subjects not suitable for discussion. It’s just like when I bring up my mother.”

  “Here we are. The palace stables. After you, my Lady.”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake, I’ve been Kat for all the years you’ve been training to be my Watcher, and now all of a sudden it’s ‘my Lady’?”

  “It’s the proper way to address you, especially around here.”

  I turned to face him then.

  “What if I were to punch you right in the gut?” I threatened. As I started to make a fist, he threw his hands up in surrender and backed away a couple of steps.

  “Very well, I’ll call you Kat, but only when we’re alone, all right?”

  “All right, but that doesn’t seem to be very often anymore,” I complained as we continued on.

  “Nulla, oh Nulla, there you are.” I rushed to her stall.

  She nuzzled my hand as I reached out and then put my head against her cheek.

  “Oh, Nulla, you scared me half to death.”

  I patted her neck, and she bobbed her head up and down and shifted her weight, trying to get closer to me. She was such a good friend and I loved her dearly.

  “See, she’s fine.”

  “We had quite a scare today, and if anything ever happened to her, or you…or any of your brothers, I’d be heartbroken.”

  “Listen, Kat, this is what we train for, and we’re very, very good at it, all right?”

  “I know it’s just that…”

  I paused and looked up into his eyes.

  “ . . . I care very much about…all of you.”

  He moved closer to me and took my chin in his hand; his fingers were warm against my cool vampire skin. As I lifted my hand to brush away the hair that always seemed to be in his eyes, he leaned forward, his lips parting. I could smell the sweetness of his breath and…

  “Excuse me, my Lady.”

  Damn it! Why does someone always have to appear when I’m about to have the thing I want most, a kiss from Quinn?

  “Yes?” I responded, with the most annoyed voice I could muster.

  “I’m sorry to disturb you, my Lady, but they have asked all of you to come to the great hall for introductions, and Sarah said I’d find you here. I’m to tell you that you must come to your room to change.”

  “Tell her I’m coming right along.” When he hesitated I pointed to the stable’s door, “Well, go ahead. I’ll be right there.”

  Quinn turned to leave.

  “No you don’t.” I pulled him to me.

  I was certainly not leaving that stable without my kiss. I put my arms around his neck, rose up on my tiptoes, and kissed him with all the pent-up passion that was in me. Surprised at first, he relaxed into the kiss and with matching passion, wrapped his arms around me and lifted me off the ground. The world disappeared in that moment, and nothing mattered but Quinn and this kiss. When we reluctantly parted, a sigh left my lips. I slowly opened my eyes, half expecting to be waking from a dream, but he was gazing back at me. It had happened. We both knew what we felt without having to say the words I love you.

  We hurried back across the courtyards and gardens hand in hand. He left me at the entrance of the hallway, as he too had to change and receive his orders.

  “Katrina Von Dracek, where have you been?” Sarah demanded in a very annoyed voice.

  “You know perfectly well where I’ve been, or you wouldn’t have known where to send someone to find me.” I responded in the same tone of voice.

  “You know what I mean. What took you so long to get back here? The other girls have already been escorted down to the great hall.”

  “Sarah, calm down. Next to the others, I will simply disappear anyway. They make me look like plain white bread next to pastry.”

  “That’s not true, Katrina,” she challenged, as we hurried to get my sheath off and the new dress on. It was my favorite red silk. The sleeves were puffy to the elbow, and from there to the wrist, fitted. The fitted section featured a line of beautiful silk-covered buttons. The corset which made my waist look even smaller and pushed my breasts up and out, featured the same line of silk-covered buttons running in a line down the front to the skirt.

  “Good thing we did your hair earlier,” Sarah grumbled.

  She pinched my cheeks and whisked me to the door. I smiled and then stopped dead when I saw Quinn. He had changed into formal attire and looked soooo handsome. I felt my heart skip a beat.

  “No time to gawk at each other now. Go, go,” Sarah pushed me out the door.

  “You look stunning Kat.”

  “Thank you. You clean up nicely yourself,” I smiled as looked up at him.

  We laughed. Here we were, in love, facing the unknown; but knowing we were going together.

  Father was waiting for me at the door to the reception room.

  “Finally,” he greeted me impatiently. “We are one of the last to be introduced. Almost all the others have arrived and have already taken their places.”

  When we got to the top of the stairs, I looked back for Quinn. He smiled and at once I felt better.

  “Baron Fredrik Von Dracek and Lady Katrina,” the liveried herald announced in somber tones.

  My Father made a head bow and I a slight curtsey and we started down the stairs. Don’t trip, don’t trip, smile, don’t trip, I thought.

  I surveyed the room, hoping to find a friendly face and located Eleanor, Rosa, and Letta with their fathers. All three looked stunningly beautiful.

  Eleanor was in a dark blue gown, the color of a night sky. Rosalinda in teal, her black hair braided around her head and down her back; and Letta wore red satin, trimmed with black lace around the collar and down the front and the edges of her sleeves, her hair still the way I saw it earlier. Of course with their beauty, all three could have worn grain sacks and have made them the new fashion. But I relaxed when they turned and smiled at me.

  Philepe and Gerhardt gave a head bow of acknowledgement as we passed. My face burned as I noticed Gerhardt’s gaze didn’t leave my chest. It is my best asset, but it would have been polite for him to remember I had a face. As we took our places, I thought Father had been right; we should have been here sooner. Being one of the last to be announced was a big disadvantage, because now I didn’t know who anyone else was. Except for the three I’d already met and Philepe and Gerhardt, everyone else in the room was a complete stranger. I’d have to meet up with the girls later, so they could help me put names to faces.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, let me now introduce the High Regent, Count Petrovich Daminov, his wife, the Countess Margarite, his son, Damien, and daughter, Luena.”

  All eyes turned to the top of the stairs. The Count was quite old, his pure white hair made his pale skin look even paler, but he was regal and handsome and in no way frail looking. From one of the oldest known clans, Count Daminov has been ruler of the Vampire Clans for over one hundred years, since the clan wars ended and the Council began. Both feared and respected, he’s ruled with an iron fist and swift justice. Some say it’s time for a change, but fear if his son Damien came into power, the alliance between clans would break and the ground would again turn red with the blood of both vampires and humans. His wife, the Lady Margarite, was his second wife, and it was gossiped his first wife had disappeared under mysterious circumstances, but this was before my time and I knew none of the details.

  Margarite looked lovely in a silk gown, which seemed as if it had been spun from pure gold. It was cinched in at the waist, with a full skirt billowing to the staircase. The largest ruby I’d ever seen adorned her neck, and on her ears were earrings to match - rubies circled with diamonds. Her hair was piled beautifully atop her head and sparkled with a diamond and ruby tiara.

  The Count and Countess were halfway down the stairs when I looked past them to Damien and Luena, now taking their turn on the stairway. Descending, they looked from side to side, acknowledging the crowd. I h
ad heard Luena adored her brother and would like nothing more than to see him rule next, whatever the cost. Some even said the Count should watch his back, as betrayal could come from within his own family.

  I watched as they came closer and despite Damien’s flawlessly handsome features, a combination of his shoulder-length brown hair, long sideburns, square jaw line, and piercing dark eyes, and tall muscular body, there was something else; a nagging feeling I struggled to grasp. I smiled to myself when, from the hall behind us, the sounds of women swooning reached my ears. So, I was not alone in my estimate of Damien’s looks. But again, there was that irritating feeling of something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Just then the Count and Countess reached the bottom of the stairs and greeted my father, who then performed my formal introduction.

  “May I present my daughter, The Lady Katrina Von Dracek.” I curtsied slowly, dropping low over my foot.

  “She’s lovely, Fredrik. So much like her mother.”

  Was I? I had no memory of her, so I couldn’t know, but still it made me feel…proud. I wished Father would talk about her. Introductions complete, the Count and Countess moved on to meet the many others waiting to greet them. Damien and Luena were now at the bottom of the stairway. I hadn’t even looked at Luena until now. Like everyone else in her family, she was breathtaking. Tall and willow slender, her dark brown eyes were set in porcelain skin; her low-cut emerald-green silk gown shimmered in the candlelight of the hall. Her emerald green gown was perfectly matched to the large emeralds adorning her neck and ears. They made a stunning pair, the brother and sister royal.

  As I looked from Luena back to Damien, I was shocked to see he was openly appraising me. Those eyes…could he read my mind? I gasped, for just as I formed the thought, he smiled at me, as if to confirm it!

  “Baron Von Dracek! So nice to see you again,” Damien offered his hand.

  “Damien, Luena, this is my daughter, Katrina.”

  I curtsied and extended my hand to Damien in greeting. He took it and while still holding my eyes, pulled it to him and pressed a kiss to my fingertips. At the first touch of his lips, what I could only describe as pure energy reached my hand, race up my arm and into my heart! I felt my face heating as he stood there regarding me.

  “Delighted to meet you, Katrina,” he said, now smiling

  “Come, Damien, we have others to meet,” Luena took his arm to guide him away.

  “Yes, of course, sister,” he said with a hint of sarcasm. “Please save a dance for me, Katrina.”

  Then once more he acknowledged my father.

  “Your Lordship.” He turned and gave a slight bow, which my father returned, and then brother and sister were gone.

  At least he looked at my face, I thought. I had never met them before, but again, I had a strange feeling of familiarity, but how? As for Luena, there was nothing good about the feeling she gave me.

  Next Father and I made a circuit around the room, casually greeting everyone, and I hoped I would somehow be able to remember who was who. Some families would be easier to commit to memory than others, of course. Such as the tall and elegantly regal Tantees from Africa, with their caramel colored skin, high cheekbones, and their beautiful bodies draped with the most colorful fabrics. Chander, who was my age, was a prince. His father MoMar was the king of his clan, and he and my father knew each other well. The delegates, also quite memorable were the clan from the Far East, the Gomon. They had beautiful Asian eyes, short black hair, and wore clothing of hand-embroidered silks of red and gold, depicting scenes from their homeland. Hun Lee, Lord Gomon’s son, spoke seven languages and by all accounts was the most brilliant mind in attendance.

  The tall, handsome Vikings also were easy to pick out, with their broad shoulders, long blonde hair, and chiseled, rugged features. Sven Arenkiel and his son, Axel, both wore full beards, and although their hair was blonde, their beards appeared to be shaded with red. Their piercing blue eyes were in constant motion and they seemed to be always on guard, ready to fight at a moment’s notice. I smiled as I imagined their smoldering, quiet passion awaiting a lucky girl.

  Of course the girls’ fathers we would see often: Duke Ricardo Valdesio, Arletta’s father; Edward Flanery, Eleanor’s father; and Michael DiPalicio, Rosalinda’s father. Everyone seemed exceedingly pleasant, but still an element of caution and apprehension filled the room. I imagined that outside, on the commons and on the walls, there was also a lot of tension. Since news of the attack had spread, everyone’s Watchers were on edge. Tonight we would eat and enjoy each other’s company, since who knew what tomorrow would bring.

  Later, Rosa, El, and I sat together discussing fashion and those in attendance this evening. Other than the Council members, it was indeed hard to keep the other royal family members matched.

  “I think we should all wear name tags with family crests and have a coordinating list,” grumbled Rosa.

  She was particularly attracted to Axel, as were many of the young ladies in attendance. Much to the disappointment of the half-dozen or so girls that surrounded him, he didn’t dance.

  “How are you ladies this fine evening?” asked Gerhardt. “I can’t stay long, as that would deny too many others my company.”

  “You’re forgiven, Gerhardt,” I was able to maintain a completely serious face. “We understand, don’t we girls?”

  As he left to continue ‘sharing’ himself with those unfortunate women who hadn’t yet been graced by his presence, we broke out into gales of laughter.

  Rosa was asked to dance several times, as was Eleanor. I danced with Demitrie Devorak and an adorable Russian named Nicoli, but was content to watch people and chat with the girls. Finally I stood, ready to make my exit. I searched the ballroom for Father. I hoped for a moment alone with Quinn before I rested for tomorrow’s regimen.

  “If you’re looking for me, look no further.”

  “Damien, you startled me.”

  “I’m sorry, but I haven’t had a chance to speak with you this evening. Would you care to dance?”

  “No, I’ve danced all I can dance, I’m afraid. I was hoping to find Father and say goodnight.”

  “But the night is young, and it would please me if you could stay and talk, at least for a little longer.”

  He was even more mesmerizing than earlier, but there was still something bothering me about him. Maybe I could figure it out if I stayed and spoke with him for a while.

  “All right, you win. But just for a little while. I have training in the morning and as you know, the Council meeting later. What can you tell me about the reason that this meeting was called, Damien? What’s going on?”

  “I am sworn to secrecy, my Lady, and I really don’t know very much myself. More to the point, I would rather talk about you.”

  He brushed my cheek with the back of his hand, which sent tingles from my face down my spine. His dark brown eyes had a sparkle in them, which told me he knew and expected that very reaction. I stepped away.

  “Damien, I really am tired. Oh, Father, there you are.”

  Damien looked deflated. I didn’t think many girls refused his charms.

  “Father, I’m very tired. May we go?”

  “Of, course Katrina. Damien, goodnight.”

  “Lord Von Dracek, Katrina,” Damien bowed slightly.

  With those acknowledgements, we started to make our way from the hall.

  “Quinn is waiting to escort you back,” my father advised. “There is still something I must do. I will see you in the morning.”

  He gave me a kiss on the forehead and turned to walk away.


  “Yes, Katrina?”

  “Do I really look like Mother?”

  “Yes, yes you do, just as beautiful.”

  Then he turned and walked away. His words made me happy and sad at the same time. As I left the hall, the cool night air gave me a shiver. Quinn stepped out of the shadows and placed a cape around my shoulders.

  “Sarah t
hought you’d get chilled.”

  “She was right, as usual. She always knows what I need before I do.”

  I looked up at him then and we both smiled. I was sure he couldn’t tell I was blushing in the dim light of a half moon. I was thinking back to the last time we were together. That kiss was amazing, and although I had nothing with which to compare it, as it was my first kiss, I could not believe anything could match it. However, I was willing to try.

  We walked slowly back. I really wanted some more time alone with him. Did he feel the same way, I wondered?

  “Maybe we should check on Nulla again,” Quinn proposed.

  “Yes, I think you’re right. I want to make sure they changed the dressing and used a fresh poultice.”

  He did feel the same way, I was sure of it now. We quickened our step, we didn’t dare take too much time; Gunter would figure it out, and that was the last thing we needed.

  “You look so beautiful.”

  I had to look down. My face was feeling flushed again. My pulse was racing.

  “Thank you, again.”

  Why couldn’t I think of something to say?

  When we arrived at the stable, Nulla’s head was drooping, her eyes closed. Then her nostrils flared as she picked up our scent with her sensitive nose. A low whinny escaped from her throat and she tossed her head as though scolding us for taking so long to get close.

  Quinn laughed. “She’s never seen you in a ball gown before.”

  “Her dressing looks good, and I can smell the fresh poultice. Are you all right, girl?”

  She placed her muzzle into my hands, the soft velvet caressing my palms. Quinn produced a carrot, which she eagerly took from his outstretched palm. I scratched her neck, and then gave her a pat.

  “We should probably get back.” The evening had cooled. I shivered slightly and drew my cape closer around me. Quinn came behind me and rubbed my arms up and down to gently warm me. This gave me a shiver of a different kind, one that went from my stomach to my toes, a tingle I’d felt before, when we kissed.

  He wrapped his arms around me, then from behind, the same way he had outside my room earlier that day, he kissed my neck just below my ear. I heard a moan and then I realized - it was me! Gently, he turned me to face him. We looked at each other for what seemed like forever, but was only seconds.

  He began to lean down as I rose up to meet him. He pulled me closer, his arms now around my back. I slid my arms under his and up his back towards his shoulders. At that moment I knew this was right, and no one was going to be able to tell me this was wrong. No one, not even Father. When we broke from the kiss and the one that followed, I knew I would never forget this night. As we left the stable to walk back, we were startled by someone coming out of the shadows. Damien.

  “Well, well. Aren’t you two cozy?”

  Quinn immediately pulled me behind him, placing himself directly between Damien and myself.

  “No need to be defensive; I mean you no harm.”

  Horrified, we both understood immediately what this conversation with Damien really meant. We had let our guard down, allowing Damien to approach us unaware, which is exactly why relationships between Watchers and their charges were forbidden.

  “What brings you to the stables, Damien?” I asked.

  “Oh, I was just out for a stroll, trying to relax after such an exciting evening.” He looked past Quinn to address me. “I guess you found your second wind. Before you left the hall you were feigning exhaustion.”

  “My horse Nulla was hurt in the attack earlier, and I wanted to check on her, not that it’s any of your business. Now if you’ll excuse us, we’ll be going.”

  “Of course, don’t let me keep you. I’ll see you tomorrow. But please be careful on your way back. You never know what lurks in the shadows.”

  As I passed Damien, I was overcome by the same sense of familiarity, but how?

  Quinn and I were silent all the way back, because now we both knew what needed to be done. I would not give him up. I also knew I would not let him give me up. He walked me up the stairs and as we turned to enter the main hall, we knew the time had come. The Watcher who had this shift would be in front of my door, so this would be our last chance to be alone.

  “I love you, Katrina.”

  “I love you, too,” I whispered softly.

  He held me and I wished I could hold him forever, but I released him. Then he told me what I already knew.

  “I can no longer function as your Watcher. I’ll speak with Gunter in the morning. Either Simon or Thomas will take my place as your Watcher.”

  I nodded. Knowing it was right didn’t make it any easier. We continued around the corner until we knew the other Watcher had seen us. Then Quinn just turned and walked away.

  This couldn’t be the end. It had to be the beginning.

  “Goodnight, Joseph,” I said as I got closer.

  “My Lady,” he opened the door for me.


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