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Katrina, The Beginning

Page 5

by Elizabeth Loraine


  Once inside, I noticed the table had been prepared with fruit and pastries and a pitcher I assumed contained Crimson. I knew I should be hungry; since I hadn’t eaten before we went into the Hall to be introduced.

  Maybe in a minute I would try to eat something, but now I just wanted to warm myself by the fire. The part of me that needed the warmth, wished I would hurry to get a little older, for I knew the older I got the less I would feel heat or cold. The aging process also takes away our need to sleep, except when necessary for healing, and we no longer would need to eat regular meals to sustain us. Filling my head with these thoughts was keeping me from breaking into tears. We would find a way to see each other, I promised myself.

  I sighed and went into my room where I loosened the corseting at my waist, and shrugged the dress off my shoulders. Its sheer weight dragged it off my body and it fell to the floor. I stepped out of the rumpled gown, now filling the space in front of the bed, and removed the equally constrictive undergarment. I slipped on the simple nightgown laid out for me, and crawled in between the two layers of down. In the cradle of softness, I drifted off to sleep.

  The dream began at the point where I drew in a breath just before our party was attacked. I could ‘see’ men on both sides of us, but there was something else, much farther away. I could almost place it…almost. Then it hit me. Now wide awake, I sat straight up in bed.

  Damien! It was Damien in the woods that afternoon! Damien was the traitor! His scent was what I remembered! I had to tell Quinn; after tomorrow he would no longer be my Watcher, but tonight he was, and I needed him. We had to get to Father, now! By the look of the light, it was nearly four in the morning. I asked myself, “Why would Damien want to have us killed?”

  Quickly, I dressed in my training outfit, leggings, boots, white long-sleeved shirt, and a leather vest. I tied my hair back with a strip of leather and strapped on my weapons.

  In the common room, the fire was low but still crackled and the candles had melted almost completely down. I rushed to the door, expecting to see Joseph, but found the hallway empty, the flickering hall lamp cast shadows on the walls and floor.

  Something was terribly wrong. With four Royal Vampire girls inside, at least one Watcher should always be at the door, and now the hall was empty.

  “Joseph?” I called. No answer. Should I go back inside, close the door, and wake the others? “That’s ridiculous. I’m a vampire; I’m fast and strong, and I can take care of myself,” I told myself. I had Joseph’s scent; he was around the corner. Why didn’t he answer me? Rosalinda was going to hear about this if I found he was sleeping.

  When I rounded the corner I could see him slumped on the ground. As I approached him, I sensed someone, too quick to be a human, come at me from behind, but I was quicker. As the attacker grabbed for me, I ducked and ran for the stairs, drawing my blade as I moved.

  “Quinn!” I yelled as I ran. “Gunter, help!”

  As I got to the stairs, a vampire I didn’t recognize was blocking my way. He hissed and rushed toward me. I drove my sword into his side, his legs crumpled, and he fell on his knees to the floor. I heard footsteps from behind. I kicked the fallen body off my sword with my right boot and whirled to deal a fatal blow across the neck of the new assailant. His head fell to the floor. I turned to see the wounded would-be assassin rise from the landing, his sword injury healing quickly. I swung and dispatched his head as well. Gunter pounded up the stairs toward me; Quinn was right behind.

  “Katrina, are you all right?” asked Gunter, looking around wildly.

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  I was panting and still in a defensive crouch, but I was fine, better than fine! I had done exactly what I’d been trained to do. I had defended myself and those around me. And I’d done it very well.

  “Joseph is dead, he’s around the corner from our rooms. Gunter you’d better see if the other girls are safe. Quinn, I must see Father, right now.”

  We headed toward the other side of the palace, where the Council had their accommodations. I was relieved to see Thomas and Simon in the hallway.

  “Have you had any trouble here tonight?” I asked.

  “No, not here. What’s going on?”

  “The Watcher guarding Katrina’s room was killed and she was attacked,” Quinn replied.

  “By whom?” Simon asked.

  “No time to go into it now. I must see Father.”

  Thomas opened the door; Father was staring out of the window.

  “Father, I must speak with you.”

  “Katrina, what’s happened?”

  He embraced me, and at once I felt safe.

  “I was attacked Father, outside my room.”

  “Where was the Watcher?” he asked as he looked angrily at Quinn.

  “Dead. Father, I was attacked by fledglings.”

  “Fledglings? Who would be creating fledglings? Why? Quinn did you get a look at them?”

  “Yes, but only after Katrina had already killed them.”

  Father looked shocked.

  “This is why you have the Watchers train me, isn’t it Father? I don’t think my attackers wanted to kill me. I think they were trying to kidnap me.” Seeing his confusion, I began again.

  “I remembered something important about the attack. I had dressed and was preparing to come to your quarters. As I left my room I found Joseph, the Watcher on duty, missing from his duty post outside my door, so I went looking and found him slumped in the side hallway. That’s when I was attacked by two vampire fledglings, who I dealt with. But Father, the reason I had to see you was I remembered the scent of someone in the woods with the Volator. It was a vampire I couldn’t place because I had never ‘seen’ this scent before, not until we arrived here.”

  I looked into my father’s eyes.

  “Who is it Katrina? Who’s the traitor?”

  “Damien. It’s Damien Daminov, Father!”

  He stepped back away from me and gave me a stern look.

  “You’re absolutely sure, Katrina?”

  “Yes! You’ve trained me well, Father. Everything and every being has its own unique scent. Once I have the scent I never forget it and can use it later when seeking a match. Since Damien couldn’t know what my gift was, he mistakenly thought he was too far away from us for his presence to be detected. Once the frenzy started, he thought he would be safe, but I had sensed something was wrong much earlier and took a very deep breath.”

  “That’s right,” added Quinn. “She started to use her gift about two miles outside the palace. I remember thinking it could only mean trouble and drew my sword.”

  “What should we do Father? The son of the High Regent has betrayed us. But why would he try to have us killed and then try to have me kidnapped?”

  “Without more proof, we will only expose the fact we know what he is and what he’s done. We’ll need more; and what of the fledglings? If we can prove he is making new vampires against all the laws of the Council, we’ll have more than enough evidence to convict him.”

  “But why would he take such a chance, knowing if he is convicted of this, it would mean his death? He must have powerful allies to do something this bold. He’ll be very cunning; we have to find a way to learn his plans, either through someone involved or by getting someone into his circle. We must find a way to get close to him,” reasoned Quinn.

  “What of his Watcher? Anything going on concerning Damien, his Watcher must know,” asked Father. “Gunter must know Damien’s Watcher.”

  I turned to Father, “The Council meets today. There has to be a connection between the attack on the road, this one tonight and the Council meeting.”

  “Thomas and Simon will come with me to the High Regent. We must not delay the Council. I’ll see to it the meeting happens as soon as possible. Quinn, you and Katrina ask Gunter about Damien’s Watcher and set up a schedule to follow both. They must not find out what we know of their involvement, so be very careful to whom you speak, and b
eware of palace spies. Remember, Damien is very dangerous and has nothing to lose.”

  Once we were alone, Quinn took my hand and led me to another room.

  “I think I might know the reason Damien wants your father dead. I’ve heard rumors this Council meeting’s real purpose was to choose a new leader. Today the High Regent will be stepping down. That’s why all the families have been assembled - to vote. Your father is the most likely to be elected to take his place, and I think Damien knows he can only become Regent if your father is no longer a candidate. Don’t you see, Kat? First he tried to kill us on the road, and when that failed, he tried to kidnap you. I think by using you as a hostage Damien thinks your father could be made to step aside. He could trade your life for the regency.”

  “Oh, my God! He saw us in the stable; Damien knows about us, too.”

  “The important thing now, is to talk to Gunter as soon as possible. And somehow we have to make Damien believe we’re no longer involved, so he won’t be able to use our feelings against us.”

  “You’re right. Quinn, I have an idea. Maybe I can get close to Damien. He seemed to be very interested in me, if only to get to my father.”

  “No Katrina, it’s too dangerous.”

  “Quinn, listen to me, as soon as the Council meets it will be too late for his original plan to work. He will have a backup plan; we have to find out what that plan is. If he made those two fledglings I killed, there may be more of them somewhere. If he can’t gain power through the vote, maybe he plans to take power with an army of fledglings. We are going to spread the rumor we have parted. What if I can convince him I am vulnerable to his charms, because of our recent breakup? He may think he could court his way into power.”

  “Who knew you could be so devious? We will, of course, explain all this to Thomas, Simon or whoever is to be your new Watcher, and I will insist an extra Watcher be assigned – me - to secretly watch his every move.”

  “Yes, of course. We can say you’ve been reassigned because of our ‘closeness’. Why don’t you send for Avery, Gregor, and Cedrik? We’re going to need more Watchers and we know we’ll be able to rely on and fully trust your brothers.”

  “Let’s go find Gunter. He was checking on the other girls,” Quinn took my hand.

  We hurried back to my quarters, where we found Gunter speaking to a large group of Watchers.

  Sarah was sobbing into her handkerchief. Her face brightened when she saw us approaching and she rushed toward me, crying with relief.

  “Thank goodness you’re all right. Something terrible has happened!”

  “I know. Joseph is dead,”

  “Not just that, Katrina. It’s the girls; Rosalinda, Eleanor and Arletta; they’re gone.”

  “Gone?” I looked at Gunter. “Tell me what’s happened.”

  “We found a side gate unlocked, and we think the fledglings surprised the girls in their sleep. Once they had the girls, they took them out that gate. With their speed, and obviously some inside help, no one saw a thing. Had you been in your room, they would have had you too, but the fledgling lookouts had the bad luck to run into you and didn’t fare as well.”

  “Sarah, I’m all right, and we’ll get the girls back. Find me something to wear to the Council meeting. Gunter, Quinn, send a vampire courier for your brothers. We’ll need them. Come Sarah, I need to change, and I’m feeling a little weak, so I’ll need to eat. From now on, make sure all the food and drink come only from our stores; trust no one but our people.”

  My mind was spinning. What did Damien want with the other girls? Was this just a ploy to cover the fact his real target was me? When I didn’t come right back to my room, instead, going to the stable with Quinn, it must have messed up his plan, so he came looking for me. When he saw us together, it was just a bonus to be used later, since he didn’t dare expose himself and try to capture me there. Our only advantage at this point was that I hadn’t been taken, and we knew Damien was involved somehow in the girls’ disappearance.

  Sarah brought the food in. The poor thing was still shaking.

  “I didn’t hear anything and I was just at the end of the hall. I woke when I heard you yell for Quinn. I looked out, and all I could see was a blur of swords. Then it was over.”

  “I told you I could take care of myself. The other girls were surprised in their sleep, but they’ve had training and will not be easy captives to hold. We will find them, and whoever is responsible will pay a heavy price, I assure you.”

  I wolfed down the fruit, cheese, and meats Sarah brought me and drank the Crimson in the small pewter pitcher. The Crimson quenched my thirst, and strengthened me, but adrenalin surged through my body and I longed to hunt, although I knew there was no time.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up, Katrina. I don’t know if you realize it, but you’re splattered with fledgling blood. I filled the bath; get in and I’ll come in to wash your hair.”

  “Quickly, then,” I urged. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror on the way by; I looked like a warrior. It made me stand up tall and proud.

  “I think you’ve met your match, Damien,” I thought.

  After I was clean and clad in the simple dress Sarah laid out for me, I set out for the Council room.

  Once there, I found the room packed, and I could feel tension in the air. Council members were speaking to one another about the events of the day before. Guards were posted outside, all around the perimeter, while the Watchers were posted inside, along the back of the Council room.

  The Council members arrived, solemnly entering in their robes of dark grey. They were followed by the High Regent, who was dressed in royal purple. Once all were settled in their places, the High Regent announced without preamble, “We shall come to order at once, as we have pressing business to discuss. It has come to my attention three of my Council members’ daughters were abducted this morning, and the daughter of Baron Von Dracek was attacked. A Watcher was killed, as were two fledgling vampires.” The Council room was filled with angry murmurs as the gathering absorbed the enormity of what they were being told. “We know no reason for these acts and are pursuing every avenue to ensure the safety of our citizens and bring to swift justice whoever is responsible. As you know, the making of new vampires, fledglings, except under very special circumstances and by express permission of this Council, is prohibited and punishable by death. If whoever responsible for these egregious crimes thinks he can intimidate this council, he is mistaken.”

  “Now for the reason you have been summoned here.” He paused and then continued. “I, as High Regent of all the clans, have served you now these one hundred years; and I hope you think I served you well. But, it is now time for new leadership,” he held his hand up against the outcry from the chamber, “and as soon as we vote here today, I will step down as High Regent and we will install your newly elected leader. I nominate Baron Von Dracek as my replacement.”

  “I second that nomination,” shouted Philepe.

  Then Count Marcus Devorak of Romania shouted, “I nominate Damien Daminov.”

  “I second that nomination,” cried out his son, Demitrie.

  “Are there other nominations?” He paused. “If we have no other nominations we will now vote.”

  One-by-one, the crowd filed up and cast their vote silently, even somberly, until everyone had voted.

  “The Council will now tally the votes. We will recess and meet back here in two hours.” The High Regent rose and made his way from the chamber,

  The room emptied; most people went to the dining hall or back to their rooms. I, however, needed to talk to Gunter. I knew he would be watching my father’s back, so I asked Thomas to go with me to relieve him while Gunter and I talked. I needed an update on everything. Quinn had told Thomas and Simon the details of everything that had happened up until the Council meeting and had a courier sent home, so Avery, Gregor, and Cedrik would be arriving soon.

  “Any news on the whereabouts of the girls?” I asked Gunter.
br />   “Vampire trackers have been sent out, but have not returned yet. If you are up to it Katrina, I would like you to use your gift to try to find them.”

  “Of course. I’ll do so as soon as the results of this election are in. We should also be watching Luena, she has as much at stake as Damien.”

  “That shouldn’t be too hard, since they are almost inseparable anyway.”

  “Katrina, Quinn informed me about his involvement with you. These things happen when you’re young and together as much as you two have been; but as you found out, he can’t protect you and you won’t be able to protect yourself if you are distracted. Assigning a new Watcher for you is for the best.”

  “I know, and that’s why we told you. When we realized Damien was able to sneak up on us, it startled both of us. But Gunter, that doesn’t mean we’ll be apart forever. As for the present, what do you think of my plan to get close to Damien?”

  “It’s very dangerous, but you’re right, I’ve seen how he looks at you. Using his lust may be our only way to find out what he’s up to and find the girls. If he lets his guard down we just might be able to stop him before he starts a war.”

  “Luena might be a problem. If looks could kill, I would have been dead at the ball. Her possessiveness of Damien is a little - no, a lot - creepy.”

  “I’ve placed Thomas as your Watcher. He, along with Simon, will be guarding you day and night. We will make it known Quinn has been reassigned and his other brothers will be arriving soon. He’ll get a regular Von Dracek guard uniform and be keeping an eye on Damien, Luena, and their Watchers. The girls’ fathers have each provided extra Watchers to help him.”

  “If we’re lucky, Damien will try to comfort me. Father is sure to win the election, and I’ll be ever so sympathetic about his losing.” I put on a simpering look and my voice dripped with cloying sweetness.

  As I headed back around to the front of the Council room, Damien stormed out through the side door. He seemed full of anger.

  “Damien, what’s wrong?”

  “Congratulations are in order, my Lady. Your father will be the new High Regent.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry, Damien. I know you would have been a wonderful leader.”

  His face softened upon hearing these words.

  “I had no idea you regarded me so highly, my Lady.”

  “Katrina. Please call me Katrina.”

  “What of your Watcher? The feelings you have for him are not safe for you, you know.”

  “He’s been reassigned; alas our closeness was not to be. He remains my friend, for we grew up together, but we cannot be more than friends. It’s for the best; such closeness is forbidden for a reason.”

  Insincere, yes, but necessary, I thought.

  I tilted my head, smiled, and gave Damien a sweet look. “If it were not so dangerous, I would love to take a ride with you, to cheer you up.”

  This prospect made him stand up tall and give me a puzzled look.

  “Maybe I can arrange something later. I’m sure now you’ll want to see your father’s appointment as our new leader.”

  “Damien, I wish you would be my escort. It would be comforting to me and a nice show of support for my father’s election. The gesture would demonstrate that you bear no hard feelings.”

  “Of course, Katrina. Shall we?” He offered his arm and led us into the Council room, our entrance inciting murmurs from the crowd now reassembled.

  I was so proud of my father; he would be a great leader. As he was receiving his new adornment and seal, I whispered to Damien. “This will give us more time to get to know each other, because my father and I will have to stay longer so that he can complete all his new duties.”

  I didn’t look at him but he squeezed my hand. “Indeed,” he replied.

  The ceremony installing my father as High Regent was followed by a dinner in the great hall. The celebration was subdued because of the abductions of three of the Council members’ daughters, especially when the trackers returned, and reported they had lost the abductor’s trail along the river to the west.

  Father thanked Damien for his graciousness and excused himself to attend to the matters at hand. “All this violence makes everyone so uneasy, no one will relax, least of all me, until the girls are found safely,” and then he left us.

  “Let us take a walk in the gardens,” Damien suggested. “It will do us good to rest our minds from the troubles of the day.”

  “I’d love to,” I answered with a smile. “Thank you Damien, for escorting me to the installation ceremony, even though you were disappointed about the election.”

  “It was my pleasure, Katrina. Your company helped to lighten my mood. Indeed your friendship fills me with thoughts of a new future; one, I hope, will include a lot more of you. I . . ”

  “There you are, Damien,” Luena broke in, possessively taking Damien’s arm.

  “Hello, Luena. How nice to see you again,” I greeted her.

  “May I speak with you please, Damien? Alone.” she said without even acknowledging me.

  “Will you please excuse me, Katrina?”

  “Of course.”

  The brother and sister walked away, either unaware of, or forgetting my highly developed sense of hearing.

  “Younger brother, have you lost your mind? Why are you wasting time with her? If we are to take power, we need to act soon, before the Council disbands. The families will be heading home soon and they will be vulnerable.”

  “An alliance with Lady Von Dracek could be very advantageous, Luena. There may be more than one way into power.”

  He turned to me and smiled. Over his shoulder I saw Luena’s face darken and her eyes narrow.

  I smiled back at them both and then looked away like a shy schoolgirl. “Let them think I have succumbed to his charms,” I thought. “He’s so pompous, but also very handsome.”

  His shoulder-length brown hair was combed back and tied behind his neck, and those dark eyes - yes, very handsome. I found despite my misgivings, I was strangely drawn to him. Then I asked myself, “How far are you willing to go to trap him?”

  And Luena was not going to be so easy to win over.

  “I’m sorry for the interruption.” Damien rejoined me.

  “Shall we continue our walk, or must you leave with your sister?”

  “I wouldn’t think of leaving you.”

  I could see a guard in the background, and I was sure it must be Quinn, which meant Thomas was nearby also. Damien’s Watcher was somewhere, I supposed, so it wasn’t as if we were really alone. We sat in the garden for over an hour speaking of our childhoods, our training, and why he and his sister were so close.

  “I was so young when my mother disappeared. Luena became like a mother to me. No one ever talks about my mother or Luena’s for that matter. At least Father’s current wife is agreeable and she makes him very happy. Now that he won’t be burdened with ruling, they can be together more and travel.”

  “Why did you want to rule, Damien?”

  “I’ve had enough politics for one day,” he responded. “I’d rather hear more about you.”

  He seemed at ease with me and me with him. I had my guard up, but he seemed quite different from the dark and angry man I’d seen earlier.

  After several hours of relaxed and interesting conversation, I rose, “Well, I’d better be getting back. I promised Father I’d stay with him until we find the girls. Will you walk me there?”

  “It would be my pleasure.”

  He rose and he took my hands in his. I turned to look up into his eyes.

  “We could just run off together; we’re faster than our keepers,” he winked.

  We laughed, but I couldn’t help thinking he was at least partly serious. Then he surprised me. He bent down and whispered in my ear, “You could save me, Katrina.”

  When he straightened up I heard myself say, “If I can, I will.”

  “Did I just say that out loud?” I thought to myself. “It was my voice, b
ut did I mean it?”

  He put my arm into his and we walked on.

  “Goodnight Damien, and thank you again.” I gave him my hand as we arrived.

  He bowed and kissed my hand.

  “Goodnight, Katrina.”

  I watched him walk away for a moment. “How strange,” I thought. “He’s either really good or not at all who I thought he was.”

  Thomas was at my side in an instant.

  “I’ll change,” I told him. “Check the perimeter, and I’ll meet you at the back terrace.”

  I rushed to get my dress off and don my hunting attire. If someone should see us, we could say I was going to hunt, when in fact, we would be looking for the girls. On the terrace, Simon had joined Thomas, Quinn and the guard.

  “The trackers lost the trail at the river, so we’ll start there.” The men nodded in agreement with me.

  We started out on foot, since leaving the compound on horseback would draw too much attention. When we reached the river, I stopped in order to search with all my senses, starting with scent. I closed my eyes. Women, especially young women, have distinctive scents; their hormones cause the release of distinctive pheromones. I took in a deep breath; the breeze was freshening from the South. I could detect deer, fox, many small animals, and something else.

  “A fledging,” pointing in the direction of that scent. “At least one and he’s traveling fast. Let’s go.”

  I could travel much faster on my own, but I needed the Watchers; so I decided unless the fledgling was about to escape, we would stay together. When we got close enough, we spread out, making sure we didn’t alert the vampire fledgling. Checking the sounds and smells again, I could detect more of them than just the one we were following. We were getting close.

  “We should keep going, but slowly. There are more of them up ahead,” I told Thomas as he came up behind me.

  About fifty yards further on, we saw the remnants of an old fortress with a tall, crumbling wall. On its top we detected two sentries. Our subject quickly made his way along the wall and disappeared around its side.

  “It looks like we found the fledgling hiding place, but can you sense the girls?” Thomas asked me.

  I tried again to pick up their scent but found nothing.

  “I see fledglings and…humans; four or five men, but not the girls.”

  “Let’s follow our friend around the wall.” Simon, looking to the group, motioned for us to join him.

  As we cautiously rounded the corner, we saw there were no buildings behind the wall, but instead, in the hillside at the back of the fortress’s crumbled perimeter, was a large cave-like opening. Since the fledgling we tracked was nowhere to be seen, it was obvious the opening led to what was either their quarters, or at least a meeting place.

  We observed for an hour or so, but during that time no one entered or came out.

  “We must get inside,” I insisted.

  “No, it’s too dangerous. We were told to scout, nothing more,” Thomas strongly reminded us.

  “But we have to know what we’re up against. Don’t worry. I’m fast, and they won’t see me. Remember, fledglings don’t have gifts. I can sense them from further way and I can see in the dark better than they can.”

  I could see from Thomas’s rigid demeanor, my pleading was getting nowhere.

  “Kat, if they are alerted, we won’t get a second chance. We must report back to your father.”

  “All right, Thomas, let’s go back.”

  We arrived just as Father was finally returning from his meetings with the Council.

  “Katrina, did you see any sign of the girls?”

  “No Father, but we found where the fledglings are holed up. Across the river, south about three miles, there’s an old fortress wall hiding an opening to some sort of cave. I sensed at least fifteen fledglings and five humans - male.”

  “Thomas, get Gunter. He should hear this, too.”

  After retelling our information to Gunter, we had to devise a plan.

  Father paced as he laid out the plan. “These are new vampires; so they are still vulnerable to the sun. Since they were made, not born, their senses aren’t as good as ours, but they will be very strong. Since Watchers aren’t meant to fight vampires, we should use the elite vampire guard.”

  Gunter sputtered, “Our family has trained vampires for generations and we are used to their speed. I refuse to let any of you go without us.”

  “Then we should strike at first light,” Father said, accepting Gunter’s reasoning.

  “I’ll give orders for another tracking party to go out before dawn,” Gunter cautioned, “We can’t take a chance of alerting Damien or any of his partners in this. The Romanians have shown their allegiance to him, so we must also beware of them and any of their party.”

  “Thomas, go alert Philepe and Gerhardt. Simon, you go and speak with the Vikings. Katrina, I want you to stay here.”

  “But Father—”

  “You’ll need to distract Damien; he must not get suspicious. Quinn will watch Luena.”

  “I’ll send word I wish to spend the morning with him. Sarah, take this note over to Damien’s apartment and please wait for a reply.”

  “It’s not fair,” I wanted to scream. I was trained to fight too, and hadn’t I just proven myself?

  While Gunter and Father continued talking strategy, I decided I needed some time to myself. I opened the doors and stepped out onto the balcony. The moon was almost full, which made the night almost as light as day. This was not the adventure I had envisioned before we’d arrived. How did everything get so complicated?

  “Katrina.” I heard Quinn call softly from below. I peeked over the railing to see him in his guard’s uniform. We both looked all around to make sure no one was watching.

  “Meet me downstairs. I want to talk to you.”

  “I’ll be right down,” I whispered back. To the others I said, “I’m going to get something to eat. May I get either of you anything?”

  “No, thank you,” I heard.

  I walked quickly down the stairs. When I saw him, I still felt that jump in my pulse.

  “Please come in, and I’ll fetch you something to eat.” I said for the benefit of eavesdroppers.

  “Thank you, my Lady. You’re very kind.”

  Once he was inside, I gave him a big hug and a kiss.

  “I missed you.” I whispered softly before disengaging myself from the hug.

  “And I missed you. Thomas told me what you found in the woods. I watched Damien all evening, he didn’t leave his quarters and he just received what I assume was a note from you, since Sarah brought it. She’s on her way back, but she wanted to get supplies from our stores, so I brought the answer back with me.” Quinn handed me the note.

  “You should have seen the look on his face. He seemed pleased with himself I must say, and he did not hesitate to write this reply. What does it say?”

  I opened the note and read it aloud, “I’ll meet you at our spot in the garden at sunrise. I’ll bring breakfast, and you bring your beautiful smile.”

  I sighed, “Should I swoon now or wait until tomorrow?” We both laughed.

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you, Luena went out just after she talked to Damien in the garden. When did you leave the compound?”

  “Not long after that.”

  “She went to a spot at the rear wall of the palace, far away from everything else, and entered what appeared to be a small storage building. She didn’t come out for over two hours, and then she went straight to her room and must have gone to bed, as the candles were put out right after she returned.”

  “That’s strange, don’t you think? We got back about a half an hour before that and we didn’t see anyone else outside the palace walls.”

  “I went around the entire perimeter of the palace and didn’t see anyone, nor was there any sign of an outside exit from that storage area or the wall.”

  “Hmmm. What is that witch up to? So, everyone is in b
ed now, you’re sure?”

  “Yes, Damien, Luena, and the Romanians. Their Watchers are at their doors, except Luena’s; no one seems to know where he’s been for a while now. We have our people in place too.”

  “Shall we go and see what we can find in that shed?”

  “Shouldn’t we tell the others?”

  “You know they won’t let us go if we do. Besides it might be nothing, right? Did Luena have to unlock it?”


  “Very well, I’ll get the master keys Father was given this afternoon, after his installation. There are only three different sizes; one for main living areas, one for weapons storage, and one for supplies. One of these will work, I’m sure of it. I’ll be right back.

  I was only gone a few minutes and was back holding up the key ring.

  “Let’s go.”

  Staying in the shadows of the buildings, we worked our way around the back wall.

  “This really is out of the way,” I said. “It must be used as the weapons storage depot for the guards up on the wall.”

  Just then we heard one of those very guards coming along the wall above us.

  “Everything all right up there?” called out Quinn, as I hid in the shadows.

  “All’s well, no sign of trouble,” answered the guard.

  “Good, I’ll inform the High Regent,” replied Quinn. He then whispered to me, “He’s gone. Let’s try the middle key.”

  I slid the key in the lock; it fit, so I turned it to the right. Click. I smiled and looked at Quinn. We were in.

  “Ouch.” I heard Quinn mutter as he hit his head. There were no windows, but I could see there were matches in a cup next to a small candle. I lit the candle and filled the space with a soft yellow glow.

  “Sorry, I forgot you can’t see in the dark. What would Luena be doing in this small room for over two hours? You’re sure no one else went in or out?”

  “Well, I followed her here and after she left, I waited to make sure no one else came out later. No one did.”

  “And no Watcher was with her?’

  “As I said before, no one seems to know the whereabouts of her usual Watcher, and I saw no other Watcher with her tonight. Usually Damien’s loathsome Watcher, Ivan, is with them. What do your senses tell you, Kat?”

  I closed my eyes.

  “I can pick up Luena’s scent most heavily in that corner, not much else.”

  We walked to the corner. Bundles of arrows were stacked on a pallet.

  “There’s nothing here,” Quinn surveyed the area.

  “There has to be. Help me move this. Oh, my God!”

  The pallet was on some kind of a rail and when I pushed on it, it moved aside easily, revealing a very narrow descending stairway. A passage only wide enough for one person at a time was a brilliant defensive measure. A few expert archers at the bottom could effectively pick off a whole attack force as they were forced to descend the steep stairway single file.

  “Katrina, no! We don’t know what’s down there, at least use your gift to ‘see’ first.”

  I took a breath in.

  “The girls, I see the girls! I can’t detect anything or anyone else except the lingering scent of Luena. Come on!”

  I went first because I could see and hear better and because I was faster. The stairway emptied into a small room with three archways, all dark. The coolness of the damp underground chamber shivered through me and the close, musty air assailed my nostrils.

  “This way,” I pointed to the closest archway. The scent was so strong now, I knew they weren’t far.

  “Eleanor? Rosalinda? Arletta? Can you hear me?”

  I heard muffled noises. As we moved down corridor a little further, it opened into a small room, and there on the floor bound, gagged, their heads covered with black hoods, were the three missing girls. In a flash I knelt down, untied each one, and then made sure they were all unhurt.

  “We’re angry more than anything else,” Rosa rose unsteadily, moving her wrists and flexing her hands to get blood flowing again.

  “I expect you are, but there’s no time for speeches now,” I urged. “We need to get you out of here and back to my father’s apartment without being seen.”

  “But why your father, Katrina? I want my father.”

  “Just trust me Eleanor; this is how it must be. Let’s get you up and out of here. Quietly. Remember your training, and be aware.”

  The girls were filthy and still in their nightgowns, but they were strong enough. We left the small room and went quickly back along the corridor.

  Then a scent I knew all too well hit me straight in the face. Fledglings! Where had they come from? I looked behind us but saw nothing. No one.

  Where was Quinn?

  My heart skipped a beat, had they taken him? Were they holding him upstairs?

  I saw feet coming down the stairs in front of us. I backed the girls into the shadows and put my finger to my lips, signaling for silence. We waited.

  To my great relief, it was Quinn.

  “Hurry,” he whispered, “It’s clear.” He then turned and went back up the narrow stairs.

  I pulled Eleanor forward.

  “Run,” I told her, then lined up Rosalinda, and finally Arletta.

  They flashed up the stairs, each meeting Quinn at the top. I could now hear the fledglings getting closer, coming through the central archway. It took all my vampire speed to make it the final few steps up and out the narrow opening in the floor of the shed. Quinn pulled me up and out of the way and together we shoved the pallet back over the opening.

  “Here, use this, Quinn,” I tossed him a spear so he could block the rail and keep the fledglings from getting to us.

  “I had better use one more. Good, that’s it.” He turned to the girls, “Now let’s get out of here. I know everyone is shaken, but we must not be noticed. Kat will take you. Use your speed so you won’t be seen. I’ll lock up and meet you at the apartment. Don’t worry; I’ll bring your fathers with me. Now go!”

  The girls and I raced along the palace wall. No human would see us, but vampires might. I kept looking side to side, checking for danger. So far, so good.

  “We’re almost there. Stay close.”

  We made it to the verandah and I looked in to make sure it was clear. It was.

  “Thomas?” I called up the stairs.

  “Katrina, is that you?” I heard Gunter say as he rushed down the stairs. “Your father is frantic. Thomas and Simon are out looking for you.”

  Then I stepped aside. His jaw dropped and he gasped, “What the—”

  “Let’s get the girls some blankets. I’ll explain later.”

  Then I took the girls past Gunter and towards the stairway.

  “Any word?” I heard Thomas say.

  When he and Simon came into view, Gunter nodded in my direction. The girls huddled together behind me.

  “Where were they?” Simon asked, shocked.

  “Get some blankets from storage,” Gunter ordered.

  Thomas returned a few moments later and handed me three woolen blankets. I wrapped them around the girls and gave them each a hug.

  “You’re safe now. Let’s go upstairs.”

  I could hear Father pacing as Gunter opened the door.

  “We found her,” Gunter announced, and when I gave him a scolding look, he added, “Well, she actually…she came back on her own and she brought a few friends with her.”

  As we entered the room, Father’s anger turned to shock.

  “The girls, where…who…?”

  “All in good time, Father, for now we must get someone to guard Luena to make sure she doesn’t escape.”

  He gave me a questioning look, but sent guards immediately. Moments later, Quinn arrived with all three fathers in tow. The girls, who had been sitting quietly until then, ran into their father’s arms and burst into tears. I then explained what Quinn had seen and all that had transpired in the corridors below the shed.

’m not sure we can wait until morning,” I added. “The fledglings know the girls have been rescued. I didn’t detect them when we first opened the passageway, so that means there must be another way in to those tunnels from some distance away.”

  “Now we know why the trail was lost by the river. That must have been a decoy group. They were here all along,” muttered Gunter.

  The girls were more settled now, and their fathers couldn’t stop thanking us.

  “We only saw fledglings, but we did hear a woman’s voice once in a while,” Rosa said.

  “They kept us hooded and bound. We were fed very little, but had some fresh blood, human blood,” Arletta remembered.

  “I scented humans in their compound earlier.”

  “What should we do, Fredrik?” asked Michael, Rosalinda’s father.

  “Well, now that your daughters have been returned safely to you, I expect you to join us in exterminating this fledgling scourge.”

  “Of course,” all three replied.

  “If they know their leader has been exposed, they may disperse into smaller groups and be a greater problem throughout the continent and beyond. Katrina’s right, we can’t wait until morning. We have to act now. Wake everyone, Thomas, and have them come to the Council room. Simon, make sure to bypass any of the Watchers for the Daminovs before you alert any of our Watchers not on duty now. Quinn, tell the sergeant of arms to prepare our weapons as quickly as possible. Now go, everyone, and be ready within the hour.”

  I could tell by the look on Rosalinda’s face she wanted to fight too.

  “I know just how you feel,” I told her. “We all want to go. Let’s get you cleaned up, or otherwise they’ll smell you coming. Sarah, oh good, will you.…”

  “No need, Katrina, the baths have been prepared, food and drink are on the way, and I’ve sent for clean outfits. Their Watchers have been notified, except Rosalinda’s new watcher.”

  “What do you mean?” Rosalinda asked. “New Watcher? Where’s Joseph?”

  I had forgotten she didn’t know.

  “I’m so sorry, Rosa. The night the fledglings....they overwhelmed him…I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m sorry too, miss, but at least it will be a comfort to you to know Katrina took care of two of those that did this,” Sarah patted Rosa’s arm.

  “You did?” Rosa said through her sobs.

  “Yes, my training served me well, as it will all of you if need be. Now take your baths and eat. You’ll need your strength. Thank you, Sarah.”

  “Of course, Katrina.”

  Then she guided them into the dressing rooms.


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