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Young Eliot

Page 65

by Robert Crawford

    88.    L1, 17.

    89.    IMH, 18, 116–18.

    90.    TSE’s London Baedeker, 102.

    91.    L1, 18; TSE’s Baedeker, [453].

    92.    TSE’s Baedeker, 308, 312, 278.

    93.    L1, 18.

    94.    CPP, 31, 33.

    95.    L1, 16.

    96.    L1, 19.

    97.    ‘The Theatres’, Times, 17 April 1911, 9.

    98.    L1, 17.

    99.    L1, 20.

  100.    ‘Eine verkunste Fassade’, Münchner Stadtanzeiger, 15 July 1911, 2. Information about the Pension Burger and the Munich of the era is drawn largely from Guide to Munich and Its Environs, fortieth edn (Munich: A. Bruckmann’s Verlag, 1914) and Rainer Metzger, Munich: Its Golden Age of Art and Culture, 1890–1920 (London: Thames and Hudson, 2009).

  101.    TSE to John Hayward, 8 February 1940 (Hayward Bequest HB/L 12).

  102.    Ibid.

  103.    IMH, 43.

  104.    CPP, 13.

  105.    L1, 63.

  106.    CPP, 16–17.

  107.    IMH, 176.

  108.    Metzger, Munich, 269, 100, 101.

  109.    L1, 25, 32.

  110.    IMH, 312, 311.

  111.    L1, 94.

  112.    Guide to Munich and Its Environs, 70.

  113.    See George L. K. Morris, ‘“Marie, Marie, Hold on Tight”’, Partisan Review, 21.2 (1954), 231–4; and Facsimile, 125–6.

  114.    CPP, 61.

  115.    TSE, ‘Notes on Italy’ (Houghton bMS Am1691 (131)); CPP, 64.

  116.    Ibid.; the pressed flower is now in a separate envelope in Houghton.

  117.    TSE, ‘Notes on Italy’.

  118.    CPP, 40, 41.

  119.    TSE, ‘Notes on Italy’.

  120.    Ibid.

  121.    Ibid.

  Chapter 8 – A Philosopher and Actor Falls in Love

      1.    Conrad Aiken, ‘King Bolo and Others’, in Tambimuttu and Richard March, eds, T. S. Eliot: A Symposium (New York: Tambimuttu and Mass, 1965), 20.

      2.    IMH, 48.

      3.    See Conrad Aiken, Selected Letters of Conrad Aiken, ed. Joseph Killorin (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1978), 25, 26.

      4.    L1, 28.

      5.    TSE’s lease for 16 Ash Street (Houghton bMS Am 2560 (101)).

      6.    L1, 163, 61.

      7.    L1, 61.

      8.    The Blue Book of Cambridge (Boston: Boston Suburban Book Co., 1911) gives a good sense of Ash Street and surrounding streets.

      9.    TSE’s rent receipt dated 1 February 1913 (Houghton bMS Am 2560 (100)).

    10.    Blue Book of Cambridge, 49, 51.

    11.    L1, 24.

    12.    IMH, 331, 328; CPP. 19.

    13.    L1, 93; IMH, 330, 331; CPP, 20–21.

    14.    L1, 143.

    15.    L1, 33.

    16.    TSE, Receipts, 1912–14 (Houghton bMS Am 2560(100)).

    17.    L1, 31, 33.

    18.    C. R. Lanman, ‘Buddhism’, in William Allan Neilson, ed., Lectures on the Harvard Classics (Vol. 51 of The Harvard Classics) (New York: P. F. Collier & Son, 1910), 446, 449.

    19.    Facsimile, 113.

    20.    C. R. Lanman, Course Records 1892–1926 (Harvard University Archives HUG 4510.48), 72–5.

    21.    Facsimile, 111.

    22.    Official Register of Harvard University, 10.1, Part XVIII (17 June 1913), 69.

    23.    TSE’s Vedanta Society Catalogue (Houghton bMS Am 2560 (98)).

    24.    [TSE], ‘What India is Thinking About To-day’, New Statesman, 18 December 1915, 258. I am grateful to Professor Ronald Schuchard for calling my attention to this recently discovered review.

    25.    Lanman, Course Records; Dines Andersen, A Pali Reader … Part I (London: Luzac and Co., 1901), 70–71; for a translation approved by Lanman and by TSE, see Henry Clarke Warren, Buddhism in Translations (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1896), 151–2.

    26.    CPP, 70.

    27.    TSE’s copy of Upanishads, The Twenty-Eight (Bombay: Tukaram Javaji, 1906) is in the Hayward Bequest, King’s College, Cambridge (King’s/PP/HB/B (29)).

    28.    Letter inside TSE’s copy of Upanishads.

    29.    CPP, 80.

    30.    TSE, notes on Eastern philosophy (Houghton bMS Am1691.14 (12), 1).

    31.    TSE, Receipts, 1912–14.

    32.    Ibid.; CPP, 80.

    33.    TSE, Philosophy 12 (notes) (Houghton bMS Am 1691.14 (9)), 1.

    34.    Ibid., 3, 14.

    35.    TSE, index-card notes on mystical, anthropological and psychological works (Houghton MS Am 1691.129), notes on G. T. W. Patrick, Heraclitus, 2.

    36.    TSE, Philosophy 12 (notes), 17. TSE wrote down ‘pur’ the Greek word for ‘fire’ and the word ‘anathumiasis’ in Greek letters, but for convenience I transliterate them here.

    37.    Facsimile, 110.

    38.    TSE, Philosophy 12 (notes), 17, 16, 18; CPP, 171.

    39.    TSE, Philosophy 12 (notes), 18.

    40.    TSE’s annotated copy of Benedict de Spinoza, Opera (The Hague: Martin Nijhoff, 1895), 111 (Hayward Bequest, King’s College, Cambridge (HB/B/27)).

    41.    Hugo Munsterberg, Psychotherapy (1909; repr. New York: Moffat, Yard and Co., 1913), 207.

    42.    TSE, ‘Physiology of Organs of Skin’ (notes) (Houghton bMS Am 1691.14 (8)).

    43.    Aiken, Selected Letters, 26.

    44.    Ibid.

    45.    TSE, After Strange Gods: A Primer of Modern Heresy (London: Faber and Faber, 1933), 40–41.

    46.    Patanjali, tr. James Haughton Woods, The Yoga-System of Patanjali: Or the Ancient Hindu Doctrine of Concentration of Mind (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1914), 40, 41; for a fuller reading of such aspects of TSE’s thought, see Cleo McNelly Kearns, T. S. Eliot and Indic Traditions (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987).

    47.    Masaharu Anesaki, Katam Karaniyam: Lectures, Essays and Studies (Tokyo: The Herald Press, 1934), 1 (repr. from Hibbert Journal, 4.1 (1905)).

    48.    Masaharu Anesaki, The Professorship of Japanese Literature and Life at Harvard University (n.p., [1914]) (Harvard University Archives, HUC 4465.4B), 1, 2; TSE’s notes on Eastern philosophy, Philosophy 24A course outline.

    49.    TSE, notes on Eastern philosophy, 2 (recto and verso).

    50.    Ibid., 10 (verso).

    51.    Ibid., 18, 19, 23.

    52.    Ibid., 46.

    53.    TSE, Report on the Kantian Categories (Hayward Bequest HB/P/2), 10–11.

    54.    TSE, Philosophy 15 Report on the Relation of Kant’s Criticism to Agnosticism’ (Hayward Bequest HB/P/2), 1, 4, 9.

    55.    TSE, manuscript of a paper on Bergson (Houghton bMS Am 1691(132)), 1, 13, 22.

    56.    Aiken Selected Letters, 30.

    57.    Ibid.

    58.    TSE, index-card notes on mystical, anthropological and psychological works, notes on James, 1.

  59.    Ibid., notes on Underhill and Moses.

    60.    Ibid., notes on Royce.

    61.    TSE, [Ethics] (Houghton bMS Am 1691.14 (32)), 2.

    62.    TSE’s Harvard College Assistant in Philosophy Miscellany, 1912–14 (Houghton bMS Am 2560 (99)).

    63.    Philosophy A examination paper for 1913–14 (Houghton bMS Am 2560 (99)).

    64.    S. W. Cram to TSE, 15 November 1913 (Houghton bMS Am 2560 (99)).

    65.    Robert F. Rattray, ‘Mr. Rabindranath Tagore’, Harvard Crimson, 8 April 1913 (accessed digitally). Tagore’s lecture to the ‘Harvard Philosophical Club’ is announced in ‘What is Going on Today’, Harvard Crimson, 18 February 1913 (accessed digitally); on TSE’s listening to Tagore, see, Rabindranath Tagore, Selected Letters of Rabindranath Tagore ed., Krishna Dutta and Andrew Robinson (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997), 519–20.

    66.    ‘What is Going on Today’, Harvard Crimson, 4 April 1913 (accessed digitally).

    67.    TSE, [Relation between politics and metaphysics] (Houghton bMS Am 1691 (25)), 2.

    68.    Ibid., 2.

    69.    Ibid., 11, 15, 19, 21.

    70.    Ibid., 23. The quotation is from Purgatorio, Canto XVII, 94–6.

    71.    TSE, The Sacred Wood (1920; repr. London: Methuen, 1960), 169, 170 (‘Dante’).

    72.    My translation.

    73.    Aiken, Selected Letters, 30.

    74.    Conrad Aiken, Earth Triumphant and Other Tales in Verse (New York: Macmillan, 1914), 197, 211–12, 123, 27–8.

    75.    Conrad Aiken, The Clerk’s Journal, Being the Diary of a Queer Man: An Undergraduate Poem, together with A Brief Memoir of Harvard, Dean Briggs and T. S. Eliot (New York: Eakin Press, 1971), 6.

    76.    Conrad Aiken in The New York World, quoted on the rear jacket of TSE, Poems (New York: Alfred Knopf, 1929).

    77.    ‘Crimson Calendar’, Harvard Crimson, 7 March 1914 (accessed online); Aiken, Selected Letters, 182 (writing in 1931 Aiken dates this incident to 1912, but Boas was at Harvard only in session 1913–14, so 1914 seems more likely).

    78.    L1, 39, 41.

    79.    L1, 42.

    80.    TSE, ‘[Degrees of Reality]’ (Hayward Bequest King’s/PP/HB/P, 5), 1, 13.

    81.    TSE, [Outline of a paper on the interpretation of primitive ritual] (Hayward Bequest King’s/PP/HB/P, 4a and 4b), 1.

    82.    TSE, [paper on the interpretation of primitive ritual] (Hayward Bequest King’s/PP/HB/P, 4b), 5.

    83.    Ibid., 11, 10.

    84.    Ibid., 11.

    85.    J. G. Frazer, The Dying God (London: Macmillan, 1911), 266.

    86.    TSE, [paper on the interpretation of primitive ritual], 13.

    87.    Russell, quoted in Ray Monk, Bertrand Russell, The Spirit of Solitude (London: Jonathan Cape, 1996), 349.

    88.    L1, 61.

    89.    Bertrand Russell, Selected Letters of Bertrand Russell, Volume 1: The Private Years, 1884–1914, ed. Nicholas Griffin (London: Allen Lane, 1992), 500; Russell, quoted in Monk, Bertrand Russell, 350.

    90.    Benjamin Apthorpe Fuller, The Problem of Evil in Plotinus (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1912), 85.

    91.    Russell, Selected Letters, I, 507.

    92.    CPP, 31.

    93.    ‘Declined the Call’, St Louis Republic, 18 February 1900, 12.

    94.    Eleanor Hinkley, note with ‘Stunt Show’ programme (Houghton bMS Am2560 (101)).

    95.    Richard W. Hall, ‘Recollections of the Cambridge Social Dramatic Club’, Proceedings of the Cambridge Historical Society, 38 (1959–60) (text supplied digitally by the Society, whose generosity I acknowledge with gratitude).

    96.    CPP, 31.

    97.    Robert Marshall, The Second in Command: A Comedy in Four Acts (London and New York: Samuel French Ltd, 1910), 136.

    98.    CPP, 34 (‘La Figlia Che Piange’).

    99.    Henry Arthur Jones, The Manoeuvres of Jane (New York and London: Samuel French, 1905), 51.

  100.    John Hartley Manners, The House Next Door (n.p., 1912), 26.

  101.    Hubert Henry Davis, A Single Man, A New and Original Comedy in Four Acts (Boston: Walter H. Baker, and London: Heinemann, 1914), 105.

  102.    CPP, 84, 85 (‘The Hollow Men’).

  103.    This quotation and other details of the Cambridge Social Dramatic Club are drawn from Hall, ‘Recollections’.

  104.    TSE to Leon Magaw Little, 7 August 1964 (Houghton bMS Am 1691.14 (25)).

  105.    Richard S. Kennedy, Dreams in the Mirror: A Biography of E. E. Cummings (New York: Liveright, 1994), 86.

  106.    See Pound/Cummings: The Correspondence of Ezra Pound and E. E. Cummings, ed. Barry Ahearn (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1996), 182

  107.    Jerome K. Jerome, Fanny and the Servant Problem: A Quite Possible Play in Four Acts (New York and London: Samuel French Ltd, 1909), 56.

  108.    L1, 83.

  109.    See Berkeley Street School Association Records, Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America (Radcliffe College, Harvard MC 238 (1 and 3)); a 1904 Berkeley Street School photograph that includes Amy de Gozzaldi, Emily Hale, Eleanor Hinkley and friends is at MC349–1f-2.

  110.    E. E. Cummings to EP, 23 July 1946, EP and Cummings, Pound/Cummings, 182.

  111.    TSE, nn. 111, 112 TSE, Receipts, 1912–14; Pierre Loti, Le roman d’un enfant (1890; repr. Montreal: La Bibliothèque électronique du Québec, n.d.), 274 (ch. LXXVII).

  112.    TSE, Receipts, 1912–14; Leonard Merrick, The Man Who Understood Women and Other Stories (Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1908), 7.

  113.    CPP, 18 (‘Portrait of a Lady’).

  114.    ‘Stunt Show’ (printed programme) (Houghton bMS Am2560 (101)); reproduced in L1, 40.

  115.    Ibid.

  116.    Eleanor Hinkley, note with ‘Stunt Show’ programme (Houghton bMS Am2560 (101)).

  117.    ‘Ecstasy’ from Three Songs with Pianoforte Accompaniment by Mrs H. H. A. Beach (Boston: Arthur P. Schmidt, 1893), 3–5.

  118.    A May Morning: Song, words by Fred E. Weatherly, music by L. Denza (London: Chappell & Co., 1894), 8.

  119.    This information comes from the authoritative Margaret Ruthven Lang website: (accessed February 2013).

  120.    Margaret Ruthven Lang, An Irish Love Song, Op. 22 (1895) at (accessed February 2013).

  121.    TSE concert miscellany: printed programmes (Houghton bMS Am2560 (103)).

  122.    CPP, 61–2.

  123.    CPP, 62.

  124.    See Nancy Duvall Hargrove, T. S. Eliot’s Parisian Year (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2009), 195.

  125.    John N. Burk, ed., Philip Hale’s Boston Symphony Programme Notes (New York: Garden City Publishing Co., 1939), vi–vii.

  126.    TSE concert miscellany: printed programmes.

  127.    Ibid.

  128.    Burk, Philip Hale’s Boston Symphony Programme Notes, 33.

  129.    TSE, receipts, 1912–14.

  130.    Minutes of the Proceedings at the Meetings of the Warden and Tutors of Merton College, Oxford. October 1905–December 1926, 139 (Merton College Archives).

  131.    L1, xix.

p; 132.    Ibid.

  133.    Ottoline Morrell, quoted in Miranda Seymour, Ottoline Morrell: Life on the Grand Scale (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1992), 390.

  134.    ‘T. S. Eliot Letters to Emily Hale, 1930–1956: Finding Aid C0686’ (Princeton University Library Manuscripts Division).

  135.    L1, xix.

  Chapter 9 – The Oxford Year

      1.    IMH, 82.

      2.    Conrad Aiken, Earth Triumphant and Other Tales in Verse (New York: Macmillan Company, 1914), 15–16.

      3.    L1, 63.

      4.    L1, 43.

      5.    L1, 55.

      6.    L1, 43.

      7.    IMH, 90.

      8.    L1, 47; Facsimile, 103.

      9.    L1, 46, 45.

    10.    L1, 48, 45.

    11.    L1, 48.

    12.    L1, 45, 47.

    13.    L1, 51.

    14.    Robert Burns, The Best Laid Schemes: Selected Poetry and Prose of Robert Burns, ed. Robert Crawford and Christopher MacLachlan (Edinburgh: Polygon, 2009), 156.

    15.    L1, 51.

    16.    L1, 49.

    17.    L1, 63.

    18.    L1, 49.

    19.    Ibid.

    20.    L1, 78.

    21.    TSE, telegram, to HWE, 3 August 1914 (Houghton bMS Am1691 (76)); not included in Letters, this telegram had been misdated to 1918 in the otherwise wonderfully catalogued Houghton Library collection.

    22.    L1, 57.

    23.    Ibid.

    24.    L1, 59.

    25.    Karl Baedeker, London and its Environs (Leipzig: Dulau & Co., 1908), 168: TSE’s annotated copy, Hayward Bequest HB/B/4.

    26.    The Rosary, lyrics by Robert Cameron Rogers, music by Georgia B. Welles (Philadelphia: Morris Music Co., n.d.), 3; L1, 59.

    27.    IMH, 343.

    28.    L1, 61, 69.

    29.    L1, 61.

    30.    L1, 61–2, 64.

    31.    L1, 69.

    32.    Bertrand Russell, The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, 1914–1944 (London: Allen and Unwin, 1968), II, 19.


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