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Young Eliot

Page 66

by Robert Crawford

    33.    TSE, ‘The Art of Poetry, I, T. S. Eliot’ (interview by Donald Hall), Paris Review, 21 (Spring/Summer 1959), 51.

    34.    EP, ‘Vortex. Pound.’, Blast, 1 (1914), 154.

    35.    EP, Selected Letters of Ezra Pound, 1907–1941, ed. D. D. Paige (London: Faber and Faber, 1992), 40.

    36.    L1, 63.

    37.    Ibid.

    38.    L1, 64.

    39.    L1, 67.

    40.    Max Beerbohm, Zuleika Dobson (1911; repr. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1911), 8, 7.

    41.    Brand Blanshard, ‘Eliot at Oxford’, in James Olney, ed., T. S. Eliot: Essays from the ‘Southern Review’ (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988), 27.

    42.    L1, 70.

    43.    L1, 71.

    44.    L1, 70.

    45.    Ibid.

    46.    L1, 70, 66.

    47.    Blanshard, ‘Eliot at Oxford’, 27.

    48.    L1, 66.

    49.    Blanshard, ‘Eliot at Oxford’, 28.

    50.    L1, 67.

    51.    Minutes of the proceedings at the meetings of the Warden and Tutors of Merton College, Oxford, October 1905–December 1926, 134 and 150 (Merton College Archives).

    52.    Merton College Debating Society Minute Book, 1902–21 (Merton College Archives, MCR 12.1.21), meetings 695 and 696.

    53.    L1, 85, 86.

    54.    L1, 77.

    55.    Merton College Debating Society Minute Book, meetings 698 and 699.

    56.    L1, 84.

    57.    TSE, ‘Wyndham Lewis’, Hudson Review, 10.2 (Summer 1957), 167.

    58.    L1, 85; other information on Ellwood from Bodleian Library L.P. admissions records and entry books for 1914–15.

    59.    L1, 93.

    60.    N. Levinson, ‘Wiener’s Life’, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 72.1, Pt. 2 (1966), 9.

    61.    L1, 85.

    62.    L1, 82.

    63.    L1, 85.

    64.    L1, 82.

    65.    L1, 76.

    66.    Blanshard, ‘Eliot at Oxford’, 32.

    67.    Ibid., 33.

    68.    [TSE], ‘A Commentary’, Criterion, 3.9 (October 1924), 2.

    69.    Ibid.

    70.    L1, 92.

    71.    TSE, [On objects] (Oxford tutorial paper) (Houghton bMS Am 1691.14 (21)).

    72.    TSE, [Object and point of view] (Oxford tutorial paper) (Houghton bMS Am1691.14 (25)); TSE, ‘Professor H. H. Joachim’, Times, 4 August 1938, 12.

    73.    L1, 65.

    74.    I am indebted to the late Roger Highfield of Merton College for these details of TSE’s Merton library borrowings (letter of 28 February 1983); TSE, ‘The Development of Leibniz’s Monadism’, Monist, 26.4 (October 1916), 552, n. 18.

    75.    TSE, inscription dated ‘3.x.51’ on his 1911 copy of Aristotle’s De Anima Libri III (Hayward Bequest, King’s College, Cambridge, HB/B/2).

    76.    TSE, [Notes on Aristotle (Oxford, 13 October–3 December 1914)], 13 (Houghton bMS Am 1691.14 (16)).

    77.    L1, 71.

    78.    L1, 74.

    79.    L1, 73, 91.

    80.    TSE, ‘Professor H. H. Joachim’, 12.

    81.    Harold Joachim, reference for TSE, 26 August 1918 (Houghton bMS Am1691(102)).

    82.    TSE, [On objects].

    83.    Harold Joachim, The Nature of Truth (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1906), 66.

    84.    CPP, 31 (‘Mr. Apollinax’).

    85.    IMH, 345.

    86.    L1, 81.

    87.    L1, 75.

    88.    L1, 69.

    89.    Ibid.

    90.    L1, 83.

    91.    Merton College Debating Society Minute Book, meeting 700.

    92.    L1, 87, 88.

    93.    L1, 82.

    94.    L1, 87.

    95.    Norbert Wiener, ‘Relativism’, Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods, 11.21 (8 October 1914), 562, 564, 565, 566, 568, 567.

    96.    SE, 15 (‘Tradition and the Individual Talent’).

    97.    Wiener, ‘Relativism’, 575.

    98.    SE, 15.

    99.    Wiener, ‘Relativism’, 575, 576.

  100.    TSE, SE, 16.

  101.    Wiener, ‘Relativism’, 574; Norbert Wiener, ‘Ecstasy’, Encyclopedia Americana (New York and Chicago: Encyclopedia Americana Corporation, 1918), IX, 570.

  102.    L1, 89, 91, 88.

  103.    L1, 79.

  104.    Norbert Wiener, ‘Aesthetics’, Encyclopedia Americana, I, 199.

  105.    E. R. Dodds, Missing Persons: An Autobiography (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1977), 40.

  106.    Ibid.

  107.    L1, 93.

  108.    Wyndham Lewis, ‘Early London Environment’, in Tambimuttu and Richard March, eds, T. S. Eliot: A Symposium (New York: Tambimuttu and Mass, 1965), 25.

  109.    See Oxford English Dictionary entry for ‘bullshit’.

  110.    IMH, 307, 311.

  111.    Ezra Pound and Wyndham Lewis, Pound/Lewis: The Letters of Ezra Pound and Wyndham Lewis, ed. Timothy Materer (London: Faber and Faber, 1985), 8, 9.

  112.    L1, 94.

  113.    TSE, [Ethics] (Houghton bMS Am 1691.14(32)), 1.

  114.    L1, 97.

  115.    L1, xxvi, 100.

  116.    TSE, [Ethics], 1.

  117.    TSE, [Ethics], 2.

  118.    TSE, [Ethics], 11.

  119.    Details from Roger Highfield, letter of 28 February 1983.

  120.    TSE, [Ethics], 11; printed handout headed OUTLINE OF BOOK VII inserted at the February 27 section of TSE’s [Notes on Aristotle (Oxford, 13 October [1914]–10 June [1915]), 84 (Houghton bMS Am1691.14(17)).

  121.    Facsimile, 95, 97.

  122.    Facsimile, 91, 95, 97. On the dating of the poem by minute examination of its paper, see Lawrence Rainey, Revisiting ‘The Waste Land’ (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2005), 13–14, 34, 198.

  123.    L1, 94, 95.

  124.    L1, 99.

  125.    L1, 95.

  126.    L1, 104; EP, Ezra Pound to his Parents: Letters 1895–1929, ed. Mary de Rachewiltz, A. David Moody and Joanna Moody (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 345.

  127.    L1, xix.

  128.    On the dating of these poems, or at least their transcription around April 1915, see Rainey, Revisiting ‘The Waste Land’, 198.

  129.    L1, 104.

  130.    CPP, 28.

  131.    L1, 104.

  132.    L1, 95, 97, 96.

  133.    This sketch is reproduced opposite page 1 of Carole Seymour-Jones, Painted Shadow: The Life of Vivienne Eliot (London: Constable and Robinson, 2001).

  134.    L1, 150.

  135.    L2, 740.

  136.    L1, 105.

  137.    VE to Scofield Thayer, [22 February 1915] (Beinecke YCAL 34 series IV Box 31, folder 812).

  138.    Virginia Woolf, The Diary of Virginia Woolf, Volume 3, ed. An
ne Olivier Bell and Andrew McNeillie (London: Hogarth Press, 1980), 15.

  139.    Seymour-Jones, Painted Shadow, 8.

  140.    Maurice Haigh-Wood, quoted in ibid., 13.

  141.    Maurice Haigh-Wood, quoted in ibid., 22.

  142.    VE to Scofield Thayer, [3 March 1915] (Beinecke YCAL 34 series IV Box 31, folder 812).

  143.    TSE, [Notes on Aristotle], 90, 93, 106, 107, 109, 110.

  144.    Maurice Haigh-Wood, quoted in Seymour-Jones, Painted Shadow, 75.

  145.    VE to Scofield Thayer, ‘Thursday’ (Beinecke YCAL 34 series IV Box 31, folder 812). Though the postmark on the envelope containing Vivien’s letter is indistinct, it was franked at 12.15 on ‘3’ of a month in 1915.

  146.    L1, 151.

  147.    Rudyard Kipling, A Choice of Kipling’s Verse, ed. and intro. by TSE (London: Faber and Faber, 1941; repr. 1963), 108.

  148.    Envelope accompanying letter from VE to Scofield Thayer dated ‘Thursday’; Beinecke Library, Yale University, YCAL 34 series IV Box 31, folder 812; no other Thursday that year falls on the third day of a month.

  149.    See Manju Jain, T. S. Eliot and American Philosophy: The Harvard Years (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992), 32.

  150.    L3, 885.

  151.    L1, 151.

  152.    L1, xix.

  Chapter 10 – V. S. Eliot

      1.    IMH, 383.

      2.    EP, Ezra Pound to his Parents: Letters 1895–1929, ed. Mary de Rachewiltz, A. David Moody and Joanna Moody (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), 351.

      3.    ‘Marriages’, Times, 30 June 1915, 1.

      4.    ‘Thomas Stearns Eliot of St. Louis Weds Abroad’, St Louis Globe-Democrat, 16 July 1915, 1.

      5.    L1, 110.

      6.    ‘Thomas Stearns Eliot of St. Louis Weds Abroad’, 1.

      7.    L3, 251.

      8.    L1, 114, 113.

      9.    Inscription on photograph of Henry with Mr and Mrs Harvey (Dorothy Dudley), taken at Chicago in June 1915 (Hayward Bequest (King’s/PP/HB/P, 143)).

    10.    Wyndham Lewis, ‘Early London Environment’, in Tambimuttu and Richard March, eds, T. S. Eliot: A Symposium (New York: Tambimuttu and Mass, 1965), 31.

    11.    CC, 164 (‘Ezra Pound: His Metric and Poetry’).

    12.    L3, 119.

    13.    L1, 117.

    14.    L1, 116.

    15.    L1, 115.

    16.    Bertrand Russell to Ottoline Morrell, 10 September 1915 and 13 July 1915, in Bertrand Russell, The Selected Letters of Bertrand Russell, Volume 2: The Public Years, 1914–1970, ed. Nicholas Griffin (London: Routledge, 2001), 48, 45.

    17.    L1, 120, 121.

    18.    L1, 120.

    19.    William Hamilton Fyfe, letter of recommendation for TSE, Oxford, [June 1915] (Houghton bMS Am1691 (81)).

    20.    L1, 119.

    21.    Theodora Eliot to Charlotte Eliot Smith, 13 August 1926, L3, 251.

    22.    L1, 125.

    23.    L2, 124.

    24.    L2, 90.

    25.    CCE, ‘Thomas Stearns Eliot’, typed memorandum [c. 1921] (Houghton bMS Am2560 (106)).

    26.    Statement by Theresa Eliot (Mrs HWE, Jr), recalling her husband’s account, 28 March 1970 (Houghton bMS Am2560 (105)).

    27.    L1, 121.

    28.    L1, 120.

    29.    L1, 122.

    30.    Ibid.

    31.    L1, 123.

    32.    Statement by Theresa Eliot, 28 March 1970.

    33.    L1, 702.

    34.    Russell, quoted in Ray Monk, Bertrand Russell: The Spirit of Solitude (London: Jonathan Cape, 1996), 439.

    35.    Ottoline Morrell to Bertrand Russell, quoted in ibid., 440.

    36.    Bertrand Russell, draft letter to Ottoline Morrell, quoted in ibid., 440.

    37.    L1, 125, 126.

    38.    L1, 125.

    39.    ‘Royal Grammar School’, South Bucks Free Press, Wycombe, Maidenhead, and Marlow Journal, and South Oxfordshire Gazette, 27 August 1915, 1.

    40.    L. J. Ashford and C. M. Haworth, The History of the Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe, 1562 to 1962 (High Wycombe: Governors of the Royal Grammar School, 1962), 77.

    41.    L1, 131.

    42.    Ashford and Haworth, The History of the Royal Grammar School, 79.

    43.    ‘Grand Cinema’, South Bucks Free Press, 24 September 1915, 7.

    44.    L1, 131.

    45.    ‘Recruiting Rally at Wycombe’, South Bucks Free Press, 8 October 1915, 3.

    46.    L1, 129, 130.

    47.    L1, 144.

    48.    L1, 131.

    49.    Ibid.

    50.    Mark Gertler’s 1916 Garsington painting is reproduced in William Packer, ‘Focus on the strengths of a problematic master’, Times, 3 November 2012, 113.

    51.    I am grateful to Rosalind Ingrams for showing me Lady Ottoline’s coloured threads, and the house; also to Professor David Bradshaw of Oxford University for guiding me round Garsington with a group in 2012.

    52.    CPP, 62.

    53.    Bertrand Russell to Ottoline Morrell, [10 September 1915], Russell, Selected Letters, 48.

    54.    Bertrand Russell to Ottoline Morrell, 13 October 1915, quoted in Monk, Bertrand Russell, 441.

    55.    See Monk, Bertrand Russell, 444; Russell, Selected Letters, 50.

    56.    VE to Scofield Thayer, 24 October 1915 (Beinecke YCAL 34 series IV, box 31, folder 812).

    57.    Compton Mackenzie, Carnival (New York: Appleton, 1913), 314.

    58.    VE to Scofield Thayer, 24 October 1915.

    59.    L1, 137.

    60.    L1, 138.

    61.    TSE, ‘The Ultimate Belief’ (review), International Journal of Ethics, 27.1 (October 1916), 127.

    62.    L1, 166.

    63.    L2, 318.

    64.    L1, 147.

    65.    Ibid.

    66.    L1, 157, 168.

    67.    L1, 170.

    68.    TSE, ‘Thomas Stearns Eliot’, Harvard College Class of 1910 Fourth Report (Cambridge, Mass: Crimson Printing Co., 1921), 107.

    69.    C. A. Evors, The Story of Highgate School (London: Chapman and Hall, n.d.), 13, 14; L1, 234.

    70.    T. Hinde, Highgate School: A History (London: James and James, 1993), 83, 86. ‘Scrape’ is thinly spread butter.

    71.    John Betjeman, Summoned by Bells (London: John Murray, 1960), 29.

    72.    TSE, ‘Thomas Stearns Eliot’, 107.

    73.    TSE, ‘The Ultimate Belief’, 127.

    74.    Ottoline Morrell, Ottoline at Garsington: Memoirs of Lady Ottoline Morrell, 1915–1918, ed. Robert Gathorne-Hardy (London: Faber and Faber, 1974), 96–7.

    75.    TSE, Knowledge and Experience in the Philosophy of F. H. Bradley (London: Faber and Faber, 1964), 23.

    76.    Ibid., 75.

    77.    Ibid., 76, 55.

    78.    L1, 153.

 L1, 154.

    80.    L1, 172.

    81.    EP to John Quinn, 9 March 1916, quoted in Facsimile, x.

    82.    L1, 149.

    83.    Russell, Selected Letters, 59.

    84.    Miranda Seymour, Ottoline Morrell: Life on the Grand Scale (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1992), 256; Morrell, Ottoline at Garsington, 101–2.

    85.    Russell, Selected Letters, 59.

    86.    L1, 150.

    87.    L1, 225.

    88.    L1, 207.

    89.    L1, 152, 151.

    90.    L1, 152.

    91.    L1, 156.

    92.    L1, 160.

    93.    TSE, ‘The Development of Leibniz’s Monadism’, Monist, 26.4 (October 1916), 544.

    94.    TSE, ‘Theism and Humanism’ (review), International Journal of Ethics, 26.2 (January 1916), 285.

    95.    Facsimile, xii.

    96.    TSE, ‘Mr Leacock Serious’, New Statesman, 29 July 1916, 404; Stephen Leacock, Essays and Literary Studies (London: Allen Lane, 1916), 73.

    97.    TSE, ‘Mr Leacock Serious’, 73–4.

    98.    L1, 157.

    99.    L1, 164.

  100.    [TSE/VE], ‘The Reef of Stars’ (review), Saturday Westminster Gazette, 9 December 1916, 20.

  101.    L1, 158.

  102.    Osbert Sitwell, memoir of TSE, quoted in L2 318.

  103.    L2, 705.

  104.    Enid Faber (10 November 1950), quoted in L2, 593.

  105.    TSE, Concord Academy Address [June 1947] (Houghton bMS Am1691 (46)).

  106.    L1, 159.

  107.    L1, 161.

  108.    L1, 165.

  109.    L1, 156; Monk, Bertrand Russell, 469.

  110.    Betrand Russell, quoted in ibid., 469.

  111.    Morrell, Ottoline at Garsington, 120.

  112.    Bertrand Russell, quoted in Monk, Bertrand Russell, 469.

  113.    Betrand Russell, quoted in ibid., 470.

  114.    Betrand Russell to Ottoline Morrell, 22 August 1916, quoted in ibid., 470.

  115.    L1, 162.

  116.    Betrand Russell to Ottoline Morrell, 1 September 1916, Russell, Selected Letters, 76; see also Monk, Bertrand Russell, 471.


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