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Forbidden Fruit Vol 2

Page 26

by Millstead, Kasey

  I run the water over a plate to rinse off the remaining chocolate icing. I don’t reply. There’s nothing I can say. As far as I’m concerned, what happened with me and Tyson stays between me and Tyson.

  “When do you think you and Dan will be back?” I ask.

  She stares at me hard but must realize I’m not going to crack. “I’ll be back on Wednesday. Josh is coming up with me. You know, Josh? My college-aged son? Will that be a problem?”

  I shake my head. “No. Not a problem.” I swallow and face her. After her accusation, I guess I will have to talk about it. “This thing with me and Tyson…I know it’s stupid. And it’s over. Seriously. It’s over. And you don’t have to worry about your kid. I’ve had a lot of time to think this summer and, well, Tyson helped me get through some hard decisions I needed to make. Please don’t say anything to anyone. Not Tyson or his mom. Or Tom.”

  One slip-up, and this whole thing could crash down on both of us.

  Monica breathes deep, and she steadies her hand against the counter. “I won’t tell, but seriously, this has to stop.”

  “It’s done. He leaves in two days. Bev will be here tomorrow.”

  “Good,” she says and spins on her heel. Over the running water, I hear the kitchen door slam behind her.


  “You okay?” Tyson asks, after I lock the door and climb in bed.

  “Yeah, I guess it was a little too obvious.”

  He nods, but I don’t tell Tyson everything that happened. The accusation about her son or anything else. From the worried expression on his face, I know he’s concerned.

  “I don’t feel bad about this,” I say. “And you shouldn’t, either. It’s between us, and it will stay that way. Forever.”

  “I agree,” he says as he stretches out on the bed next to me before picking up my hand. “Thank you for an amazing summer.”

  “Thank you for helping me. With everything.” I lean over and kiss him gently on the lips. “I’m going to miss you.”

  “Well, we’ll see each other again.”

  I shake my head. “No, not really. It’s probably better that we don’t.”

  The corners of his mouth turn down. “Like not even family things?”

  “You’re growing up and leaving the house. You’ll make new friends and travel. Probably get a job out of state. Date new girls. Marry one.”

  “Mom will invite you to the wedding,” he says.

  “By then it will be okay. I’ll be like a gazillion years old, and you’ll have a hot young wife. I’m not worried about it.”

  Tyson doesn’t argue. Instead, he just runs his hand up and down my arm.

  “So this is it,” he says.


  He nods, and I’m thankful there’s no argument.


  The next day, Bev arrives, and the last chore Tyson performs is helping me get the furniture back in the cottage. Bev helps by carrying in lamps and dishes. Everything needed to make it rentable. She’s ecstatic to see her son, and I can tell he’s happy to see her, too.

  “Thank you,” she says as we sit on the dock. Tyson’s halfway across the lake. “He seems so much better. Not a trace of the hostility he had when I dropped him off.”

  A summer of solid of fucking like animals will do that to a guy.

  “He’s worked hard.”

  “And how are you? You look good, too.”

  “A summer of hard work throwing out thirty years of garbage and hanging out with a nineteen-year-old has been good for me.”

  “And Tom?”

  “We haven’t seen much of each other this summer, but I really hope to change that soon.”

  Bev’s eyes pop open. “No way. You’re not going to get serious with him, are you?”

  “If he’ll let me.”

  She snorts. “Right, I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”

  I shrug and look across the lake at Tyson, who’s swimming back in our direction. “I think I’m ready for something new. Like I just had to get something out of my system before I could commit.”

  “For thirty-years?”

  “What? Some of us take longer to get our shit together.”

  And really, I do feel like I’ve gotten my shit together, in my own weird way. I’m happy and moving forward in my life for the first time.

  I watch him lift himself out of the water. The sun glints off his wet shoulders, and his skin looks golden brown in the late summer sun. We make eye contact, and as I look into his beautiful blue eyes, we smile at each other, knowing and sweet. As I told him the day before, I know he’s part of the reason I’m feeling this way. Giving into temptation was weak and scary, but it was also the best thing to have happened to me in years. I learned more about myself in those weeks with Tyson than I had in a lifetime of travel and independence.

  When Bev turns her head, I mouth the words, “Thank you.”

  Her Secret Service


  Liv Morris

  Chapter One

  The warm humid air of D.C. settled on Jude Warner as he walked away from the Hart Senate Building. The pavement below his feet appeared to wave from the heat. Summertime in the District reminded him of his childhood in Louisiana. Swampy.

  He yanked his RayBan’s off the top of his head and pushed them over his ears. They hid his eyes from the sun’s blinding rays and allowed him to hide too. His job as a Secret Service agent called for a constant surveillance of his surroundings. Fleeting glances give away his status as a protector, so the glasses served as his shield.

  As he neared his Capitol Hill apartment, he fisted the paper in his hand. Printed on the single white sheet was the confirmation of his flight to Dallas tomorrow. His new assignment waited for him there.

  “Dammit,” he muttered under his breath. He wondered how he’d ended up having to guard an out of control college student? He conquered the deserts of Iraq, killed enemies with his bare hands, fooled Taliban flunkies with his fluent command of the Farsi language, and now... he was nothing more than a glorified babysitter for Senator Douglas’s partying twenty-one-year-old daughter.

  He dug his phone out of his fitted black pants to place a call to the one person he trusted: Francine Walters. He called her Frankie.

  Her husband Mark served with Jude in Iraq. They rode side by side on horseback through the sands of the Iraqi oil fields. They had wrapped themselves in flowing pieces of linen and their dress resembled desert nomads, but they were the U.S. Army’s best. The only one of them to come back from the sands alive was Jude.

  Jude pushed call on his screen and waited for Frankie to answer.

  “Hi,” she whispered.

  “Did I call you at a bad time?” Jude knew her teaching day was likely finished.

  “I’m at little Michael’s baseball game. Sitting on the bleachers.”

  “I can call back later?” The question was only a polite gesture; he hoped she agreed to talk now.

  “No. Hold on.” He detected sounds of her pressing the phone to fabric as he waited. “All right, I stepped away. What’s going on? I haven’t heard from you in awhile?”

  As usual, Frankie went straight to the point.

  “Wondered if you might like some company tonight. I’m leaving town tomorrow...” There was no use in hiding what he really wanted, a good fuck before he left.

  “Sure,” she answered. He was certain a knowing smile graced her lips. They had an “understanding.” “How long are you gone for this time?”

  “The assignment is open-ended. But I’ll be gone until after the presidential election, at least.” He cringed when he thought about being stuck for months in Dallas.

  “Back to Kabul?” She knew his every assignment despite his sworn secrecy. He needed to share his whereabouts with someone who cared, and Frankie was the closest thing he had to family.

  “Dallas,” he scoffed.

  “Really?” she said with either disbelief or sarcasm. Perhaps it was a little bit of
both. “Tonight. Dinner or just dessert?”

  He laughed at her question. She should be working for the State Department instead of teaching first graders, as she was quick to read into his needs.

  “I have a shit ton of things to do tonight before I fly out tomorrow. Dessert sounds good, though. I’ll bring the whipped cream.”

  Chapter Two

  Jude cut through the muggy darkness as he rode his motorcycle to Frankie’s townhome in Virginia. The wind pushed against his skin but did little to cool him off. There was only one thing that would satisfy his body’s heat, a hard relentless fucking.

  He was wound up like a coiled spring after getting his new assignment. Part from frustration and part from humiliation knowing he couldn’t risk turning down a senator that would likely be the next President. He pushed his bike harder, going well over eighty mph on the short stretch of highway. And damn how he wanted to keep going past the exit he needed to take and get the hell out of town.

  The thought of fleeing his responsibilities lit his nerves on fire and made his damp skin even sweatier. But he had sworn to duty and country, so he released his tight grip on the throttle and eased off onto the exit ramp.

  Jude knew Frankie would be waiting for him at her place as usual. Frankie’s heart remained closed after the loss of Mark, and Jude had never fully opened his heart up for anyone before. Sure he dated a few women over the years, but his lifestyle as a secret government operative left him distant both physically and emotionally. Jude and Frankie’s intermittent and casual sex satisfied each of them for the time being.

  His last late-night visit to her was over a month ago, and a tug in his gut told him this one might be his last. Their friends with benefits relationship had tapered off, although nothing specific was ever said to bring their sexual relationship to an end. A general feeling of awkwardness started to creep in during the times he stopped by to help her with chores around the house. Jude reminded Frankie too much of the husband she had lost and still loved. Frankie reminded Jude of his lost comrade and the memories he had buried in the sands of the Iraqi desert. Their attempt at building a foundation on painful memories crumbled before it could even begin.

  Mark had been a man much like Jude. Both had a penance for aggression and adrenaline. They served the government as the army’s elite by going into war zones on reconnaissance missions. Each step and every breath could’ve been their last. They were rugged men that controlled every twist and turn in their life they could and that included the bedroom.

  Sweet and sensuous lovemaking belonged to the lofty ideals of poets whose books were housed in the Library of Congress a few miles away. Fortunately for Jude, Frankie craved raw and commanding sex.

  Jude pulled his bike in front of Frankie’s modest two-story townhome. He glanced up at the steps to the door as he swung his leg over the bike. Frankie was sitting on the front stoop in a short breezy sundress.

  She stood to greet him as he made his way down the path. The gauzy fabric of her dress was almost transparent with the porch light shining behind her. She held a drink in her hand, the condensation dripping down her fingers.

  “Evening, stranger.” She smiled at him, a hint of playfulness in her voice, as she watched him stride her way. His thighs were thick and pressed against the seams of his dark jeans.

  “I’ve wondered where you’ve been keeping yourself.”

  Jude stood on the lowest step and reached up for the glass in her hand. “I’ve been thirsty, so I thought I’d stop by tonight.” He placed the glass to his lips and downed the cool liquid replacing the moisture his mouth lost in his ride against the wind. He gazed at Frankie over the rim of the glass. Her eyes were half-hooded as he swallowed the contents down to the last chip of ice.

  “I bet you’re thirsty.” She bit her lip and tilted her head, knowing full well he was there to satisfy more than a little thirst. She reached for his hand and pulled him forward, as he followed her up the steps and inside the door.

  Jude stepped over the threshold, set the glass on an entranceway table, and shut the front door. The lock groaned and clicked as he turned it. He felt her arms snake around his body from behind as he was beginning to turn around to face her.

  “I’ve missed you,” she whispered while laying her head against his back. Reaching for his shirt above his jeans, Frankie lifted up the fabric and placed her fingers against his taut stomach.

  “You mean you’ve missed this,” Jude took her by the waist and backed her up against the wall by the door and claimed her mouth.

  “Humph.” The air was forced out of Frankie’s lungs as Jude pressed into her.

  “Me. Doing this to you is what you’ve missed.” He brought his lips to hers as he pushed his erection into her pelvis. He made a trail of kisses from her mouth toward her neck and, instinctively, she leaned her head to one side.

  “Yes!” She moaned as her head fell back against the door.

  Jude bent down and guided his hands over the outside of her thighs. Reaching under her dress, he squeezed the soft curves of her firm and ample ass. A bare ass, too. Frankie had neglected to put on panties. All the better in Jude’s mind. One less obstacle between them.

  “You’re ready for me, I see.” He spoke into her neck as he cupped her in his hands and lifted her off the ground. She wrapped her legs tightly around his hips.

  “Oh, God. So ready.” She ground her hips forward to satisfy the ache he knew was between her legs. Jude thrust forward against her pussy, and Frankie laid her head against the wall. He kissed and gently sucked on her exposed neck.

  “Michael’s asleep right?” Jude had to ask about her son. Michael had never seen them together intimately.

  “Sound asleep,” she whispered. “His baseball game wore him out. The heat didn’t help matters, either.”

  “Good. Because I can’t wait to fuck you hard, and make you call out my name.” He bit her earlobe and felt a shiver run through her body.

  With Frankie wrapped around his waist, he began walking them back to her bedroom. It was on the main floor of the townhouse, far away from her son’s room upstairs.

  He pushed the door open with his foot while cupping her ass tightly with one hand. Once the door was flung upon, he carried her to the bed and tossed her toward the middle of it. She landed with a bounce and a laugh full of anticipation.

  “Take off your dress,” Jude commanded as he ridded himself of all his clothes.

  She raised her brows and curled her lip while reaching for the hem of her dress. She eased the dress over her body, slowing down even more before exposing her bare breasts.

  Her coy ways stoked the fire already blazing within him. The physical attraction they felt for one another couldn’t be denied. Their hearts told a different story. Their shared brokenness couldn’t heal the other one, and they knew the best they had together was friendly companionship and sizzling sex. Time was ticking away toward the end of what they had, but neither one of them spoke the words out loud that would end their unspoken arrangement.

  Naked from head to toe, Jude stalked toward the bed with his need for her prominent in front of him. Frankie gazed longingly at his cock and licked her lips. Lips he wanted around his cock.

  Standing with his muscled legs pressed against the bed, he summoned her with a curl of his index finger. She shifted to her hands and knees and crawled to him with her naked ass in the air and sweet tits gently swaying.

  “Suck me,” he spoke in a raspy voice, holding his cock at Frankie’s lips. Frankie was the dutiful soldier’s lover in bed and was willing to fulfill his orders.

  Her hot mouth encircled his swollen crown while her tongue worked over the tip. Jude dropped his head back in utter bliss. He threaded his hands through her thick brown tresses, grabbed a fistful of hair, and pulled her toward him in one motion. His cock hit the back of her throat and he released some of his grasp when he felt her gagging.

  “Take as much as you can,” he muttered through the haze of pleasure.

  With his hands controlling her head, Jude continued to fuck her mouth. In and out he moved through her wet heat while she sucked him hard, never letting up the pressure. Frankie cupped his balls with her hand and rubbed them gently between her fingers. The combined sensations were bringing him close to the edge. But he didn’t want to finish yet, so he pulled her head back from his swollen cock.

  “Lie back in the middle of the bed. Legs spread wide.”

  Frankie looked up at him blankly, since Jude had never stopped her once she’d sucked him for this long. In a moment of tenderness, he rubbed her cheek and softly calmed her wild hair that he helped create.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’m not done with you yet.” His words reassured her that all was well with him. He raised his head a couple of times, and she followed his motions by arranging herself on the middle of the bed with her legs open and ready for him.

  “Nice,” Jude murmured while moving onto the bed so he was hovering over her. He let his hands wander up her legs; ending where her most private parts were on full display for his perusal. “Ready and wet for me.”

  Ending at her knees, he hooked his fingers behind them and pulled them up so her legs were raised and bent. With her quivering at his touch, he trailed his fingers down her inner thighs and explored between her legs. “You’re soaking, baby.”

  Jude placed his hands beneath her and grabbed ahold of her ass. The feel of her soft flesh made him want to possess all of her body. Leaning down toward her pussy, he kissed the delicate skin around her clit. Frankie bucked her hips, needing more from him. He quickly found her clit as he parted her folds with the tip of his tongue.

  With a couple rapid flicks, Frankie was squirming as she quietly moaned in pleasure. She ran her fingers through his hair to anchor her to him, but she knew better than to direct his course of action. Jude would do what he wanted with her, and he never gave her reason to ask for more.

  “Jude,” she spoke in a hush. “So close.”

  Jude continued to lick and suck her tender flesh into his mouth. Frankie twisted Jude’s hair between her fingers as she cried out for more. She was close to detonating and he had one last trick that would ignite her climax. He pushed his fingers inside her, curling and turning them. He let his pinky finger graze over her puckered hole, and with a slight wiggle, the tip found its way inside her, too.


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