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Forbidden Fruit Vol 2

Page 27

by Millstead, Kasey

  “Oh my God,” she cried as she arched off the bed. Jude further penetrated her with his pinky and her moans intensified with his actions. He felt her insides spasm and contract against his fingers as a forceful climax pushed through her. Frankie released her grip on Jude’s head as her body went slack. Completely spent, her panted breaths were the only sounds filling her room.

  “It’s my turn.” He rose up an on his knees and lifted Frankie’s ass up higher.

  He angled himself so his aching cock was perfectly set at her entrance. Freeing one hand from under her, he stroked his erection and ran it over her wetness. With no words or warning, he plunged forward until his balls hit the roundness of her bottom.

  Jude stilled to savor the sensation and stared at Frankie. She had returned from the height of her climax and was now gazing up at him. The wanton woman, with her hair in a sexy disarray on the pillow, beckoned him as she licked her lips in an unspoken invitation.

  Collapsing onto his elbows, he answered her siren’s call and enclosed one of her nipples between his lips. His tongue swirled around the end as he sucked on it hard. Finding his rhythm, he pressed his cock forward and pulled back to match the movements of Frankie’s hips.

  “Put your arms above your head,” he rumbled between pushes into her body. She complied and loosened her arms around his neck.

  As soon as her hands were above her, Jude grabbed her wrists with one hand. His one hundred pound weight advantage was no match for the slender Frankie and her body was his to control.

  The headboard pounded against the wall in a steady beat of jungle dominance. There was no escaping the hollow thuds that vibrated throughout the room. Jude was fucking her hard and building to a grand crescendo.

  “God damn,” he spat through his gritted teeth. His pace was growing in magnitude and producing sweat between their bodies.

  Hoping to have Frankie join him as he came, he snaked his hand between them and rubbed her swollen clit.

  “Come for me. I want your tight pussy squeezing me hard,” he hissed through his lips, and then he sucked her nipple with his teeth grazing over the tips. The combination of his fingers, tongue, and teeth ignited Frankie’s body on fire like a torch.

  “That’s right.”

  “Ohhhh, Godddd,” Frankie cried in a drawn out moan as a second wave of pleasure rippled through her body.

  “Fuck.” Jude thrust against Frankie at a frantic pace. With erratic and near violent lunges, he pushed forward as he felt his release building. The force when it hit him was close to blinding in its power. Pulse after pulse of heat coursed through him and into her. After a few final shoves from his hips, he fell to her side. Half of his body draped over hers.

  Chapter Three

  “Damn, Frankie,” he said. “How long has it been?”

  “Two months and a day,” she said with a laugh in her voice. “But who’s really counting?”

  “Thanks.” Jude kissed her forehead and moved the dampened hair away from her face.

  Jude pushed his body to Frankie’s side, but still had her wrapped in his arms. They lay together in silence for a few minutes until their breathing evened out and their pulses calmed.

  Frankie let her fingertips wander over the tight muscles of Jude’s abdomen. Lazily she made unknown patterns across his skin. The sweet and gentle touch made him close his eyes in a peaceful, calming respite. With a deep, cleansing breath the troubles of the day and what he faced tomorrow lifted off his shoulders and slid from his mind.

  “Would you like that dessert you mentioned earlier on the phone?” Frankie lifted her head off his chest and smiled up at Jude. He curled forward and kissed the top of her head.

  “Sure, but I forgot the whipped cream.” He chuckled.

  “I baked an apple pie after dinner for you. I had apples on hand and some vanilla ice cream. No whipped anything is needed.” She winked at him while rising off the bed.

  Jude watched her ass shake as she searched the floor for her discarded dress, and he almost called her back to the bed. When she slipped her sundress back on, her actions signaled the party in the bedroom was moving to the kitchen. A place they always ended up after their more physical encounters. Perhaps the kitchen was considered neutral territory. It was a part of the house where she still gathered with her son as a makeshift family.

  “I’ll be out in the kitchen. Coffee?” Jude nodded as he buckled his pants. Frankie took a long appreciative scan over Jude’s body before he pulled his shirt over his head. When he had the clothes situated he glanced up to see her gone from the door.

  Jude made his way to the kitchen and padded across her clean white tiled floor. He sat down at the table while Frankie busied herself at the counter. Two plates sat side by side with healthy servings of apple pie. Jude’s mouth watered at the sight.

  “You’re a good woman, Frankie.” He sighed. Frankie spun around to face him with the ice cream scoop in her hand. Drops of white cream dripped to the floor as she stared at him.

  “Where’s all this sweet talk coming from Jude?” She quizzed him with a twinkle in her eye. “A thank-you in the bedroom and the niceties in the kitchen. Has my silent soldier gone soft?”

  “Cut it out. You know I really care for you.” The last words from his mouth were hard to form but necessary. He knew whatever they had together was coming to an end. There was something final about tonight that he couldn’t put his finger on, but the smell of it was in the air like a fragrant memory.

  “Sure you do.” She didn’t hide her sarcasm as she sat the plated pie and ice cream on the table. He tried to catch ahold of her dress when she turned away from him, but the fabric slipped between his fingers. She opened a cabinet and reached up on her tiptoes to pull down two coffee mugs.

  “Here, let me help.” Jude extended his arm over her head.

  He placed the cups on the counter, but didn’t back away. Instead he let the front of his thighs sandwich her between the lower cabinets. She brought her hands down to her sides and bowed her head with a sigh.

  “I think it’s best you sit back down,” she said with an unsteady voice.

  “You’re right.” He took a slow breath and returned to his seat, chastised by her dismissal.

  After Frankie served the coffee to Jude, she sat down on the wooden chair across from him at the table. The only physical connection between them now was their eyes. They stared expressionless at one another until she broke the tension with the slightest smile.

  “Enough of this serious shit,” she announced “Tell me about your assignment. Dallas, right?”

  “Dallas.” He scooped another piece of pie onto his spoon and swirled it in the melting ice cream. “Senator Douglas needs me to be there.”

  “Oh, yes. The good senator,” she scoffed and rolled her eyes. “It’s frightening to think he will likely be our next president. What the hell does he want you in Dallas for?”

  Jude licked the spoon clean and Frankie swallowed hard as she watched him. “He needs me to babysit his daughter.” Frankie’s eyes lit up when Jude’s assignment became clear to her.

  “Oh, my God. The topless photos.” She shook her head and brought her hand up to cover her mouth.

  “You’re about as shocked as I was when I left the senate building today,” he countered. “Me, a decorated Special Forces officer an official babysitter for a rich and wayward daughter.”

  Frankie giggled and Jude turned red. “I’m sorry, but the situation is horrible and funny at the same time.”

  “Funny?” Jude sneered.

  “You’ve been hoping to get a break from Washington. It looks like you got your wish in the form of a pair of perky boobs.”

  “Remind me to be more careful of what I wish for. It’s odd that in the two years I’ve been assigned to protect the senator in DC, I’ve never heard him mention his daughter. Not once.” Jude pushed his now empty plate to the side.

  “Maybe she has daddy issues and her rebellious ways are an attempt to get his attent
ion.” Frankie brought up a point that crossed Jude’s mind earlier. It’s not that the young woman was seventeen and clueless, since she is over twenty-one.

  “Well, she has gotten everyone’s attention now.” Jude brushed some crumbs to the side as he quietly sat for a moment before speaking. “In an understood bribe, the senator’s top aide told me that he would continue to bury the reports about what happened with me in Iraq. I swear that one fuck up will haunt me for the rest of my life.”

  Frankie stretched her arm across the table and laid her hand over Jude’s. “We know you’re not to blame for the mêlée at the oil fields. But if you’re ever forced to publicly explain your actions, you’re career will be tarnished.”

  The failure of a mission spelled defeat. If lives were lost, the public demanded a fall guy. Jude was the only man left standing when the desert dust cleared after the shootout with the Taliban, so he would forever be the unlucky man tagged with the guilt.

  “It’s like I’ve become their puppet.” Jude held his arms out in front of him and moved them up and down like he was strung up. “They tell me to go and I obey without question. The next time, I’m going to call their bluff. I almost did it today. But more time needs to go by, and it will look like they were the ones suppressing the evidence. I could use their secrecy as my trump card.”

  “A trump card against the President?” She whistled. “You’re fucking crazy.”

  “You’re right. I’d be crazy, but at least I’d have this monkey off my back. I’d be obligated to no one.”

  “Go down to Dallas and keep daddy’s little girl out of the gossip columns. Then when you get back to DC, you’ll have earned something for your service to the senator or then president.”

  “I hope to hell you’re right.” Jude raked his fingers through the waves of his raven hair. “I hate to take off, but I still have a couple more things to do before I leave tomorrow.”

  “Sure, it’s getting late, and Michael will be up right after the first ray of light.”

  They both stood up from the table and walked toward the front door. Frankie rubbed Jude’s shoulder as they stood by the entrance. “Don’t forget that I’m just a phone call away.”

  “Thanks, Frankie. You should be with someone who can love you like you deserve.” Jude wanted to add that he wished it had been him, but he kept those thoughts to himself.

  “Well, I’ve been asked out by the school’s principal a couple of times.” Jude watched a slow smile spread across Frankie’s face. “He’s a nice enough man. And obviously loves kids or at least can tolerate them.”

  “This is the first time you’ve ever mentioned another man.” He hated that he felt a twinge of jealousy because he had no claim on her. Instead he knew he should be happy for her. “You should go. Who knows, right?”

  “You think?” She smiled and turned away, blushing.

  “Yeah, I think. Put on a nice dress and have him take you out for dinner.” The date he had in mind sounded “normal” to him. A nice, normal man, who would make love to her in a nice and normal way. He had to stifle a laugh when he realized that once this man got Frankie in his bed, he’d likely never have another date with her again. Nice and normal weren’t Frankie’s preferences in the bedroom.

  “Okay. Why not?”

  Jude turned the brass knob and walked partially out the door, stopping under the threshold. He hugged Frankie, taking her in his arms and holding her tight.

  “Take care of yourself and Michael,” he said in her ear. Releasing her from his arms, he brushed a few stray hairs from her face.

  “Good-bye, Jude.” Her voice was shaky as he placed his fingers under her chin. He bent down and let his lips graze over hers with a feather’s touch.

  “Good-bye, Frankie.” With one last kiss on her forehead, he backed away from her, turned down the steps, and strode along the walkway to his bike.

  She watched him put on his helmet, tighten the strap, and hitch his leg over the seat. After giving him a weak wave, she lowered her head, and shut the front door. As he righted his bike and started the engine, he tried to swallow the lump in his throat. It stayed with him on the ride back to his apartment in the District.

  Chapter Four

  Senator Douglas chartered a private plane for the flight to Dallas. Jude stood alone on the tarmac as Douglas and his staff boarded first. No one said more than a courtesy hello to him, which made his job and position very clear. Be seen not heard.

  Douglas had just secured his party’s nomination for president, and his handlers were huddled together on the plane strategizing about the latest news to hit the wires concerning the senator. How were they going to minimize the damage caused by his daughter’s indiscretions?

  “I’m not sure how this incident will play in Peoria.” The chief of staff had a grim twist to his mouth. “We are gathering a focus group of moderate voters to get their take.”

  “Let’s not sugarcoat this boys.” Douglas chimed in with his heavy Texas accent before another operative could voice his opinion. “Cammie’s tits plastered across the Internet don’t need a focus group. This so-called incident makes everyone’s stomachs turn. Especially mine.”

  “I happen to agree.” The senator’s assistant and personal gopher spoke while making eye contact with each person around the plane’s small conference table. “I think we play the sympathy card here.”

  “What the fuck do you mean by that?” The senator was curt, his voice laced with anger.

  “You’re a widower. America already feels sorry for you and the loss of your wife.” The assistant had the senator’s full attention, but Jude had to turn his head away toward the windows. He knew that the senator never mourned his wife’s passing. Jude was assigned to the senator’s watch after his wife lost her battle with cancer. He stood guard over the car where the senator found his comfort after her death, and the comfort was always nestled between a creamy pairs of thighs.

  “What a fucking hypocrite,” Jude mumbled under his breath.

  For the remainder of the flight to Dallas, Jude shut out the sounds of the vipers with his ear buds. During times like these Jude wondered if there really were any righteous men left in Washington. One look in the mirror would have told him his answer.

  As the pilot descended the plane for landing, thunderstorms loomed on the horizon and the winds tousled the craft. Once on the ground, the men filed out onto the tarmac and were greeted by the hot midday sun. Jude saw the dark clouds building in the western sky and wondered if they were symbolic of today’s events in his life.

  Protecting, or what truly should be called babysitting, a spoiled senator’s daughter felt like he was being sent to the minor leagues. He was paying the price for fucking up in his duties to have found himself in this position.

  “Are you ready to meet my daughter?” The senator pounded his hand on Jude’s back.

  “Yes, sir,” Jude responded, hating the senator’s cavalier show of camaraderie. He couldn’t hate the senator completely, but Jude sure as fuck hated his circumstances.

  “Good. She has no idea I’m bringing you to our scheduled lunch.” The senator laughed while Jude cringed on the inside. Something told him that his unannounced appearance would go over as well as the senator’s daughter Cammie missing a sale at Saks. Beyond furious would likely be her state of mind.

  Two black Escalades were lined up and waiting for the senator and his entourage at the airport’s charter entrance gate.

  “Follow me.” Douglas requested. Jude trailed behind as the senator walked to the front vehicle while the other members of his staff marched toward the back one. Everyone seemed to know his or her place in this little game of political chess.

  “The meeting with my daughter only concerns you and me.” The senator pointed to his staff members a car away. “They would just make this little lunch more of a full blown affair. I’d rather keep it nice and small. More personal.”

  The senator waited for the driver of the SUV to open his door. Be
fore he climbed inside the vehicle, he turned to Jude. “You’re not much of a talker are you, boy?”

  Jude balled his fists, pissed at the nickname used by the senator. He’d heard it often from him but the words better fit a child of thirteen. Not a man who killed savages with his bare hands in the name of his country.

  “No. I was trained to communicate in silence.” It was the language of survival in the area of the select armed forces he served. The more the soldiers spoke with their enemies, under the veil of cover, the more likely they would be discovered to be spies.

  “Silence. Well that’s one hell of a change for me. And not a bad one, either.” Jude handed his large duffle bag to the driver who had reached for the strap. Once inside the SUV he began to contemplate the fact that Douglas’s daughter had no clue he would be at the lunch today.

  She was a fiery beauty with auburn hair and dark emerald eyes. After leaving Frankie’s last night, Jude searched the Internet for photos and information on the senator’s daughter. The press had tagged the Southern Methodist University senior as a sultry sex kitten after the latest batch of photos.

  The look she gave the camera in the topless pictures was what Jude referred to as eye-fucking. Pure and simple this young woman was a hot little firecracker. While he perused her topless photos and saw how beautiful she was, he felt his body back away from the computer screen. The Forces trained him to never touch an object that could explode in his hands.

  The driver steered the vehicle out of Love Field and onto Mockingbird Lane. The lunch was setup nearby at La Maison, a frou-frou establishment that sounded like a place for rich housewife’s to do lunch.

  When they reached Mockingbird Lane’s exclusive neighborhoods, the senator tapped Jude on the leg with a folder.


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