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Teardrops In The Night Sky (Steven Gordon series)

Page 19

by Murison, J W

  He pondered on that question for a while. The scientists were all brilliant men and women, the best in their field in most cases. However some seemed reluctant to accept the evidence sat before them.

  As a young man he had been leagues ahead of these people and even though his career had ended before it had really began, he had left proven theories behind. Unfortunately most of those seemed to have been trashed over the years.

  Sadness began to creep into his soul, for in his short time aboard he had already proven those theories to be correct. He went back to the bridge.

  ‘Excuse me Mr. Barns I need to put something on to your website.’

  The scientist gave up his chair, ‘just type whatever it is here sir and I’ll see to it.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  Steven sat and began typing out a number of theories and adding a few questions. Haley came over and watched over his shoulder. She snorted, ‘that’s a lot of rubbish.’

  Steven went still for a second then slowly turned to her, ‘that is a basic formula, one needed to calculate distance between stars and heavenly bodies correctly. It is the first steppingstone towards intergalactic space travel. If you don’t recognise that Haley or are unwilling to then you’re going to be nothing more around here than a lifelong passenger. Or at best an interesting diversion to those men who are hormonally inclined.’

  Her face flushed a vivid red, ‘I …I …I.’

  Doctor Barns tried to come to her rescue, ‘captain these theories of yours have been disproved for years.’

  Steven turned to him, ‘By whom?’

  He blanched at the cold look in his eyes, ‘I’m … not sure.’

  ‘Let me assure you Doctor that everyone of these theories are correct. Look about you, do you actually realise what you’re travelling in?’ The Doctor looked but never answered. ‘This is a ship that has travelled between the stars, didn’t it ever occur to you to even ask her if any these theories were correct? Or even if the ones you subscribe to were correct?’

  The Doctor looked seriously embarrassed, ‘no it didn’t.’

  ‘Then I would advise you to do so and quickly. I have no wish to spend the rest of my life with colleagues who can’t even be bothered to check out the fundamentals or are too small minded to accept that their antiquated ideas may be wrong.’

  He stood up, ‘now I want this questionnaire uploaded to the Internet and I want to be informed immediately if anyone answers those questions correctly.’

  He retired to his quarters. It wasn’t long before Buzz appeared with a lopsided grin on his face, ‘I hear you’ve been giving it tight to the scientists.’

  Steven sighed in exasperation, ‘been getting your ear bent have you?’

  ‘A little; I know you’re under a lot of strain just now Stevie but you’re going to have to ease up on them a little.’

  Steven was feeling frustrated, ‘they haven’t even bothered checking up on the fundamentals Buzz. Since I’ve got here I’ve spent every spare minute I can checking theories and equations, learning new stuff. Some of it is just mind blowing. Most of them have done very little but sit about staring at the walls. Christ the soldiers have done twice as much.’

  ‘The soldiers are different Stevie they have direction. They know what they’re doing here, the scientists don’t. You’ve spent more time with the soldiers than you have with them.’

  Steven shrugged, ‘I seem to be able to communicate with them better and feel more comfortable around them.’

  ‘Of course you do. You know where you stand with them. They have been able to accept your authority with a lot more ease, but that isn’t surprising. Soldiers are used to taking orders. They know you’re a lot smarter than they are and just accept that you know what you’re doing.’

  Steven waved a hand, ‘I’m not smarter than them or you Buzz, just a different type of smart.’

  Buzz shook his head, ‘oh no my friend you are a lot smarter and the soldiers are smart enough to realise that. They also realise you have their best interests at heart, neither are you frightened of giving unpleasant orders. They’ve found that you will listen to them before making an informed decision, but once you’ve made that decision you aren’t frightened of seeing it through to an unpleasant end like the Sales affair.

  You give them the freedom to make their own plans and execute them in manner that gives them the advantage in a battle situation, but you have always set the parameters in which they have to operate and in a manner that they can live with.

  The soldiers are also used to working as part of a team. They have accepted you as part of that team, something you should be proud of, but their lives haven’t changed all that much. They are still surrounded by their friends.

  They signed on for action and adventure and their getting it by the bucket full. They have dived in to everything head first. They have already set up their own lecture room and they have their armoury where they can invent their own weapons. They are in their own comfort zone Stevie and couldn’t be happier.

  The scientists have none of that. They have no real friends they can turn to for advice or help. They are finding it hard to accept the ship is more than one big computer that can do everything. So some are asking why they are really here.

  They aren’t learning anything because they don’t know what it is they are supposed to learn. They are feeling lost and lonely. Their families and mentors are thousands of miles away. They haven’t learned to trust one another yet. They never expected to go flying off into outer space when they first began their careers.

  Yes they all volunteered to come on board, but they haven’t the adventurous spirit the soldiers have, and for that they should all be commended. But now they are beginning to get a little frightened and maybe even a little jealous of the attention the soldiers are getting.

  I can’t remedy that situation my friend only you can. You are the only man here qualified to guide them in the direction you want them to go. You have to become the bridge between the two units on board. You have to teach the soldiers to accept the scientists into their ranks and teach the scientists how to trust the soldiers.’

  Steven felt a wave of guilt wash over him, ‘if I ever tell me your stupid again my friend, I’m going to deck you.’

  Buzz burst out laughing, ‘hey what can I say.’

  Steven found his smile again, ‘thanks Buzz I needed to be told that, but I shouldn’t have.’

  ‘Hey don’t knock yourself out Stevie, that’s what I’m here for. Or I hope that’s what I’m here for.’

  Steven laughed, ‘hell even I don’t know what you’re here for, but whatever it is you’re doing a damn fine job. Thanks Buzz.’

  Buzz stood, ‘I’m gonna go check on some things, I’ll see you later.’

  ‘Later dude.’

  Steven took a deep breath gathered his courage and went back on to the bridge. He stood beside his chair where he was being studiously ignored by all the scientists, ‘Doctor Barns, Hailey.’

  He could see Hailey had been crying, her eyes red rimmed, Doctor Barns were cold and distant.

  ‘I would like to apologise for my earlier comments they were unwarranted. I am under a lot of strain just now but I don’t believe that excuses my behaviour.

  Once we have freed my father, if we are successful, we are all going to have to sit down and learn again. I am setting aside a large section of the upper deck for scientific endeavour. The forward part of the ship directly above the bridge will be reserved for stellar cartography and I would like you to take charge of that Haley.

  We are blessed with a ship that can do almost everything itself, but those who follow won’t have that blessing. The ships that follow these into space won’t have anywhere near the technical abilities. So we are going to have to lead the way. We are going to have to go back to school and discover how to do things the old fashioned way, so we can pass that information on.

  That I believe will be the main task that that lies ahead of us and I will
need the support of every one of you to do it. I will take classes every day to bring everyone up to speed but many on board are specialists. It will be up to them to research their own subjects and make it available to everyone.

  These first few weeks are going to be the hardest, but please just have a little patience with me and I will endeavour to have a little more patience with you.’

  He left the scientists a little more mollified and went to find Buzz. He found him sitting alone in the canteen pouring over some figures.

  He looked up as Steven approached, ‘hey dude what's up?’

  Steven sat down, ‘just spent the last five minutes grovelling and apologising. What are you doing?’

  ‘Calculating how long our stores are going to last. If you want a coffee you had better grab one now.’

  ‘That bad?’

  ‘Getting that way. We have plenty of water and grass, but that’s about it. About a day and a half’s worth.’

  ‘We still have grass on board, why?’

  ‘Because no one’s told her to dump it.’

  ‘Babe are you listening?’

  ‘Yes my heart.’

  ‘Can you dump all that grass your carrying around with us?’

  ‘Even the rare types?’

  ‘We can’t eat it.’

  ‘Of course my heart. Where would you like me to dump it?’

  ‘Wherever is convenient.’

  ‘It would not be advisable to dump it here my heart. It would only pollute the surface of the Moon. Neither can we eject it into space where it could constitute a hazard. That is against the Driestate space treaty.’

  Steven looked at Buzz who only shrugged. Steven mirrored his actions, ‘that’s something else we’re going to have to investigate. What do you suggest we do with it all Babe?’

  ‘The next time I absorb minerals I can replace it with what you call grass.’

  Something clicked in Steven’s mind, ‘you can do that cant you? How far away can you beam stuff in and out from?’

  ‘It depends how much power I divert to the system. Using full power I can beam a small object thirty thousand Earth kilometres, but that would mean taking power from most of the major systems.’

  Buzz caught the sudden gleam in Steven’s eye, ‘what are you up to now?’

  ‘I think we just found our delivery system.’

  Chapter 33

  Colonel Howe hefted the modified weapon. It now had three settings. Stun, kill and obliterate as Beaver liked to put it.

  ‘So you think this will knock them down and keep them there for a while do you Babe?’

  ‘I’m not sure Colonel. I have modified the beam to affect the neurological patterns in a human mind. It should paralyse them without affecting the nerves to the major organs like the heart.’

  ‘I could try it on myself.’

  ‘That would be unwise Colonel. It could affect the nanobots in your head, maybe even destroying some.’

  ‘Not good?’

  ‘No Colonel.’

  His eyes flicked up towards the squinting Major Forbes who made a sudden beeline for the door. Unfortunately for him he misjudged it and hit the wall. A green shot lanced out and hit him squarely in the back. Cookie was in a quandary, he didn’t know whether to rush to the aid of his Major or go after Howe.

  Howe grinned at him and checked his watch, ‘relax Cookie, Tapper’s just adding to the wealth of human knowledge, besides he doesn't have any Nano probes in his system.’

  Steven rushed up to the med centre where the unfortunate Tapper lay as stiff as a board. The serious faces that met him were only a thin veil to hide their amusement.

  He reported to the doctor, ‘what's happening?’

  She seemed to be gritting her teeth, ‘these gentlemen have been experimenting on one another with their new toys. Major Forbes has been completely paralysed.’

  ‘Is he going to recover?’

  ‘I think so or so they say anyway. The shock to his system seems to be dissipating a little, but I won’t know for sure until the effects of what they did have completely worn off.’

  Steven rubbed his temples, ‘who’s responsible for this?’ But he already knew the answer.

  Colonel Howe stepped forward, ‘I am sir. The Major heroically volunteered to test the new stun setting on our weapons.’

  Steven could clearly see the devilment in his eyes, ‘that was very nice of him.’ There were a few snickers from the assembled soldiers, ‘and why did he so heroically volunteer Colonel?’

  ‘I was going to test it on myself but Babe advised against it. She said it could damage the Nano probes in our brains.’

  ‘And so the Major kindly volunteered his services, for humanitarian reasons of course?’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  The men were openly laughing now; even Tapper’s men thought it was hilarious.

  ‘Then I will just have to wait and thank him personally when he recovers. How long has he been this way now?’

  Howe checked his watch, ‘just over ten minutes now.’

  The Major didn’t look at all well. Veins bulged on his bright red face and sweat poured from his pores.

  The Doctor admonished him, ‘try and relax Major, fighting it will do you no good.’ But Tapper fought it all the way. After twenty minutes he could swivel his eyes and they locked on to Colonel Howe. At twenty-five he was beginning to regain control of his limbs. At thirty he was able to sit up and push himself off the bed.

  Steven helped him on to shaky legs. ‘Tell me Major did you volunteer your services in this experiment?’

  Trapper seemed to have trouble talking but eventually he managed a guarded, ‘yes sir.’

  ‘Thank you for your selflessness Major. I want a full rundown on the effects of this weapon when you’re able, but don’t rush.’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  ‘I won’t forget this.’

  Steven left them alone but stopped a short distance down the corridor. What he had told none of them, not even Buzz was that Babe could project images straight into his mind. He watched as the Major took a couple of unsteady steps towards the Colonel then swung a punch.

  The Colonel avoided it easily enough and caught the man as he fell. Laughing he and Beaver helped him back on to the bed.

  A shaking Tapper cursed him, ‘I’ll get you for that you shit.’

  The laughing Colonel slapped him on the shoulder, ‘you'll do Tapper, you'll do.’

  A smiling Steven headed back to the bridge. He spent an hour going over the ships systems. They docked with the other ship and he and the Chief went across and did the same service for the other.

  When he returned he went up to the room he had set aside for stellar cartography. He was surprised to find Haley already there. There was an awkward silence. He broke it first, ‘hi … it’s good to see … you’re getting stuck in.’

  Her eyes flashed anger; ‘I thought maybe I had better put a bed in the corner in case I muck this up too.’

  He cringed inside, ‘look I’m really sorry about that.’

  However she want letting him off the hook so easily, ‘is that how you really think of women Captain, because if you do I would advise you to find an all male crew. That kind of talk might be all right for the women in your life but not women like me.’

  Steven was flushed with embarrassment, ‘I really am sorry Haley and that’s not how I think of women truly.’

  ‘How do you think of women Captain?’

  It caught him flat footed, ‘eh! I don’t know, I haven’t really thought about it.’

  ‘So we’re not even worth a thought?’

  He became flustered, ‘no that’s not what I mean, I just haven’t had much experience with women.’

  ‘You mean you’re gay?’

  ‘No I’m not gay,’ he almost shouted, ‘I’ve just never had a girlfriend ok. So I’ve never learned the niceties. I sincerely hope that’s explanation enough.’

  He turned and walked out leaving a stunned Haley with
mouth agape behind.

  Feeling he had made a mistake he went back to his quarters where he tried to work out with Babe what form to put the knock out gas in and in what vessel to deliver it.

  An intrigued Haley however decided to do a little investigating of her own. It took her a few hours with some guarded questioning to get all the answers she wanted. At her evening meal she ran into the new Doctor. Being the two youngest women on board they almost made a beeline for one another. The subject quickly came round to the Captain.

  Haley had been dying to tell someone. She looked over her coffee cup at her new friend, ‘did you know he’s still a virgin?’

  Amanda almost choked on her coffee, ‘who the Captain?’

  ‘Yup, that’s right.’

  The look on Amanda's face was one of total disbelief, ‘that can’t be right, he’s gorgeous. He looks like a young Kurt Russell.’

  ‘Yeah I know but its true he told me himself.’

  ‘He told you he was a virgin?’

  ‘Said he’d never had a girlfriend.’

  ‘Is he gay?’

  ‘Says not and I believe him.’

  Amanda shook her head, ‘nah it’s got to be a line. He’s too good looking.’

  ‘A week ago he wasn’t.’

  Amanda frowned, ‘what do you mean?’

  The two women got their heads together as Haley imparted her knowledge. Amanda was intrigued but not only from a personal point of view.

  ‘So the ship radically altered him. I would love to see a before and after shot. I wonder if I could get a hold of his medical records there must be x-rays.’

  Haley looked at her as though she were stupid, ‘you want to see his medical records?’

  Amanda laughed, ‘I’m sorry I just can’t help myself.’

  Just then the Soldiers arrived laughing and arguing. The four Scottish soldiers were being led by their American counter parts.

  Haley stuck her head close to Amanda’s, ‘are you single?’

  ‘I am actually, you?’

  ‘Yeah thank God.’

  The women laughed and it attracted admiring gazes, they noticed.


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