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Teardrops In The Night Sky (Steven Gordon series)

Page 20

by Murison, J W

  Amanda whispered back, ‘is this a target rich environment or what. I think I’m going to have to order a complete medical for everyone on board.’

  Haley tittered, ‘can I be your nurse?’

  Babe watched the byplay between the two young women and the soldiers with great interest. There was a lot of harmless flirting going on. She passed her information on to her mate, who also found it fascinating. They had watched many broadcasts from Earth, but this was their first real experience of the strange Earth mating rituals.

  Suddenly he felt the pangs of longing, ‘I to wish I had a new heart. You were right about your heart; I should have trusted your instincts, but he is the only one we have met who has the right abilities. Are there anymore, or was it because he was so badly hurt as a child?’

  ‘No I don’t think so. I believe it to be a natural ability and so others must have it.’

  ‘Am I right to say that they are unaware of this ability?’


  ‘Then how will we ever find another?’

  ‘Have patience my mate. Steven says that sooner or later someone will come along. He believes these abilities come from the fact he was a child prodigy and he says he isn’t the only one, there are many on the planet below. He thinks that the questionnaire he placed on their world wide web will help with the search.’

  ‘Then it is a simple matter of waiting?’


  Chapter 34

  A handsome oriental gentleman of middle years crossed the garden dressed in traditional style. He stopped for a moment on the small wooden bridge and sucked in the fresh air and to contemplate the beauty of the garden. He had objected when his daughter had first decided to move out of Tokyo but now he knew her choice had been the correct one.

  He did not linger long for she was waiting for him. He wondered at the summons. She had worded it as an invitation but he knew differently. It worried him for normally she invited no one to her home and hadn’t done so for the three years she had stayed in it. Not even him or her mother, but they knew they were welcome at any time.

  He found her where he knew she would be, in the pagoda at the bottom of the garden, surrounded by wild scenting flowers. He bowed solemnly and she already seated returned the gesture.

  They sat in silence as she performed the tea ceremony to honour him. He took the opportunity to observe his pride and joy. She was even more beautiful than her mother, if that were at all possible. The main difference in mother and child was the intelligence that shone out of his daughter’s eyes.

  Now there was sadness in them along with the love she bore her parents. They finished their tea in silence. He was amazed by how his daughter had taken to the traditional way of life. He and her mother were both modernists. Now surrounded by all this natural beauty he understood how it kept her grounded, as she liked to put it.

  He put his cup down and bowed his appreciation, and said one word, ‘perfection.’

  She smiled and it lit up the day, ‘thank you Father.’

  ‘What is troubling you Komoru?’

  The smile slipped a little, ‘I may be going on a long journey father.’

  He frowned his displeasure, ‘where to America? Have they finally began to listen to you?’

  She shook her head, ‘only those who already listen still listen. It would be much farther than America father.’

  Panic alit in his eyes, ‘how much farther?’

  She smiled at his concern and lifted a beautifully decorated box onto the table. Lifting the lid she pulled out some sheets of paper and handed them to him.

  He opened them and immediately wondered if he had them up the right way. ‘What are these Komoru?’

  ‘Those are my destiny Father.’

  He shook his head, ‘I don’t understand.’

  ‘They are the base mathematical theories needed for space travel.’

  He looked up in surprise, ‘ah you solved them.’

  She shook her head, ‘no father I did not solve them. Steven Gordon did.’

  He frowned, ‘have I not heard that name before?’

  ‘Yes father many times. Do you remember when I was eleven? The day I cried for hours.’

  Her Father nodded, ‘yes you were working on this very thing and you found out the young American boy who had something to do with these theories was killed in an accident.’

  She smiled, ‘yes he was the first to come up with this base of mathematics when I was little more than a child but he never completed them, but he wasn’t killed only very badly injured. So badly he never fully recovered.’

  ‘Ah yes I remember now, brain damage.’

  ‘He made some recovery and eventually was able to work again.’

  ‘As a scientist?’

  ‘No Father as a security guard at a space research institute in America.’

  Her father paled, ‘no! tell me that’s not the one?’

  She nodded, ‘it is the one Father, it can only be him. I found a questionnaire on the new website and I am going to reply to it.’

  ‘What does this mean Komoru?’

  ‘It can only mean one thing Father. This Steven Gordon the security guard that stole the space ship must be the same one who was in that accident all those years ago and now, somehow he has fully recovered and is looking for people who at least understand some of what is written there.’

  ‘How much of it do you understand Komoru?’

  ‘I understand all of it Father.’

  A great sadness seemed to grasp at his soul, ‘how many other people would understand this Komoru?’

  ‘Across the whole globe, maybe a hand full would understand some of it.’

  ‘Yes but how many would understand all of it as you do Komoru?’

  ‘I don’t know father I may be the only one.’

  ‘Are you telling me this American and you are the only two human beings on the whole of this planet who understand this?’

  ‘I think he’s Scottish Father, not American and I believe that could be so.’

  A tear trickled down his face. He choked it back and forced a smile, ‘a Scot, well maybe that isn’t so bad then. No wonder the Americans are going crazy.’

  Tears began to run down her face, ‘I did not want to reply until I had told you.’

  ‘But you’re going to?’

  ‘I must.’

  The smile grew, ‘by the time you were four I knew you were destined for great things. I never realised you would be running off into space though.’

  She managed a small laugh, ‘neither did I.’ A great sadness gripped her, ‘I am sorry Father.’

  He reached for her and she slipped into his arms. He rocked her back and forth as if she were a small child again, ‘do not be sorry my Komoru, it is your destiny and none of us can avoid that. What will you do now?’

  ‘I must reply at once. Then I will have to wait for a reply. After that I will come and say goodbye to Mother.’

  ‘No, I will go fetch Mother. If they come to pick you up it will have to be here, and there is no telling how long that will be; you may not have time to drive over to ours. I had better leave now.’

  He rushed off barely looking back. Komoru had already prepared her answers to the questionnaire. She hesitated for only a second before hitting the send button. Now all she had to do was wait.

  Chapter 35

  Steven was facing another delegation, this time from the soldiers. The four Scots wanted to join the crew, that wasn’t surprising; who was sponsoring them was the bigger surprise. Steven didn’t think he had seen Colonel Howe or Beaver more nervous since they came on board.

  Tapper and his three men stood ramrod straight while the Colonel made the plea. According to the doctor Tapper had made a full recovery but Steven wasn’t sure what to do. Did he really need these four men and what would the science community think of the recruitment?

  Steven addressed Tapper, ‘Major I’m sure you realise I’m not out to recruit anymore soldiers into t
he crew, so what do you and your men have to offer out with those skills?’

  ‘As you know sir I’m a trained geologist. I may not be the best in the world, but I am good. I received the highest grades possible in all my courses at university. What I may lack in experience I certainly make up for in enthusiasm. A geologist is also something you don’t have on board sir.’

  ‘I realise that Major, but I have over a thousand applications from your fellow geologists far better qualified, why should I choose you?’

  He shrugged, ‘can any of them pick up a weapon and defend this ship with their lives if need be?’

  ‘Probably not. What about your government, how do you think they will feel about your desire to join us?’

  Tapper grinned, ‘I think they will be well chuffed sir.’

  ‘Chuffed, you mean pleased?’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  ‘So what you’re telling me is your orders are to join this crew if at all possible?’

  The Major shuffled nervously, ‘yes and no sir. We have permission to join the crew if asked to do so.’

  ‘I see, ok Major let me put it to you straight. If you become a member of this crew then your loyalty will be to this ship and me, before all other considerations. I have no doubt every country in the world will want to put people aboard these ships and each will have their own agenda. However if I ever suspect a person to have an agenda other than that of my own, then I will throw them off the ship and that could mean death within six months. Is that perfectly clear?’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  ‘Good, because a job here is a job for life, and I’m sure you’ve heard that phrase being bandied about.’

  ‘Yes sir it has something to do with the nanobots in your head.’

  ‘That’s right they are powered by this ship, a power we can’t duplicate on Earth. Once we venture into outer space we may not return for many years, so I must know that every person on board is for me and his fellow crew members, not a government a million light-years away.’

  ‘I understand all that sir and I can assure you, you will have my undying loyalty.’

  ‘What about the rest of your men Major do they realise the sacrifice they are about to make? A posting from your government to a certain assignment is one thing, but this is something else in its entirety. There will never be a reassignment, or retirement. You are in it to the bitter end and the longer you are a member of the crew the harder it will be to leave. If in fifty years you want out then you will have to take yourselves away to a quiet corner and blow your own head off, because that will by then be the only way out. Is that understood gentlemen?’

  ‘Yes sir,’ they all cracked out in unison.

  ‘Good, now do any of you want to reconsider his request?’ None of them did and by the look in their eyes none of them ever would. Steven hid a smile and nodded, ‘ok, your credentials are very good Major, but what about the rest of your men?’

  The Major opened his mouth to speak but Steven held up his hand, ‘let them speak for themselves.’

  Cookie looked round to see which one would talk next and everybody’s eyes locked onto him. Undaunted he took a deep breath, ‘I am one of the finest soldiers my country has ever produced but I am the best chef, sir.’

  Steven grinned, ‘that’s it you can cook?’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  ‘That’s right I tasted a piece of one of your omelettes, it was delicious, but that on its own isn’t enough, what else can you offer me?’

  Cookie looked him straight in the eye, ‘we’re going too far and distant places. Once there you may consider resupplying from different sources. You’re going to need someone who can evaluate the foodstuffs brought on board. I know almost every edible plant on Earth and a few that are highly poisonous unless prepared the proper way. Show me one man or woman on board that has my knowledge or is in a better position than I am to evaluate those food stuffs and I’ll walk now without any regrets.’

  Steven nodded, ‘you know Cookie that’s something I hadn’t even got round to considering yet but you’re right. I will need someone with those skills, but why not a botanist?’

  ‘A botanist may be able to draw a plant and give it a fancy name but can you find one that will cook it? I was brought up on Mr. Forbes estate, for generations my family have cooked for his family. I have a working knowledge of plants and their uses stretching back generations and I’m bloody good at it. That’s something your average botanist doesn’t have and if push comes to shove I can always think up a fancy tag to stick on a plant.’

  ‘I tell you what Cookie; we don’t have a lot of stores left. Cook something up for the crew tonight and if they say so then you can stay. Consider it a test.’

  The small man was delighted, ‘you would be as well sign me on now sir.’

  Steven grinned, ‘we'll see.’ He looked to the next man, ‘now who are you and what do you have to offer us.’

  ‘My name’s Trooper Bell sir and I’m a signals expert. I also have a degree in computer engineering. Apart from that I am a martial arts expert holding a number of black belts in different styles. I’m afraid that’s about it. Is it enough sir?’

  ‘Are you a qualified physical training instructor … is it trooper or do you have a first name?’

  ‘Sandy but everybody just calls me Trooper. I am a qualified physical training instructor and martial arts instructor.’

  ‘You we could do with that trooper. You could also work with Colonel Howe’s man on our signals console, what's his name again Colonel?’

  ‘Sid Tulane sir.’

  ‘Sid, that’s right I remember now.’ He turned to the final member of Tapper’s team, ‘and what do you do?’

  ‘I just blow shit up sir.’

  Steven found himself laughing at the man’s reply, ‘is that all you do?’

  ‘Fraid so.’

  Colonel Howe stepped forward, ‘sir if I may?’

  Steven sat back, ‘go ahead Colonel.’

  ‘I know this man well sir and we really need his talents.’

  Steven raised an eyebrow, ‘do we really need someone that can blow shit up Colonel?’

  Howe seemed adamant. ‘We need him sir.’

  The Major stuck up for his man, ‘Sir, Jim can do anything you want with explosives.’

  Steven held up a hand, ‘let him tell me. What's your name?’

  ‘Jim Grey sir.’

  ‘What exactly is it you can do with explosives Jim, what is it that makes you so special?’

  ‘Sir I can make you a letter bomb that would only lift your fingernail or I can build you an atomic bomb that would level a City.’

  ‘Are you that good, or is it an idle boast?’

  ‘I never boast sir.’

  ‘In that case I’m going to ask you to prove it. I want you to make me an atomic bomb.’

  ‘No chance.’

  Steven was surprised, ‘why not?’

  ‘Because for all know you could be a nutter who wants to blow someone up.’

  Steven laughed, ‘you mean someone like the American President?’

  ‘Aye, and half of Washington with it.’

  Steven shook his head, ‘I’m not a nutter Jim and I have a funny feeling the President will end up cooking his own Goose. What I really want to know is if you can really build me an atomic bomb. So I want you to make me one and we’ll test it far out into space. I’ll make you a deal. While that Bomb is under construction and as long as it’s on board I will permit you to wear a sidearm.’

  He looked to the Colonel, ‘if I even attempt to use that weapon on any Earth target he has my full permission to shoot me and no one will stop him Colonel and that is an order.’ The Colonel nodded his acceptance of the order and Steven turned back to the Soldier.

  ‘Is that a deal?’

  He nodded, ‘I can live with that, but how am I meant to see what I’m doing?’

  ‘Your problem, you have until this time tomorrow to prove yourself.’ He turned to the Colonel
, ‘get Beaver to help and Babe will assist with the materials through him. No one else is to help or put themselves at risk.’

  He turned back to Jim, ‘I have no idea if I will ever have the need for an atomic bomb Jim but I do need a man who can understand the complicated science and electronics behind the construction of one. We will have plenty people on board that do, but what they don’t have are the physical skills or the will to actually do it. Do you understand where I’m coming from here?’

  ‘Yes sir perfectly. How big a bang would you like?’

  ‘Just big enough to prove you can do it.’

  He nodded.

  Just then Sid’s voice came through, ‘sir I have something Haley says you will want to see.’

  ‘Can you transfer it to here?’

  ‘I don’t know yet.’

  Steven shook his head with amusement, ‘ok I’ll come up.’ He stood, ‘ok gentlemen dismissed.’

  They all trooped out and Steven followed. Haley eyes were full of excitement and he went over.

  ‘What is it?’

  ‘Not what sir, it’s a case of whom.’

  ‘So whom is it Haley?’

  ‘Komoru Kaizu.’

  Steven shook his head, ‘sorry.’

  Haley seemed confused for a moment, ‘of course you haven’t heard of her have you? Your mother will have, take a look at this.’

  Sid made way for Steven and he sat down. He recognised his returned questionnaire and began to read. The hairs were standing on the back of his neck by the time he was finished. He sat back and rubbed them.

  ‘This Guys good, do you know where he’s from?’

  Haley shook her head, ‘not a he a she; and she’s from Japan.’

  ‘Oh! Ok is there any way I can talk to this Komoru?’

  Sid nodded, ‘yep, I’ve been able to configure Babes comms to recognise webcams. Trouble is we’re so far away from Earth I don’t know if it will work.’

  ‘Could you try for me please Sid and Haley is there any way I can find out more about this woman?’

  ‘I think so; we’ve downloaded so much stuff from the scientific community we should have her on record.’

  ‘Ok I’ll do it at my station.’ He went back to his seat and Haley leaned over his shoulder while he did it. A picture came up on his screen.


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