Live Me
Page 30
“So you stared at me all night?” I frowned at him in the moonlight.
“Something like that.”
It was my turn to comfort him. “Blake, I told you I’m with you now. Sleep, crazy.”
He sighed, knowing I was right. “Old habits I guess. But I’m glad I did. You’re cute when you sleep.” He smiled his adorable smile and kissed my nose. “You murmur and breathe heavy, and I’m pretty sure I heard my name once or twice and something about a cupcake.”
That made my mouth water. Why’d he have to mention those damn cupcakes? I hadn’t had one since . . .
Blake reached behind him, pulling something off the nightstand and setting it in front of me. “Do over?”
A cupcake sat majestically in its clear container. I scrambled to a sitting position and crossed my legs in front of me, nodding my head emphatically.
Blake popped the lid, and swiped his finger through the cream, leaving it raised in the air for me to do what I liked. “This time, you’re getting the full experience.”
I pushed up on my knees and took his finger, putting it to his lips to trail the icing there. His breath weighted, and I smiled before licking it off and sucking his lower lip into my mouth.
Blake growled. “So you’re playing dirty, I see.”
“Filthy,” I panted.
“Well, then, let the games begin.” Blake picked off a piece of the edge and popped the cake in my mouth. I giggled and then broke off a piece, doing the same to him. Blake’s next slice was bigger. It was the whole length of the cupcake including the icing. He brought it to my lips and I widened my mouth, trying to accommodate it. When I couldn’t, I decided to start nibbling from the bottom, sucking on Blake’s fingers along the way.
Before I could finish, Blake’s mouth came crashing into mine, trapping the oversized bite between us. His tongue mingled with bits of cake and icing in my mouth, creating the most delicious concoction I ever imagined. He pushed me back on the bed, both of us devouring each other. When he broke the kiss to retrieve another piece, our faces glistened with moistened chocolate.
He took the next bit of icing and brought it to my neck, trailing it down and then around my nipple before dragging his tongue along the same path. Blake sucked and nipped, eating the cream off me as all of my sexual parts awakened. My nipples pebbled, my breasts became fuller, and I was soaked again between my thighs.
I clamped my legs around his waist and flipped him beneath me so I could reciprocate in kind. I spread the icing over his cock and drizzled crumbs up his six pack, first sucking him off, then dragging my tongue to pick up the scattered cake along his taut skin.
Blake’s moans echoed throughout the room, fueling me further. With a growl, he tossed me on my back, hunger radiating from his eyes. He took what was left and smeared it over my belly, rubbing it onto my clit, and then his mouth was on me again, licking and nibbling me into oblivion. When he spread me open and found the sweet spot at the apex of my thighs, I cried out, the sensations too much to hold on to. Blake sucked up every last drop before holding my knees apart and pushing his glistening cock inside of me.
Our slick bodies moved with force and determination. Instead of the slow and tender love making we’d done a few hours ago, this was insatiable—fucking, needy, and ravenous. I didn’t know who was more intent on proving they needed the other more, but with each push and pull, I suspected we were both on equal measure.
Blake leaned back on his heels, pulling me with him to settle over his lap. Fondling my breast in one hand, he guided my hip with the other, grinding and rolling while his tongue hungrily invaded my mouth. I followed his lead, moving how he liked, clenching the walls of my sex so it dragged along his steely erection. He penetrated so much deeper that way. Every time I lowered myself, he touched a new place, further inside me, closer to my heart, obliterating another piece of the wall that surrounded it.
Our panting breaths filled the room. The feel of his muscles wrapped securely around me, his tight core gliding against my belly as he sucked on the soft exposed skin of my neck, sent tingles racing over my flesh. The buildup consumed me until it was too much. I wrapped my arms tight around his neck, he did the same to my waist, and we came together, squeezing as though we wanted to mesh into one another and truly become one being.
My release pulsed around him, mingling with the hot flood of his. Then Blake took my mouth, hanging onto me tight, and scooped my breath into his lungs. We stayed like that, joined at the hips for a long time, kissing slow and steady as our breathing evened out.
Blake looked to the window and rolled onto his back, taking me with him. I giggled as he rolled again, sending us off the bed and to our feet. “Stay there.” He ran to the bathroom, and I stared at his tight ass. He quickly reappeared covered in a fluffy white robe, and I couldn’t help but be disappointed.
He smiled at my pout and held open the matching set. “Put this on. We’ll wash up after. We need to hurry.”
I slipped my arms through the soft sleeves, and he brought his arms around my middle to fasten the strap around my waist.
Back in the naughty elevator, we exited onto the roof once again as a rosy hue started to peek out from beneath the earth. Blake secured two mugs of coffee from the station, and we settled on a lounger with the perfect view of the sunrise.
I drew my knees up, and he straddled me from behind, allowing me to rest back on his chest as an array of vibrant colors poked out of the sky. During my sleepless nights, I’d seen many a sunrise, but none were as beautiful as this one. Usually, they left me feeling abnormal and helpless—highlighting the fact I was still awake while the world slept, watching different hues bleed together as I stared blankly through a veil of tears.
But this time was different.
Maybe it was the company or the change in circumstances or maybe the change in me. Whatever it was, I was grateful for it, and I was grateful for the man sitting behind me, staring off into the horizon.
Blake took a few pictures of the colorful sky and then turned the camera so it faced us. “Smile.” He snapped. After a moment, he spoke from behind me, still looking past my shoulder. “Spend Thanksgiving with me, Eva. I’ll take you to the parade, and then you can eat some turkey with my family.”
I turned my head to look at him. “Yeah? You don’t think it’s too soon?” Truthfully, I was ecstatic at the prospect of not having to go home. But I didn’t want to rush things.
Blake cocked his head, his eyebrows squishing together. “Too soon for what? You’re not going anywhere, so we might as well just bite the bullet. Besides, I don’t want to be away from you anymore.”
A slow smile crept across my lips. “I don’t want to be away from you anymore either.”
“So you’ll come?” He seemed as though he’d stopped breathing and was hanging by a thread waiting for my reaction.
I bit my lip, knowing how important holidays were to my family and how long it’d been since they’d seen me. “My parents won’t be too happy about it, but sure, I’ll come.”
Blake tightened his arms around my waist and drew me closer, talking into my hair. “Thank you.”
The next few minutes were spent in silence as the sun made its debut, signaling the start of a new day. I thought today would have been awkward, but it was the furthest thing from it. If anything I felt more secure than I had yesterday. I wondered if Blake felt the same way. After the roller coaster ride that had been “us”, it felt good to finally stand still and just be with each other.
Be with him.
That’s all he’d ever asked for in all of this and now that I was, I didn’t know why I’d resisted for so long. Nothing ever felt as right as when I was wrapped up in his arms. I’d tried so hard to protect us both, thinking this would make me feel exposed and unguarded, but the truth was I’d never felt so safe and secure in all my life. Not even before . . .
No, I wouldn’t go there.
Although it felt like a lifetime ago I’d walked away from all
that, it was only a few short months and the “problem” still lingered. Though now a state away, at some point I would have to go home and face it. I just didn’t know how it would play out this time. Things were different now. I was finally noticing the change in me, and I wasn’t about to go backward.
I’d spent the night with a man, made love to him, and at no point did I freak out. That was huge. Monumental. Somehow in the short period of time I’d known Blake, he’d become my center. I wasn’t sure how he did it, but I felt like he’d been chipping away at my outer layers, exposing me, and then covering me back up before anyone could notice. I owed a lot to him for that—my life. He’d given me one.
“Angel?” Blake’s soft voice stirred me from my thoughts, and I jumped.
“How ‘bout that shower?” He pretended not to notice I’d slipped away, but his eyes told another story.
His chin was settled on my shoulder, and I stared at his plump lips. I spun to fold myself into his lap and caress his mouth with my own, anxious to rid my mind of the place it was headed. His tongue still tasted sweet like cupcake, laced with coffee. “On one condition. You have to clean every inch of me spotless. I’m a very dirty girl.”
He growled into my mouth, slipping a hand into my robe to swirl around my nipple. “How about I lick you clean first, and then I scrub you down after? Just to make sure I don’t miss any spots.” He pinched my nipple and I gasped.
Jumping from the chair, I yanked him up and sprinted to the elevator, dragging a chuckling Blake behind me.
My first time with Blake was over a week ago, and I still got chills thinking about it. Every time we’d been together since just deepened our connection further, making me wonder how I’d ever survived without him. With everything I’d been through, I never thought I could hand myself over to someone, but with Blake it just felt natural. Like it was what I was supposed to do.
Still, negative thoughts popped into my head randomly, but I was working on pushing them away as quickly as they came. And although they’d become less frequent, I still awoke with night terrors periodically. I knew I had a long road ahead, but I was proud of myself for standing on the road at all, instead of staring at it from behind a bush.
I swept a speck of lint from my neatly pressed dress pants and fixed the shoulders of my flowy, flowery top. “Are you sure this is okay to wear to meet your parents?”
Blake placed his chin on my shoulder, wrapped his arms around me, and spoke to my reflection in the full length mirror. “You could wear a potato sack, and you’d still be gorgeous.”
I was still thawing out from the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. We’d gotten up with the birds, dressed extra warm, and set up folding chairs right at the start in the front lines. We’d cuddled and laughed and drank hot cocoa. I couldn’t help my excitement seeing Santa at the end. Seeing him for real, up close, made me forget he was just a childhood fantasy. Like a kid, eyes squeezed shut, I wished with all my might that I’d get everything I wanted for Christmas. Though, I already had most of what I wanted in Blake.
I turned to the side, examining myself further. “Are you sure? It doesn’t look like I’m trying too hard?”
Blake took my hands and turned me away from the mirror. “You’re perfect. Now stop worrying.”
I brushed my hands over his sweater, smoothing out any crinkles, and adjusted his cowlick collar. “Wanna just stay here and show me what I have to be thankful for all day?” I smiled a toothy grin, batting my eyelashes.
“Tempting, but we can’t.” Blake laced his fingers with mine and walked me from the bedroom. “But I do promise to show you just how thankful I am later.” He moved my hand to the hard bulge straining through his dark denim jeans.
I stroked its length and it got even harder, if that was possible. “Why don’t you let me take care of that for you?”
“Oh, you will.” He smirked. “Don’t worry. But right now we have to go. My mom hates when the food gets cold.” He kissed the tip of my nose, adjusted himself, and tugged me along.
We stood outside a deluxe Brownstone on the upper east side of Manhattan and I stared up at its overwhelming clout.
“You ready?” Blake asked and I replied with a curt nod. He slipped an arm over my shoulder and guided me inside.
Blake rapped his knuckles on the door a couple of times before pushing it open. A girl with the same stunning features as him squealed and threw her arms around his neck, jerking him away from me.
“I couldn’t wait for you to get here!” She turned her lips to his ear, lowering her voice. “These two are driving me insane.”
Unraveling her arms, she looked down at me with friendly, sparkling blue eyes and a gleaming smile. She was blessed with the same height as Blake, as well as his beauty. “And you must be my new best friend.” Her arms grabbed me in a choke hold, and I patted her back with one hand, looking at Blake questioningly. Just barely his junior, he’d said she was colorful, but I wasn’t expecting full, crayon box colorful.
“N-Nice to meet you. Victoria, I’m guessing?”
“Tori, Tor-Tor, whatever you want. Come in.” She looped her arm through mine.
Blake smirked, shoving his hands in his pockets, and kicked the door closed.
“Mom, Blake’s home!” Victoria called as she pulled me through an enormous entryway. The black and white checkered tiles and spotless appearance were a cool contrast to the vibrant and lively souls Blake and his sister were. I had a hard time envisioning them growing up here.
We entered a beautifully designed kitchen, loaded with top-of-the-line appliances and granite countertops. A striking older woman turned and wiped her hands on her apron. Though shorter than her offspring, she had the same kind, piercing eyes and sharp features. Blake stood behind me, covering my shoulders with his hands, and I immediately relaxed, grateful for his support.
“Isn’t she pretty, Mom? Look at that hair.” Victoria swirled a golden lock in her fingers.
I blushed, stepping forward. “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Turner.”
“Call me Elaine. Please.” She gave me a chaste hug and then withdrew, folding her hands neatly in front of her.
“Elaine.” I smiled. “I’m Eva.”
Elaine chuckled. “My son is so enchanted, he never told us your real name. I just assumed it actually was Angel.”
“It is,” Blake retorted.
“Stop it.” I nudged him with my elbow.
Elaine took in our banter, looking back and forth between us, seeming to size up our relationship, and then a warm smile spread across her face. “Finally, something makes my boy happy. I should thank you, Eva.”
The heat of a blush warmed my cheeks. “Don’t thank me. I’ve made him miserable for the last few months. He’s the one making me happy.” I pulled Blake to my side and circled my arms around his trim waist.
He kissed my temple. “Don’t listen to her, Mom. She really is an angel, and I’ve never been happier.”
A sharp clearing of a throat caused all heads to turn, and a large man filled the entire frame of the door. “Blake.”
“Father.” Blake’s smile waned and he squared his shoulders, never removing his hand from the small of my back. “I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Eva.”
“Nice to meet you, Evangelina.” He took a few steps and extended a stiff hand to me, holding a glass filled with amber liquid in the other.
I shook his hand, suddenly feeling meek and small. How did he know my full name? Blake and his mom had made it clear he’d never told them. How much had he found out about me? My heart thumped, but I kept my cool. “Nice to meet you too, sir. You have a lovely home.”
“Yes, thank you.” He brushed me off, looking past me to his wife. “Elaine, is the food almost ready? I’ve had enough waiting for these two. I’m starved.”
“Daddy!” Victoria cried, her cheeks turning a pinkish hue.
Elaine shooed her husband aw
ay. “It’s coming, Jack. Go wait in the dining room. It’ll be right out.”
He took one more judging look at Blake and my intertwined hands and walked out, the ice clinking in the glass.
I let out a big puff of air and looked to Blake who was stiff as nails, a visible tic in his jaw. I reached up and soothed a hand over his cheek and his eyes flicked to mine, bringing him back from wherever he was. I offered him a reassuring smile.
“Don’t pay him any mind.” Blake’s mom grabbed each of our hands and moved us from the door. Handing all three of us different dishes, she went back to the refrigerator and extracted drinks. “Bring those to the dining room, and I’ll be right in.”
Blake bent so only I could hear him. “I’m sorry. If you’re uncomfortable we can go. I didn’t think he’d do this today, but I should’ve known better.”
“I’m fine,” I reassured him. I wasn’t, but for him I would be.
Victoria flanked my other side. “Don’t let him bully you. He eats the weak for breakfast. You need thick skin to survive in this house, and I want you to stick around.”
Her words opened my heart to her even more. I had no intention of not “sticking around”. Wearing a huge smile, I took a deep breath and entered the dining room with my head held high.
Mr. Turner looked up briefly. He pushed his drink in front of him and folded his hands, scrutinizing me like the common criminals he came across every day.
I knew Blake and his dad didn’t have the best of relationships, but this was insane. My heart constricted for the man I’d grown to love, knowing how badly he yearned for this wretched man’s approval. Suddenly, I was desperate to help any way I could.
I placed my tray in the center of the table, and Mr. Turner wasted no time scooping his portion. “So, Eva, no family looking to see you on Thanksgiving?”
I cleared my throat, impervious to his brashness. “Actually, they were pretty disappointed I wasn’t coming home, but it was important to Blake that I meet his family, and we didn’t want to be apart for the holidays.”