Book Read Free

Live Me

Page 31

by Celeste Grande

  “So you put the wishes of someone you just met ahead of your family?” Mr. Turner raised his eyebrows in a disapproving manner.

  “Not at all,” I countered but kept my tone friendly. “I’ll see my family for Christmas, and I’d hardly classify Blake as someone I just met. We’ve grown quite close.” I filled my dish with a heaping spoonful of stuffing and covered Blake’s hand with my own.

  Blake squeezed my fingers. “I’ll be with Eva and her family for Christmas.”

  My eyes darted to his, then quickly away. I hoped my shock would go unnoticed. Blake just looked to me like his mind was made up and that would be that.

  I unconsciously squirmed in my seat. I hadn’t thought about it since he’d brought it up on our date.

  “Does your mother know about that?” Jack asked.

  “Do I know about what?” Elaine entered the room, carrying the turkey, and I hurried from my seat to make room on the table.

  “Thank you, dear.” She brushed her hands on her apron and then untied it, hanging it over the back of her chair before taking a seat. “So, fill me in. What don’t I know?”

  “I’ll be spending Christmas with Angel, Mom. I’d like to meet her family, and we want to be together for the holidays.”

  Elaine tensed, clearly uncomfortable with the situation, but seemed to gauge her reaction carefully as I was sure she’d had to do over the years around her husband. “Well, that’s disappointing. You know how I love to see your reaction Christmas morning. But I guess it’s time for me to let that go now that you’re not a little boy anymore.” She smiled a small smile that didn’t meet her eyes, and my heart broke a little for the woman trapped inside who probably hadn’t shown her true face in years.

  It dawned on me that Blake had lived his life the same way I had. A lost soul trapped in his own skin. Never able to be himself, even in his own home. We were more alike than I’d thought.

  I suddenly associated Mr. Turner in the same category as the person who’d locked me away, and I grew cold. I calculated each word from that point on with venom on my tongue. I wanted him to know what a piece of shit he was for making me feel unwelcome in his home. For making his own son feel unwelcome in his home.

  I plastered the biggest smile I’d ever worn across my face and laced my fingers with Blake’s. “My mom will be ecstatic you’re coming home with me. She loves to spoil new guests and anyone who I care about is family in her book. She’ll love you.”

  “Sounds like fun. Can I come?” Victoria called from the opposite side of the table.

  I grinned at her. “The more the merrier. Holidays are huge in my house. You’ll have a blast.”

  Elaine gasped. “You’re not serious, are you, Victoria? I need to have one of you here for Christmas.”

  “You’re welcome to come too, Elaine.” I smiled at her.

  Elaine blushed, looking down at her napkin, and I hoped I hadn’t taken it too far.

  “Don’t worry, Mom. I’ll stay with you.” Victoria put her arm around her mother’s neck and squeezed.

  Jack cleared his throat, switching from one uncomfortable topic to another. “So, Eva, what’s your major?”

  “Psychology,” I answered, but I was sure he already knew.

  “Psychology?” He held his fork in a fist, chewing on a lump of turkey as he scrutinized me. “So you plan to deal with tiddlywinks for the rest of your life?” He sliced another piece of meat.

  I blinked. “Excuse me?”

  He raised one condescending eyebrow. “Hardly seems like a stable career when your clients are one pill shy of a loony bin. Ever thought about law, young lady?”

  My blood boiled beneath the surface. Pompous fucking ass. “Law? No. Excuse me if I’m being too bold, but that’s just too drab for me. I want to help people.”

  He rested a forearm to the edge of the table and narrowed his eyes at me. “And you don’t think representing those in need is helping?”

  “I . . .” I gulped. “I didn’t mean to imply what you do isn’t important. I just—”

  Blake cut in, rescuing me from my blunder. “Eva sings too, Dad. Very well. I’m thinking of making her famous.” He smiled in an attempt to sway his father.

  “Well, then maybe you are the perfect match for my son. He has his head in the clouds too, thinking an artist can be anything but nothing in this life.”

  I felt the air pouring heavier out of my nostrils, but I kept my cool. Barely. “There are plenty of people who make a decent living doing what they love.”

  “Yes, a rare few who make it. The rest don’t have a pot to piss in, and I’m not about to let my idiotic son ruin his chance at a good life.”

  Okay, last straw. “Your son is quite talented, Mr. Turner. You’d know that if you knew who he was.”

  Blake stiffened beside me.

  Mr. Turner’s face reddened. “I’ll let that pass since this is your first time in this house, but you’ll keep in mind that this is my house.” Dropping his napkin to the table, he gave me a look that should have slaughtered me.

  I took a deep breath, steadying myself as I attempted to plead with a man who might have been the most unreasonable in the world. Though I was never able to do it for myself, I would be strong for him. I softened my voice. “Sorry, sir, but you really should see him for who he is. He’s no stuffy suit. Those law classes you make him take make him miserable.”

  “Eva—” Blake tried to interject but was quickly cut off.

  “Miserable? Success is what brings happiness, young lady. A struggling artist won’t be happy at the end of a bread line when he’s got mouths to feed.” He pushed back from the table and stood. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

  As he exited the room, I looked down in my lap, strangling my fingers, both ashamed and infuriated. I hadn’t meant for things to get that heated and ruin their family’s holiday, but I couldn’t let him talk to us that way.

  Blake put his hand on my thigh. “I told you not to go there. Why do you think I never do?”

  “I’m so sorry. I ruined Thanksgiving for all of you.” My eyes began to fill as the enormity of what I’d done hit me. I just couldn’t bear to see Blake belittled that way.

  “Now, there will be none of that,” Elaine reassured me.

  Victoria chimed in. “Yeah, babe, we’re used to this. You’re just new, that’s all. Don’t let him get the better of you.”

  I looked around at their understanding, compassionate faces in awe. They should be furious with me for ruining the small amount of time they got to spend together, yet somehow they looked like they felt just as bad as I did.

  “Well, now I know where Blake gets his kindness from. You guys are amazing.”

  Blake kissed my cheek and then stood, straightening his back. His face was serious, his jaw tight. “I’m going to have a talk with my father.”

  I grabbed his arm, and he immediately flexed. “Wait, please. Maybe this isn’t the best idea. You already have enough problems with him.”

  “Angel, we aren’t having this discussion. I don’t care what him or anyone else thinks. And it’s time he knew that.”

  “Blake, I’ll go.” Elaine stood.

  “Sit down, Mom. I’m a grown man. I can handle this. No one talks to my girl that way. I don’t care who he is.”

  With a tight nod, Elaine reclaimed her seat, worry lines crinkling her forehead. When Blake left the room, she turned her focus to me. “I’d like to apologize for my husband’s less than hospitable behavior.”

  “It’s all right, really. I was forewarned.” I gave her a small smile. “You’ve been more than welcoming.”

  “He does mean well.” The corners of her mouth dipped. “He has a funny way of showing it, but he only wants what he believes is best for us.”

  I didn’t have a kind word to say about that man, so I just nodded, my lips pursed in a tight line. “I’m going to find Blake and make sure he’s okay.”

  I followed the sound of raised voices until I came upon a close
d door. I hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, but before I knew it, I found myself inching closer, trying to make out what they were saying.

  “I don’t think she’s appropriate for you.” Mr. Turner’s stern voice held no room for discussion.

  My heart sank. This was just another thing Blake felt strongly about that his father was knocking down as if what he wanted didn’t matter.

  “You don’t even know her.”

  “I know enough. Your head is supposed to be focused on your career, not lounging in the clouds with some girl.”

  “I’m doing what I have to do, same as I always did. And she’s not just some girl. Nothing you can say will ever make me feel differently about her, Dad. I’m sorry. You can’t have your way this time.”

  “I only want what’s best for you, son.”

  “She is what’s best for me. I’m doing what you want. I’m pursuing a career in law that I can’t stand, but I will not let you tell me who I should and shouldn’t fall in love with. This girl means a lot to me, and I’d appreciate it if you’d apologize for the way you treated her.”

  There was a brief pause before he continued and my heart swelled with pride hearing him put his foot down, but broke at the same time for the pain he probably felt having to do it. “She’s not like us, Dad. And she doesn’t deserve it. If you want to see me, you’ll have to accept her because she’s with me now and that’s it. I let you control enough aspects of my life.” Blake’s tone was hard and cold, but I heard the hurt laced in his words.

  “Is that so? You’ll watch how you talk to me, boy. I’m still your father. We’ll finish this discussion another day. Right now it’s Thanksgiving, and your mom went to a lot of trouble cooking for everyone.”

  “You finish it. I’m leaving.”

  Wow. He’d finally stood up for something—me. I was so proud of him.

  There was a rustling, and I slowly backed away, not wanting to get caught. The door flew open, revealing a red-faced Blake. Anger rolled off him, but behind his eyes was a lost little boy and my heart ached for him. For how he must have been feeling. I knew he said what he needed to say, but I also knew it wasn’t easy for him.

  He stopped short, flexing his jaw, and then took my hand and pulled. “Come on. We’re leaving.”

  “Wha—I,” I stammered, trying my best to keep up with his rushed pace.

  “Blake!” Mr. Turner’s voice boomed from behind us, but Blake kept his course.

  “Goodbye, Mom. Eva doesn’t deserve to be treated this way. I’ll call you later.” He gave his mom a quick kiss on the cheek.

  “No,” she cried. “Please. Wait. I’ll fix it.”

  “You can’t. No one can fix him.” Blake continued to drag me around the dining room. He kissed Victoria next, who just looked down at her lap, lost for words. For the first time, I saw the scared little girl in her as well.

  Blake pulled me out of the house with such force I was tripping over myself. When we were finally on the sidewalk, I yanked my arm back, trying to stop my feet along the concrete. “Blake, wait! Just hold up a minute.”

  “No. I told you I’d protect you, and that includes from my father.”

  “Well, I don’t think he likes me very much.” I rushed alongside him again.

  “I don’t think he likes himself very much.” Blake looked straight ahead, undeterred in his stride.

  “Can you just stop for a second. I’m getting runner’s cramp here.”

  Blake stopped short, and I collided into him. I cleared my throat and smoothed my hands down my jacket. “I think we should go back.”

  He frowned. “You’re nuts. I’m not going back there.”

  “I’m serious, Blake. You don’t get to see them, and your mom looked heartbroken. I’m sure she put a lot of work into today. I can handle him.”

  “You shouldn’t have to handle him,” he argued.

  I nodded. “Well, I can deal with him then. For you.”

  Dropping his head, Blake fisted his hips.

  I took his hands, ducking my head under his to reach his eyes. “Hey,” I said softly.

  Without lifting his head, he met my gaze, uncertain and questioning.

  “I know you want to be there, and I want to be there with you.” I squared my shoulders. “We’ll be a united front. That’s probably the biggest step you’ve ever taken with him, and you did it for me. That’s huge and I appreciate it. I’m sure he got the message. Now let’s be the bigger people. What do you say?”

  Blake let out a huge puff of air. “I’m shaking, Angel. Look at me.” He raised an unsteady hand.

  I turned it over and kissed his palm. “You’re strong and you have me. You’ll be fine. Let’s just go back. It’ll make you feel better.”

  “How could you want to go back there?”

  “Because I love you, and your mom and Victoria are awesome. Let’s go make it right.”

  Blake studied me, considering my proposition. The corner of his mouth twitched. “Did it hurt?”

  “Did what hurt?”

  “When you fell from heaven?” He smirked.

  I rolled my eyes. “Oh, please. I think we’re past the cheesy one-liners, don’t you? Come on, we can still make dessert.”

  Back in the hallway, we stood for a moment staring at the same brown metal door we’d entered a few hours prior. Blake took a fortifying inhale and creaked the door open, letting the sound of irate voices spill out.

  Rounding the corner to the dining room, a red-faced Elaine wept as Victoria held her shoulders.

  Mr. Turner was sitting stoic in his chair, rolling another full amber colored glass between his fingers.

  Blake cleared his throat, and all eyes turned on us. I fidgeted at his side and squeezed his hand for support. “You have this girl to thank that we’re back.” Blake nodded in my direction.

  I ducked my head and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

  A frantic Elaine stepped forward. “He’s sorry. Aren’t you, Jack?” Her pointed stare landed on her husband.

  Jack cleared his throat. “Yes, um, Eva. I behaved poorly. I’d like to get to know you better . . . if you’ll stay.”

  “Of course.” I raised my chin at that. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless. “And I’m sorry if I came off a bit snarky. I just care a great deal about your son.”

  “Yes. Well, that gives us something in common then.” Although he seemed sincere, I could see something tucked behind his apology. I wasn’t convinced he wasn’t done with me.

  For the first time, Blake relaxed at my side, gesturing for me to take my seat at the table while Elaine rushed to fill it with dessert.

  The rest of the evening went smoother. Though I wouldn’t call Blake’s dad amicable, he wasn’t outwardly rude. I guessed that counted for something. We said our goodbyes, and I exchanged numbers with my new best friend Tori.

  I wrapped my hand around Blake’s, keeping it warm as we began our walk back to my apartment. “See? Aren’t you glad we went back?”

  His eyes remained focused ahead, but the sexy smirk tipping his lips told me I was right.

  I nudged his side with my elbow, and he finally looked over at me, a smile spreading across his face.

  “Okay, Angel . . . I’m glad we went back.”

  With our hands intertwined, we continued our walk. The full moon stared back at me as I gazed up, wishing on the brightest star I could find. I wished everything would turn out okay for us. That we would always be this happy and nothing would come along and pop the bubble we were living in. But part of that bubble was a charade, and the burden of it was wearing on me. I didn’t want there to be anything between us anymore, but how could I tell him? It would all be out then, and I’d not only chance losing him but my family as well.

  A knot formed in my belly. I had to bring up the Christmas thing now that he’d blurted out he planned to come. Was I ready for him to meet my family? To be smack dab in the middle of my nightmare?

  “Blake?” My voice was quiet
, unlike the harsh beating in my chest.

  His hand squeezed mine. “Yeah?”

  “About Christmas . . .”

  He stopped abruptly, his face stern as his body went rigid. “That’s not a topic up for debate. I’m going with you. I may not know the whole story, but I know whatever happened to you happened there, and I’ll be damned if I let you go back there without me.”

  Warring emotions pulled me in every direction. Though the thought of him finding out made me nauseous, a weird sense of calm washed over me knowing I’d be protected. That nothing would happen to me this time. So I’d figure it out. I always did.

  I nodded and resolved to not let him know what I’d been thinking. “I was just going to say that you’ll have to fight Jace to sit shotgun. He’s not going to be happy about this.”

  Blake relaxed and tugged my arm. I slammed into his chest, wrapping my arms around him as he pushed his nose into my hair. “Well, that’s a chance I’ll have to take.”

  Seemed we’d both be taking a chance come the next holiday.

  I spit out the pen crammed into my mouth. “I can’t study with you staring at me like that.”

  “Then stop looking so hot while you read. Biting that pen and shit . . . there’s only so much a man can take, woman.” Blake’s eyebrows danced over his glittering irises.

  I uncrossed my legs and pushed up off my belly, pulling them Indian style on Blake’s bed. “This isn’t gonna work. It’s finals week. This is important and you’re distracting me. I’ve finally pulled my grades out of the shitter and you’re gonna make me fail if you keep looking at me like I’m dinner.”

  “Excuse me? I do believe I’m the reason your grades are where they are, thank you very little.” Blake brushed his toes over mine, further distracting me.

  “And now you’re rubbing those sexy friggin’ feet on me. Stop it! Focus! You’re no help anymore.”

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t help myself. Your hair all knotted up and popping out in seventy-five different directions is turning me the fuck on.”

  “Idiot.” I laughed. “Ugh. I’m so stressed over this.” I slammed my head back on the pillow.


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