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Family Ties (Hidden Secrets)

Page 15

by Belden, P. J.

  “Okay, I’ll explain it to you, but I want no interruptions. You’re the first person I’m telling this to and it’s a lot to tell, so please let me get it all out before you say anything, okay?”

  He nodded. Taking a deep breath, readying myself for what I knew was going to be a fight to get him to stay out of it. He watched me carefully.

  “Kyle is abusive. It is not just hitting me, which he does a lot. It is more than that. When I first hired him, my old agent cleared his background check and I hired him for just my manager. Shortly after starting my agent quit, which was weird because she was a good friend of mine; or at least I thought she was. Anyway, when she quit is when things started to go downhill with Kyle. He would yell at me for little things. Well I’m a big girl and this industry is full of things like this, so I paid no attention to him. I brushed it off and continued on. Well, not too long later, he started get touchy. I didn’t like it. I started fighting him back and trying to make sure I wasn’t alone with him. That was the first time I tried to fire him. When I told him that I no longer wanted or needed his services, it was also the first time he hit me. When I had a gig the next day, he told the press that my house was broke into and this is what happened. I don’t even own a house. I stay in a hotel when I am out of town and with family when I am in town. The press bought it though.” I took another deep breath. “A couple of weeks after this, I told him again that he was no longer working for me. I went to my dressing room to get ready to go home and he came in and locked the door behind him. He tried to rape me. My size may be small but I can pack a good punch. After all, I do have a kick boxer for an overprotective brother who wanted to make sure I knew how to protect myself,” I say smirking at him.

  “But he, uh, marked me in another way. He, um, stabbed me in my ass cheek and ran it up along the crack. A dancer found me and I was rushed to the hospital and was stitched up. Anyway, other fights left me with some cuts and he even cut my hair. It was longer than this. He still kept showing up. The more I fight on getting rid of him the worse things got, so I gave up. He demands I work practically all the time and then he gets mad when I have a family emergency. When all the stuff happened with Kayla, I took time off. I ended up being off for about six months. When I went back to work, he broke two of my ribs, gave me a black eye and caused me to ‘twist’ my ankle. I was out of commission for a while, so he tells the press that I am working on a solo album. That is how I got into the singing and song writing portion of it. Not sure I would have been otherwise. Anyway, he controls everything and if I don’t comply then I pay the price. Being here…I am going to pay dearly for especially since he has called several times and I haven’t answered the phone. So there you go. That’s why I have not fired him and that is why I worry about gaining weight. Now you know everything.”

  His anger was palpable; his body was tense, every muscle tightened while I explained everything to him. Now he sat there silent, not saying a word only rubbing my back. So I made a move to stand up, I thought for sure he would stop me, but he didn’t. Wrapping my arms around my waist, I turn then start walking away. Turning back to him, I watch him a moment. Give him a moment to say or do something. He didn’t even look at me.

  “This is why I haven’t told anyone and why I didn’t want to tell you.” I said sadly then turned and ran away.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I sat there for a while unsure what I should do. The only thing I knew for sure was that I wanted to kill Kyle. Watching her as she ran from me, she was hurt. My stomach knotted and before I could think better of it, I pulled out my cell phone and dialed the number I was given that night at the William’s family dinner.

  “Williams and Williams, how can I direct your call please?”

  “I need to speak to Elijah Williams.”

  “He’s in a meeting. Would you like to leave a message?”

  “No I don’t want to leave a message. Get him on the phone. It’s a family emergency.” Trying desperately to keep my anger in check.

  “Please hold.”

  The stupid elevator music playing while I am on hold was helping me in no way to keep myself under control. My grip on my phone was tightening and I wanted to punch something badly. After a few minutes, Elijah finally answered.

  “What’s going on? Who’s hurt? Where do I need to go?” He answers almost franticly.

  “Elijah, it’s Tobey.”

  “Damn it! What’s happened to Mary?”

  “Nothing. Well nothing since she’s been with me.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  I sighed knowing what I was doing was going to cause some major problems, but something told me I needed to do it.

  “Okay listen. This is probably going to severely piss your sister off, but I think it’s a matter of doing what’s needed to keep her safe.”

  Elijah yells a bit into the phone. “Tell me what you’re talking about!”

  “Your sister just told me everything that has happened between her and him. I think you should know.”

  “Go ahead,” he said sounding a bit on edge now but less aggravated for my calling.

  So I went through everything that she just told me. I left nothing out even when I heard his gasps. Pushing forward, I talked fast enough that he couldn’t interrupt me with questions but slow enough so he could understand everything I was saying.

  “Fuck,” Elijah breathed once I finished talking.

  “He’s made contact with her since she’s been here threatening her, but he doesn’t know where she’s at.”

  “I’ll get with Jason. We’ve been trying to dig into him the past few days. I’ll get back to ya if I think there’s anything you can do to help. Thank you for letting me know about my sister. I’ve got to go.”

  We hung up and I ran to my horse jumping up I rode back to the house in search of Mary. Spotting Scott, I toss him the reins.

  “Did she go inside?”

  He nods. “You fuck up again? Eventually she’s going to stop forgiving you.”

  “I didn’t fuck up.” I start walking toward the house. “I don’t think.” I mumble under my breath.

  Rushing up the steps, I run directly to my room but she’s not in there. Turning around I head into the spare room, she was there sitting on the bed with her head in her hands. Quickly I moved in the room shutting the door with my foot.

  “Just go away, Tobey. You made your point.”

  “No, I don’t think I did. You left before I could talk.”

  “Fine then talk!” She turned and I could see she was crying. It killed me to know that I might be the cause of those tears.

  “Fine I will talk. I think you need to quit with Kyle. Stay the hell away from him. Maybe work from here and stay with me?” My eyes widened in shock that I had actually said that out loud. Taking a deep breath, I pushed ahead. “I want to see where this is going.”

  “What?” She breathed.

  “You heard me. Stay with me, don’t leave after this week is up. Make a home here, with me, work on my ranch and then do your singing from here.”

  “Are you serious?”

  I moved to sit next to her, “Yes, I am serious.”

  “You want me around?” She still seemed shocked. It was time tell her the truth.

  “Yes, more than anything I want you with me. I want you in my bed at night. To wake up to you in the morning. To share my day with and everything in between.”

  “You just want me here for my cooking,” she laughs with tears in her eyes.

  Chuckling, “Well that is also a bonus.” She hits me in the chest and I lean up and kiss her briefly before pulling back and looking into her eyes. “So what do you say? Will you move in with me?”

  She nods her head. “Yes.”

  My mouth crashes down on hers and my heart soars. Finally the pressure of this week was off my shoulders and I could finally just enjoy her the way she deserves without the worry of our goodbye coming soon.

  “I nee
d you,” I breathed against her lips.

  “Yes,” she breathed while undoing my pants.

  Fumbling with her pants, my hands shook with the need for her. She stood up and undid her pants then lowered them and her underwear to the floor. Next she moved to me, grabbing the top of my pants and working them down. Mary didn’t pull them all the way off. Instead she stopped when they were at my calves.

  Before I could ask what she was doing, her mouth was wrapped around the head of my cock. My head fell backwards and my hips pushed forward. Her mouth wrapped around me felt amazing. Beyond what I ever imagined.

  Her tongue circled the head teasing me before she lowered herself down, taking me further into her mouth. She moved up and down vigorously before I had to pull her off me. She looked up at me with a little sexy smirk on her face.

  Slowly she stood, placing her hand on my chest pushing me backwards. Climbing over me she lowered herself down on my hard throbbing cock. I moan loudly as does Mary. No matter how many times we have sex this would never feel any less incredible. Placing her hands back on my chest, she starts to raise and lower herself.

  Before long I’m thrusting my hips up as she lowers herself down. Every moment with Mary is magnified beyond anything I’ve ever felt. She was it for me. She had me mind, body and soul.

  “Oh Fuck Tobey! I’m cumming!” She screamed.

  “Fuck yeah! Me too!” I roared as my climax took over.

  Grabbing her hips, I slam her down on me as I thrust up and hold her there. Everything in me clenched tightly on my release and a growl escaped me. My hips jerked slightly against the force of my orgasm.

  Mary dropped to my chest and I wrapped my arms around her holding her tightly against me. Both of us were breathing ragged. My world was right with this unbelievably amazing woman in my arms. Her breathing slowed and I thought she fell asleep. The thought caused me to chuckle.

  “Are you asleep?” When she didn’t answer me, I whispered the one thing I was scared to say. “I love you, Mary.”

  Several minutes passed when she stirred on my chest. “Tobey?”


  “I love you too.”

  I’m pretty damn sure she felt me tense up. My breath left my lungs. Laying here with the most beautiful woman in the world, my heart was afraid to beat. Finally moving, I cup her face and raise it to look into her eyes.

  “Say that again,” I whisper.

  She starts laughing then moves off me. I lay there half naked watching her pull on her clothes. When she was dressed, she wouldn’t look at me. Finally breaking out of it, I pulled up my clothes and walked over to the window where she stood looking out.

  “Hey,” I said quietly turning her around to face me. “What’s wrong?”

  She turns her head to the side taking a shaky breath. “I just thought I heard… I thought I heard you…”

  “Say I love you.” Her head snaps in my direction. “Yes, Mary. I said I love you. And oh God do I love you. It scares the shit out of me, Mary. You are the only person in this world that I have ever loved. I meant what I said on our ride. You are my everything.”

  A tear fell down her cheek. Just as I heard the door open behind us she said, “I love you too Tobey.”

  Not caring who was behind me or what they wanted, I claimed her mouth in a kiss so intense I about stripped her clothes and took her again. If it weren’t for my name being yelled behind me, I would have. Breaking the kiss and resting my forehead against hers.

  “This better be a damn good reason to barge in here.”

  “Um, Mary got a package.” Scott said.

  Mary stiffened in my arms and just like that our beautiful bubble broke.

  “This asshole is really beginning to piss me off!” I growled as I turned and started to walk out of the room before stopping and turning back to Mary. “Sweetheart?”

  She still stood in the same place that I left her. Her eyes were huge and I could see her shaking. Quickly I moved back to her and cupped her face in my hands.

  “Mary. Mary look at me.” Her eyes turned toward me and focused in on my face. “I’m not letting anything happen to you. I’m not. Now I think we need a good supper since you nor I got a lunch. How about you make us some supper? Can you do that?”

  After a moment she blinked and nodded her head. “Cooking, yeah I can do that.” She started to walk by me when she turned kissed me senseless. “Thank you.” Smiling she turned and walked out of the room.

  “Damn man! I might be a little hard from just watching that,” Scott said hitting me in the arm.

  “Shut up Scott.” I growled.

  “So you told her huh?” He asked a little more subdued.

  “Yeah and then you had to come in and burst our damn happy bubble. Where the fuck is that package?” I hissed.

  “In the barn. Didn’t want to bring it in just in case it was something dangerous.”

  I just nodded my head continuing to head out to the barn. There was no way this sick and sadistic monster was going to get a hold of Mary. There was no fucking way I would let that happen.

  Slamming the barn door open, I saw the box right away. “Who delivered it?”

  “Dan from UPS. There’s no return address.”

  Standing in front of the box, I wagered on whether or not to open it or just throw it out. If it was a warning I wanted to know, but if it was something that I was going to have to break to Mary…I wasn’t looking forward to doing that. Shaking my head I carefully open the box to find an envelope inside. Reaching in I grab the envelope, while Scott checks the rest of the box.

  Inside the envelope was a single sheet of paper. On it the most chilling message…

  I know where you are.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Busying myself cooking was helping me take my mind off what they were looking at in the barn. When the voices in my head got to overpowering I found relaxation in cooking. I put my iPod in my ears and focused on music. There were no lyrics, only music that I had played and recorded. I wasn’t sure at the time what lyrics I wanted with it, but the melody spoke to me.

  Mixing the meat together, I started to sing. Realizing in that moment that I had lyrics to the melody, it made my heart soar. I may have gotten into the song writing by default but I think I do a decent job at it. As much as my heart was music, my soul is not. I love singing and performing but not as much as I love being me.

  Who would have ever thought that someone would rather be a nobody than a somebody? I never pictured myself in this light. Never with this much success. I was good at something. Don’t get me wrong I have truly enjoyed it and loved all the beautiful people I meet. The feeling you get when someone tells you the difference you’ve made in their life, it’s priceless and a feeling that will never be matched.

  A hand touched my shoulder and I screamed and dropped to the floor. In the process of falling the iPod fell pulling the earplugs out of my ears.

  “Mary, it’s just me,” Joel says.

  “Fuck, Joel! You scared the shit out of me.”

  Tobey comes bursting in the door and flying into the kitchen. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” He reaches down and helps me stand.

  “I’m fine. Joel just scared me is all.” Tobey glares at Joel. “Hey, it wasn’t his fault. I had my iPod in and didn’t hear him.”

  I bent down and picked up my iPod only to find it broken. “Damn. I broke it.” Shrugging my shoulders, I tossed it in the trash. Then I rose up on my toes and kissed Tobey lightly. “I’m going to go call Colleen. I haven’t checked on her in a few days.”

  Once I got into Tobey’s room, I dialed Colleen and waited for her to answer. Colleen and I had grown pretty close over the time she’s been with my brother. It was nice to have someone to steer off my brother when I needed some space.

  “Hey Stranger.”

  “Hey you! How’s my niece doing?”

  “What makes you so sure it’s a girl?” She laughs.

  “Because m
y brother would have a heart attack trying to watch over both of you. And that distraction would free me from his scrutiny.” I laugh.

  “You are probably right. Though I think he’s going to be that way no matter what sex it is. The baby isn’t even born yet and you should see him. I have to constantly remind him that he was a fierce kickboxer that knew no fear.” She laughs. “Then he’ll say that was before I had a reason to be scared.”

  My brother was a great big brother and a great all around guy, but since he met Colleen he’s shown me that no matter what we plan for ourselves, fate has a way of stepping in and taking charge, changing things around.

  “Glad to hear you are still keeping him on his toes. Seriously though, how’s my niece or nephew doing?”

  “Good hun. Kicking like crazy. I swear this little one is already part kick boxer.”

  We both laugh. “Any day now and you’ll be so bombarded with everyone showering love over you and the little one that you’ll wish you were pregnant again.”

  “What’s wrong hun? You seem off to me. You happy there?”

  “I’m beyond happy here. I’m in love Colleen. How amazing is that?”

  She squeals. “That is great! I’m so glad to have another looney on my side. Have you told him? Has he told you?”

  “What makes you so sure he loves me?” I tease.

  “Come on now! Mary you are amazing. There is nothing about you I don’t love. Well except for the fact that you are letting your employee walk all over you and beat the shit of you in the process…Yeah I don’t love that too much.”

  I gasped. “How did you…”

  “Know? Easy hun. Who do you think that Nate came to when he needed help with some of the injuries you had. I was even there one time when you were completely out of it. Helping Nate the best I could to mend you. You know how hard that is to keep from your brother?”

  “I’m so sorry. I had no idea that you even knew. Damn it!”

  “Honey don’t get upset. I want to be there for you no matter what. We’re family and that is what we do. So tell me about him. The same guy I met at the dinner right?”


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