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Chosen: Their Vampire Princess (A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance)

Page 2

by Harlow Thomas

  “That sounds…awful.”

  Sebastian grabs four plates while Miller pulls out lunchmeat and cheese. “It’s not so bad, princess. Makes you appreciate what you have. And grocery shopping can be interesting depending on where you are.”

  “And what time it is,” Miller offers. “Those twenty-four hour markets make for serious entertainment at two in the morning.”

  “I…I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been outside the grounds of my home.”

  They stop chuckling and stare at me. “Really?” Thomas asks. “You’ve never been anywhere?”

  Shaking my head, I suddenly feel embarrassed. “I’ve never needed to leave. I have everything I could want.”

  Dragging a hand through his hair, Sebastian smirks. “No, princess. You have missed out on so much.”

  “I suppose now is the time for you four to show me exactly what I’ve been missing?”

  He laughs. “Definitely.”

  We eat together, the tension between us lessening with our conversation as I settle in and allow myself to relax. I need to consider this a vacation, an escape from my life as princess.

  Garrett walks into the room, sunglasses covering his eyes, his skin bronzed by the sun. I need him to explain to me why he is acting this way. I wish I could let it go and let him leave, but something about him makes me need to connect.

  “Join us, Garrett. There’s plenty of food,” I offer.

  He answers with a nod and sits as far away from me as possible while still being present at the table. The mood shifted the moment he joined us. I need to get through to him because their lives are on the line and I can’t let whatever problem he has with our situation get in the way of my decision. I won’t be able to live with myself if I do.

  “Garrett, what do you think of the house?” I ask, gesturing around us.

  He shrugs. “It’s nice. I’m sure you’re used to servants and finery though. This place probably seems like a dump to you.”

  Not taking the bait, I laugh. “It’s definitely a change, but I wouldn’t call it a dump. I think it’s…refreshing. I live in an austere manor house. No sand or sea, no sunlight. I’m so used to having my every move watched and judged. This is so freeing.”

  Instead of an angry scowl, his brow furrows in confusion. “You’re not what I expected.”

  “I’m sorry to disappoint.”

  That earns me a slight quirk of his lips. A feeling of victory begins to build in my chest. Grabbing my plate, I rise and set it in the sink. “I’m going to find my room. Then maybe one of you’d like to join me for a walk?”

  They all stand in a show of volunteering, with the exception of Garrett.

  “Garrett. I’ll see you outside on the lanai in twenty minutes?”

  His gaze nearly burns me even through his dark sunglasses. “As you wish, Felicity.”

  Chapter 4


  Felicity is more gorgeous than I’d expected. Her sassy attitude and unwillingness to let me dominate the situation makes me want her even more. What she doesn’t understand is that I have to win this. I don’t have a choice. My destiny is her.

  I picture my village, small and close-knit. If I don’t win, they suffer. Winning this means a lifetime of protection. We rely on the Night Court to ensure our survival. Without the protection of the vampires, we’re vulnerable to attacks from shifters, demons, wraiths, and witches.

  Felicity doesn’t know how important her role is. Without her, we all die.

  I can’t let that happen. Her choice to spend time alone with Garrett makes me furious. What has he done to earn time with her other than frown? She should be choosing me. I’m what every vampire woman would want. Strong, confident, dominant. An alpha. That’s what I’ve been told I need to be. She just needs to spend time with me. I’ll get her to see I’m the right choice.

  Chapter 5

  My bedroom is as large as the living room. Thick cream carpet covers the floor from wall to wall, and the bank of windows offers a view of the shore and the wide expanse of ocean surrounding us. I never want to leave this place. How will I go back to the dark after seeing this? In a moment of panic I remember the bag I packed for this trip. The bag I’d left in my chamber back at the estate. Glancing down at my silk dress, I sigh. I can’t spend the entire two weeks in this gown.

  My gaze settles on the bed and the envelope tucked partially under a pillow. I recognize my mother’s penmanship immediately. Hope flutters in my chest that she can give me some kind of guidance. All I know is I’m supposed to choose one and feed from the rest. But how on earth can I do that?

  Opening the sealed envelope, I begin to read.


  By now you’ve arrived at your destination. I’m sorry I couldn’t prepare you better for what was going to happen. There are things beyond even my control. The four men chosen for you come from many walks of life, but all are special in their own ways. Each has something unique to offer and you will discover this as the days go by. I can only wish you more luck than I had when I was given the same opportunity.

  Your closet is filled with everything you’ll need during your stay and I hope you enjoy the sun as much as I did. This is the only time you’ll be able to walk in the daylight. Cherish it. Aside from your need for blood, you will find your vampiric traits diminished. This is intentional, my dear. During this time you’ll need to be more human than vampire in order to fully understand the men who’ve offered themselves to you.

  Learn them, but guard your heart. Choosing the right mate will be difficult, but I assure you, one of them will wear the crown of the prince. It’s up to you.


  Practically human. I can’t believe she never shared that little tidbit. Folding the paper carefully, I slip it back into the envelope and tuck it away in my bedside table. I pad across the plush carpet to the closet and smile as soon as I open the door. An array of clothes hangs neatly arranged. All appropriate for the beach. Sliding my dress off my body, I stand in only my underwear as I search for an outfit more suited for walking in the surf. After choosing a pair of crisp white shorts and a deep blue tank top, I shimmy out of my panties and head into the connected bathroom, needing to freshen up. If I’m going to win over Garrett, I need to look good doing it. The spray of water is frigid as I turn it on and I let out a screech of surprise when the cold rivulets hit my bare skin. Yet another human quality I’m not used to. Temperatures never bothered me before.

  “Felicity, are you in here? I heard a shout.” Miller’s deep voice gets louder as he comes into the room.

  Looking around the glass enclosed shower for something to cover myself with, I panic and throw open the door. As quick as I can, I reach for the towel on the rack in an attempt to cover my nakedness, but it’s too late. Miller’s eyes are glued to my bare body, a flush creeping up his cheeks.

  “Turn around!” I cry, wrapping myself in a towel. “What is wrong with you? Couldn’t you hear the shower?”

  He does as he’s asked, all the while spluttering “I…I did. I just…you screamed. I thought something had happened.”

  “The water was cold. It surprised me.” Once I’ve secured the towel I sigh and walk to him. “You can turn around. I’m decent.”

  His cheeks are still stained red with embarrassment, but his eyes burn with lust. “I’m sorry.”

  I laugh. I can read his expression better than a book. “No you’re not. You just got a glimpse of something no man has ever seen.”

  Now he goes a little pale. “I wasn’t trying—“

  “I’m not saying you were. But it’s the truth. You’re not sorry you saw me. I don’t blame you. But next time, ask before barging in.”

  Tension sits heavy between us in silent beats as I look into his eyes and arousal grows in my core.

  “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, Felicity.” His admission throws me off guard. Those words, honest and true, speak to my heart.

  Long fingers slide across my
collarbone and up my throat until he cups my jaw. My gaze travels from his intense eyes to his full lips as they grow closer. He’s going to kiss me. It hits me like a ton of bricks and I don’t stop him. I want him to kiss me. I want him to be my first kiss.

  Closing my eyes, I lean in on a sigh and the instant our lips touch, fire takes hold low in my belly. He’s gentle and sweet, a tender lover perhaps. His fingers tangle in my hair as he deepens the kiss and my heart flutters. When his tongue presses into my mouth, I lose control and my knees give out enough for me to fall into his arms. It’s only when the taste of his blood hits my tongue that I realize we’re playing a dangerous game. He must’ve nicked himself on my fangs. The sweetness of his blood sends my mind reeling and my desire raging through my body. I want all of him. I want his blood, his body, and his heart.

  Pushing him away, I work to control the bloodlust. We’re both breathing heavily, the sound of our breaths the only thing in the room.

  “I’m sorry, Miller.”

  He lets out a slight groan. “Sorry for what? That was amazing.”

  “I’ve just never… done that before.”

  His eyes widen. “You’ve never done what? Kissed a man?”

  Nodding, I pull my towel tighter to my body.

  “Well, consider me the lucky one. I hope I did your first kiss justice.”

  A smile tugs at my lips. He’s not angry I tasted him. Unless he just doesn’t realize. “You did. It was better than I could’ve imagined.”

  He grins and steps closer, but I back away. “Better not. I’m supposed to be getting ready to meet Garrett for a walk.”

  A dark look crosses his face. “I don’t know what that guy’s problem is. He should consider himself lucky to be with you.”

  “Everyone is a puzzle. I just have to find out where his sharp edges are before I can solve him.”

  He turns to leave, giving me a sweet smile. But then he tosses over his shoulder, “Felicity?”

  “Yeah, Miller?”

  “I take back my apology. I’m not sorry I walked in on you. Not in the least.”

  Laughing, I shake my head and wave as he winks and rounds the corner.

  This is going to be a lot of fun.

  Chapter 6

  Garrett is waiting for me under the shade of a broad leafed palm tree, his hands shoved carelessly in the back pockets of his loose shorts. The breeze catches his hair, making it fall into his eyes. He doesn’t seem to mind, as he stares down the hill at the blue water below. I think he might be the most beautiful of all four of my suitors.

  “So, you don’t hate me enough to stand me up,” I say.

  His shoulders stiffen before he turns his gaze to me. “I don’t hate you. Not even a little, Felicity. I hate what has to happen when this is over. I hate what it’s going to turn you into. I hate what brought us here.”

  Ouch. A sharp pain stabs my chest at the honesty in his words. “What brought us to this place is me.”

  “No, tradition brought us here. You are the bright spot in all of this.” The man surprises me when he crosses the lanai and takes me by the hand. “Come on. You promised me a walk on the beach.”

  He doesn’t release my palm from his grasp as we take the path down to the water, and I can’t say I want him to. He’s intense and…captivating. I want to know everything about him, understand his actions and make him like me.

  When we reach the white sand beach, he stops us without warning. “Take off your shoes,” he orders, kicking off his own sandals.

  I frown, but do as he says, the warm sand tickling my toes and heating the soles of my feet. I’ve never been to the beach, and most certainly not during any part of the day. I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face.

  “It’s warm.”

  He nods. “Of course it is.”

  “I love it.”

  An expression of wonder flits across his eyes as he pulls me toward the water. “Can you swim?” he asks.

  I nod. “I didn’t put on a swimsuit.”

  He shrugs. “We’re the only people out here. You don’t need one.”

  Excitement flutters in my belly, mixed with a twinge of apprehension. If he’s suggesting we skinny dip, I’m going to have to stop him right here. “Um, I’m not getting naked with you.”

  “Did I say that?”

  “No, but it was implied.”

  He pulls off his shirt and my mouth runs dry at the sight of washboard abs, a pierced nipple, and lines of intricate ink decorating his torso. “I’m going in my shorts. You can swim with me in whatever clothes you want, or you can continue to sweat out here in the humidity. If I were you, I’d get in. The water is amazing.”

  I’m not wearing a bra, my breasts aren’t big enough that I need one most of the time, but right now, I wish I had one on. Something cute enough it could be mistaken for a bikini top. Popping the button on my shorts, I unzip and slide them over my hips. His gaze is trained on me, the heat in his eyes unmistakable. My lacy panties don’t hide much, but I don’t want to walk back to the house in wet shorts either. He can control himself.

  “First one to that rock wins,” I say, pointing to the large rock about fifty meters out.

  “On three?” His eyes are twinkling with amusement and I fight the need to jump up and down in celebration that I’ve reached him.


  “Three!” he crows, running for the water.

  I chase him down, frustrated that my vampiric speed is gone. I hit the water expecting cold. Instead I’m greeted with something that feels like a warm bath. He’s gaining ground as I revel in the warmth and comfort of the ocean.

  Diving in, I swim as hard and fast as I can. My breaths quickly turn labored as my human-like body fails me. About halfway to the rock, a sharp cramp twists my side making me gasp. I suck in a mouthful of salty water and immediately begin coughing. I can’t get my breath. The waves hit me over and over, taking me under the water, filling my lungs again and again. I can’t find the surface as I’m tossed around like a ragdoll. My chest burns from the stupid human need to breathe and my vision begins to go gray around the edges. The last thing I see is Garrett swimming for me as I lose consciousness.

  I’ve failed my people.

  I’m going to die.

  I wake coughing and spluttering with Garrett’s voice in my ears and his hand rubbing wide circles on my back.

  “It’s okay. You’re okay,” he murmurs.

  My throat aches, eyes burn, and my head is pounding, but I can see him. Concern is etched on his handsome features as he watches me.

  “I thought vampires were immortal.” His words make me want to laugh and cry at the same time.

  “I’m mostly human at the moment,” I croak.

  “Well, you were almost dead until I pulled you out and gave you mouth to mouth.”

  I wave a hand in a dismissive gesture. “Leave it to me to be unconscious when I get kissed by the most handsome man I’ve ever met.”

  One dark eyebrow rises. “Handsome?”

  “You know it’s true. Don’t play dumb.”

  He grins and I swear, it’s like the sun, dangerous and beautiful. Scooping me into his arms, he stands and I don’t fight it. My limbs ache and he feels so wonderful. Snuggling against his broad chest, I rest my cheek in the hollow between his neck and shoulder. He smells amazing. Like sunlight, the fresh ocean waves, and…man. I want to lick him, taste him, feed from him. Alarm courses through me at the thought and the tingling in my gums makes me squirm.

  “What?” he asks, gripping me tighter.

  “Nothing. Just…I can walk on my own. You should put me down.”

  He sets me on my feet, his gaze wary. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  I try to tell him I’m fine, but the exertion of today, coupled with the fact that I haven’t fed yet takes over. My knees buckle and he lets out a low oath. He catches me before I fall. His strong arms carrying me to the shade of a large palm tree. With concerned eyes, he rakes
his gaze over my body.

  “What do you need?”

  I close my eyes and fight the wave of bloodlust threatening to ruin this connection. “I’m…hungry.”

  “We just ate a few…” he trails off as the realization hits him. “You mean for blood?”

  Breathing slowly through my nose, I nod. “It’s okay. I’ve got it under control. I just need to get to the house. I’m sure there’s some stored for me to feed on.”

  “No. That’s not how this works, Felicity,” he says. “Open your eyes and look at me.”

  Blinking a few times to bring him into focus, I fight my hunger at the sight of the thrumming pulse in his neck. “How would you know?”

  “They told us when we got here. We need to feed you.”

  I shake my head. “No. I’ve never bitten anyone.”

  Eyes wide, he takes in a sharp breath. “Never?”


  His large palm cups the back of my head, and as his face draws closer, I realize he’s about to kiss me. I can’t resist the hunger at this point. Not after tasting Miller by accident followed by nearly drowning. “Garrett, stop.”

  Warm lips find mine and I moan into his mouth. His tongue doesn’t beg entrance, it just thrusts inside, dancing with mine. This isn’t a tentative kiss, it’s passion and anger, lust and love. He groans as my hands trail down his bare back. Breaking the kiss, he turns his head, offering his neck.

  “Take what you need, Felicity. It’s okay.”

  My fangs unsheathe and without a second thought, I puncture his neck. He flinches and groans as my lips pull at his skin. It’s hot and more delicious than anything I’ve ever tasted. I can feel the build of arousal inside my body as I take in his essence, and the hard length of his erection pressing against my belly tells me he feels it too. He’s long and thick, rigid and needful, and so big I’m unsure how he could possibly fit inside me.


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