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Chosen: Their Vampire Princess (A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance)

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by Harlow Thomas

  A shuddering moan falls from him as he thrusts his hips against me while I take what he’s offered. Something unfamiliar begins to collect in my center, a rush of pleasure which grows stronger with each roll of his hips. What is happening? The beat of his heart begins to slow and I know I have to stop, but I want desperately to see where the pinnacle of this feeling will take me.

  With more control than I thought possible, I release him. He sits in the sand, dazed and aroused beyond measure, just like me. But at least he’s alive. When he blinks and his dark eyes find mine, all I feel is guilt.

  “I’m sorry,” I mutter, getting to my feet and dashing back to the house. I’m sure he’ll follow, but I can’t look at him now. How will he ever trust me if this is how I act?

  I’d made myself promise to never feed directly from a human, but now that’s shot all to hell.

  Chapter 7


  I almost lost her. My stupid suggestion to swim had nearly ended in Felicity’s death and now, after offering her my blood, she’s locked herself in her room.

  “What did you do?” Sebastian asks, shoving my shoulder hard enough to make me lose my balance.

  I don’t want him to know she fed from me. That experience was unlike anything I’ve ever had in my life. Her fangs piercing my flesh and the pull of her lips on my skin had me rock hard and aching for her almost instantly. I’ll gladly give her my blood every day if it won’t kill me.

  “She almost drowned.”

  “Are you kidding?” Sebastian’s angry tone makes me ball my hands into fists. He is not the leader of this pack. If he thinks he is, I’ll help him understand he’s wrong.

  “Don’t test me, man. I pulled her from the waves and made sure she was safe. Let it go.”

  Sebastian barrels past Miller, Thomas, and I, racing up the stairs. “I’m going to talk to her and fix this. It’s our first day with her and you’ve already almost fucked this whole thing up. You know what’s on the line. Why would you do something that puts her at risk?”

  I can’t let him get to her first. If I don’t assure her everything is fine, she won’t understand. She’ll pull away and make the wrong choice.

  That can’t happen. She has to choose me.

  Chapter 8

  “Give me a minute alone with her.” Garrett’s voice floats under the door to my bedroom as I pace back and forth. Even the sound of him makes me yearn for another taste of his blood.

  “You already had your time with her, and by the looks of you, you enjoyed yourself. I see your game, play hard to get, make her work for it, then flip the damn switch on her.” Sebastian’s tone does nothing to hide his irritation.

  “Yeah, I want a turn,” Miller interjects. “We only have two weeks before she has to choose. You can’t monopolize.”

  Thomas must be out there, all the other men are, but he stays silent. I wonder at the man and his tactic for wooing me.

  “You don’t understand. I need to talk to her,” Garrett says.

  “And I need to get a chance to show her what she’ll be missing if she doesn’t choose me.” At Sebastian’s words, I fling open the door.

  “That’s it! All of you, get away from my door. I’m going to bed. Don’t worry, everyone will get a chance at the crown before our time is up. Good night.”

  I slam the door and lean against the wood, listening for retreating footsteps. As the silence in the hall grows heavy, I heave a sigh. I know my mother went through this very thing before she chose my father as her consort, but right now, I don’t want any of them.

  This isn’t what I was expecting. I thought it would be easy. I’d meet them, choose, and move on. But now, each one has his own appeal. Even Sebastian and his cocksure attitude. The minutes tick by as I pace the floor, trying to make sense of the feelings whirling through me. With a heavy sigh, I walk across the room until I reach the big French doors that lead to the balcony. Throwing them open, I step out into the warm breeze and take in the soft crash of waves as the sun dips below the horizon. The sky turns orange, then pink, and purple before darkening to deep blue velvet. Everything feels more familiar in the darkness and I’m comforted by the reminder of what I am and where I’ll be in two weeks time. Except by then, I’ll be engaged.

  “She doesn’t understand,” I hear Sebastian grumble.

  Glancing down at the grounds, I catch sight of all four of them sitting around a table, a beer bottle in front of each.

  “Her life has been turned upside down. Give her some time.” Curiously, Garrett is the one who comes to my defense.

  “She has to feed every night. She has to give us a chance. How can we do what we’re supposed to do if she kicks us out?”

  Garrett’s hand drifts to the collar of his shirt and he tugs it down, revealing the mark I left. “She fed.”

  “What?” Thomas pipes up.

  “Yeah, man. What?” The rough grumble that falls from Miller makes my stomach clench. He’s angry.

  “During our walk. We went swimming, but the current was too strong and I had to pull her from the waves. We…had a moment. She needed me. I let her feed.”

  Sitting back in his chair, Sebastian takes a long pull from his beer before shaking his head. “So? How was it?”

  Raking his hand through his hair, Garrett sighs. “Fucking amazing. Almost better than sex.”

  I wouldn’t know. But the look on Garrett’s handsome face makes arousal course through me. Maybe I’d like to find out.

  Letting out an involuntary and uninvited sound, I realize too late that my cover is blown. Four pairs of intense eyes lock on me and all I can do is offer a weak wave. I stand there, my hair blowing in the breeze and my cheeks red and burning with embarrassment.

  “Well, don’t just stand there, princess,” Sebastian says, a smirk turning up the corner of his mouth. “Come down from your tower.”

  Unsure of my next move I shuffle from foot to foot. Should I go down there? I’m not sure what would be the best course of action in this case. These four men are looking at me like something they’d like to eat for dessert. And I think I might enjoy that.

  Chapter 9

  My knees shake as I descend the stairs and walk through the house. These men make me nervous, and now that I’ve shared intimate moments with two of them, I’m also aroused and tense. How am I supposed to act around them? Will Garrett or Miller kiss me when I get to the patio? Do I want them to? Then I remember the way each of their kisses affected me, the desire that flooded my body, and the absolute rush of pleasure at the contact. I do want them both to kiss me. In truth, I think I want them all to kiss me.

  The sky appears to be on fire as the sunset changes but never finishes. We’re trapped in the time between day and night and it gives everything an almost ethereal glow. The four of them sit where I’d left them, on the patio around the table, drinking and talking.

  Garrett’s gaze finds me first and this time, I’m not met with hesitance or distrust. His eyes sparkle with amusement and elation at seeing me. He stands and crosses the flagstone walkway, his hand outstretched. “Felicity--”

  Instead of letting him finish, I thread my fingers through his and rise to my tiptoes. My free hand slides up his chest as my lips find his and I test the waters. He doesn’t deny my kiss. His hand wraps around my waist and he tugs me closer, deepening the kiss for a moment before releasing me.

  “I’m so glad you’re not angry with me, Garrett.” My voice wobbles but he runs his thumb over my cheek and stares at me with wonder.

  “Why would I be angry?”

  “I could have killed you.”

  “You didn’t.” His lips turn up in a smile and my heart flips. “Besides, if I have to go, I want it to be like that.”

  The way he says that makes unease curl in my gut. “What?”

  He shakes his head. “Nothing. Come on. Your harem awaits.”

  I chuckle at the word. Harem. I suppose it might be something like that. Until I choose.

pulls out a chair for me and his fingers trail down my arm as I sit. He drops a light kiss on my cheek, lingering long enough for me to sense his desire. “We’ve missed you, princess.”

  I can’t fight my grin as I look around the table at each of them. Thomas sits with his beer cradled between his hands, his focus trained on the bottle rather than me. I wonder how he got here, and what it is about him that’s so special he’d be chosen out of all the men in his village. He’s so quiet and reserved, handsome to be sure, but there’s nothing aside from his physical appearance that makes him stand out. Garrett has a dominant confidence, his beauty just adding to his appeal. Sebastian’s cocksure attitude proves him a leader. Miller’s kind and gentle nature is calming and comforting. But my mother said each one has his own special quality. I just have to figure out what Thomas’s is.

  “I was thinking,” I start, not allowing myself to fidget as my nerves begin fluttering in my belly. “Initially I’d convinced myself being alone with each of you wasn’t the best course of action. But after…what happened with Miller, and then Garrett, I see now that’s the only way I can get to know each of you and learn who you are.”

  “Wait. Miller?” Garrett asks, turning his attention to the man next to him.

  Miller’s cheeks turn pink and my heart swells. He hadn’t bragged about seeing me naked, about being my first kiss.

  “We had a…moment.”

  I roll my eyes. “We kissed. After he saw me naked.”

  The slight smile on Miller’s lips is met with stony faces from the others.

  “So, as you can see, being alone with each of you seems to be the best way for me to make my decision.”

  “And how do you propose we arrange that?” Sebastian asks, his relaxed posture stiffening slightly, betraying tension.

  “I’ll spend one full day with each of you. Just us. No distractions. Show me why I should choose you. Make me see what life with you will be like.”

  They each sit silently, four pairs of eyes staring at me as though there’s going to be a catch.

  Then Thomas clears his throat. “Who goes first?”

  My attention shifts from man to man as I consider.

  Sebastian’s voice breaks through my perusal. “Miller and Garrett have already had a turn with you. I want mine.”

  “Hold on. Miller and I have only had short time with her. A walk on the beach and a kiss isn’t the same as a full day with her.”

  “Fine, but Thomas and I should get to go first.”

  He’s right. I’ve been avoiding him for a reason. Sebastian makes me nervous. The man is so confident and sexy, and I’m honestly worried I’ll lose the upper hand if I’m alone with him.

  I interject, sensing a fight brewing between Sebastian and Garrett. “Tomorrow I’ll see Thomas. Then the next day will be yours, Sebastian.”

  Thomas shifts in his seat. “No. I’ll let Sebastian go first.”

  A laugh escapes Sebastian. “Fine. Your loss, man.”

  I feel the frown turning down my lips, but with a little effort, I control it. Just because this didn’t go my way, doesn’t mean I get to behave like a child and have a tantrum. “If that’s what you want, Thomas.”

  “I need a little time,” he says. “To prepare.”

  Nodding, I offer him a slight smile and make to stand, but Garrett’s warm hand covers mine. “Stay,” he says. “We’re here to be with you.”

  The tender look on his face makes my resolve melt and I sit back down. “Does anyone have a beer for me?”

  Chapter 10

  In a world of perpetual twilight it’s nearly impossible to judge the passage of time. We’d spent what seemed like hours around the table, talking, drinking, and laughing together as we grew more comfortable with one another. By the time I retired to my room, I wasn’t nervous about my upcoming date with Sebastian. Anticipation made my stomach flutter, but it wasn’t due to me being unsure of him. He’d proven himself to be good at conversation, conscious of others, and most traces of his competitive nature seemed to diminish as time wore on.

  I’d closed the curtains, and only when the room was engulfed in total darkness was I able to find sleep. Unusual dreams of my four men all touching, tasting, teasing me at once had me waking more than once. My center ached for attention and my nipples hurt, they were so tight with arousal. Every time I drifted off, I’d see them—feel them.

  I gave up on sleep a few hours later, and now I’m showered, dressed, and ready for my day with Sebastian, but the house is silent and still. Standing in the living room, I survey my surroundings, my home for the next two weeks. It seems strange that I’m supposed to live a life with these men until I choose. How can I make a choice like that when I have no clue who they’ll be at my true home? This is a vacation from everything that makes us who we are.

  My gaze runs across the room until I catch sight of the box I’d placed on the table in the entryway. A thrill runs through me at the thought of opening it, of seeing the crown I’ll give to one of these men. Before I know what’s happening, I’m across the room and reaching for the latch on the wood.

  “Hello, gorgeous.” Sebastian’s deep voice rumbles in my ear as his hands trail up my arms, stopping me from my quest to ease my curiosity. “What are you doing?”

  I lean back, letting myself relax against his chest. “Nothing. It was quiet in the house. I was bored.”

  “That sounds like an invitation for me to entertain you.”

  My stomach flips. “Don’t you want to have something to eat first?”

  He takes my earlobe between his teeth, surprising and delighting me before murmuring, “Let’s pack it and take it with us.”

  Nodding, I fight the shiver of pleasure threatening to race up my spine at the contact. “Sounds good to me.”

  Before long, Sebastian has packed two meals worth of food in a backpack and we’re on our way out the door. The others haven’t woken yet, and I’m glad. I’d rather them not see me leave with him.

  I’m quiet as we walk together down the path which leads to the beach, but I don’t think Sebastian notices. I’m still not sure if he knows I’m a virgin, or that I’ve spent my life with limited sexual contact. He seems experienced. I’m worried I’ll disappoint him somehow.

  “Hey,” he says, his fingers gently gripping my chin and turning my face to him. “Where are you?”

  “Here,” I manage as his gaze locks on mine and the desire between us flickers to life.

  His lips pull closer and closer to mine, and before I can let my nerves take over, we’re kissing. It’s different and familiar all at the same time. It feels…right. I forget my worries and fall into him as he cradles my head in one hand and cups my ass with the other. Before long, my fingers are tangled in his hair, tugging and coaxing a moan from him. He breaks the kiss, his lips swollen and breaths coming in ragged gasps.

  “Holy hell, Felicity. What was that?”

  Embarrassment floods me. I’d done it wrong. “A kiss?”

  He laughs. “Fuck. Yeah, that was a kiss all right.”

  “Do you want more?”

  “More? I want it all, princess.”

  My throat runs dry at the thought. “I don’t…I’ve never—“

  The instant he realizes what I’m trying to say, he backs off. “They didn’t say you were a virgin.”

  It would be so easy to hide from his gaze and let myself feel shame, but I don’t. I stare him down. “They didn’t tell me you were a player.”

  His cheeks go red and for a moment, I think I’ve made him angry. “No. Not a player, but not a virgin either.”

  Fingers trail down my back as he moves us down the path. I’m glad he hasn’t stopped touching me after my admission. I don’t want him to.

  “Where are we going?”

  He shakes his head with a grin. “You’ll see. I’ve got you all day, and I want to make sure we’re not disturbed.”

  We walk along the beach until the house is barely a speck on the horizon, the cons
tant sunset keeping everything bathed in a warm glow. He stops us as we come across a run off, the trail of water leading deeper into the island. As we follow the water’s path, what was a small trickle becomes a loud rushing sound and I can’t contain my gasp of surprise when we break through the greenery to find a beautiful lagoon. A waterfall crashes to the rocks at one end, while calm water laps at our toes.

  “This is…” I have no words to describe what I’m feeling.

  “It’s like something out of a movie. I thought it would be the best way for us to spend our day. Swimming, talking…maybe doing more kissing?”

  “Sebastian, I think you’re much more romantic than you seem.”

  “I’ll take it.” He sets down the bag containing our food and grips the hem of his shirt. Lifting in one smooth movement, he bares his chest and takes my breath away all at once. He’s bronze, built, and amazingly gorgeous.

  “Wow,” I breathe.

  A chuckle rumbles from his chest. “Thanks.” Then, gesturing to me, he says, “Your turn.”

  This time, I’d been prepared. I slip my dress over my head and reveal the black string bikini I’d chosen. My toned, pale body stands out in stark contrast to his tanned one.

  “You’re beautiful. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  The lust in his eyes can’t be denied, and all I want is to crush myself to him and feel his heated skin on mine.

  “I’m sorry, Felicity.”

  I frown, not understanding why he’d be apologizing. Taking my hands, he must read the unasked question hovering between us.

  “I’ve known I was going to be yours since my sixteenth birthday. I wish I’d have saved myself for you so we could discover everything together.”

  Tightness builds in my throat at his earnest tone. He’s being completely sincere, that much is obvious. “Sebastian, I can’t fault you for that.”

  “You kept yourself pure.”


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