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Secrets & Lies (Undercover Love Series Book 2)

Page 3

by Michelle Iannarelli

  Eden caught a whiff of Miles’ cologne and looked up. “Hey.”

  “I thought I’d stop by and see if you wanted to have lunch with me?”

  “I think I can squeeze you in.” Eden got up and hugged Miles.

  “I love that we don’t have to hide anymore.”

  “Me too.”

  Eden’s phone began to ring. She pulled away from Miles and grabbed it before she had time to look at the caller ID.

  “Eden Cruz.”

  “It’s me.”


  When Eden said Miguel’s name aloud, Miles grabbed Eden’s free hand and held it.

  “Can we meet and talk?”

  “Alone or…”

  “Miles too…if he’ll come.”

  Miles could hear the conversation and he nodded his head when Eden looked at him.

  “He said yes.”

  “He’s with you? Aren’t you at work?”

  “He stopped by to take me to lunch. Do you want to meet us?”

  “I’d rather talk privately. Can we meet at the house at seven?”


  “See you later.”



  “Thank you for calling.”

  “Yeah.” Miguel hung up.

  Eden placed the phone down and Miles wrapped his arms around her.

  “So, do you think he’s ready to forgive us?”

  “I don’t know. He was the last person I expected to be on the other end of the phone. I’m honestly shocked he called.”

  “Maybe he’s finally calmed down and is thinking straight?”

  “I don’t know what it is but I’ll take it, if it means I will get my brother back.”

  “Yeah, I miss him too.” Miles kissed Eden on her forehead.

  Faith was packing up her briefcase to head out for a closing that she said she would handle for a co-worker. She was very grateful that she chose Family Law and could do more to help people than just buy and sell homes.

  “Faith, do you have a minute?”

  Faith looked up and her boss, Gene, was standing in her doorway. “I have five.” Faith smiled.

  “My best friend is in need of a good lawyer.”

  “And you’re asking me?”

  “Faith, his wife is a piece of work. She drinks, snorts coke and has been arrested for driving under the influence with the children in the car. She has more money than God and is suing him for full custody.”

  “Why aren’t you handling this then?”

  “Two reasons…one, you’re a woman which will go farther with the judge and jury and two, his wife and I dated before they got together.”

  “Ok, those are valid points but are you sure I am the one for the job? I mean Yolanda is a partner…”

  “Faith, we discussed this and he agrees with my choice.”

  “Ok then. Set up a meeting and let me know when and where.”

  “How about now and at his office?”

  “I have a closing in thirty minutes.”

  “Here’s his address, his name is Zac. I guess I have a closing in thirty minutes.”

  “It looks that way now doesn’t it.” Faith handed Gene her files and smiled at him.

  “Thank you, Faith.”

  “Don’t thank me yet.”

  Ryan was sitting in his partner’s office waiting for their two o’clock meeting. He wasn’t sure exactly what the meeting was about but he knew it was highly confidential.

  “Hey Ryan, thank you for coming. I need your help…”


  Ryan looked up and Faith was standing in Zac’s doorway. “Hey, Faith.”

  Zac looked between them. “Well it looks as if you two have already met.” Zac reached his hand out to Faith. “I’m Zac. Thank you for accepting.”

  Ryan looked at Zac. “Accepting?”

  “Faith, have a seat while I close this door and then we can talk.”

  “How have you been?”

  “I’m fine, Ryan.”

  Zac sat down at his desk and then looked up at both Ryan and Faith. “My wife and I are divorcing. Faith, I know Gene has asked you to represent me and I thank you for helping me. Ryan, I need you to brainstorm with Faith. You know me and maybe you can give Faith some insight. I don’t know what else to do. Jean is not a fit parent. I don’t want to take the children away from her but until she gets help she is not fit to be a parent to them, moreover, the only parent they have in their lives.”

  Faith looked at Ryan and then Zac.

  “So basically, Ryan is your lawyer but, for all intents and purposes, I am when it comes to going to court?”

  Ryan looked at Faith and could see how upset she looked. “I don’t think that is Zac’s intention, Faith.”

  “Actually Ryan, she’s right. I’m sorry but Ryan is a man and a more experienced lawyer…”

  “I wish you the best of luck finding a female lawyer who doesn’t mind working for an arrogant chauvinist.” Faith grabbed her briefcase and walked out the door, slamming it behind her.

  Zac’s mouth fell open in disbelief. He had never been talked to like that by a woman before. “Damn.”

  Ryan was so turned on by Faith that all he could think about was chasing her down and fucking the hell out of her. “Yeah, she’s hotter than hell.”

  Zac sat down and looked at Ryan. “I think I may have misjudged her.”

  “Me too.”

  MIGUEL AND ALEX BARELY got inside the house before the doorbell rang. Alex turned and looked at Miguel.

  “Are you ready?”

  “No, but do I have a choice, Baby?”

  “Not if you want them back in your life you don’t.”

  Alex opened the door and Eden immediately hugged her, then Miles hugged her before he walked inside the foyer.

  Miguel stepped back almost as if he was asking not to be hugged or greeted hello.

  Eden reached out and laced her fingers through Miles’ fingers. It was then that Miguel noticed Eden was wearing a very large diamond ring.

  The three of them just looked at each other until Alex grabbed Miguel by the hand and led him into the study. Eden and Miles followed behind. Once inside Alex and Miguel sat on one couch and Eden and Miles sat on the other.

  “Eden, Miles, I uhh…I know that I may have overreacted but…”

  “Overreacted? Miggy, it’s been two weeks and Miles still has a bruise on his face!”

  “It’s ok, Eden. I deserved it.”

  “No, nobody deserves to get beaten and especially not for loving someone.”

  Miguel turned to Alex. “See I told you this was going to be a mistake.”

  Alex rolled her eyes. Miguel was one of the smartest men she knew yet he was being very stupid right now. “It isn’t a mistake. Miguel, do you love Eden and Miles?”

  Miguel nodded his head. “You know I do.”

  “Eden, Miles, do you still love this handsome fool of mine?”

  “Of course we do. Miles has had to listen to me cry every night and I’ve had to see him looking like he had indeed lost his best friend.”

  “Alright then. Miguel talk to them.”

  “I’m sorry. I guess at first I was shocked. Then I felt betrayed. Now I am hurt, very hurt that the two people I loved and trusted the most could do something like this to me.”

  “Migs, it was never my intention to fall in love with Eden. She was your kid sister and in a way my sister too. Somehow it just happened and then it was too late to turn back. I felt like scum and I wanted to tell you but…”

  “I begged Miles to keep it a secret. Miles wanted to tell you after that first time. I kept pleading with him to give me some time and then I would tell you. I wanted to the be the one to tell you but I was so afraid that you would react like you did and then I’d lose Miles forever.” Eden burst into tears.

  Miles wrapped his arm around her. “Princess, it’s going to be alright. I promise.”

  Miguel sat there as h
e watched Miles comfort Eden. Eden half smiled at Miles. Then Miles kissed her forehead and whispered something to Eden and she giggled. It was in that moment Miguel knew that all that really mattered was that his sister was happy and loved by someone who would protect her and keep her safe. Miguel stood up and walked over to Eden and Miles. “Stand up.” Miguel extended his hand to Eden.

  Eden took Miguel’s hand and before she was standing on both feet Miguel pulled her into his arms and he hugged her. “I love you, Miggy.”

  Miguel pulled back. “I love you too, Eden. I’m so sorry that I caused you all this pain and that you were afraid to tell me because I’m such a jerk. Promise me that you’ll never be afraid to tell me anything ever again.”

  “I promise.”

  Miles stood up. “We promise.” Miles extended his hand and Miguel pulled him into a hug.

  “Sorry I messed up your face.”

  Miles pulled back and looked at Miguel. “I’m not sorry that I fell in love with your sister. I am sorry though that we hurt you.”

  Miguel looked at Miles. “Alex is right, if I had to find the perfect person for my sister, one that I know would love her and protect her with his life, it would be you, Miles.”

  Eden wrapped her arm around Miles’ waist. “Miguel, I don’t ever remember not loving Miles. I tried so hard to get his attention while I was growing up. I even resorted to biting him more than once.” Eden giggled. “When I was finally old enough and knew that it wasn’t just a crush I literally forced myself on him. I walked over to his house one night and while he was getting me a soda, I undressed.”

  “Migs, I tried to send her away. I swear I did, but then she started to cry and before I knew it she was in my arms and I couldn’t help but…”

  “Eden, you said you walked to Miles’ house?”

  “I did. I was afraid that our driver would tell you where I went.”

  “Driver? Had you been drinking?”

  “No. You know I never had a drink until I went away to college, silly.”

  Miguel took a step back. He knew he shouldn’t ask but now he needed to know. “How long exactly has this been going on? Miguel was now gritting his teeth as he waited for an answer.

  Eden looked at Miles and then she stood between him and Miguel before she replied, fearful that Miguel was going to attack Miles again. “Twelve years.”

  Miguel stood there blinking. “Alex, can you get me a drink.”


  “You two have been together for twelve years…twelve fucking years.”

  “Miggy, after the first time Miles pushed me away and then he left. I didn’t see him again until the summer before I left for college…”

  “You. Were. SIXTEEN!”

  “But I was in love with Miles.”

  Alex handed Miguel his drink and he drank it down in one gulp.

  “Eden, you were a CHILD! You may not have known better but Miles, what in the fuck were you thinking? At twenty-three you knew what you were doing, you knew it was wrong…”

  “It wasn’t wrong, Miles didn’t force me, I wanted him to…”

  “Eden, I can’t believe that you are defending him. You’re a lawyer and you know that even in the eyes of the law that what he did was considered rape and his ass could have gone to jail.”

  Alex walked over and handed Miguel another drink and sat him down. “Miguel, you know Miles would never rape anyone, moreover, Eden. Get over it…and now or you are going to lose them and for good this time!”

  Miles had his arm wrapped around Eden’s waist and she had her head resting on his chest. Miles looked down at Eden. “You know he’s right. I did know better and if I knew that you were a…”

  Eden pulled away. “I, I can’t believe this…you’re going to take his side now. I’ve loved you since I was five years old…I, I saved myself for you…YOU!” Eden began to cry again. Miles tried to comfort her but she backed up. “I wanted my first time to be with someone that I loved and…”

  Miguel jumped up. “He took your virginity?”

  Eden looked at Miguel and then back at Miles. She was beginning to feel defeated. The two men she loved most in the world and suddenly she felt as if she was about to lose them both. “Yes, Miles was my first…everything.” Eden couldn’t handle it anymore she turned and ran out.

  Eden got outside and sat down on the front steps and broke down. All she ever wanted was to be with Miles and to just be happy. How could she be so foolish to think that Miguel would forgive them and give them his blessing.

  As the tears rolled down her cheeks she thought about her first time with Miles. She wanted him so badly. As he kissed her she felt her body melt in his arms. She remembered looking into his eyes as he pushed himself inside of her. Then she felt the pain her friends warned her about. She clawed at Miles’ back while he kissed her and the pain slowly washed away as it turned into pleasure.

  Eden didn’t know how much more she could endure today.

  Miles watched as Eden took off. He looked up at Miguel. “Are you happy now?”

  “Me? You’re the one who couldn’t keep his dick in his pants and seduced a sixteen-year-old.”

  Miles lost it and punched Miguel in the face.

  Alex jumped between them. “STOP THIS! STOP THIS NOW!”

  Miles backed up. “I’m out of here.”

  “Miles, wait.”

  “Why? What’s left to talk about?”

  “I want to go talk to Eden…alone.”

  “Eden? What makes you think she isn’t half way home by now?”

  “She’s out front. I can see her on the security camera.”

  Miles looked down at the display on Miguel’s wristwatch of Eden crying on the porch.

  “Don’t upset her any more than you already have.”

  Miguel walked around Miles and headed to the door.

  Miguel walked out onto the porch and sat down on the step above Eden placing a leg on each side of her.

  Eden looked down and could tell it was Miguel sitting behind her by his expensive Italian leather shoes. Her first thought was to get up and keep walking but before she had a moment to, Miguel wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the top of her head.

  “I am so very sorry, Eden. I’m a hot headed jerk. I need to realize that you’re not my baby sister anymore and…”

  “I will always be your baby sister no matter how old we get. But Miggy, you have to let me live my own life.”

  “I know but Eden are you sure…”

  “I love Miles and Miles loves me. We’ve secretly loved one another for twelve years. I know I should have told you, I tried so many times but I was so afraid, afraid that you’d behave just like you did. When I was younger I used to have nightmares that you’d find out and have Miles arrested or worse have him killed…”

  “Killed! Arrested most likely, but never killed. Eden, do you really think that little of me? I could never have someone killed.”

  “Miguel, you’ve killed people with your bare hands, why wouldn’t I think that? I was a sixteen-year-old who was scared to death of her brother.”

  “As much as I want to beat Miles senseless, I love him.”

  “I love him too. Miggy, he tried to talk me into leaving that night. I wouldn’t let up on him until he finally gave in. He didn’t know I was a virgin until the morning after when saw the dried blood on his leg. He was so upset with himself. Then he got angry with me…”

  “He didn’t hurt you did he?”

  “Not physically. He broke my heart though. I stupidly thought that after spending the night with him holding me in his arms that he was going to tell me that he loved me. Instead he was so angry at himself that he blew up and he told me that I had to leave, that our night together was a mistake.”

  “Oh Eden, I’m so sorry.”

  “I thought I would die. I had nobody to talk to. All I ever had were you and Miles and Miles was the problem and you couldn’t know.”

  Miguel squeezed Eden
in his arms. “That’s why you asked me to send you away to school?”

  “I needed to leave.”

  “Miles left too, he started going on crazy suicide missions. So how did you end up back together then?”

  “Miles left me voicemails and sent cards but I couldn’t bring myself to listen to them or open the envelopes. Finally, at my graduation Miles hugged me and whispered in my ear that he loved me. I pulled back and said, ‘whatever’, then he kissed me. Then he told me to listen to all of his messages and read his cards before he walked away.”

  “Did you still have them?”

  “I still do. He started by apologizing, then he would start each message or card with how many days it had been since he last heard my voice. He told me over and over again how sorry he was, how much he missed me and then after a while he started telling me that he loved me. After I read, listened and cried, I called Miles and we met and spent the weekend together in Vermont. Miles wanted to tell you about us but I begged him to stay quiet. We snuck around all summer until the night before I left for college. Miles came over and gave me an ultimatum…tell you or it was over. I was scared and angry. We had a fight and I left. We didn’t talk for a while but then he showed up at my dorm one night and…”

  “Eden, have you ever dated anyone else or were they just to cover up your relationship with Miles?”

  “I’ve dated and had sex with other men but nobody ever compared to Miles.”

  “Good because if he was cheating on you all those times that I saw him out with other women, I’d beat the fucking crap out of him.”

  “Until two weeks ago we’ve never been able to be a real couple.”

  “Because of me?”

  “No, because of me. I was too afraid to tell you. I thought that you’d hate me and Miles. I even turned down his marriage proposal a few months ago because I was still so afraid to lose you, Miggy.”

  “You’re not going to lose me…ever.”


  “I promise.”

  Miles paced back and forth waiting for Miguel and Eden to come back inside.

  “Miles, can I get you a drink?”


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