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Secrets & Lies (Undercover Love Series Book 2)

Page 4

by Michelle Iannarelli

“No thanks.”

  “Listen, Miguel is a stubborn man but he loves you and Eden. He just needs some time to settle down and then things will be back to normal around here.”

  “I’m not sure that Migs will ever really forgive me.”

  “He will, I promise.”

  Miles hugged Alex.

  “I’m going to go outside. I can’t wait any longer.”

  Miguel heard the front door open, he turned around and looked up at Miles.

  “Got room for me on those steps?”

  Eden looked up and nodded.

  It broke Miles’ heart to see her tear stained face. He sat down on the step next to Eden. He reached his hands up and with his thumbs he wiped away her tears.

  “No more tears, Princess.”

  Miguel released his hold on Eden and placed his hands in his lap.

  “I’m sorry that I…”

  “It’s ok. I know you were upset.” Miles kissed Eden on her forehead and then her lips.

  “Eden, do you think that Miles and I could have a few minutes to talk?”

  “No more secrets. Anything that you have to say, you can say it to both of us.” Miles grabbed hold of Eden’s hand.

  “Ok then. Umm, I know that you and Eden love each other and I need to accept that or I will lose you both. I don’t want to lose either of you. But I need some time, I’d be lying if I said that I’d forgiven you. What you both did…it hurt me.”


  “I know you wanted to tell me but even so, you didn’t.”

  “Eden is the only thing that I’ve ever lied to you about.”

  “And Miles is the only thing that I’ve ever kept a secret from you, Miggy.”

  “I believe you both. Like I said, I just need some time. I’m going to head inside now.” Miguel stood up.

  Miles and Eden stood up as well. Eden stepped up onto the step Miguel was on and she hugged him. “I love you, Miggy.”

  “I love you too.” Miguel pulled away and smiled down at Eden. “Do you want to have breakfast tomorrow?”

  Eden smiled. “I’d love that.”

  Miguel reached his hand out and shook Miles’ hand. “You take good care of her.”

  Miles nodded. “The best.”

  Miguel stood there as he watched Miles wrap his arm around Eden’s waist as they walked to their car. He turned to open the front door and Alex was standing there smiling at him.

  “I’m so proud of you. You did the right thing.”

  “I know but I still don’t know how I’m going to truly ever forgive them.”

  Alex hugged Miguel. “I think you just did. Now you just have to accept it.”

  MIGUEL SPENT THE LAST two weeks trying to train Dane to do Miles’ job. Although Dane was doing exactly what Miguel asked of him he would never be able to fill Miles’ shoes. Miguel needed to makes things right with Miles and get Dane back to his newly appointed position of Vice President of Secret Security.

  “Dane, can we talk for a minute?”

  “Sure Migs, what’s up?”

  “I want to thank you for everything you’ve done for the past few weeks but I think it’s time for you get back to Secret Security.”

  “Oh thank God. No offense Migs, but I’ll never be Miles and I hate being your bitch.” Dane chuckled.

  “It’s been that bad?”

  “Nah, just yanking your chain. So does this mean that Miles is coming back?”

  “I’m going to talk to him and if he is willing then yes.”

  “Well I wish you luck.”


  Dane walked out and Miguel picked up the phone to call Miles.

  Miles hung up the phone and walked into the kitchen to talk to Eden.

  “Hey Babe.”

  “Ready for round two?” Eden winked.

  Miles looked at her standing there in her tank top and thong. “As much as I’d love a round two and a three I can’t. Your brother called and asked me to come to the office to talk.”

  Eden walked over to Miles and grabbed his hand. “About us?”

  “He didn’t really say but the fact that he called gives me hope that maybe he’s forgiven me.”

  “Miles, I’m sorry this is all…”

  Miles reached his free hand up and placed it on Eden’s cheek. “No it isn’t your fault. Look, I’m going to go over there and see what’s up. I love you.” Miles kissed Eden.

  Eden pulled away and looked up at Miles. “I love you too. Call me after you finish talking to him.”

  “I’ll come by your office when I’m done.”

  Eden leaned up and gave Miles another kiss before he walked out.

  Faith and Alex were working out at the gym. Alex looked up and saw Faith staring and looking a bit upset. Alex looked in the direction Faith was looking and saw her brother lifting weights in the corner.


  “I know, you told me so.”

  “My brother just isn’t the settling down type. Don’t take it personally.”

  “I know and it’s my fault too. I knew and I let myself…”

  “Enough of this. Why don’t we go grab a shower and some coffee?”

  Faith nodded and gave Alex a half smile. “Ok.”

  Ryan and Zac finished working out and were headed to the showers when they ran into Alex and Faith.

  “Sis, hey.”

  Alex smiled and hugged her brother. “How have you been?”

  Ryan stepped back. “Ok. Hey, Faith.”

  Faith looked up. “Hi.”

  Zac was checking out Faith until she caught him staring at her. “Faith.” Zac nodded to her as he looked away.

  “Let’s go Alex.” Faith turned to walk away and Zac stepped in front of her.

  “Can we talk for a minute?”


  Zac walked a few feet away from Alex and Ryan and Faith followed.

  “I wanted to apologize. I’m a jerk.”

  Faith was not expecting an apology. “Yes, you were a jerk.”

  “I shouldn’t have listened to my male friends and I should have just gone with my gut and hired a good lawyer. I’m just so upset over the thought of losing my children.”

  Faith looked at Zac and she could see how genuinely upset he was. “I accept your apology and I wish you luck.” Faith turned to walk away.

  “Faith, would you reconsider being my lawyer?”

  “I’m not sure if that’s a good idea but I’d be happy to recommend someone.”

  “I was hoping to change your mind. Can I take you to dinner and perhaps we can discuss it further?”

  Faith wasn’t sure what to say. She felt bad for the guy but she wasn’t sure if he had a secret agenda. She was about to say no but then Ryan walked over and she found herself blurting out, “Yes, I will go to dinner with you.”

  Ryan looked at Faith and then Zac. “I’m going to hit the shower.” Ryan walked away.

  Zac smiled at Faith. “Great. I will meet you at Amore’s at seven.”


  Alex walked by Zac as he headed to the shower.

  “So what did he have to say?”

  “Well he apologized and then he asked me to be his lawyer. I said no but then he asked me to have dinner with him to talk and I was about to say no but then Ryan walked over and I blurted out that I would have dinner with him…so I guess now I am having dinner with Zac.”

  “Oh Faith.”

  “I know but at least I will get a free dinner.” Faith laughed.

  Miles arrived at Miguel’s office. Lacey spotted him walking towards her desk and she jumped up and hugged him.

  “Miles, oh how I have missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you too, Lacey.”

  “Miguel is waiting for you.”

  “Well wish me luck then.” Miles winked as he reached for Miguel’s door knob.

  Miguel looked up when he heard the door.

  “Miles, come in.”

  Miles walked over to Miguel’s
desk and extended his hand. Miguel shook his hand and then he sat down.

  “So what’s up?”

  Miguel looked down at his desk. “I’d like you to come back to work for me.”

  Miles smiled. If Miguel was willing to have him come back to work, then there was hope that they could repair their friendship.

  “I’d love to.”

  Miguel got up and walked around the desk. Miles stood up and expected Miguel to shake his hand but instead Miguel grabbed him and hugged him. “I’ve missed my best friend.”

  Miles smiled and hugged Miguel tighter. “I’ve missed mine too.”

  Dane came walking in and saw the two embracing. “Well, I guess this means I am off the hook!”

  Miguel and Miles turned around and looked at Dane who was smiling at them.

  “Yes, you are officially off the hook.” Miguel laughed.

  “Thank God.” Dane handed Miguel a folder.

  “What’s this?”

  “Bradford International.”

  Miguel handed the folder to Miles. “Start reading I have a conference call in five minutes.”

  Miles smiled. “Thanks, Migs.”

  Miguel nodded. “Welcome back, Bro.”

  FAITH HAD BEEN WORKING on Zac’s case for a month now and today was the day she had to prove her worth.

  Zac knocked at her door before walking in. “Ready?”

  Faith looked up and smiled. She had spent a lot of time with Zac lately and had come to realize that he wasn’t such a bad guy after all.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Good, because I can’t handle another night without my children.”

  “I can’t guarantee it but I am pretty confident that I’m going to get them back home to you where they belong.”

  “Thank you for giving me a second chance.”

  “Thank me after I win.” Faith picked up her briefcase and walked out the door with Zac following behind her.

  Ryan was walking down the hall when he heard what sounded like someone vomiting. He looked in the office on the right and it was empty so he popped his head in the office on the left and Eden was down on her knees with her head in the pail next to her desk.

  “Eden, are you alright?”

  Eden looked up from the pail as she grabbed for a tissue from her desk.

  “I think it was the sushi I ate for dinner last night. I’ve felt sick since…” Eden couldn’t finish her sentence before she began vomiting again.

  Ryan held her hair and rubbed her back until she stopped and then he helped Eden up and sat her in a chair.

  “I think I should take you to see a doctor.”

  “I’m ok.”

  “Eden, you don’t look ok.”

  Eden tried to stand up but she swayed and Ryan grabbed her. He put his arm around her and began walking her to the door. “I’m taking you to see a doctor.”

  Eden was feeling too weak and sick to protest.

  Miles and Miguel were in a business meeting when Miles got a text from Ryan saying that he was at the ER with Eden. Miles stood up to leave.

  “Excuse me.”

  Miguel grabbed Miles’ hand. “What’s going on?”

  “Eden’s at the ER, they think she may have food poisoning.”

  Miguel jumped up. “We need to reschedule this meeting. My sister is in the hospital.”

  “You stay; I will call you when I know something.”

  Miguel sat back down. As much as he wanted to go, he knew that Miles would take care of Eden.

  “Ok, keep me posted.”

  “I will.”

  Eden was feeling much better. The doctor gave her something for her nausea and was treating her for dehydration.

  “The doctor said I could come in and sit with you.”

  “I’m so sorry about all of this.”

  “So did the doctor say if it was the sushi or not?”

  “They’re running tests but they seemed to think that the sushi could be the culprit.”

  “Miles is on his way.”

  “Oh Ryan, you called…”

  “Yes he did.”

  Ryan stood up and patted Miles on the back as he walked out.

  Miles kissed Eden on the forehead. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m feeling much better now. The doctor gave me something for the nausea and I’ve stopped vomiting. They said once this IV is finished I can probably go home.”

  “What’s the IV for?”

  “I was dehydrated from vomiting.”

  Miles hugged Eden. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “Miles, I’m fine.”

  “Hello, I’m Dr. Mills.”

  Miles extended his hand. “Miles Dawson and this is my fiancée, Eden Cruz.”

  “Would you mind waiting outside while I speak to Miss Cruz?”

  Miles looked towards Eden. “I will be right outside.”

  Eden lifted her hand up towards Miles. “No, don’t go. Doctor, Miles is my fiancé and I’d like for him to stay.”

  “Ok, if that’s what you want.”

  Eden looked up at Miles and smiled. “It is.”

  “So we ran a bunch of tests and you definitely don’t have food poisoning.”

  “What is it then? What’s wrong with Eden?”

  “It seems that Eden is pregnant.”

  Eden’s eyes opened wide. “Pregnant?”

  Miles stood there blinking. “WOW!”

  The doctor looked between Eden and Miles who were blinking and staring. “I will give you two a few minutes and then I want to come back and do a sonogram.”

  Miles grabbed the doctor’s arm. “When is the baby due?”

  “We will know more after the sonogram but I’d say Eden is probably a few months along based on her hCG levels.”

  Miles looked over at Eden who was now looking down at the bed.

  “Hey, so we get married sooner than later.”

  A tear rolled down Eden’s cheek. “Miles…”

  Miles wiped away her tear. “You’re afraid that this isn’t my baby?”

  “I don’t want to lose you.”

  “Do you love me?”

  “Yes, you know I do.”

  “Then you and I will be this child’s parents no matter what.”

  Miles held Eden in his arms.

  Faith and Zac walked out of the courtroom and Zac grabbed Faith and hugged her.

  “How will I ever be able to thank you.”

  “Wait until you get my bill.” Faith smiled.

  Zac leaned over and crashed his lips down on hers. Faith pulled away and looked up at Zac.


  “I’ve wanted to do that since the day you called me out in my office.”

  “You have?”

  “I have.”

  Faith kissed Zac.

  Miguel came flying into Eden’s room and stopped in his tracks when he saw Eden crying.

  “What is it?”

  Eden looked up at Miguel and smiled. “I’m fine. Come here.”

  Miles stood up so that Miguel could get closer to Eden. “Why the tears?”

  “They’re happy tears.” Eden handed Miguel the picture from the sonogram.

  “You’re pregnant?”

  Eden nodded.

  Miguel looked over at Miles and then back at Eden. “I guess that means I’m going to be an uncle.” Miguel smiled.

  Relief washed over Eden and Miles. They were afraid that Miguel may not take the news so well since they were not married yet.

  “Uncle Miggy.” Eden smiled.

  “Congratulations, Man.” Miguel shook Miles’ hand.


  Miguel looked at Miles and knew something was wrong.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing is going on. I just want to take Eden home.”

  Eden looked at Miles. “Miles, I don’t want there to be any secrets.”

  “You promised…” Miguel looked between Eden and Miles.

.” Miles looked down at the floor.

  “Miggy, there was someone else before Miles and I…”

  Miguel turned and looked at Miles. “It’s not your baby?”

  Miles was visibly upset. “We don’t know yet. It’s too soon to tell.”

  “And you’re ok with that?”

  “I love Eden and no matter what, I will love this baby.”

  Miguel ran his hand through his hair. “You’re willing to raise someone else’s baby?”

  “It isn’t just someone else’s baby…it’s Eden’s baby.”

  “Miguel, why are you being a jackass?”

  “Eden, I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “The only person who is hurting me is you with your attitude about this. You’re supposed to be happy for me.”

  “I am. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s ok.” Miles wanted to say more but he didn’t want to upset Eden.

  Miguel knew if he stayed he would end up saying something he would regret so he decided to leave. “I’m going to get back to work. Miles, let me know if either of you need anything.”

  “Will do.”

  Ryan sat drinking at the bar. All he could hear over and over again in his head was Eden and Miles saying that she was pregnant and the baby may be someone else’s. He knew that he was the someone else. He didn’t want a child…not now and maybe not ever. Yet the thought of a child of his being raised by another man wasn’t something he thought he could live with either.

  Ryan stood up and headed for the door. His first thought was to call Alex but then he decided that telling her might put her in a bad position with Miguel. So he went to talk to the only other person he knew he could trust…Faith.

  Ryan knocked on Faith’s door twice before she answered. She was wearing a robe and her hair was a mess.

  Faith thought it was the pizza delivery guy at the door. She was shocked to see Ryan of all people standing there staring at her.

  “Did I wake you up?”

  “No. I, uh…have company.”

  Ryan immediately felt jealous. He turned to leave.

  “Ryan, wait. Why did you come?”

  “I found something out today and I needed to talk to someone.”


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