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The Fall of Lilith

Page 16

by Vashti Quiroz-Vega

  “Please do not oppose this. Allow yourself the pleasure of freedom.” Beelzebub leaned into him.

  Gabriel pushed him away. “No! What you say is blasphemy, and God condemns your actions. We swore an oath of celibacy. We were created to worship Him.”

  Beelzebub’s lower lip quivered as words crept their way out of his mouth. “Yes, but why should I be judged? I did not decide one brillante to love you this way. I did not have a choice––I do not have a choice.”

  Gabriel beheld his watery green eyes and hung his head.

  Seeing empathy and love in Gabriel’s face Beelzebub seized the moment and grabbed him by the arms, kissing him, as Lilith had taught him. Then he turned him to face away, embracing him from behind. Gabriel closed his eyes, giving in to his advances.

  Beelzebub nipped the nape of Gabriel’s neck and his shoulders, as though he were noshing on a scrumptious morsel. He passed his hands across his torso, cuddling, and fondling his chest.

  Gabriel was in a daze and, for the moment, rendered helpless with intense, giddy pleasure. Beelzebub spun him around to face him again and kissed his neck, while clutching a handful of his bouncy dark curls. Gabriel gazed upward as pleasure grew inside him.

  Beelzebub grabbed him and pushed him against the wall, while his hands worked their way to his lower body. He slid one hand around his torso and cupped a buttock. With the other he rubbed his groin. Gabriel was not prepared to guard himself against such forceful sensations of desire.

  “There are so many pleasures we can explore together,” he whispered, his mouth flush against Gabriel’s ear. His warm breath causing small bumps to develop across his body. The hairs on Gabriel’s arms and neck stood upright and he moaned as he experienced sensations and emotions he was never aware existed.

  “I know you find pleasure in what I do to you.” Beelzebub continued kissing and caressing him. “I sense it in the way your body responds to my touch.”

  “Yes, I experience much pleasure, but that does not make this right,” Gabriel said, breathless. “I beg you, end these reckless acts, for I do not have the strength to do so.”

  Beelzebub did not stop. Instead, he reached under his garment and continued to stroke his organ faster and steadier, making Gabriel shudder and pant.

  He pressed his mouth against his and kissed him over and over again. He caressed his face and neck with his lips and whispered promises of love and pleasure unimaginable. “In the new Floraison, we could be partners and lovers for all time. Think of all the enjoyment and exciting adventures we would have together.”

  He felt Gabriel’s heart flutter like the wings of a hummingbird against his chest.

  Spasms in the region between Gabriel’s thighs introduced an intense sensation of pleasure. He began to undergo involuntary body movements, and jolts of pleasure continued to rake his being.

  Moans and groans escaped Gabriel’s mouth followed by a euphoric expression across his face. Reddish spots appeared on his abdomen, throat, and chest. His breathing began to slow, as he grew calm.

  “Lucifer would be a great ruler. He would allow us to explore our feelings, and our bodies. He would––”

  “What words do you speak?” Gabriel stirred from his dream-like state. He raked his fingers through his tousled hair and stared at Beelzebub through brooding, half-opened eyes.

  “Lucifer is second only to God.” Beelzebub’s eyes were broad and bright, surprised by his abrupt change in demeanor. “With Lilith by his side and all the angels as his allies, he can become the Supreme Being in the new Floraison. Once Lucifer reigns here, all shall be different.”

  He held onto Gabriel’s shoulders as he attempted to get away. If he could not convince him to join in the rebellion, all of Lilith and Lucifer’s efforts to establish a new order would be worth nothing to him.

  “All I desire is for us to be free to love each other. I cannot imagine a new Floraison without you by my side.” He kissed Gabriel’s cheeks and forehead. “We would have access to the River of Life whenever it suited us. The planets would be ours to visit or rule. Things we dare not even think about now would be made reality. Oh Gabriel, everything shall be so wonderful once Lucifer becomes our new god.”

  Gabriel covered his face with the palms of his hands.

  “What is the matter?” Beelzebub continued to touch him and try to kiss him.

  “You have been deceived!” Gabriel grabbed Beelzebub’s busy hands and pushed them away from him. He wiped his face wet with tears and changed into spirit form and slipped from his grasp.

  “Their plans are ludicrous and shall never come to pass. Lucifer can never be God! There is only one God, and he cannot be replaced.” Gabriel hovered above the ground.

  “But, Lucifer is powerful, akin to God.”

  “Lucifer is powerful because God made him so. God created us all, and He can destroy us with a single word if He so chooses. Lucifer is but a speck of dust in comparison to God.” Gabriel clenched his fists. “I was weakened by you, and for that, I am ashamed and may never be forgiven. But before we both suffer the consequences of our actions, you must disclose all of Lilith’s plans to me.”

  Beelzebub rubbed his cheek while he gazed at the shimmering presence before him. He clenched his hands, rubbing his thumbs against each other. Then he began to pace, while Gabriel waited. He finally stopped and gazed at him.

  “I shall reveal all that I know, for I long to demonstrate my love to you.”

  He made known to Gabriel all of the plans Lilith had formulated for the revolt. Upon revealing everything, he clutched his chest and grimaced in pain. “My whole world is falling apart.” He dropped to his knees and wept in the bitter and hopeless way of children.

  Gabriel gazed at him with a pitying expression. “I do not intend to force you to come with me to face God’s judgment, but you know what you must do.” He left Beelzebub crumpled on the ground and went forth to search for Michael and Raphael. He needed to convey this revelation to the Archangels and Powers.


  Gabriel found Michael and Raphael at Guidance Park, practicing their wrestling skills. He floated just above the ground toward them.

  They stopped wrestling when they caught sight of him approaching them in spirit form. They rose to their feet and stared at him. They had seen Gabriel in spirit form twice before, but only for brief moments.

  “My brothers, I have sinned, and I fear the fitting punishment for me is death.” Returning to the flesh, he fell at their feet.

  Michael and Raphael glanced at each other and appeared startled by his behavior. Gabriel lay on the ground, guilt and remorse contorted his features.

  “Gabriel, you must reveal to us what has happened.” Michael squatted to speak to him face to face. “I have only seen you brimming with joy, while you sang and played your musical instruments, taught other angels, and enjoyed nature with friends. I am concerned to see you this way.”

  “Yes, please enlighten us. Michael and I shall try to help you.” Raphael stared at him.

  “I am beyond your help.” Gabriel’s voice quavered between sobs. “These tears, which sting like bees, serve no purpose but to show my guilt.”

  “God is merciful. He shall forgive you if you are remorseful.” Michael glanced at Raphael.

  “We shall take you to God’s throne room.” Michael rose to his feet and extended his hand. “There you may confess your sins to God. He is all knowing, and if you are repentant, he shall recognize it and judge you accordingly.”

  Gabriel gasped and wheezed. When he clambered to his feet his legs faltered and he fell to his knees. Michael and Raphael helped him stand and stood on each side of him to offer support.

  Gabriel kept hold of them. “This is the second time I permitted Beelzebub to touch me in ways forbidden. I am indeed remorseful for allowing him to have his way with me and for feeling carnal desires,” he said under his breath.

  Michael squeezed his brow and stared at his haunted face.

  “My biggest fea
r is to be in God’s presence. I am not worthy, but instead, too impure.” Gabriel glanced at his friends through his tears, and divulged all that had taken place in the atrium, and also on the shores of Lake Serena. He also disclosed what Beelzebub had revealed to him about the plans to overthrow God so that Lucifer could rule Floraison as a god with Lilith as his goddess queen.

  Michael stared before him for a long moment and then looked at Gabriel. “It is difficult to accept that Lucifer is involved in this foolish plan.” His voice was soft, and a bit strained, like someone had punched him in the gut and he was still recovering. “I trust you in every respect, I am not sure I can trust Beelzebub. Lucifer would never turn against God. It is impossible.”

  They stared ahead, immobile for a while. Michael became ashen. “We must go now,” Michael informed Gabriel after a short while. “You must confess all to God.” He glanced at Raphael, whose harrowing expression conveyed that he, too, understood the repercussions if all Beelzebub had divulged to Gabriel was true. They flanked Gabriel as they began heading to God’s throne room.

  “God himself shall judge you,” Michael said.

  Chapter 17

  Betrayed by Love

  Lilith headed toward her favorite place in the atrium. When she arrived at her secret corner, she found Beelzebub there, curled into a ball, bawling.

  “Beelzebub! What are you doing here? You know this is my favored place. Why are you—” She stopped yelling upon seeing his demeanor.

  She moved closer to get a better look at him. He lifted his doleful eyes. Beelzebub’s face was red and wet and his eyes were bloodshot and swollen.

  Lilith’s eyes, sparkling with energy, narrowed with suspicion. She began to tremble. Her jaw dropped and she gulped air.

  “What did you do?” She grasped a handful of his hair and jerked his head. “Tell me––what have you done?”

  “It is too late for all of us.” Beelzebub wept in his hands. “Your plan to place Lucifer in control of Floraison has failed.”

  “What are you saying? Inform me at once.” She clenched her jaw.

  “I told Gabriel everything.” Gloom etched his face as he confessed. Suddenly he giggled jarringly, making her jump.

  Lilith glared and rushed him grabbing more of his hair. She yanked his head forward to meet her angry stare. He screamed.

  “How could you do such a thing?” Lilith had a wild expression in her eyes which made her look dangerous. “Why would you betray us?”

  He dissolved in fits of uncontrollable nervous laughter. “I love him! I could not imagine a new Floraison without Gabriel by my side. I was certain he would fight with us and be mine forever.”

  “You fool!” She released his hair and threw his head backward in the process.

  “You do not understand. I cannot control my feelings for him—the yearning for his kisses and touches. Even if my feelings for him are wicked, they are still there. They shall always be there!” Beelzebub rocked, and his wings vibrated. He tittered while tears erupted from his eyes.

  Lilith glowered at him. She shrieked and grabbed a nearby chair and threw it against the wall. Her entire body trembled. A thick fog surrounded her, and she could not see her way through.

  “I am still not convinced Gabriel shall not change his mind and join us,” Beelzebub said, in a soft, frail voice. “He was affected by the things I told him. He never heard such words spoken by anyone before. I know he loves me. He did not betray me to Michael when I laid hand on him by Lake Serena. Gabriel shall not be disloyal to me.”

  Lilith stared at him in wonder. She clenched her hand and held it tight against her mouth and closed her eyes for a moment. “You are a ridiculous buffoon, and have condemned us all.” She ran in search of Lucifer.

  Beelzebub trembled and convulsed once more gasping and sobbing.


  Lilith pierced the sky with her four wings. She knew she would find Lucifer at Triumph Gardens, for they had scheduled a meeting there. She had to inform him of Beelzebub’s betrayal. Together they would determine what to do next. There was no doubt in her mind that Gabriel was at that moment confessing all to the Archangels. They had to prepare for what was to come.

  Triumph Garden was a place for inspiration and meditation, with towering evergreens and majestic oaks. Assorted blossoms combined to create a vast palette of colors. Cheerful yellow daisies, exotic blue and pink orchids, and vivid tulips, among other flowers, created the perfect atmosphere for smiles to abound. The air was perfumed with their lingering fragrances. Scenic ponds decorated by buoyant water lilies reflected the colorful showy plants and graceful, blooming trees.

  The scent of frangipani, sweet peas, and violets embraced the angels as they sat on the soft grass and discussed their lessons. Celestial musicians sat underneath magnolia trees to sing songs of praise and play their instruments.

  The garden was one of Gabriel’s favorite places in Floraison, ideal for learning about nature, from delicate buds to the most extraordinary plants. At present, Lucifer used this regal place of inspiration and education for scheming and enlisting rebel angels.

  When Lilith found him, he was discussing conquest plans with Samael, Dagon, Fornues, and Gadreel, whom he had assigned as generals of their rebel army.

  “It has begun!” Her face was pale and she clenched her teeth so tightly her jaw muscles visibly bulged.

  “Lilith! What is the matter? What has begun?” Lucifer rushed to her.

  “War is upon us.” Lilith swallowed hard. “They know––Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel know our plans to revolt.”

  “Impossible!” Lucifer said.

  “Misguided by lust, Beelzebub thought he could convince Gabriel to join us in the rebellion. He revealed everything to him. He was wrong in trusting him to hold his tongue, and I am certain Gabriel has already gone to Michael and told him of our plans,” Lilith said. “By now, I have no doubt the others have been informed of our treachery, and soon the Power angels shall come for us.”

  Lucifer lowered his head, and paced, raking his fingers through his hair.

  Some of the angels involved in the rebellion heard Lilith and burst into panicked chatter.

  Gadreel took Lilith’s hand and spoke in an undertone. “The angels are beginning to unravel, and look at Lucifer, he is crumbling. You must be strong and set things right. Otherwise, we are doomed.”

  Lilith closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Moving forward is our best option.” She looked at Gadreel. “If we surrender now, we would be judged and destroyed. There is yet hope for us to win. My words have always been a powerful influence on Lucifer. I shall use them now to convince him that our plans are irrefutable and we can win this war in spite of everything.”

  Gadreel smiled and exhaled in relief.

  Lilith proceeded to Lucifer and whispered in his ear, “We must stay strong and focused. Only cowards are full of doubts. It is too late to change our direction now.”

  “We are not yet prepared,” Lucifer said, avoiding her stare. “I knew eventually the Archangels and Powers would learn of our campaign, but it is too soon. We do not have enough rebels. We are not strong enough to go against Michael and the others yet. We need more time.”

  “Enough! Time is a convenience we no longer have. It is now or never.” Frustrated by his vanquished attitude, she pulled him by the arm and took him away from the other angels, who gawped at them as they argued.

  “You must show strength and leadership now more than ever.” Lilith pointed at the generals. “The rebels are frightened. They look to us to give them courage.”

  Lucifer indicated agreement and took a deep, reinforcing breath. He strolled toward his officers with his head held high and his broad chest expanded.

  He cleared his throat. “It is true that Michael gained knowledge of our plans sooner than expected, but this is something for which we have been preparing. The fact we were revealed earlier than anticipated means we have to work twice as fast and twice as hard to reach our goals, but
it does not mean failure is imminent. We shall not fail!”

  The angels surrounding him grinned and cheered. Gadreel bounced on her heels and smiled at Lilith.

  Lilith stepped forward. “We must prepare to hit them hard with destructive force and fervor, such as they have never seen or imagined. We must stir fear into their hearts and weaken their spirits. That is how we shall win!”

  The rebels cheered even louder. Lucifer gazed at her with admiration, and stood by her and leaned toward her ear. “How could I have doubted? With you by my side, victory is at hand.”

  Chapter 18

  Judgment Day

  On their way to the throne room, Michael and Raphael recruited Cam, Hashmal, Esar, Raquel, and Jetrel, and now they knelt beside Gabriel as they awaited God’s response. They prayed the portal to Metá Heaven be opened so that they may gain entrance and be granted His divine presence. At last, God spoke in their minds.

  Ye may enter, for I have been expecting thee.

  Gabriel’s knees faltered. Michael caught him and prevented his fall. “God’s voice fills my heart with sorrow for having sinned against Him.” Gabriel wept.

  In the throne room, Gabriel kneeled before God’s light and placed his chest and forehead on the ground. He hid his face in his hands. He trembled and between sobs confessed his sins to Him, in the presence of all his friends.

  Gabriel revealed to them what Beelzebub had confided in him about the rebellion plotted by Lilith and led by Lucifer. The witnesses grew pallid, their jaws dropped as they gawked at each other.

  Upon hearing Gabriel’s words, Jetrel’s face twisted in disgust. Raquel covered her gaping mouth. Esar’s lips moved but he could not find words. Hashmal remained silent with his mouth shut tight, his gullet emanating an amber glow. Flame finally escaped his nostrils, while Cam clenched his jaw.

  “My Father, what of Gabriel?” Michael waited, as did the others, to hear the fate of their dear friend.


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