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The Fall of Lilith

Page 17

by Vashti Quiroz-Vega

I shall grant thee forgiveness, Gabriel, for thou art remorseful and thou art without malice. However, great was thy sin, and thou must suffer the consequences of thine acts.

  As God spoke, the angels were motionless, and Gabriel held his breath awaiting his punishment.

  Gabriel, thou shall remain a spirit for the rest of days. Thou shall no longer be able to take on physical form or experience the sensations of the flesh, since it weakens thee so. This shall be thy castigation.

  After God imparted his judgment, He gave Michael and all present a list of the rebel angels. God embedded this list of names in their intellects so they might never forget those who defied Him and waged war against the lowest realm of Heaven and virtuousness.

  He instructed Michael and his righteous brethren to gather all the holy angels in Guidance Park. There would be divinely consecrated battle gear in the park for each angel whose name did not appear on the list of rebels.

  Once the holy angels were assembled in the park, the entrance would be sealed, and one by one, the angels would step into the River of Life to be prepared for battle.

  Rise to thy feet, Gabriel, and position thyself by thine holy brethren.

  God summoned the angels in the throne room, one after another, and they went forth. He gave them each an extraordinary weapon, divinely inspired and created for them.

  He presented Michael with a golden spear, beautiful and lightweight, fast as lightning and impossible to dodge. A net made of an indestructible rope, which rendered the captive paralyzed when covered by it, God gave to Raphael. Cam received a sword. When drawn, the blade blazed with fire and could cut through anything—even rock and metal.

  Jetrel obtained an unstoppable silver lance. When aimed and flung, the lance would not cease until it impaled the intended target. The Almighty granted Hashmal complete domination of his ability to emit fire from his mouth and also enhanced his talent. Like a fire-breathing giant, he would be able to annihilate multiple groups of the enemy.

  Esar was given full command of his shifting abilities. God made it so Esar could shift into a fully formed, enormous mammal or into a small insect, at will. Raquel’s intelligence and intuition were already powerful weapons, but God gave her a mace, a strong wooden shaft reinforced by metal with a round stone head. The slightest contact with the weapon’s stone head would render an enemy confused, disoriented, and susceptible to her bidding.

  Gabriel did not receive a weapon. In spirit form, he was able to become invisible to the eye and transcend physical barriers. God did, however, grant him something.

  Gabriel since thou art the spirit of Truth, I shall grant one of thy instruments, thy horn, special powers, so that whosoever hears it shall have no option but to speak the truth.

  He informed the holy angels in his midst, that in Guidance Park they would receive new green and gold uniforms to symbolize their unity.

  Chapter 19

  Enemy Spy

  In no time, Guidance Park began to fill with those who were not on God’s list of corrupt angels. The large, carved wooden doors would soon be sealed so no one could enter or depart.

  Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, and Jetrel were situated at different locations along the riverbank, and together they began to guide the faithful angels into the River of Life. The angels submerged in the pure water and were exhilarated and restored by its powers. One by one, the angels came forth from the river, drenched in its potent water, feeling strong, focused and ready for battle. Raquel, Hashmal, Esar, and Cam handed them their green and gold war garments to change into.

  God appointed Michael supreme commander of His consecrated army. His role was to manage and command the entire army of holy angels. Michael appointed Raquel as his chief advisor and Raphael, Gabriel, Cam, Jetrel, Hashmal, and Esar as chief officers of their legions. They in turn appointed junior officers to help them organize and command the troops.

  Together with Michael and Raquel, the six chief officers planned and directed strategies. The forces of holy angels were organized, well trained, equipped with holy weapons provided by God, and strengthened by the pure waters of the River of Life. Michael discussed war strategies with his chief officers, while the holy angels prepared themselves for battle.

  Beelzebub was still shaken by the discord between him and Gabriel and his confrontation with Lilith. He was on his way to Guidance Park to hide in his place of refuge and think, when he noticed hordes of angels hurrying past him to enter the park.

  Beelzebub stopped and peered at the groups of angels entering the park with a quizzical expression. As a rule, only a limited number of angels visited the park at one time. This ensured plenty of space for the angels there to spar and exercise. However, on this day it seemed all of Floraison’s angels were gathering at the park, except for him and his friends.

  Only on rare occasions had Beelzebub seen so many angels congregate in the park at once. “I have not heard Hashmal or Michael announce an assembly,” he said in an undertone.

  Beelzebub snuck into the park, he ran along the perimeter to avoid being seen by Michael or any of the other Archangels, Powers, or Dominions. He managed to creep past everyone, since the angels were near the center and directed to make their way into the River of Life. He made it to the Divina Waterfall. Once there, he blended with the plants growing wildly on either side of the waterfall and disappeared behind the cascades.

  He slunk into the long, narrow cave in Mount Verve.

  Once inside he grinned and exhaled. When he had found the cave long ago he placed more rocks in strategic places to cover the entrance. Since then, vines and other climbing plants had grown, wrapping themselves on the rocks and across the entrance, concealing it. Unless one knew the entrance was there, it would be impossible to find.

  Beelzebub had never told anyone about the cave, not even Lilith. “Who knew that all the times I came here to daydream about Gabriel, to think, or to spy on unsuspecting angels who entered the park and sat by the falls, conversing without knowing I overheard their words was in preparation for this day?” He wore a scornful grin.

  “Once more I shall use this place to spy on Michael and the others, for I am certain something of great importance shall be revealed in Guidance Park from which my friends and I were excluded.”

  He anticipated Michael would stand on the large rock next to Divina Waterfall, since he had seen him use the same rock as a platform on many occasions to address large groups of angels. And indeed, Michael took his place on the large, flat rock and addressed all the legions now standing in formation in front of him.

  “Michael is so predictable, and that is one of his weaknesses.” He giggled.

  Beelzebub scanned the park. “Michael’s troops are well organized.” He frowned. “They stand in tight formation, wearing green and gold armor as they wait for him to speak.” He paid attention.

  Michael beckoned his chief officers. “Hashmal, fire-breathing chief of the Dominions, come forth and stand beside me. Raphael, Seraph, Power, and Archangel with the power to heal; Gabriel, Virtue and Archangel, possessing the spirit of honesty with his Horn of Truth; Jetrel, fierce Power angel bearing her lance, which cannot miss; Esar the shifter, Throne angel and living symbol of God’s justice; and Raquel, Dominion, an angel of leadership with her mace in hand––come forth. I ask that you stand beside me and before Floraison’s army and serve as inspiration.”

  The chief officers climbed the rocky platform and stood on either side of Michael and faced the troops of holy angels.

  “God has summoned you here to this unexpected gathering because we face an astonishing danger,” Michael began to the wide-eyed stares of the holy angels. “Since the beginning, we have been training for combat, not knowing when or against whom we would battle. We all remained faithful that in the future we would come to understand the need for our intense training. On this brillante and on the eighteenth year of our existence you shall get the answers you seek.”

  Guidance Park became silent, as each angel hung on Michael’s
every word.

  “A group of rebellious angels we once called friends have chosen to turn against God and his faithful followers.” The troops huffed in disbelief.

  Beelzebub gasped. “This could only mean one thing––Gabriel betrayed me! He must have informed Michael about everything.” His legs faltered and he collapsed to his knees. He shook, gasping for air and sobbing. He rubbed his chest. “What is this fire that has ignited within my core?” Agony unlike anything he ever experienced before overwhelmed him.

  “Lilith was right all along. Gabriel never loved me.” He wiped his tears and continued to eavesdrop with conviction.

  “I shall listen and observe all that comes to pass in Guidance Park. Then I shall deliver the information to Lilith. The rebels would have no choice but to forgive me for past wrongdoings, for the information I shall deliver would give them the advantage.” He gulped and listened.

  “God has given me and those standing by my side a list with the names of the rebel angels.” Michael stepped forward. “We know that Lilith instigated the rebellion, and Lucifer, swayed by her wiles, has taken leadership of this campaign.”

  There was uproar in the park, and Michael paused and observed the reaction of the crowd. There were many shocked and confused faces, and he allowed them ample time to absorb the outrageous and distressing facts he had given them.

  Many angels yelled and moaned in grief. Others ranted to one another, asking a multitude of questions. Some gasped for air and stood motionless, while others covered their mouths and their ears, shaking their heads in disbelief. A myriad of angels wept for the first time.

  Michael beckoned Hashmal to come forth. “You must calm the troops, for you have a gift for handling dissent with a calm and logical mind.”

  Hashmal stepped forward. “This is not an occasion for disharmony.” Bolts of lightning erupted from his mouth. The troops quickly returned to formation and became silent. They stared at the powerful angel. “We must listen to every word Michael voices, for he is proclaiming God’s will.”

  He faced Michael and signaled him to continue his discourse. Michael smiled and gave him a nod of recognition as he stepped forward once more.

  “We must come together and build unity in an era of upheaval,” Michael said. “Time is the most limited asset we have available to us, so it must be used well. I understand the truths I have provided are astounding and upsetting to you, as they were to us, but we do not have time to lament. We must prepare and be strong in God’s name.”

  The holy angels listened and contained their many emotions.

  “I shall read the list God has provided us of the angels involved in the rebellion. Remember these names and embed them in your minds for all time.”

  Michael read the names on the list starting with Lilith and Lucifer. Each name astonished one angel or another.

  Raquel’s face paled upon hearing Dagon’s name being called. “How could Dagon be involved in a rebellion against God?” Tears flooded her face.

  Although Beelzebub knew it would be on the list, when he heard his name called aloud, he gripped his head, and swayed a moment before fainting. When he regained consciousness he sat balled on the ground, rubbing his temples with the thick part of his palms and wept.

  Michael finished reading the list, and the park was still and quiet. He observed the motionless angels for a moment and then proceeded.

  “Our mission is to capture the rebels named on God’s list. We shall seek and find this enemy. They must come before God to be judged and punished. We have all we need to get this task done right here in Guidance Park. The chief officers you see standing by my side and I shall develop a course of action.

  “In the meantime, each of you shall choose a weapon and become familiar with it. When I issue the order, we shall have battle drills and troop rehearsals. Afterward, you shall fall into battle formation and await further instructions. When everyone has selected their weapon of choice, the junior officers shall gather their troops and organize training exercises and sparring sessions to ensure all warriors master combat techniques with the weapons they have chosen. You may go procure your weapons.”

  The angels dispersed to choose their armaments.

  Beelzebub pressed his cheeks between his hands. His eyes were wide. “I cannot believe it has come to this. Floraison’s army prepares to wage war against us. It is time I warn the others.” He jumped to his feet and ran along the cave’s long passage to exit Guidance Park and warn Lilith and Lucifer of what was to come.

  Chapter 20

  Plan of Attack

  Beelzebub hurried to the other opening of the cave that led out of Guidance Park. He flew to Triumph Gardens where Lucifer, his generals, and rebels often met. When he entered the garden, he searched for Lilith. He spotted Dagon and Fornues and ran to them.

  “Dagon, Fornues.” Beelzebub gasped and panted. “Where is Lilith?”

  Dagon scowled at him. “How dare you show your face here?”

  Fornues stepped forward, looking incredulous.

  Beelzebub saw the look of hatred in their eyes, and he trembled and panted. “I know you think I have betrayed the cause, but it was not my intention. I have come now to make amends.”

  “How is it you plan to atone?” Dagon stomped toward him.

  Fornues also drew near. Beelzebub retreated, bit by bit. He extended his arms before him.

  “Surrender your life! It is the only way you shall ever make amends for your actions,” a ferocious voice roared from the distance. Lucifer rushed toward him. Samael and Gadreel accompanied him.

  Dagon charged Beelzebub, knocking him to the ground. He wrapped his large hands around his neck and squeezed.

  “How could you ever atone for condemning us to endless suffering?” Dagon squeezed harder. “Rebelling against God has a penalty worse than death!”

  Beelzebub’s mouth moved, but Dagon had a tight grip around his throat and he could only gurgle. Lucifer glowered at him as he watched Dagon attempt to take his life. Gadreel clenched her hands into fists.

  “Release him,” Lilith said. “We may need to hear what he has to say.”

  Dagon released his grip and withdrew grudgingly. He pointed at Beelzebub. “I shall finish this.”

  Beelzebub suffered a coughing fit. He wheezed and gasped. He cleared his throat and struggled to sit up.

  “I have a secret place where I go to be alone with my thoughts, just as you do, Lilith.” Beelzebub’s voice was gruff as he fixed his eyes on her.

  “How is this important to our cause?” Samael said. Lilith lifted her hand and silenced him.

  “Go on, but remember we do not have much time.” Lilith appeared composed.

  “My secret place is a cave in Mount Verve, and it is located behind the Divina Waterfall in Guidance Park.”

  Lilith’s gaze bore into Beelzebub’s face. Lucifer raised an eyebrow. Dagon frowned. Samael listened. Fornues and Gadreel looked confused.

  “What cave is this? And why don’t I know of it?” Lilith moved forward.

  “There is no such cave at the base of Mount Verve. He lies!” Samael sucked his teeth and kicked a pebble on the ground.

  “That is of no importance now.” Beelzebub stared at Lilith. She glared at him as he continued. “Today I watched as all of Floraison’s angels, except the rebels, entered Guidance Park, summoned by Michael. Once there, I observed them being instructed to form lines and march into the River of Life.”

  Lilith kept eye contact.

  “Michael stood on his usual platform rock in front of Divina Falls and read a list of names to all the angels present. God Himself gave this list to him, and my name was on it, as well as yours, Lilith and Lucifer’s.” Beelzebub gestured to them. “This list comprised the names of all the rebel angels. Michael’s objectives are to capture us and place us before God for judgment.”

  Lilith and Lucifer glanced at each other, feigning valor. Gadreel caught her breath and used both hands to cover her mouth. Dagon closed his eyes lo
oking pale. Samael tried to conceal his trembling hands.

  “What were you expecting?” Lilith scowled at the surrounding angels. “This is what we have been preparing for!”

  “We must get all rebels assembled here at once,” Lucifer said.

  “The majority of the rebel angels are already here. We must organize them and get them ready for combat,” Lilith told him in an undertone.

  They gathered the angels already in the garden. It did not take long for Samael, Dagon, Fornues, and Gadreel to return with the remaining rebels, for they knew time was of the essence.

  Lilith found a large, flat rock she and Lucifer could use as a platform, as she had seen Michael do many times. She called Lucifer and his generals to stand with her on the platform. She stood to the right of Lucifer and Samael on his left. Gadreel positioned herself next to Samael, and Lilith called Beelzebub to stand next to her. Dagon and Fornues also took their places as generals on the dais.

  “The event we have been preparing for has arrived. War in Floraison has begun.” Lucifer’s voice was controlled and pleasant. The impressive angel stood massive in size, his six large wings outstretched, and he glowed with stellar brightness. “Although the war has come sooner than anticipated, we are well prepared for battle. Michael hoped, with his army of holy angels, to hunt us like beasts and place us in God’s presence to be judged and punished, but this shall not come to pass!”

  The rebel angels cheered.

  “We shall prevail, and cast those against us out of Floraison. We have new information that shall make this campaign a success.” Lucifer grinned and gazed at Lilith.

  She stepped forward and looked at the rebels. “We have a clear advantage over Michael’s holy angels. Any laws established by the previous authority do not bind us. This means we can do anything we desire. We shall be cruel, vicious, and without mercy. We have the element of surprise. Let us take the battle to them and win Floraison for ourselves!” Lilith grinned as the crowd roared.


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