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Steel Crew : Books 1-3 (Steel World Box Set Book 7)

Page 17

by Mj Fields

  Then she hugs me.

  The next knock on the door has me really fucking nervous.

  When David opens it and Bella is standing there, I see her smile fall.

  “Something we can help you with?”

  “Wrong room,” she says then turns around and walks away.

  Mara steps back and wipes her eyes. “Will she ever get a fucking clue?”

  When I don’t say anything, Mara looks up.

  “Oh, hell no. Please do not tell me you’re fucking—”

  “Oh, go fuck yourself, Mayhem. Fuck him, and fuck this show you’re ruining, too. I quit.” Then she storms down the hall.

  I smile, and Mara’s eyes widen as she shakes her head back and forth. “That’s a hard no.”

  “That’s something I never thought I deserved, Mara. And I really need to go after her, so if we’re done here …”

  “Go, you idiot,” she groans. “Go get Sally Sunshine.”

  I walk toward the hall as Mara yells after me, “And hey, don’t fuck up the fact she just quit. Her being gone is going to be a dream come true.”

  “She goes, I’m going.” I head out the door.

  That’s a wrap


  Bang, bang, bang.

  “Bella, open the door.”

  I don’t say anything; I just peel off my dress, kick off my heels, and crawl into the bed I should’ve never gotten out of because everything sucks today, even gummy bears, and I love gummy bears.

  Bang, bang, bang.

  “Don’t be such a pussy. Let him in.”

  I jump out of bed and rush to the door, fling it open and see her back. “You have something to say, Scare-vira, come say it to my face!”

  She turns around.

  “Honey, you’re the least of my issues.”

  “You have no idea what I’m made of.” I start to walk toward her when one big, stupid arm wraps around my waist and carries me into my room.

  “Sweets, we don’t act like that.” He drops me onto the bed.

  I sit up and push him. “Go back to your room. Go be with them.”

  He pulls off his shirt. “I’m fucking drained. I’m going to bed. You’re coming with me. Big spoon, little spoon style.”

  “Like I want you in my bed, you giant asshole.”

  He reaches out and grabs me as I try to walk past him.

  “I’m not playing, Tags. I’m done. I won’t deal with—” He kisses me, and I finish my sentence against his stupid, pillow-soft lips. “—you.”

  He squats down. “She signed the papers. She’s got some issues.”

  I laugh. “Really?”

  “Mental health shit, Bella. She isn’t gonna try to take my girl. Everything I set out to accomplish here is done.”

  I feel my bottom lip push out.

  “And sweets, I am so fucking tired, and I know you must be, too, so can we sleep?”

  “Why was she in your room?”

  “To give me the papers, Bella. And you’re pissing me off, because I know you know how I feel about you. Tomorrow is a month; one month ago, I had the moon and was ready to set the world on fire so she never knew it could be dark. But then the sun came into that shop, and I didn’t wanna burn it down anymore, just light it up. No fighting, no second-guessing my intentions, no fucking gummies, because you’re a pain in the ass and, sweets, no more pushing her buttons. I know she does it to you, babe, but please, for Luna, just ignore it.”

  I step back, walk around him, and climb up onto the bed.

  When I feel him slide under the covers then wrap his arms around me to drag me back against him, I finally let out a breath.

  “You better now?” he whispers against the back of my head.

  “I think I’m still fucked up.”

  He laughs. “Tomorrow’s a new day.”

  “It is. And now that she knows, you can eat breakfast with the family.”

  “Sounds like fun.” He rolls me onto my back. “Hey, Bella?”

  My pulse accelerates, and I hold my breath as I wait for him to say three words, three words that I’ve heard but never from the right man.

  He kisses my nose. “I really like you a lot.”

  “Stating for the record that is the first time you’ve let me down in bed.” I roll back to my side, and he laughs against my shoulder. “But tomorrow’s a new day, he says.”

  He chuckles. “Tomorrow’s a new day.”

  I hear feet shuffling before I open my eyes. When I inhale, I smell him, but I also smell Dad’s cologne.

  I roll to my side and open my eyes. Looking beside me, I see he’s gone.

  I sit up and look at Dad. “What did you do with him?”

  “Good morning, Little Bella; how are you feeling?” Dad sits on the end of the bed. “High?”

  I scoot off the bed and see Carly coming out of the bathroom.

  “You’re awake.” She hugs me. “Your boyfriend called and asked if he could take us to breakfast.”

  “So, he is alive.” I scowl at Dad.

  He scowls back. “For now.”

  Carly sighs. “Jase, you are a forty-year-old man, not a twelve-year-old boy.”

  “I’m all man, baby. You remember last night? I was a man … all night long.”

  “Oh my God, do not do this to me.” I cover my ears.

  “You fell asleep after one go.”

  He raises his eyebrows. “You sure about, that baby?”

  Carly smirks then looks back at me. “Your father thinks if he talks about sex in front of you, it’ll make you not want to have it.”

  “Well, I didn’t have it last night, so—”

  He jumps up. “Okay, fine! Go get ready, for fuck’s sake.”

  Walking into the restaurant, I see him freshly showered, arms bulging and veiny. Clearly, he’s been to the gym this morning. For someone who hates to work out, I am definitely becoming a fan of the daily grind.

  I smile as my steps quicken, walking toward him.

  He stands up and holds out his hand as I get closer. Then he pulls me in and gives me a hug, kissing my cheek. “Welcome to our new day, Bella.”

  “Looks like a whole lot of fun.”

  He cups my cheeks and tilts my head back, looking in one eye then the next. “Thank God they’re back. They were starting to remind me of my ex—”

  I slap him in his rock-hard abs, knowing it doesn’t hurt him one bit, but he plays it off like it does.

  “Ouch, sweets. That hurt”—he grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles—“your hand.” Then he steps back when I playfully swing again.

  Laughing, he pulls out a chair. “Have a seat.”

  I step to sit, and Dad does instead.

  “Thanks, cupcake.”

  Tags smiles and shoves Dad’s chair in. “No problem, Daddy.”

  Carly and I smirk at each other.

  He pulls out the chair next to Dad’s. “Carly, have a seat.”

  “What a gentleman.” She smiles, sits next to Dad, and then looks up. “Remember to keep doing things like pulling out chairs when you’ve been married as long as the old man and I have.”

  “You need me to turn up the swoon, baby, I’ll turn it up so hot you can’t handle it.”

  I watch him look at her and can’t help smiling.

  “Have a seat, Bella.” Tags gestures for me to slide into the booth. Then he slides in beside me.

  “Did you have a good workout?” I ask.

  “Next time you go to the gym, I’d love to join you.” Dad smiles a tight-lipped, antagonistic smile.

  “What’s your pleasure?” Tags asks, his eyes smiling.

  Dad’s jaw twitches.

  “They have a beginners yoga class if you want to start out easy.”

  I have to look away from Dad, because I’m sure he’s turning purple and steam is rolling out of his ears.

  “That was a joke. You’re a big dude. You have a mean right hook. You love Bella, and you hate that you think I’m gonna take her away, of that I’m
gonna hurt her. Neither are true.”

  Dad nods.

  Just over Dad’s shoulder, I see David and Mara walking toward us.

  “Oh, for the love of peace and tranquility,” I mumble as I lift my water glass to my lips.

  “I invited them.”

  I nearly choke on the water. “You what?”

  “Trust me, sweets.” As he stands, he kisses the top of my head.

  “Morning, David, Mara. Thanks for joining us.”

  I look at Dad and Carly, who look as surprised as I do.

  “Have a seat.”

  Once everyone is seated, Tags looks at them. “I think it would be best for the show if I’m the one who goes this week.”

  “What? No. No way,” I tell him. “If you leave, so do I.”

  “We haven’t met yet, but I’m Jase Steel, Isabella’s father. And this is my wife Carly.” Dad stands and shakes David’s hand then … hers.

  “Very nice to meet you,” David says, sitting back down.

  He looks at Tags. “I agree.”

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “What’s best for everyone.” He shrugs.

  I look at Mara, who rolls her eyes. “A real Dudley Do-Right, aren’t you?”

  “Don’t talk to him like that,” I scold her.

  “We have a production meeting in an hour. Axel was the one being cut, but we also thought so was everyone else.”

  I’m so confused.

  David continues, “Mara came up with a plan. She thought, instead of dumping the entire show, that maybe it could go in a different direction.” He looks at me. “A new host.” He looks at Tags. “A new producer. Mara is going to take some time off and work more on the business end with me.”

  Tags shakes his head. “I don’t take handouts.”

  I reach under the table and hold his hand.

  He looks at me and gives me a millisecond wink. “But thank you for the offer.”

  “I’ve worked hard to bring this together,” Mara says, seeming eerily calm. “And as much as I don’t want to admit it, Sally Sunshine’s ideas were good. And you work best with the guys, Tags, so why not?”

  Dad interjects, “I think the two of them may want to take a few minutes to think this over.”

  “Dad …” I begin.

  “We’d like to give you more time, but we’re meeting with everyone soon and would like to give them solid information.” David stands.

  Mara looks at me. “This is about you and me, so tell me what issue you have with me being able to admit your direction was better than mine.”

  “Mara …” Tags shakes his head.

  “Mara, let’s give them some time.” David pulls her chair out.

  Once they leave, Dad leans in. “Are you two insane?”

  Tags shakes his head. “What I came here to do is done. Thank you, by the way. As annoying as it was, it made things happen.”

  “And things are still happening, so why not take the bull by the horns? What’s the worst that can happen?” He looks at me. “The show flops and you try again. You get sick of the hustle, you come home and work for me.”

  Tags looks at me. “You want to learn the trade?”

  It dawns on me that we’ve never had that conversation, the one that starts with my family is filthy rich.

  I look at Dad, and he starts laughing.

  “Am I missing something?” Tags asks.

  “Just about seventeen years of Bella’s life.” Dad continues to laugh.

  “Jase,” Carly whispers.

  “Baby, this is gonna be fun.” He just keeps on laughing.

  “And what makes it so much fun?” She crosses her arms over her chest.

  He looks at me. “I was this guy once, just hadn’t gotten my girl back yet.”

  “Someone want to clue me in on what’s going on?” Tags asks.

  “My best childhood memories are in the shop with my family,” I begin.

  “Because they were your first, Little Bell.”

  “Then, well …” I close my eyes. “My family has money.”

  He cocks his head to the side.

  “Like, a lot. And he wants me to sit in an office and work the business end of things.”

  “Not fair, Little Bell. I told you business puts food on the table; the arts feed your soul.”

  “Tags?” Carly says. “Don’t be a Jase and mind-fuck this for years before you realize love is love, either broke or having enough money to pay your kid’s way through college.”

  And their kids, I think.

  “Money doesn’t mean anything to me. And—”

  “It helps,” Dad says.

  “Dad,” I huff.

  “I’m glad I knew what it was like to go without it; makes you appreciate it more.” He looks away from me and at Tags. “My family has money. It came from a loss. We were blessed. This may be a blessing. You may want to think about that.”

  Tags moves out of the booth. “Could you excuse me for a minute?”

  Me? Oh God. I close my eyes and sit back.


  I open my eyes and see his outstretched hand.

  “Come on.”

  I slide out of the booth and take his hand, feeling relieved. But when we walk outside and he finally turns to face me, he doesn’t look happy.

  “Money doesn’t mean anything to me.”

  “But he’s right,” he says.

  “Is that why you brought us out here?” I ask. “Because—”

  “No. You and I need to make decisions together. And ones without flashbacks of Little Bell’s life, but what she sees as her tomorrows.”

  I’m confused.

  He steps forward and grabs my face. “Is this your dream?”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “Is Mara gonna be an issue for my dream coming true?”

  “Your dream?”

  “Happiness, sweets. All-embracing happiness. Mara isn’t coming after Luna, and David isn’t pushing it. And you love me. You. You’re my dream.” He presses his forehead against mine, hands still on my face. “I’m so fucking in love with you, Isabella Steel. I don’t want shit to come between—”

  I reach up and grab the top of his hair, pulling his mouth down against mine. Lips, tongues, teeth, hands … souls.

  When my lips start to hurt and I need to breathe, I pull back. “I’m your dream?”

  “Yeah.” He laughs like he’s confused. “Yeah, you are.”

  “Why is that funny?” I laugh.

  “Because Sisco is going to have a field day with this.”

  “The guy from the studio in New York?”

  “Our first date?” He smirks, and I laugh. “That’ll be our story, okay?”

  Our story, I sigh to myself.

  “So, what do you say, sweets? Do we choose to become a happy, mundane couple? I’ll work in New York, you’ll work for your dad, and we’ll see each other when we can. Or, do we take this opportunity and travel for the next five to eight months, fuck in ten different cities, and help make some other’s dreams come true while we’re living ours?”

  “Hmm …” I pretend to consider the choices. “I’ll take fucking you in ten different cities, final answer.”

  He picks me up, twirls me around, and then sets me on my feet and gives me another breath-stealing kiss.

  To the Moon


  Standing outside the studio, my first day back, waiting to share the news with Sisco, I take a picture of the exact spot I saw Bella for the first time, that moment she turned around and I knew she was going to be mine. Then I send it to her.

  She sends me back a picture of her tits.

  “Well, fuck.” I laugh as I zoom in on her nipples.

  Then a text pops up.

  Bella: They miss you. ~ B.S.

  Laughing, I send a reply.

  Me: Wonder if I have flood insurance on my phone. Thing’s soaked. ~ Tags

  Bella: Now you know how my panties feel every time I look at you.
~ B.S.

  Me: Miss you, sweets. Love you and your nips. ~ Tags

  Bella: Have fun with Little Luna. ~ B.S.

  Me: T minus three hours and counting. ~ Tags

  “They kick you out already?” Sisco laughs and gives me a bear hug.

  “Actually, I got kicked up to producer.” I step back. “How’s business?”

  “You don’t get to ask how business is until you explain how the fuck you got a promotion. And it better not start with I got fucked up and banged the wife I was trying to divorce,” he says as he unlocks the door.

  “Actually, you remember the chick from my last night here?”

  “Who could forget that?” He laughs and locks the door behind me.

  “She showed up in Miami.”

  “Another Beverly wanting to sweep you off your feet?”

  “No, she was hired as a producer. Shocked the shit out of me, but in a good way.”

  He looks up from his appointment book. “Yeah?”

  “She’s it, Sisco. She’s the real fucking deal.”

  “So, you work together with this Beverly, your wife, and her father? How’s that going?”

  I explain pretty much the whole story in about two minutes, and when I mention Jase Steel, he laughs.

  “Italian from Jersey?”

  I nod.

  He turns and pulls up the back of his shirt. “Gave me my first professional piece. Good man. He’s her father?”

  “Yeah, and I’m not sure he likes me.”

  “Tell him you love the Yankees, and he and his brothers will talk baseball with you for hours. So, Steel’s girl, huh?” He laughs.

  “My girl now.” I sit down and lean back. “Unreal.”

  “You got your ass kicked for years; don’t overthink it. Just enjoy.”

  “I plan to, Sisco. I plan to.”

  Coming home on a Monday was hell. She didn’t want to go to school, but I could tell it was helping her grow. Was also kicking her ass.

  She was exhausted. She fell asleep clinging to me, and I sat there holding her for a couple hours while Paula grilled me about Bella. Day one, and she’s already asking when she and Luna get to meet her.

  My morning and evening calls are with Bella. My every thought is Bella.


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