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Steel Crew : Books 1-3 (Steel World Box Set Book 7)

Page 18

by Mj Fields

  I try to figure out how soon is too quick for them to meet, but honestly, if we weren’t taking over the show, I’d already have introduced them. But I don’t want Luna to get attached and be missing her and me both.

  Day two, and Luna has a full-blown breakdown, saying she doesn’t want to go to school and manages to get so worked up that she vomits all down the front of me.

  Two hours later, and she’s passed out with a fever.

  Lying in bed with her, my phone rings.

  I look at the screen and hit accept. Or, at least I meant to.

  Fumbling with my phone, I hit FaceTime on accident, and she answers too quickly to right my wrong.

  She smiles. “Hey.”

  “Didn’t mean to hit you up on FaceTime, but I’m working with one arm here.”

  “Tell me where that other hand is, and I’ll join you.”

  I pull the phone farther away so she can get the full view. “Not so sexy, huh?”

  “Oh my God!” She smiles. “Did you hear that?”

  “Hear what?”

  “My ovaries just exploded. I don’t think I could handle seeing you two in person like that.” She bites her bottom lip. “Damn.”

  “You know what’s worse than exploding ovaries, sweets?”

  “What?” She lies back on a plush, pale pink blanket

  “Popping wood while your kid’s laying on you because you are looking at the most beautiful chick on the planet, knowing what she tastes like.”

  “Carly warned me this would happen.” She shakes her head.

  “And what’s that?”

  “That I was gonna fall in love with her the moment I saw her. She said she already has.” She rolls over onto her stomach and continues, “She also told me Dad mind-fucked her and my first meeting, and he almost blew it. So, while you’re lying there like that, all I am thinking is when can I meet her and hoping you don’t screw it up.”

  “I don’t screw shit up. And you should’ve been here a couple hours ago when she threw a fit the size of Texas because she didn’t want to go to school then threw up all down the front of me, Bella. Now that was hot.”

  “I’m ignoring that and just gonna put it out there that Dad and Carly rented a plantation in Richmond for two weeks. There’s a pool, a pond, and some cute little places to visit. Join us.”

  “She’s got school.”

  “She’s three, Tags. She can miss a couple weeks.”

  “She needs it, Bella. She’s got some issues that are best dealt with early on so she doesn’t struggle later.”

  “Daddy.” Luna sits up and looks at me. “I’m gonna get sick.”

  Sitting up, I put her head against my chest and mouth, “Gotta go.”

  She nods and whispers, “Feel better, beautiful girl.”

  I wink at her then end the call, drop the phone, and grab the bowl on the floor next to the bed.

  Day two of the fever, and I took her to the pediatrician. My moon has strep throat. She’s on her first antibiotic and now is sound asleep.

  Walking out of the bedroom, I see Paula looking over a pile of bills at the table. I smile to myself, knowing there isn’t going to be a struggle this month or the next two. Plus, there’s an added cushion for all the shit she doesn’t do for herself often, because even without us here, things are tight for her. I don’t know how she did it for the year I was gone, but she did.

  I kiss the top of her head then walk over to get a cup of coffee. “You ever consider getting one of those one-cup machines, Paula?”

  “I’ve had that Mr. Coffee longer than you’ve been alive. Still works. Why would I do that?”

  I chuckle as I pour myself a cup. “Just wondering what Paula would do if she had a grand or two to blow?” I grab her cup then fill it up and set it in front of her as I sit down.

  “Take a vacation. Haven’t been out of this city in about twelve years.”

  “Where would you go?”

  “I’d ask the cards.”

  I smile. “You’d ask your cards where you should go on vacation?”

  “Then the tea leaves. And by then, I’d talk myself out of it ever being worth the trouble.”

  “Hi,” I hear Luna’s sleepy voice from the bedroom.

  “Hey, sweet girl. I’m sorry I woke you.”



  “I got scratch throat.”

  “Ooo … That’s rough, huh?”

  “I’ll be okay. Who are you?”

  Nearly sliding past the doorway, I grab the doorframe and manage to bust my ass on the wood floor.

  “Daddy, are you okay?” She jumps off the bed, and then I hear her little feet coming closer. All I can do is fucking laugh.

  Paula is laughing, I’m laughing, and Luna is wide-eyed and worried.

  “I’m good, little moon. Just took a spill; that’s all.”

  “You need the doctor? Maybe you got scratch throat?” She squats down beside me and feels my forehead. “And chills. I think you have chills.”

  “Little moon, you gonna be a doctor when you get older?” I pull her onto my belly and tickle her.

  She laughs.

  “You feel better now?”

  “The robots made me better, I think.”

  “The what?” I sit up.

  “Antibiotics?” comes from the bedroom.

  Paula hauls ass past Luna and me and grabs the phone off the bed. “You must be Isabella.”

  Bella laughs. “And you’re Paula.”

  “Where are you with all those trees around you?” she asks.

  “Richmond, Virginia, ma’am. Family vacation and the next city of the show’s stop.”

  Paula looks at me. “You know how you just asked me where I’d go, son?”

  I nod.

  “I’d go to where those trees are.”

  “Then pack a bag and get here. There’s plenty of room.” Bella laughs.

  “She being serious, son?”

  “He already shot me down,” Bella states. “But you are more than welcome.”

  “And me?” Luna asks.

  Bella beams. “You the most.”



  At the airport, I’m pacing. I can’t stop pacing.

  “Would you relax already? She’s three.” Kiki laughs. “She’s gonna like you, and if not, she’ll love me.”

  I scowl at her, but she’s not wrong. Kiki is the baby whisperer.

  “She’s gonna love you, too.” I smile. “But still me more.”

  When I see yet another group of passengers coming, I hold my breath, and then I see him, with a tiny, little body wrapped around him.

  “Jesus Christ, Bella.”

  “I know.” I grin.

  “You know you have daddy issues?” she asks, serious as can be.

  I elbow her. “He’s nothing like Dad.”

  “No, maybe not. But all the ladies are gonna look at him like they do Dad and the uncles. Can you handle that?”

  “As long as it’s me he’s looking back at, it’ll be just fine.”

  He pushes his shades up onto his head and gives me a millisecond wink.

  “Well, that’ll do it.” Kiki sighs.

  “You get your own man,” I say as I watch him watching me.

  “Oh, I plan to.”

  I whip around and look at her.

  She rolls her eyes. “When I’m old enough, of course.”

  They’re inside the tube, so I watch for the door to open, allowing them out. When they come out, I hear her crying and feel my heart crack a bit.

  I hurry toward them. Then, unsure of what to do, I stop a foot from him. “Is she okay?”

  “She can’t hear herself talk.” He steps forward. “Her ears. She’ll be fine.”

  As he leans in to kiss my forehead, she cries out, “I will not!”

  “Can I please have her?”

  He arches an eyebrow. “That’s how this is gonna be?”

  “It will be when she’s awake. And
I’ll do you a solid and teach her the joys of sleeping with earplugs in a house full of testosterone. I’m Kiki.”

  He smiles at her as I peel Luna off him. “Nice to meet you.”

  When he gives her a hug, she wiggles her eyebrows at me. I roll my eyes and ignore her.

  “Luna, I’m Bella, and I have the coolest trick to teach you. I know you like dogs, but how do you feel about monkeys?”

  I turn her around in my arms, and she yells, “I can’t hear you!”

  I smile and find the nearest bench, sit down, and she straddles me. “Plug your nose like this.”

  She does.

  “Close your mouth and blow like this.” I demonstrate but cross my eyes as I do it.

  She looks at me like I’m nuts.


  She does it then gasps.

  “Did you hear a pop?”

  She nods.

  “Can you hear me better?”

  She smiles and nods.

  “You had to get the flight dust out of your ears. It happens every time. But now you know the trick.”

  “Thank …” She pauses when she realizes she’s still yelling and giggles. Then she hugs me. “Thank you.”

  “And thank you. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to share that secret with someone.”

  She sits back on my lap and looks me over, smiling a beautiful, little smile. “You’re Daddy’s friend.”

  “And yours, I hope.”

  She puts her hands on my cheeks. “And Paula’s?”

  “Of course.”

  “You’re pretty, just like Princess Bell.”

  “You’re beautiful, just like all the princesses, too.”

  “Is Daddy your Beast?”

  I look up and see him looking down at me, bulging arms crossed over his broad chest. Then I look back at Luna, “Can I share another secret?”

  She grins and leans in.

  “I sure hope so.”

  She hugs me again.

  When I stand up, Luna wraps herself around me Koala-style, and it’s then I see Paula looking me over. I smile and mouth, “Hi.”

  She nods then looks at Tags, pats his back, and then walks toward the luggage carousel.

  Walking out of the airport with Luna on my hip, I watch as she takes in the sight.

  Tags has already told me that she’s never left the city, never slept anywhere but at Paula’s place, and he wasn’t sure how she would react. He also explained the issues she has faced. And even though I understand Mara a little more, I silently cry for the things Luna has endured, while my heart also breaks for Mara. When all the mayhem in her head is quelled, she isn’t that bad. And as much as I hope someday Luna calls me Mom, I hope she can look at the woman who gave birth to her with love.

  It took me a couple days to crush the little green beast inside of me that wanted the world to be flat for just a moment so I could push her off the side and into the unknown abyss. But when I allowed myself to take in his words and feel his love for me, it wasn’t hard to see that my big badass has a heart just as big as his pierced dick.

  Both of which I love about him.

  “What do you think of Virginia?” I ask her.

  “Richmond?” she asks, and I nod. “There isn’t lots of people.”

  I laugh. “Much quieter than New York City.”

  She looks around in wonder. “Lots of green.”

  “Do you like green?”

  “Do you?” she asks.

  “I think it’s beautiful.”

  She nods. “Me, too.”

  When Dad pulls up to the curb and the lift gate of the Denali is opened, Tags puts their bags inside.

  Dad walks around the SUV, looks at Luna, and holds out his arms. “Come here for a second.”

  She looks at me.

  “Luna, this is my dad, Jase. He’s cool most of the time.”

  “She knows that, don’t you, girl?”

  Luna laughs as I hand her to him.

  “How much do you weigh?”

  Paula laughs. “I hope he doesn’t ask all his passengers that question.”

  Dad holds out his hand and smiles. “Nice to meet you, Paula. I’m Jase.”

  She looks at his hand then up at him. “You the man who popped my boy in the nose?”

  “Paula …” Tags laughs.

  “I got his back. As long as you’re chill, I’m chill.”

  Dad smiles and nods. “Glad you do.” Then he winks at her. “We chill?”

  “And … she’s a goner,” Kiki whispers then adds, “And to think I go to school with a bunch of nuns. His affect blocked by their love of Jesus.”

  “Okay, I’m thinking you’re still too small for a booster seat, so we’re going with the best seat in our ride.” He opens the door. “Check that out, Luna. That’s yours.”

  “What is it?”

  “We always call our rides a she. This one’s badass. Comes with a five-point harness and cup holders. Two in case you have a drink and a snack.” He sets her in. “Safest one on the market, little moon. You know why?”

  She laughs as she looks at it.

  “Built of steel, safety guaranteed, and a ride you’ll never forget.”

  “He never shuts it off, does he?” Kiki whispers.

  “No.” I laugh. “Never.”

  “How’s that feel?” he asks Luna.


  “Tug at the straps to see if it’s a good fit.”

  She tugs at them and nods.

  “Okay, perfect. Should we take them with us?” He tosses his thumb over his shoulder at us.

  She smiles and nods.

  “You sure?”

  She giggles. “Yes.”



  When he steps back, she’s beaming.

  He looks at Kiki. “And where do you think you got it from?”

  “Mom, definitely Mom.” Kiki laughs as she climbs in. “Hey, Luna, I’m Kiki.”

  She looks her over and waves.

  “This may be a little overwhelming—meeting all these new people—but that also makes it super cool. Lots of new friends and fun times to be had.”

  “Do you have a dog?”

  “No, my dad never loved me enough to get me one.” Kiki pouts.

  “Who’s your dad?” Luna asks.

  Dad laughs. “Not fair, Katherine. Not fair at all.”

  I see the door crack open and light peeks through the door. “She’s asleep, Bella.”

  “What if she wakes up?”

  “You drew her a map of the place, your dad has a video monitor in here. I’m sure there’s an infrared alarm across the floor that will alert the state police the minute her toes touch the ground.”

  “Not the police, but I’ll know,” I hear Dad say from the other room.

  “And he has the handheld receiver.”

  Dad laughs. “You have one, too.”

  “Leave them alone, Jase.” Carly chuckles.

  “But she’s so snuggly,” I whisper.

  “That she is,” he replies.

  I give her a kiss on the back of the head then roll off my back and scoot off the bed. When I get to the door, I look back.

  “She’s whipped, sweets. Your crew has run her ragged, and I’m pretty sure she had the best day of her life.”

  I look up at him. “And this makes you sad, why?”

  “Not sad.” He gives me a quick peck. “Just eye-opening.”

  “In a good way or bad?”

  “In a good way, but five to eight months too soon, if you know what I mean.”

  I follow him out to the living room.

  “You should take her with you,” Kiki says before popping a grape in her mouth.

  “Yeah right.” I laugh.

  “Why not? Paula just said this is the first time she’s flown, and now that she’s done it, she wouldn’t mind visiting her family in Germany.” Kiki looks at her. “Cousins, right?”

  “When the time is
right,” Paula says as she lifts a cup of coffee to her lips.

  “The time is this summer. I have no desire to be slave to Steel’s mail room. Take me with. I can hang out with Luna when you two are getting busy. I mean, when you two are busy.”

  Paula and Carly laugh. Dad? Not so much.

  “Mail room summers help save for cars.”

  “So does Momma Joe,” Kiki counters.

  “Hard work is the foundation for you to build a stronger future on, Katherine.”

  “So is a trust fund, Dad.”

  He leans in, face all hard and intense. “The foundation comes from inside. You could inherit a million dollars, and if you don’t understand how hard it was for those to make that possible for you, you’ll lose it, Katherine. Then your kids, and their kids, and those in generations to come will be left not knowing how hard it is to come by and will end up with shit. Money is a huge responsibility, no matter how little or how much you have. Basics, Kiki. Basics.”

  “Well, I get loyalty, which to me would make me think of all those things for my kids, their kids, and generations to come. So you did good, Dad. Pat yourself on the back and let me do something for Paula, Bella, Tags, and Luna.”

  “It’s cool, Kiki—Luna needs structure—but thanks for the offer.” Tags sits down and pats the spot beside him.

  “I already miss my boy; couldn’t imagine not waking up to that little girl’s face every day.” Paula laughs.

  Tags smiles. “And Paula can travel the world soon.”

  “You gonna make that happen, Tags?” Dad asks.

  “With everything in my power.”

  Dad stands up. “You got a minute?”

  “Oh, for the love of God, it’s nine at night, Jase; leave the poor guy alone,” Carly says, handing me a glass of wine.

  Tags stands. “Sure.”

  The Past


  I sit across from Jase on the poolside wicker patio furniture and lean back.

  “Bella’s got some ideas.”

  I nod.

  “I think they’re great. I know this is what she wants, and I’d like to know what it is that you, Carter Taggert, want in life.”

  “I got what I want now.”

  “And what’s that?” he asks, sitting back.

  “The means to repay a woman who took in a teenager who didn’t deserve it and an infant, a happy little girl, and a woman who I can see has the same bones and spirit I do. The rest will fall in line.”


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