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Babes in Toyland II

Page 25

by Aspen Mountain Press Authors

  "I'm not disappointed at all. On the contrary, I'm intrigued."

  "Don't be. I'm not that interesting at all. But I do have something I want to give you."

  His eyes gleamed, and a toothy grin flashed across his face. “What, pray tell is that?"

  Aine sighed and shook her head. “I gave you too much credit. You are a man, through and through, aren't you, Adhamh?

  "I am what I am. Alpha male, hear me roar. And I love the way you say my name. Can you say it again, a little huskier this time?"

  Aine giggled. She couldn't help it. Laughter bubbled up and escaped before she could consciously try to stop it. Dangerous or not, she wanted to get to know him better. And his gift had been chosen. She just hoped he would be willing to pay the price.


  "Mmm.” He closed his eyes and moaned.

  "You're incorrigible."

  "I know.” He opened his eyes with a grin. “Now tell me about what you want to give to me, please."

  "First, you can get your mind out of the gutter."

  "Why? It's such a pleasant place to be. You have to admit, Aine. You aren't as immune to me as you'd like me to think. And since you know what I am, you can probably tell if I am or am not mentally pushing desire on you."

  "You aren't."

  "Good.” Adhamh straightened and stepped back. He walked around the desk and stopped a few feet from her. “What are you going to give me, then?"

  Aine smiled. “You don't even try, do you? Being irresistible is something as natural as breathing, isn't it?"

  "If you got it, use it."

  Aine laughed and shook her head. “Well, my initial distrust aside, what's been chosen has been chosen. Please follow me.” Aine skirted the desk and headed for the door.

  "Where are you going?"

  She paused in mid-step and looked back. “Back to my house."

  A look of surprised pleasure crossed his face. “Well, I guess I've really got it if you are inviting me home this soon after we met."

  "You are unbelievable.” She shook her head again. At this rate she'd be dizzy before they even left his office. Hell, she already was. Between his intoxicating scent and sexual banter, her mind was spinning like crazy, and her libido was in overdrive. “I'm not inviting you home for sex. It's something else."

  "Damn. Well a man can hope, can't he?"

  "Yes, you can hope. It flatters me that you want me so much you can't think of anything else but sex.” Aine watched her comment hit home.

  His eyes narrowed as he stepped closer. “I haven't forgotten there are men out there after you. What they want, I don't know. But trust that I will not let anyone harm you while I'm on watch."

  "I trust you to protect me."

  He cupped her elbow and looked into her eyes. “I know you do. What made you change your mind so quickly? I know it was nothing I said or did. You were quiet for a few minutes, and then your entire mood seemed to change. You went from on guard to relaxed, and now you're tense."

  Tingles trickled up her spine at the heated look in his gaze. Damn, he was potent. He'd been around a very long time. It was a wonder they'd never run into each other before.


  Still she hesitated. How did she tell him what she was? How did she explain the voices she heard without sounding like a whack job?

  "It's okay, you don't have to tell me. I know you don't trust me that much."

  Though his expression was one of indifference, his tone was not. Neither was his stance. She'd offended him, but there was nothing she could do to make up for it. She just couldn't tell him the truth.

  "I'm sorry, Adhamh."

  He sighed and tightened his grip on her arm. “We don't know if your tails are still out there, so let me do my vampire thing and shield you. Make it appear you aren't with me. No one will see. So please put your hand on my ass and keep it there."

  Aine coughed. “Excuse me?"

  "Well how else will I know where you are if I can't see you?"

  "You've got to be kidding me! It's your magic!"

  "And it works really well, Aine."

  She shivered at the way he said her name. Or maybe it was the way his eyes darkened with desire. She doubted he needed her to hold onto him to know where she was. And she really didn't think she needed to keep her hand on his ass. But, if that was what he wanted, that was what he was getting.

  "If that's what you want.” Aine wrapped her arm around his waist and slipped her hand in his back pocket.

  His muscles tensed under her touch. It was nice to know she had the same effect on him that he had on her. If the size of the bulge in the front of his pants was anything to go by, he was as hard as she was wet.

  Aine couldn't resist the little imp that told her to squeeze his ass. So she did. Adhamh's head swiveled toward her so fast she chuckled. “What's the matter, Adhamh?"

  "Nothing. But if you keep doing that I'm going to have to repay you in kind."

  "You wouldn't dare!” Her breath caught in her throat as his steady gaze pinned her in place.

  "Try me."

  Aine gasped and went to pull away. He reached out and stopped her.

  "No. It's my fault. I started it.” Adhamh backed her up against the wall. He placed his hands on either side of her head as he leaned close. “I think there's something we need to get out of our systems first."

  "What?” Aine drew in a deep shuddered breath when he brushed his lips over hers. His scent and touch aroused her as much as only one other man ever had. But that man had died many years ago.

  "This.” Adhamh covered her mouth with his and kissed her.

  Aine melted into him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. Adhamh deepened the kiss when she moaned. His hands settled on her waist. Heat seared through her, igniting every last nerve ending. His name played over and over in her mind as she pressed even closer to him.

  "Adhamh.” She moaned when he broke the kiss to slide his lips up and down her neck. She shivered and tightened her hands on him as moisture soaked her core. “Your mouth is so wicked."

  "You want wicked?"

  Aine gasped. His eyes, whether from his vampire skills or not, held her mesmerized in place. His fingers brushed up and down on her hips, sending tremors through her again.

  She wanted to protest. Wanted to tell him this was not appropriate, but the whispers egged her on, daring her to accept him, to challenge him, to take as much as he would give.

  "Aine? Do you wish me to stop?"

  "Stop?” She stared at him. Why on earth would she want him to stop? A brief memory of her deceased love flashed in her mind, then was replaced with Adhamh's face. Was it being disloyal to her love if she wanted to be with Adhamh?

  "You aren't ready for this, are you?” He sighed and relaxed his hold on her. “I am pushing too fast."

  "I'm sorry, Adhamh. I really am.” Aine cupped his cheek. “I really could love you. If I had room in my heart, that is."

  "Love? But we've only just met.” He stepped back and turned away.

  "I don't need vampiric mind reading powers to know you feel this connection. The feeling as if we've known each other before. The feeling of coming home at last.” Aine pulled away from him, and walked toward his desk. “Perhaps this is why you've been chosen for this gift."

  "A gift?” Adhamh frowned. “You have a gift for me? I thought you were inviting me back to your house for—"

  "I'm well aware of what you thought, Adhamh. But the fact remains you've been chosen."

  "Why do you not look happy? You don't have to give me this gift if it will upset you."

  Aine sighed. “It's just that I never thought I'd have to pass this particular item on to anyone else. Perhaps this is to tell me to move on.” She looked up at him again. “It is Christmas, the time of giving."

  "Move on?"

  "Yeah. I think you were brought into my life for a reason. And until I know what that is, I want you to stay close by."

me, darling. I plan to stick to you like glue.” Adhamh reached for the doorknob. “This time perhaps you should hold onto my elbow. We'll look less conspicuous that way. And I can get a better hold on you if I have to."

  Aine nodded and reached for his elbow. She cupped it, and held her breath waiting for his magic to work. After a minute she was still visible, but he reached for the door anyway.

  "Wait! Adhamh, I'm not invisible."

  "Yes, you are. You can see yourself, even though no one else can."

  "This is so weird. I didn't know vampires had power like this. Are you sure?"

  "Yes, look for yourself.” Adhamh led her over to a painting. He pointed to the glass. “You can see a reflection from certain angles. If you look you will see the desk and chair, but not you or me. I'm a vampire so you'll never see my reflection, but yours will reappear if I stop exerting my power."

  Aine tried various angles of looking at the painting, and was stunned to admit he was right. She could see reflections of other things, but neither of them. “Amazing."

  "Wait until you see what I can do in the bedroom if you think this is amazing."

  "You are such a pervert.” Aine smacked his arm. “Now take me home. We've wasted enough time. I want to give you this before daybreak."

  "It's only one a.m., darling. We've plenty of time before sunrise. Besides, when you've been around as long as me, you've got plenty of time to develop a tolerance to the sun. At least for a short while and on cloudy days."

  "You're full of surprises, aren't you?"

  "Yes, I am.” He gave her a cocky grin, and she smacked his arm again.

  "Come on.” She tugged him toward the door once more. “Take me home."

  Chapter Two

  There was no sign of the men once they reached the street again, but Adhamh took every precaution he could on their way to her home. He led her over to his vintage Mustang. He winced as she stepped on the original, mint condition leather when she climbed across from the driver's side. She had to do this so no one would see a door open and close by itself, but he didn't like the abuse his poor seats were taking.

  When she lifted her skirt to make it over the gearshift he got a nice peek at her pink satin underwear, which sent his thoughts straight down into the gutter. Hell, he passed the gutter and was halfway to hell, if not already there. He bit back a grin and climbed in the car, adjusting his painful erection as he did so. If she knew that he could see her, she'd have been more cautious, but then he'd have missed that little show. It made letting her get her shoes on his seat worth it.

  "I'm ready.” Aine sank back into the seat as if hiding from prying eyes.

  "No one can see you, but you still need to wear a seatbelt."

  "It's not like—” Aine paled and closed her mouth with a snap.


  "Nothing. You're a terrible tease, Adhamh."

  "You are, Aine. I think you keep saying my name like that to keep me rock hard.” Adhamh grinned as her eyes settled on the bulge in his jeans.

  "I bet you say things like that to every woman you spend time with."

  His humor vanished as quickly as if she'd dumped a bucket of cold water on him.

  Which she had.

  He wasn't like this with other women. It was her. She reminded him of someone he'd once loved and lost. Ever since he'd been turned, and his lover had killed herself, he'd gone from woman to woman to sate his desires when they became too powerful. The damn vampire genes that coursed through his body put his libido in constant overdrive. And feeding from a woman in the throes of passion was an addiction. One he tried not to let get to him.

  "I'm sorry.” Aine put her palm on this thigh and squeezed.

  "I am not like this with other women. I don't know how to explain it, and I doubt you'd believe me anyway."

  "You never know.” She squeezed him again, then moved her hand back to her lap. He noticed that she rubbed her palm on her own thigh. Did she feel the same tingles he had? Their chemistry was more potent than he had ever experienced before.

  The ride to her house was an uncomfortable one, filled with sexual tension. Her scent and that of her arousal, in such small quarters made him so hungry that he almost pulled over several times to ravish her.

  "I guess you don't want to talk about what I said to upset you."

  "Not really. And I need to concentrate on driving. Your scent is making me go slightly insane with lust. What are you wearing?"

  "No perfume. Just a spritz of some lavender body spray. It's supposed to be relaxing."

  "It might be, if I didn't have a super nose and can smell more than just that."

  Her lips formed an o, then a straight line. She cleared her throat and looked out the window. “I'm sorry."

  "Don't be. I want you, too."

  "We could just give in to our mutual desire and get each other out of our systems.” She looked back at him.

  Adhamh chuckled. “Darling, I don't think I would be able to get you out of my system. We can try though."

  "We're here.” She sat up and reached for her belt buckle when he stopped in front of her driveway.

  "Not yet.” He put his hand on her thigh and immediately regretted it. White-hot lust seared through him. How he kept the car under control as he drove, he didn't know. Quickly, he pulled his hand away and put it safely on the steering wheel.

  "Adhamh?” Her voice trembled.

  He didn't look at her. Couldn't. He knew he'd take her in his arms. “I want to drive around and make sure that there isn't anyone waiting for us to get out of the car. Scope out the area."

  "But you're a vampire. Surely you could handle them?"

  "You don't know what Dominik is, do you?"

  "I do. And if he wants me, it can't be good. Not if he's sending men after me."

  "You'd think an incubus wouldn't need to send his henchmen out."

  "Yeah, well, he's been around a long time."

  "You sound like you've been around a long time."

  "Sometimes it feels like forever.” She turned and looked out the window, leaving him wondering what she meant by that.

  "I don't see signs of anyone, so I think it's safe to enter your house. I'm not going to hide you from sight. It'd be better for your neighbors to see you enter your home with me, than to see a strange man walk up to your house and go in."

  "That's true!” Aine laughed. “I have a few very nosey neighbors. Since I never bring men here, they'll have a field day—if any of them are even awake at this late hour."

  "You've never brought a man here?"

  "Despite the fact we all have needs, no, I've never brought a man here. I know you can't say the same thing about your place. In fact your needs seem to be greater than most."

  She winked. Damn the woman, she winked at him. His cock stiffened more, and he hadn't thought that was possible. Especially since they were discussing her having sex with other men.

  "I can't help it if I find you ... stimulating."

  Adhamh growled, but didn't touch her. He didn't trust himself at this point. He wanted her with a need so fierce he was afraid he'd hurt her. It isn't her fault she's so damn delicious, and sweet smelling, and intoxicating. These thoughts are not helping. Get your damn head back on protecting her, Adhamh.

  He pulled into her driveway and escorted her to the door with a hand on her lower back. He glanced around, but couldn't sense anyone nearby. There was no way they'd given up that easily. Unless they were headed to Hearts’ Desire. Since she said there'd never been a break in, he hoped her security continued working tonight. Adhamh worked alone. He preferred it that way. Too many times he'd let himself care for another person only to lose them. Vampire, human or other, he seemed to outlive everyone he cared about. That was another reason he should keep his hands off of Aine. Being loved by him was a curse.

  * * * *

  When Adhamh grew silent, Aine studied him. He was quick, efficient, and sexy as hell. And he reminded her of things that were better forgotten. Long
nights with Ionatán. Nights she relived in dreams. He'd been killed so long ago it shouldn't hurt anymore, but somehow it still did. She'd never gotten over losing him. How did one get over losing the other half of their soul?

  While he surveyed her property, she unlocked the door and reset the alarm. Not that she needed the alarm, but it was nice to not have to use her powers constantly. She wondered what he would think about her lack of holiday decorations, but he didn't comment on it.

  Adhamh followed her inside. He was more subdued. Not flirting like he had been earlier. Even his touches were less frequent and nonsexual. Her comment about him being a tease and acting like this with everyone he met must have been the wrong thing to say. How was she supposed to know he wasn't so free with his affections? He'd been flirting and exuding sex since she first laid eyes on him in the alley. If she hadn't been so busy trying to fight the attraction, she would have realized sooner that he didn't mean to hurt her.

  After she put her keys and purse on the hall table, Aine kicked off her ridiculous high-heeled shoes. They were built for sex appeal not comfort. And they had to have been designed by men. She wriggled her toes in the plush carpeting, and sighed in relief.

  "I need a drink. Want anything?” Instead of waiting for an answer, Aine reached up and tugged at her hair, freeing it from the messy twist she'd done in a hurry this morning. She ran her fingers through her hair as she walked down the hall.

  When Adhamh didn't answer, she turned and looked back at him. The pure lust in his eyes let her know exactly what he wanted.

  "I need a drink.” She turned quickly, and hurried into the kitchen.


  She looked over and saw him leaning against the doorjamb. “Yes?"

  "I didn't mean to make you nervous or come on too strong. You're wrong if you think I come on to other women like that. I felt something with you and forgot myself. In my line of work, and being what I am, there could never be anything between us. I will not turn you, and I will not care for you. Caring for people and watching them die is too painful."


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