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Babes in Toyland II

Page 26

by Aspen Mountain Press Authors

  Aine sucked in a deep breath. Well that was honest, wasn't it? “Since you're being so honest and blunt, let me repay you in kind. I'm not looking for a relationship, either. I don't have the time, patience, or desire to lose another loved one. Sounds like our lives are similar in that regard. I enjoy sex, and I really want to take you upstairs now and make love to you until neither of us can walk, but it would be only sex. There's nothing left in my heart to give."

  "Then we might make a better match than either of us anticipated. Would you be interested in an affair, Aine? One that either of us could terminate at any time. Whenever you want to walk away you can."

  She had to keep herself from immediately agreeing. Even though her answer was going to be yes, she didn't want to appear too eager or easy. “We could try that and see if it will work out. If we're going to agree to this, it's only fair to say, no other sexual partners for the duration of our affair."

  "Agreed.” Adhamh moved so fast that she barely saw him move before he pinned her against the kitchen counter. “You won't regret it, Aine. I promise."

  "Wait!” She put her hand between their lips before he could kiss her. “I should explain about your gift."

  "Later.” He brushed her hand away.

  "No. There's a string attached. There always is. There is a cost with this gift."

  "Aine?” Adhamh leaned close and put his mouth next to her ear.

  She shivered as his breath tickled her. “What?"

  "Later. First I want to explore every inch of your body."

  "But after I give you the gift you might change your mind."

  "All the more reason to let me take you now.” He tugged on her earlobe with his lips.

  "Not in the kitchen."

  "No, not in the kitchen.” He scooped her up in her arms like she was weightless.

  "A girl could get used to this."

  His eyes glinted as he looked at her. “So could a man."

  Aine swallowed past a tight throat as heat flared.

  "Are you going to show me where your bedroom is, or do I have to guess?"

  "Upstairs.” Aine wrapped her arms around his neck and held on tight. Although she could transport them with a snap of fingers, she didn't want to reveal to him what she was. The less people who knew her true form, the less they would try to use her.

  "I could have guessed that.” His breath ruffled her hair.

  Aine giggled and nestled closer to him. When was the last time she'd felt so delicate and cherished? When was the last time she'd enjoyed flirting and sex play this much? Or at least she would once they reached her room. Her room!

  Quickly, she closed her eyes and concentrated on her room. An ardent lover of scents, Aine filled every room of the house with candles. The ones in her bedroom lit with an invisible touch as she concentrated on them. Her windows opened, letting a soft gentle breeze blow into the room. Her bed was in the center of her room, the focal point. All dark cherry and covered in dark red fabric, it was a literal safe haven for her.

  What would he think when he saw it? All the pillows and dark fabric tied back on the posts. There were many nights she'd release the ties and make her own cocoon. Tonight, though, she was going to have her first man in this bed. Hopefully she wouldn't come to regret it.

  "The last door on the left."

  Adhamh grunted. “What? Are you on a diet or something?"

  "No. Why?"

  "You picked the furthest room from the kitchen. I should have just taken you there on the counter."

  Aine gasped and looked up at him. “What?"

  "I'm gonna be exhausted by the time I find your bedroom."

  She giggled again and put her head on his shoulder. “Perhaps I'll have to do all the work then."

  "Mmm. Don't count me out just yet. Open the door would you, darling?"

  Aine pretended to reach for it, but opened it with her powers. She went to climb out of his arms, but Adhamh tightened his grip.

  "Where are you going?"

  "You don't have to keep carrying me."

  "I'm a vampire, darling. I'm not about to get winded from carrying you. You're light as a feather.” As if to prove it, he tossed her up in the air a few inches and caught her.

  Aine squealed and grabbed his shoulders. “You're a nut!"

  He chuckled, then gasped.

  "What?” She turned quickly. Nothing was out of place. It looked exactly as she'd left it, with the addition of the windows and candles.

  "Do you always leave your windows open and candles burning?"

  Aine sighed. “I thought it would be more romantic."

  "It is romantic. It's also dangerous. Did you plan on bringing someone home tonight?"

  "No. I lit them when we were on our way up here. That's when I opened the windows too.” Aine fidgeted under his intense gaze. “I might have some powers."

  "The same powers that told you I am a vampire, and Dominik is an incubus?"

  "Anyone who's been within ten yards of Dominik would be able to tell what he is.” Adhamh's eyes narrowed at her thoughtless words. Stupid! You don't want him to know you've been with Dominik. That would not be a good thing. It was a long time ago, but he'd never understand.

  "Well, he won't get that close to you with me around."

  "Believe me when I say I can't imagine what he wants with me. But it can't be good if he thinks I'd have anything to do with him.” Aine shook her head. “Now we're letting him spoil the mood. I thought you wanted to have an affair with me. I didn't realize it would turn into a Dominik fan club meeting."

  "I'm no fan of his."

  Aine smiled. “I'm not either. Now that that's settled...” She pointed to the stereo in the corner. “What kind of music do you like?"

  "I'd rather just listen to your moans and screams of pleasure."

  "Sweet talker."

  "Sexy woman."

  Aine giggled. “I can't one up you, can I? You have something for everything I say."

  "I've been around a long time. I've probably heard all there is to say."

  She'd been around longer than him. But she wasn't about to tell him that. Instead she struggled in his arms until he set her down.

  "Does my age bother you?"

  "No. I'm a lot older than I look."

  Adhamh laughed. “You don't look a day over twenty-five."

  "Most would say I don't look a day over thirty. You're a flatterer, Adhamh."

  "Is it working on you?"

  Staring into those deep blue eyes, she wondered how she could do anything other than agree. “Yeah."

  "Good.” He walked her back up against the bed. “I love this bed of yours. And you say there's been no other men here?"

  "Yes.” She swallowed audibly as the backs of her knees hit the mattress.

  "I can think of several ways I'd like to make love to you. You have a very erotic bedroom for a woman who doesn't bring men home."

  "What can I say? I like to spoil myself. I like to be comfortable and surround myself with things that make me feel good."

  "Aine, are you nervous?"

  "Nervous?” She feigned a laugh, then stopped when he cupped her chin and looked into her eyes. “Maybe a little."

  "We don't have to have sex. Just because I want you, doesn't mean I can't respect your wishes. If you don't want to have sex, I can deal with that."

  "It's not that.” Heat filled her cheeks. “I just don't want either of us to get hurt. This is very sudden. And strong. I've never felt anything like this before. Not this strongly. Are you sure an affair is a good idea?"

  "I don't know, Aine. I just know that I want you. I need you so bad it hurts. I would be happy to just hold you in my arms, if nothing more."

  How could she explain to him that she was afraid she'd fall in love with him? What she felt now, she'd only felt once before. She and her lover had been betrayed. He'd gone to defend the village against an unknown creature. Soon after he left, she heard several men discussing their plot. They'd laughed as they dis
cussed how painful they thought his death would be, and drew straws to see who would get to woo Aine for their own.

  They'd come for her, but she'd been able to make it look as if she'd killed herself. It had been the only thing she could think of to escape from their plan and go into the forest to hunt for Ionatán alone. Revealing her true self hadn't even been an option. They wouldn't have accepted her as she was, and she'd have had to kill them. Instead, she took the easy way out.

  As soon as their friends left she headed for the woods to make sure Ionatán was okay. He'd been nowhere to be found. After searching for a few days, she'd discovered his clothes, or what remained of them, and the ring she'd given him when they'd vowed to be together. She started grieving for him that day, and hadn't stopped. That day was now Christmas on the modern calendar.

  "You've changed your mind.” He eased back a step.

  "It's not that.” Aine closed her eyes and tried to banish the memories. When they wouldn't leave, she squeezed past him and walked over to the window. Even though it had been a long time ago, it still hurt.

  She looked out over the manmade lake she had paid good money to build. It was part of the reason she'd bought this house. Close to the water was where she felt a sense of peace. The ocean would have been better, but she liked it here in the city, and wasn't ready to head off for another spot quite yet.

  "What is it, Aine?"

  "Christmas is a tough time of year for me.” She looked out at the softly falling snow. She'd wanted to have snow on Christmas. If the weather stayed like this, then they would. At least have it on the ground, anyway. It was fitting, as it had snowed the day she'd found all that remained of her love.

  Adhamh sighed. “I've never been fond of the holiday, either."

  "No?” She turned and looked at him. The sadness in his eyes tugged at her heart. She walked over to Adhamh and wrapped her arms around him. “Maybe this is good then. We can each make the other forget all those sad thoughts."

  "I don't want to take advantage of you, Aine."

  "Honey, I want you. You have no idea how much I want to make love to you. I'm trying to be cautious."

  "That's why I suggested the affair. No strings attached, and the relationship can be easily severed."

  "It's your gift that made me sad, Adhamh. I didn't change my mind. I think before we make love we need full honesty between us. As much as I hate to tell you what I have to tell you."

  "Why? Why don't you want to tell me whatever truth this is?"

  "I'm not human, Adhamh."

  "Neither am I. If you don't judge me for it, I won't judge you."

  "I've been around longer than you have. I've been here since the earth was created as a plaything for the gods."

  He stiffened at her words. “Did you just say that you have been here since the beginning of the earth?"

  "Yeah, that's what I said. It's not something I tell many people, but I don't want there to be secrets between us.” Aine licked dry lips and tried to meet his gaze.

  How was he taking this? Did he think she was a whack job? Hell, she'd never told another being what she was. Some knew already, and a few guessed, but it was something she didn't want people to know.

  "So what exactly are you, then?"

  "I'd rather not say."

  "I would really like to know, Aine. Is this something that will affect our relationship? Will it have an affect on me?"

  "No.” She shook her head. “What I am is nothing hurtful, or bad."

  "And what does all this have to do with a gift?"

  "It's what I do. Hearts’ Desire. I give people their hearts’ desire. Or rather, I give them something they didn't realize they even wanted, but find that it's what they've been searching for all along."

  "How do you do all this? You are psychic? You just know what they want?"

  Aine closed her eyes. How had they gone from total strangers to confidants in under three hours? Had it even been three hours?

  "Okay, so you want to keep some secrets. That's okay, we all have secrets. But how do you know my heart's desire? What is it? Do tell me, Aine.” The tightness of his voice made her open her eyes.

  "You're afraid."

  "Afraid? Of what?"

  "Of what I have to say."

  "I'm not afraid of you. I'm not afraid of anything. Show me my gift."

  "It's not really a gift. There's a price involved."

  "There's always a price, isn't there?” Adhamh sighed. He tugged his hair free of his ponytail and fanned it around his face. As he massaged his temples, he stared at her intently. He was probably trying to read her mind and couldn't understand why she was unreadable.

  "Yes, there is. One I'm not sure you'll be willing to pay."

  "Come on, darling. Spit it out. What's your price?"

  "Happiness. Not your happiness, but you must agree to repay me with someone else's happiness."

  "In English, Aine. That's the language I'm speaking in this day and age."

  "I will give you your gift, in exchange for someone else's."

  He stepped forward and put his hands on her shoulders. Adhamh looked her straight in the eye. “What do I have to give you?"

  "I don't know."

  "What?” His face reflected his disbelief. “You want me to promise to give you something that neither of us even knows what it is? Is this where you will blackmail me into giving you a monthly income? Is this how you've managed to make so much money in so little time? Is this why you didn't exist fifteen years ago? And in five more you'll disappear? Do you already have your next place picked out?"

  Aine's heart hardened under the onslaught of harsh words. “You're not what I thought you were, Adhamh. You—"

  "Save it, Aine, for some other sucker. Maybe he will believe the lines. That you've never brought another man here for sex. That you are a sweet, giving person. That you care about others."

  "Out! Get out of my house now!"

  Chapter Three

  Adhamh stood outside next to his car in shock. He grabbed onto the car so it supported his weight as he tried to catch his breath. One minute he'd been in her bedroom. The next she'd yelled at him and he appeared out here faster than he could blink.

  What the hell was she?

  Adhamh pulled out his keys and unlocked his car. He froze as another thought hit him. If she had power to transport him out here, instantly, without him realizing she was doing anything, in addition to the things she'd done in her bedroom, why couldn't she tell that two men were following her? Or had this whole thing been a set up? Was she in cahoots with Dominik? There was only one way to find out.

  Since there were only a few hours left until sunrise, he decided to feed and rest. While he could be in the sun for short periods of time, he preferred not to. It drained his strength.

  On the ride home he couldn't stop thinking about Aine. How had she managed to make him feel so much for her so fast? What was she that she'd been around as long as the earth itself? There was no way she was an angel. A fallen angel?

  Gods. She'd said gods, not God. That changed everything. Thoughts whirled in his mind. She'd dropped plenty of hints, but nothing concrete. Nothing he could get put his finger on. If she were in fact a goddess, then what the hell did she want with him? His gods had abandoned him centuries ago. For well over a hundred years he'd given up all belief in gods and goddesses. He'd learned to rely only on himself, and not have faith or trust in anyone else. It was only recently that he'd started to read the bible and begun to put his faith in God. It was a lot different from his old beliefs.

  Adhamh stormed into his house, ignoring the need to feed. Tonight he needed something more. He needed something that only he could give himself.

  Ignoring all the offers of assistance and questions on his health, Adhamh retreated to his basement. It was his room. No one ever set foot in the basement, no matter what. There was a reason for it. It was a shrine to his lost love. Tonight he needed to remember what loving and trusting had cost him..

  On one wall sat several shelves. There were five leather journals that he'd written all of his memories of her in. Each and every thing he could remember of her lay in these journals. He'd even drawn several sketches of her which he'd later had redone by artists.

  Adhamh lit several candles and stared up at the face that haunted him. Her looks were very similar to Aine's, but their personalities were nothing alike. His Aine had been a warrior and a lover. She didn't back down from a confrontation and she never hesitated to act on anything. If you crossed her, you'd better watch your back.

  It wasn't only her love of arguments and fighting that had drawn him to her. She'd been a lover. Of nature, of her friends, of everyone around them. And when she'd confessed her love for him, they'd exchanged rings, because she'd wanted him to have something of her to remember, always. Her gift to him had been a small gold ring with four tiny emeralds. Emeralds that matched her eyes in color and intensity. It had been worth a fortune, and she'd given it to him to wear on a chain around his neck. During his last fight as a human he'd lost the ring, his love, and his soul.

  Desperate to find his love, he'd returned to their home. Half man, half vampire, the villagers had scattered before him begging for mercy. It wasn't until he'd torn their house apart and been unable to find her that they'd told him she was gone. Half the village said she'd killed herself. The few loyal to him swore they hadn't seen her body, just the empty cottage.

  Anger had filled him. He'd killed every last one of the traitors, and finished his transformation to vampire. If he'd had his love he might have struggled to regain his humanity, but without her...

  Christmas might be a rough time of year for Aine, but for him it was hell.

  * * * *

  Warm lips kissed their way down his chest. He opened his eyes and looked up at his lover. Gorgeous green eyes stared down at him. Long blonde hair teased his stomach and thighs as she moved lower. The twinkle in her eyes and the lingering kisses she placed on his abdomen let him know that tonight she wanted to be in charge.

  He fisted his hands in the tangled sheet. He needed to remember to add more straw to their bed. One of these days his seed would get lucky, and then she'd give birth to a son for him. A son to make her family welcome her back with open arms.


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