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The Legacy series: The Love series, the Wrapped series, and the Burning Souls series.

Page 10

by Mj Fields

  She blushed. ���Yes.���

  He walked up to her and kissed her hard on the lips. She moaned and he pulled away. ���You like what you see, Tessa, so stop looking down. Look at me.��� He undid his pants and they slipped to the ground. ���Don���t look away, Tessa.���

  ���Your mom, Lucas,��� she whispered.

  ���She���s not coming up here trust me, we could be in here until midnight, and she wouldn���t come in.��� He walked up to her in white boxer briefs. He kissed her again, this time longer and harder. He grabbed her head and started kissing down her neck. He slipped her sweater off her shoulders. She started to tense up. He kissed her harder and pulled her shirt up and over her head. She was growing excited, and she felt her nipples start to harden and a knot tighten right below her belly button. As they kissed, he skillfully undid her bra with one hand. He slipped one strap off her shoulder and kissed it. He did the same to the other strap. Her erect nipples now rubbed against his bare body. She let out a whimper. He kissed her harder and undid the button on her pants, then the zipper. The pants slipped off and fell on the floor, she could feel his erection pressing against her belly, and she dug his back with her nails. He groaned. Then he picked her up and grabbed her legs, wrapping them around his waist. She moaned loudly when the knot in her belly was replaced by a hot pulsing between her legs.

  He laid her on his bed and positioned himself on top of her.

  ���Oh God, Lucas stop, please.���

  ���You don���t like this?��� he asked, looking at her.

  ���Too much… I like it too much,��� she said squirming.

  He chuckled. ���It���s not time yet. Just wanted to feel my favorite girls against my skin. How does it feel to you?���

  ���Lucas,��� she whined.

  He laughed and sat up. ���Exactly how I felt last night, Tessa.��� He stood up and dropped his boxers and her eyes widen. ���And that���s how I felt when you showed me your perfect tits.��� She ogled his muscular ass as he walked into his closet.

  Holy shit, he was perfect. Not that she has anything to compare him to, but the few nude men she had seen in movies, and the articles she had curiously read��� well, he was big and erect. Her body throbbed even more just thinking about it. She felt heat building between her legs and her panties were damp.

  He walked out in his swim trunks. ���What are you waiting for, baby? Let���s go swimming.���

  Her eyes shot daggers at him. ���I don���t want to move.���

  He laughed out loud as he grabbed her bag. He took her swim top and put it over her head. He pulled her up and went for her waistband on her underwear, and she moved back away.

  ���Baby, I showed you mine, now you have to show me yours.���

  ���Mine is very angry at you,��� she scowled at him as she slapped his hand away. He laughed harder and turned around.

  ���I���m not looking,��� Lucas laughed.

  She saw him smiling at her through the reflection in the very large mirror. She grabbed her bag and ran into the bathroom. ���No, you���re not!��� she said, slamming the door. She was pissed at him and she knew how ridiculous that was.

  After she changed, she walked out. He was trying not to laugh. She walked out the door and went down the stairs and out the door and dove in the pool. He was laughing when he did a cannonball behind her. They swam to the stairs and sat there.

  ���You still mad at me, Tessa?��� Lucas asked, giving her puppy dog eyes.

  ���Yes, I am. I think you���re trying to torture me.��� They both laughed.

  ���Did you like what you saw?��� he asked, quietly in her ear.

  She looked down. ���Of course.���

  ���What did you want to do with it?��� he whispered. His hot breath made her hair stand up on the back of her neck.

  She arched her eyebrow and whispered seductively in his ear. ���First I want to touch it, then maybe rub it up and down, slow soft strokes. Maybe rub it against my panties because that feels really good.��� She sat back, looked into his blazing blue eyes, and slowly licked her lips. She leaned forward and whispered. ���I kind of wanted to run my tongue up and down it and then������ She moaned into his ear, ���I wanted to bite it.���

  She pushed off the stairs and swam to the other side. When she came up she could hear him laughing.

  ���Lucas, honey, dinner is ready!���

  He got out, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. He stood at the end of the pool with one for her; she swam up and walked up the stairs. She sat wrapped in a towel while Lucas got their food. She was shivering.

  ���Honey, get Tessa a sweatshirt,��� his mother said. ���She���s cold.���

  Lucas walked into the house.

  ���He likes you Tessa, a lot,��� his mother said while he was gone. ���He���s only invited one other girl over for a dinner with just the two of us.���

  ���Sadi.��� Tessa let her name escape her mouth. Stupid mouth, she thought.

  ���I never liked her. I liked you the minute you walked in through the gate.���

  ���Thank you.���

  Lucas walked outside and put his sweatshirt over Tessa���s head. She put her arms through it and he pulled it down and kissed her on the nose. ���Better, baby?���

  ���Yes, thank you.���

  ���Hey mom, I brought you a sweater.��� Lucas draped it over his mother���s shoulder and kissed her head.

  Lucas���s mom shared stories about Lucas while they ate. He looked at her with love in his eyes. He laughed the same belly laugh when she spoke about his childhood as he did when he was amused by Tessa. She saw nothing of the monster she had pictured in her head.

  When they finished eating, he cleared the table and when Tessa got up to help he stopped her.

  ���No baby, you sit I got this. Sit and relax.��� He took the plates in the house.

  ���Tessa, he adores you. Thank you.��� She grabbed Tessa���s hand. ���Thank you Tessa for bringing his smile back.���

  He cleared his throat and looked annoyed. ���Tessa, you ready to go home?���

  His mother looked at him let out a slow deep breath as she closed her eyes. ���It was very nice meeting you.��� She stood and hugged Tessa and turned and smiled at Lucas. He had Tessa���s clothes and bag.

  ���Lucas, what���s wrong?��� she said, grabbing his hand slowing him down as he walked quickly towards the car.

  ���Nothing, baby.��� Lucas pulled his hand away and ran his fingers through his hair.

  ���That���s not true. You���re upset about something. Tell me.��� She said as she sat in the passenger seat and he pulled quickly out the driveway.

  ���I don���t want to fuckin talk about it.��� He drove faster.

  ���Please, slow down,��� Tessa asked. . He didn���t. ���Please Lucas, you���re scaring me,��� she said.

  He turned a corner and the car skidded on some loose gravel. They did a three hundred and sixty degree turn. Tessa jumped out and started walking as soon as the car came to a stop.

  ���Tessa, come back here,��� Lucas yelled after her.

  She kept walking. He ran up behind her, grabbed her, and carried her back to the car, kicking and trying to wiggle out of his arms. He sat her firmly on the hood.

  ���Let me go now!��� she screamed, trying to catch her breath. He didn���t let go. ���What the fuck! You���re scaring me! Let me go,��� she said, pushing him away.

bsp; She started shaking, partly because she was almost in an accident and partly because she still wore her damp suit under Lucas���s sweatshirt. He pulled her into him. ���Lucas, let me go.���

  He let go of her, and she reached inside the car for grabbed her shorts. She put them on, grabbed her bag, and started walking home.

  ���Tessa, you���re five miles from home. Get in the car. I���ll drive slow, I promise,��� he called after her.

  She threw her backpack on and began to run. He followed her all the way home. She walked in and he saw her bedroom light turn on.

  Tessa flopped on the bed and tried to process what had just happened and what it was that made Lucas so angry.

  * * *

  Lucas drove home and tried to call Tessa. He heard a phone ringing and looked around his car ��� Tessa���s cell phone was on the floor. He would give it to her tomorrow. He read through her messages; she hadn���t deleted any from him. He took her phone inside with him.

  His Mom was sitting on the stool at the counter when he got home.

  ���Lucas, come in here,��� she said. ���Are you angry with me?���

  ���Why did you have to say that about me being happy again? Why, Mom?���

  ���Because I see it, Lucas. She cares about you very much. I can tell,��� his mother said. ���And for that I���m grateful.���

  ���Well, pissed off Lucas is back, so enjoy. She and I are through,��� he said as he stormed upstairs.

  He slammed his door behind him and started lifting some weights. When he was done, he showered and put on pajama pants. He pulled Tessa���s phone out of his gym bag and took a picture of himself, then set it as her ID when he called. He punched in his credit card information and bought the song Eternal Flame and set it as his ringtone. If she wouldn���t talk to him tomorrow at least she would see he still gave a shit. After a few moments of tossing and turning he fell asleep.


  Lucas walked into school that day looking hot, and he knew it. His light blue baggy jeans hung on his hips, and his Navy polo hugged his toned body. He ran upstairs to Tessa���s locker. When the whispering began he watched her turn and see him coming. She grabbed her books and walked fast in the opposite direction.

  He yelled after her as she started down the back stairs. She stopped and turned around. His eyes were guarded, his jaw set. She couldn���t tell which Lucas she was getting.

  ���You left your phone in my car,��� he said, tossing it to her. He grabbed her hand and walked her to class; she was so mad at him and even madder at herself for not dropping his hand and telling him to pound salt. At the door of her first class, he went to kiss her and she turned so he kissed her cheek. She was pissed and he was fucking clueless.

  Music started playing from her phone. She quickly turned down the volume and saw his picture staring back at her; wet hair, shirtless, and that look that made her want to jump out of her skin

  - That was embarrassing, Tessa���Lucas

  - Well let me apologize Lucas���Tessa

  He waited two minutes and the apology didn���t come.

  - We need to talk���Lucas

  She didn���t respond

  - see you at lunch Tessa���Lucas

  She ignored him again. The day went slowly and at lunch she chose to go to the library.

  - Cute move Tessa, see you after practice, please?���Lucas

  - don���t count on it���Tessa

  He watched her when she walked out to the field for practice later that day, She avoided looking in his direction. When the field hockey team returned, he was getting an ass chewing from his coach. She looked in his direction and quickly away.

  - Tessa I am asking nicely please come out I want to talk to you���Lucas

  - not today Lucas���.Tessa

  - Not cool Tessa���Lucas

  Tessa went home and did her homework. She made dinner and ate with her family. She and the kids went to the park to play at the playground. She was hanging upside down, making silly faces at Kendall, when she saw him standing there. She jumped and almost fell off, but he caught her.

  ���Put me down,��� Tessa said. ���Hey Kendall, will you go push Jake on the swing? I���ll be over in a couple minutes.��� She turned to face Lucas. ���What are you doing here?���

  ���I needed to see you, Tessa, to tell you I���m sorry,��� Lucas whispered.

  ���Sorry for what, Lucas? Sorry for making me completely uncomfortable in front of your mother? For almost killing us in your car? For not letting me go when I asked you to? For tormenting me every time we are alone? Sorry for not answering me when I ask what���s wrong? Sorry for what!���

  ���I don���t know,��� he answered.

  ���Well, when you figure it out, let me know!��� She grabbed the kids and stormed away.

  * * *

  Tessa tucked the kids into bed and went out on the deck. She crossed her arms over her body and rubbed her arms, it was a chilly night. She went in and grabbed Lucas���s sweatshirt out of the dirty clothes basket. It smelled so good, almost as good as he looked at any moment of any day. She wondered if this would be so hard if he wasn���t so perfect to look at. She walked back outside. A few minutes later, Alex came out.

  ���What are you doing out here?��� he asked.

  ���Just sitting.���

  ���Tessa what���s up with you and Lucas?��� he asked. ���He played like shit at practice today, got yelled at by the coach.���

  ���The coach yelled at him for having an off day?���

  ���Yep��� he said. ���So what���s going on?���

  ���He makes my head spin, Alex, and I act horribly around him. I���m scared, that���s all,��� she confessed.

  ���Do you love him?���

  ���I don���t know,��� she laughed. ���I do know there isn���t an in- between. Either I can���t get enough of him or I���m furious at him. It scares me.���

  ���Have you told him that?���


  ���Well, I think you should,��� he said. ���Preferably before our game on Saturday.��� He laughed.

  Her phone rang.

  - I���m sorry Tessa for all of it, not just one thing, all of them���Lucas

  - I accept your apology���.Tessa

  - are we okay then?���Lucas

  - I don���t know. This is crazy for me���Tessa

  - I want to come see you now, to talk…Lucas

  - I have a busy day tomorrow and I need to stay focused, I want this to slow down, it���s all moved crazy fast���Tessa

  - I don���t want it to Tessa, I need you���Lucas

  - And I need to slow down, if we are going to work, it needs to slow down���Tessa

  - Good night Tessa���Lucas

  - Goodnight���.Tessa

  * * *

  She got to school early, partially because she wanted to see him but the more sensible part wanted to see if he would respect her wishes. Her sensible side won out. She walked to class alone and it didn���t go unnoticed.

  Her phone chimed.

  - Good morning baby, you look gorgeous today….Lucas

  She read it several times as she walked through the crowded hall. She was so confused as to what she wanted from him. She shoved her phone in her bag and went to class.

  She spent lunch in study hall again out of necessity; she had a test tomorrow and knew she wouldn���t be able to study tonight after the game.

  - Lonely at lunch without you���Lucas

  - Sorry have to study, game tonight, it���s away so we will be home late, test Thursday morning���Tessa

  - Want some help?...Lucas

  - No, gotta go���Tessa

  After school, they loaded the bus for their away game. The football team was outside, and Lucas stood, arms across his chest scowling. The look he was sporting hurt her. She didn���t like to see him or anyone hurting. She jumped off the bus and ran up to him. ���Wish me luck?���

  He hugged her. ���Good luck, baby.���

  Alex smiled at her. ���Wish I could be there today, Tessa. Win, okay?���

  ���Of course.���

  She ran onto the bus and went to the window. ���Thank you,��� he mouthed.

  She beamed at him. As afraid of her own feelings s she was she felt like he was hers For now.

  ���You look like you feel better.��� Jade said.

  ���I feel better, ready to kick ass.���

  * * *

  They went into home team���s locker room and changed. Phoebe was nervous. They cranked up the music and danced as they braided each other���s hair. Some girls from the opposing team were whispering and laughing, mocking the four girls. Jade looked at them and rolled her eyes. She saw Kate standing with them and waved. Kate raised her eyebrow and turned to walk away.

  ���Who was that?��� Tessa asked.

  ���Tommy���s ex, Kate. You met her on Saturday night. You may not remember her. Anyway, she was really nice, so either that was an act or she���s super competitive.���

  They all laughed.

  ���Well, now we have to serve them, girls, in a bowl with a spoon,��� Phoebe tried acting badass. .

  The girls laughed and headed for the field. .

  ���Hey, are you two dating Lucas and Tommy?��� a blonde girl asked.

  ���Yes, why?��� Tessa answered.

  ���How long?��� Another girl asked.


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